This Week In My Home: Ending and Beginning

In my home this week...

...I hit the floor running this morning.  The first load of clothes is on the line, our bed stripped, and all but the dishes from our breakfast already loaded into the dishwasher.  I have had multiple things on my mind this morning.  I sat right down before 6am and planned out this week as nearly as I can plan it.  

It is my plans to attend church this morning.  I missed it last week.  When I return home, I will be busy trying to finish laundry, calling for Air Conditioner repair, sigh, and getting a head start on next weekend's meal which I mean to prep and put in the freezer.  Yes, it is promising to be a busy day and I confess I'm a bit weary of this day already.  I am praying to be fully refreshed by church service this morning!

I shall not delay further but go right on and type out my plans for the week.

...I plan my work:

Remember these tasks are in addition to my usual routine work and cleaning.

I bought two mums yesterday at Aldi but I mean  buy more fall plants this week and get them set up in pots on the porches and patio and about the flower beds.  I want the house to look nice for this coming weekend.   I won't be purchasing a great lot of plants though I sound as though I mean to do so.  I will  move a rather pretty planter to the front of the house and remove one that has died back.  I'll shift a few pots into other positions that are still blooming though not quite as pretty.  All in all I expect the place to look refreshed.

Remove all the sticks I've piles up from the storm. 

I will do all I can to 'cook ahead' for a family meal this next weekend.  These can go into the freezer and simply be reheated come the proper day.  It is my goal to have as much rest as I can get over Shabat.  I've had three busy, busy ones thus far this month and a family day will mean a fourth busy Shabat.

I mentioned doing my bed linens.  This is the last big load of laundry from lasts week's back log.  I look forward to being down to a normal load every three or four days, lol!

Last October, when we moved bookcases to put in new flooring, I set up a shelf of books I didn't want to give away because I hadn't read them.  Now it's a year later and I think it's high time to cull those shelves once more.  I've committed to sending Amie a certain set of books and will remove those, plus the ones I haven't been interested in reading, as well as a spate of juvenile fiction that no one seems to be interested in having.  I expect to have two boxes of books to donate.

Cull my vintage magazines.  I have a variety of issues in various conditions from good, to downright tatty.  I mean to cull out the tatty ones.  It pains me horribly to toss these old issues.  A few, with good information that I think V might find interesting and some newer ones that I don't want will be set aside to mail off to her.

I have several sewing tasks to attend to: new pants that require hemming, a pair of pants that need to be mended and that chair slipcover I'd thought I'd tackle last week.  This week I hope to have the chair seat set up and the slipcover made for it.

Make yogurt.

And last, I mean to take time to work with the new things I've purchased to plan outfits I can wear.  I only had time two weeks ago to hang the things in my closet.  I wore a new top yesterday and figured out three or four other outfits I might wear with that top, from casual to dressier, but I really haven't done that with the other pieces I purchased.  I want a clear idea of how they are going to work and if I find anything that isn't, I will return it this week.

Last month I emptied the HomeKeeping Notebook I'd set up and started a more portable handmade planner notebook.  There's lots of information I need to sort out, transfer some to my new planner and things I simply need to shred or trash entirely.  I mean to get that job done this week.  The empty notebook can then be repurposed for Genealogy pages that don't fit in the notebook I have now.

Make Challah or Artisan Bread for Shabbat.

...I plan meals:
I'll be on my own 2 days this week.  I expect I'll buy lunch out one day and have leftovers the other.

This week's menu will include my planned meal for family day.

Yesterday after grocery shopping we had:

Arroz con Pollo, Strawberry Cobbler
I should have made a salad but didn't.  I was tired, had spent the morning shopping instead of resting and simply threw together a meal from leftover yellow rice, a single chicken breast shared between the two of us,  and vegetables on hand.

Greek Chicken; Pitas; Tomatoes, Onions and Cucumbers; Tzaziki

Steak au Poivre
Pan Roasted Potatoes
Green Salad

Pizza Margherita, Green Salad

Mac n Cheese, Steamed Broccoli, Peaches in Gelatin

Family Day:  Chicken Enchiladas, one pan Red sauce, one pan Green sauce; Rhonda's Pinto Beans, Yellow Rice, Green Salad, Pico de Gallo, Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies

...I plan my leisure:
One of the things I most appreciated about last week was the quiet and the freedom from being perpetually upon the computer.  Our TV was on only while football was on over the weekend.  I spent time reading, working puzzles and working at tasks that required little distraction.  It was peaceful and refreshing.    This week I've made the decision to stop trying to post six days a week.  I'm going to post one or two times besides the usual "In My Home" and "Living Frugally and Well" posts.  I want to save writing for posts that have depth and purpose, rather than merely filling up space.  

I  plan to have a spa morning, something that has been sadly lacking over the past six weeks.


Beckyathome said...

It sounds like you have a great week, and a great menu all planned out! I'm glad you are able to start settling down into a routine after all the chaos of the storm. Even though I KNOW you loved the time with family, it will be nice to have things calmer, and with electricity...and laundry....and....

It sounds like you have a nice family time planned soon, which will get you some more time with those precious ones:)

We are expecting a soaking rain tonight/tomorrow, thank goodness, which should help knock down both the wildfires out here in Oregon, and the smoke that lingers in the air, even when we are far from the fires. I'm glad. It's time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri!
Just wanted to touch base and let you know that I am enjoying reading your plans! You've inspired me to begin my list and to revamp my own home keeping notebook! I hope you were able to actually rest after church! Sending good thoughts and prayers as always.

Margie from Toronto said...

I am trying to follow your example of planning out my week after returning from Church. I am looking at joining in some new activities, I am going to do some volunteering at Church and I have some "cultural" events to attend over the next few weeks so I want to see everything at a glance in my day planner so that I don't forget anything but so that I don't all over commit. I want to enjoy things and not feel as though they are a burden.
Of course I still have the normal cleaning, cooking and laundry to attend to and even though I live on my own some friends are having a bit of a tough go at the moment so I am trying to be encouraging and supportive so time will also be allotted to them. More and more I'm finding that it's true what people say - I don't know how I managed everything when I worked full-time - I find that I'm even busier in retirement!

PS - I was glad to read that you and your family weren't too severely impacted by Hurricane Irma and that you were able to support them so well. I hope that your son and his family didn't find too much damage to their home once they returned home.

Anonymous said...

I saw the mums at Aldi and was going to mention them to you in case your's had them but read this post first! :) Hubby never was one to enjoy grocery shopping but thankfully for some reason seems to enjoy Aldi. That sure is a help as we are together every time we shop. Thank you Aldi !
Our weather has cooled some so we are only in the 80s for now. I can see/feel fall though in the air. We are sure ready for it.

I too am glad your 'family reunion' time went so well. I hope their homes were not harmed. We are still waiting for word from one of our relatives how things went with power.

I finally consented to give up some books I had kept forever. I realized I loved them but would probably never reread them so why not let someone else enjoy them... DA! :-) I also found a new group of homeschoolers who could use other books I had and that made it easier to give them away, too. We only have two used stores that sell books. One cut their store's book shelfs are down to less than half the area they used to have. Why do the stores do with the books they take in but do not sell? Many libraries now will not even take books to use or sell. We did find an elementary school that will take any good children't books for their school's library. People keep trying to get me to try to read this and that author. I have my favorites and thank you don't need any more to tempt me. !!

Our daughter challenged me to try on new- to-me blouse styles. I seem to buy the same style. I ended up finding some new looks.While shopping I looked at the fall decorating things the stores had. I didn't find anything better than what I already have been using. I have though revamped some of it like you do to change things up a bit. {{I was very happy to NOT find anything I would like to buy!!} Sarah

Journal of My Week: Winter Again