This Week In My Home: A New Season

This week in my home...

...I have just hung out a load of clothes in the breezy autumn afternoon and almost too warm sun.  It's late to be hanging out a load of clothes but if they are not dry come sunset I can leave these on the line all night long and start the day with them there tomorrow.   That's our second load this afternoon and the dishes are running in the dishwasher now.  The bed has recently been made afresh with clean linens for the start of this fresh week and fresh season in our home...

Our family day event yesterday was lovely with lots of laughter and good cheer.  I went into the kitchen for a few minutes after dinner and heard the children laughing together in the living room teasing the kiddos, and the older adults at the table chatting happily away about this and that.  I put away food and stacked dishes and just enjoyed that brief spell of alone time to enjoy the living that was going on all around me.  I knew in my heart of hearts that all were at peace together and the dinner prep had meant ease for me, so I was harried or hurried when all began to show up.  The food had been good and I was complimented by those great tall men going back to the kitchen for seconds.  I'd enjoyed watching the adults and children and little children all grab up handfuls of cookies and munch away happily upon them.  Such a simple dessert and yet all demanded "More, please!"  It was good, all around good.

Everyone left at near the same time to make their return journeys homeward.  I felt I'd had a nice bit of time with all the children and the grandchildren and with Mama and my real guest, Katie's mom in law, and was happy.

John ran the vacuum, I loaded the dishwasher and we both collapsed into our chairs.  John turned up the roar of football games and I followed his lead and promptly drifted off to sleep and still went to bed early and slept hard last night.

Today has been busy enough with all of the above named tasks taking place and going off to church this morning, too...And now I come to the part of the week where I must plan the week ahead.  I am ready for slow simmering soups and stews.  The thermometer is NOT at that point just yet, so finding the in between sorts of recipes is going to take a bit of thought.

I am also in a bit of a dilemma at the moment: do I start a fall cleaning now while it's a bit warm, or do I start new projects?  Or a bit of both?  I pretty much finished all but one task on last week's to do list, and I haven't currently got any 'in progress' projects to attend to.   I confess my mind is a bit fuzzy for thinking at present.

...I reluctantly plan my work...

I say that quite earnestly.  I am reluctant to plan work and yet I know I must.  I know better than to go into any week without a plan because I will either do nothing at all or bite off way more than I can reasonably accomplish.  I'm a danger to myself that way,  all or nothing sort of girl that I am.

I carry over two tasks from last week.  Neither or tedious work and one job is really suited to quiet work hours:

1. Cull books from the bookshelves, sigh.  I put this off last week because I felt I couldn't bear to start the task and have the mess here at the end of the week but it's truly time to be serious once more.  I have nearly a whole shelf of books I mean to send to my oldest daughter.  I have many books piled in front of other books that require a resting place.  I have unread books that have languished for years on the shelves and it really is time to let them go and to fill places with books I mean to keep and re-read.

2. I will start this month to cull out the really badly preserved old vintage magazines.  I've a stack by my chair and I noted yesterday that most are looking mighty rough.  Best to start culling them now and then come this time next year I can perhaps order some better copies of new to me issues.

3. I have plants that I really ought to put into pots.  I have existing pots for them all, and soil enough to manage the plantings.  I also have some bulbs that need to go into the ground.

4. Wiping down kitchen walls has been on my mind for a few weeks now.  High time to start that most especially about the stove area where walls tend to get tacky feeling and turn slightly yellow.

5.  Mail off a box of things to Amie.

6.  Spend a day with Mama.  I haven't had the twice monthly visits with her in some months now due to various weathers, holidays, vacation days and doctor appointments.  I know she misses that opportunity to get out of the house since she seldom does more than grocery shop of late.  I've planned a day with her this week.

7.  Go over the pantry and plan the items I mean to restock and try to do so in a quantity that will give us a full six months worth of goods on hand for each item I list.  This is a daunting task but I am well aware of about how often we use something and should be able to manage if I think about it.  Then I'll watch for good sales on those items and do my stocking up in those cycles.

8.  Mopping floors.  I purposely didn't do this last week because in the past the moment I did the grandchildren visited and the floors were sticky with messes all over again.  Of course, no one spilled a single thing on them yesterday while visiting, but they need to be done all the same.

9.  Start looking at the other projects I'd meant to do this year and determine which I have all materials required to finish and which I need to purchase a few things for and plan accordingly.  I must buy mulch and more blocks before I continue with my work about the front of the house for instance.   Now that we're at end of season is also a good time to watch for substantial sized plant containers to be on sale, as well.

10.  Bills, errands, groceries.

And all the regular routine stuff of cleaning and meals and living in general.

...I plan meals...

The Greek chicken I tried last week was good...but we didn't finish it all.  I have leftovers to try to transform in some way.  Not sure what I shall do with them at this point but it's a meal we'll be having in some fashion.  I have zucchini and broccoli both which need to be used....I'm trying to plan to use all these things this week.  I do not feel inspired this week.  I hope the menus sound better to you than they do to me!

In the meantime,  we had leftover Enchiladas, Mexican Rice, Guacamole, and Pico de Gallo today (Sunday). 

...and as an aside I just took a nap while menu planning  and woke to find a spider tap dancing across my arm...That will get your heart beat going and bring you back to task in about a second....

Chicken, Broccoli and Rice Casserole, Green Salad, Green Beans

Meatloaf Muffins, Zucchini Au Gratin, Wedge Salads

on my own

out with Mama

Beef Stew with Corn Muffins, Coleslaw

Mac and Cheese (ran out of cheese last week so didn't make), Steamed Broccoli, Tossed Salad

...I plan my leisure:

Now that my favorite History channel programming is done for the season, I hope to watch 'Hazel' and 'Leave it To Beaver' at least twice this week.  Try to catch an episode of 'The Kitchen' and 'The Pioneer Woman' at least once this week.

I have a stack of documents that I need to insert into my genealogy notebook.  It's a good time to refresh my interest in that hobby and jot down gaps of information I need to address.

Plan ahead for October.  I haven't really set up a month's worth of goals in a little while now.  This might not sound leisurely but I love nothing more than to sit down and plan ahead.  It makes me feel I have a grip on my life, lol.

Enough planning...the spider has dared to show it's face to me once again...I guess I shall have to rehome it!


susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I'm glad that you were able to have such a wonderful visit with your family. The grand kids grow so fast, don't they?

It's still awful hot here, but a cool down is predicted for Wednesday. I hope it doesn't turn out to be one of those deals where the weather forecasters keep moving the day closer to the end of the week at every forecast. My heat frazzled zinnias look like landscaping at The Adams Family house. It's time for them to be pulled.

Beckyathome said...

I think you have a great week planned ahead. I have times where I'd love to lay in bed like that lady in the picture--she looks like she is having such a nice time. But, like you, I have much to do, and I agree that a good plan sometimes helps things get done! So, good job for making one even though you are not as enthusiastic as sometimes.

I'm thinking that your renewed flowers are going to be quite cheerful for you. I've still got a few nice flowers blooming in the flowerbeds, but many are starting to look pretty bad. I may get a little yard/garden work done this week, as it has stopped raining. At least, I need to dump out my pots of flowers, they are looking terrible, and either get some mums, or just leave the area blank:)

Lana said...

Nothing like having the kids and grands home! We met our middle son and family half way over the weekend. We rented a cabin at a state park and finally got to see our youngest grand. This was our first real road trip since hubby's brain injury and he did great. Traffic and driving have been hard for him so this was a huge milestone.

This week we will continue to work on getting our huge deck pressure washed and sealed. I have some sewing to do and our daughter's family will be here for dinner on Friday night. Last get together here before they leave for Germany.

Debby in KS said...

Not that you asked, but I'd do a bit of both fall cleaning and projects. Start with all those that can be done in the heat. That's what I started doing. I'm planning to try rug making this year, but I'm waiting until it cools off a bit so my lap doesn't get hot. However, this week I plan to start putting some quick mixes together for taco soup, chili, etc. Sitting on a bar stool and putting spices together doesn't make me sweat, but when that first cold wave hits, I'll be glad I can put together chili in 5 minutes!

I culled my books several years ago. I had lots of favorites, but I just don't regularly read books twice. I do have a very few exceptions like Anne of Green Gables, Little House, etc. When it was over, I ended up with 3 small shelves of keepers. I have a very large number of 'to read' books. I grouped them by author, series, etc. I have an active shelf so that when I finish a book, I know immediately which one is next. When that shelf is half empty, I fill it from my stock. Right now I'm reading Lisa Scottoline. I have several stand-alones on the shelf and this week I will load a bunch of Sandra Browns. I believe that Jeffrey Archer is behind her lol. When I'm done, I donate them all to the library or friends.

We're finally getting some glorious rain! It's warm and muggy, but I welcome it. We've had a dry summer. I'm sure I can hear my lawn and trees gulping it up!!

Anonymous said...

Long ago I read a quote that said a person with a bookcase filled with unread books was rich indeed!!! Of course it resonated with me quite deeply (and I confess to having my own case of unread books) and I now consider it an accomplishment of hope to possess such potential pleasure and (hopefully) knowledge!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again