The Week Ahead: All Quiet?

Last week was so full that I could barely think at times.  I had fun with the boys and especially with Isaac but confess that by Friday all I wanted to do was just let him lie quietly with the Kindle in hand and watch Baby Grandpa Dentist.   Doesn't that sound weird, the Baby Grandpa, I mean?

All three of the youngest children are finding it totally fascinating, lol.  It's on You Tube and it's for children.   It's a head form that is bald, and the thing 'eats' foam ice cream which 'rots' his teeth and the narrator fashions more in a dental mold from Playdoh and refits his mouth with new teeth.   I'm telling you I'm totally flummoxed about why the children love it so but there they are stuck to the screen watching this video almost non-stop...They do intersperse with Peppa Pig and Paw Patrolm but soon enough they come to me and ask for Baby Grampa.   It keeps them occupied when I've done all I can and just need to NOT do for a little bit.  What's more their having the Kindle means that Grandpa is watching TV as he chooses and not being bored to sleep by Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol and Mickey Mouse Club.

Friday afternoon after the boys had gone home, the sun was still shining bright, the wind blowing briskly cold.  I told John, "Let's GO..." and where we went was out to carry off trash, pick up mail, drop off mail and ride over to Butler to get a Subway Sandwich for supper that evening.  I made it plain that I had planned weekend meals but I wanted no part of dishes nor cooking nor thinking of anything much either for supper on Friday evening and most of all I wanted to get out of the house!

Saturday morning was cold, too, and sunny but it clouded over and rained.  Taylor's daddy sent a picture of her playing in the snow and other friends in North Georgia posted their snow photos.  At least we didn't get much rain...but it's slated to rain all week long which I find disappointing.  I had so hoped we'd find time to finally have my birthday celebration.  Perhaps...


Work pretty much took a back seat this week with lots of visits/stays by family over the way.   We kept up with the basics of housework and that's enough.  Basically all I got done last week was the most important day out (John's last day of work/retirement breakfast) and making cakes for our birthdays.  I also managed to get one extra post finished up and posted on the blog.

I will say that while my creative goals initially were thought to not have been met, I realized as Isaac played with a dishpan of water and a measuring cup for an hour that I had been creative in keeping him occupied for two days with games and amusements whilst his Mama and Daddy were gone and that was a good deal of creativity going on.   I did finish Washington Square and then watched the movie, too.  Then I  started on a book I hadn't planned to read this month.  It was a free kindle book, Maids of Misfortune and I really am enjoying the reading of it.

So this week's plans will include:
working on that capsule wardrobe I mean to wear for the next six weeks
making out a list of things to be done/needed for home and personal use including my spring wardrobe
make a pillow cover  for our room
Plant peas?  Depends entirely upon wet the ground is...I may have to wait until fall and plant them then
Clear and declutter living room cabinets

New goals that must be attended to this week:
It's Harvest week.  Bills, errands, planning for the month ahead since this is the last check and it will be a month until we have first retirement check.


Buy Valentine's for the children and get those in the mail that needed to go out.

I may be making Isaac's birthday cupcakes if Bess isn't up to it.  For sure we will go up on the day of his birthday and share ice cream or something with him.  I like to be there for the little family gathering on the actual birthday.

John has a 'trunk' that is a bin he bought and has offered it to me.  I'd planned to put bed linens in it and slide under the bed but it wouldn't fit...I must rethink how I'll use it.  I asked him to put in the pantry for now.  I may use it there.  This requires some thought and then will require moving things about.

I need to find time to get over to Mama's.

I could add tons more but I'll just stop with this.

Meals this week:

We did pretty well with staying on point with meals this past week.  I missed only making the bean soup.  I'll bring it forward to this week.

Roasted Chicken, Sourdough Stuffing, Pear and Walnut Salad with Blue Cheese

Chicken Enchiladas, Green Salad
The beef ones didn't hold up well in the freezer, and I put these in at the same time so I'm expecting them to be a mushy mess.  I'll just bet it's a good mushy mess though.  I'll pour green enchilada sauce over them.  And it was a mushy mess but it tasted good all the same.

Bean Soup, Green Salad
from last week's menu

Swedish Meatballs over Noodles, Green Peas, Waldorf Salad
Wish I still had Lingonberry jam to go with these...but I will have some whole berry cranberry sauce left from our roasted chicken dinner so I may just serve that alongside since the tastes are similar.

out one day?  Maybe my postponed birthday?  
Fingers crossed...

Brunswick Stew over Rice, Cornbread, Coleslaw
I need to buy butter beans (must make sure to put that on my shopping list) and will use leftover chicken from the roast chicken dinner.

Cherry Braised Beef Short ribs, Mashed Potatoes, Crusty Bread
I guess by this point we'll be about full of chicken meals.   I don't typically make any extra vegetables side dishes with this, since I load up on carrots, onions and celery in the crock pot with the beef and dried cherries.


Lana said...

We are at the lake which is our Valentine's tradition. We started out from home yesterday with clear skies but the weather went down from there. Half way here it started to snow and by the time we got off the interstate things were going down fast. We drove snow and slush on the road for the last 20 miles and arrived to 4 inches on the ground. Hubby had to go downstairs and get the shovel from the utility room to clear the way to the door. I was thankful to be inside without falling. At the top of our list this week is rest and we are good at it here.

Tammy said...

Layla is well again, but no preschool today, so she's here all day again. We dipped strawberries and Oreos in chocolate and candy melts, and made a goodies platter for dessert tonight. We're having tacos by candlelight for Valentines. The rest of the week is packed full, except Friday, which I plan to spend alone and quiet and doing whatever I like, or nothing at all.

Belated happy birthday wishes to you!

terricheney said...

Lana, I hope that you enjoy that stay at the lake house. And so glad that no one fell in the snow!

Tammy, that all sounds lovely. I don't know what our plans are for Valentine's Day. We've never done much due to (a) the cost (b) the job. Now we've no job to ruin it...Not sure what I'll do but I'll try to make some special meal. I've already instructed John that he can stop at CVS before coming home from the men's meeting on Saturday and buy my 50% off Valentine candy, lol.

Anonymous said...

It is going to be a very big day here tomorrow! Candy? Yes! 2 pks of 8 of bite size Butterfinger bars, one for each of us! Flowers? Yes! 2 dollars for 2 bunches of roses from the Dollar Tree! Cards? You betcha! Read and put them back when buying roses. Food? Yes! It is going to be really cold tomorrow so probably spaghetti and meatballs! Yep! Gramps and I are really celebrating! Don't know if we can stand the excitement! So excited probably wont sleep! Gramma D

terricheney said...

Our big Valentine's thus far? I turned to John last night after midnight and wished him a Happy Valentine's day. He asked if I was going to be disappointed since he'd not gotten me a card. I reminded him that until this year he's worked every Valentine's day and I'd 'let it slide' this year, lol Really I don't mind not getting a card. I just want my box of 50% off candy the day after...

March 26: It Was Time