The Week Ahead: Rain or Shine

This last week feels like a loss time-wise.  I have one more full week of February to accomplish any goals on my list .  There are two factors involved in how much I'll accomplish: How well I feel and rain.  There's more rain to come, no shock there, but sunny days ahead, as well.   I know that these dark cloudy dreary days have taken a toll on my energy.  As Bess and I talked the other day we both agreed we each needed to up our D3 intake.   Regardless of weather or feels, it being the last week of the month, the urge to just get busy and do all I can is very real.  Sometimes, it's the push that gets you through as much as the taking time to rest.

Josh and Sam stopped by Friday afternoon for a brief visit after the school bus ran and Katie and Caleb came out on Saturday and spent a few hours with us.  Let me say one more time how happy I am that two of my children and a few of my grandchildren live close enough to run by and visit for a few minutes at a time!

John took advantage of Saturday sunshine to go out to his shed and putter about with a chain saw he's hoping to get up and running and ran the mower a bit.   Normally there would be no such goings on for our Sabbath day but he's been itching to get outdoors.   Just like my little wander about the yard on Friday, that time in his work shed and the yard did him a world of good.

I can almost always tell when it's starting to be time for a seasonal change.  I get super restless, utterly bored with everything from decor to food and just want to change something, anything at all.  Katie mentioned something similar herself when she was out on Saturday though she didn't relate it to seasonal change.   Right now I'm digging hard for new recipes and pulling out recipes I love but seldom make.   It's all a matter of budget, of course.  It seems that often the reason I make things less than I might like to is because they are more expensive to make or require ingredients I seldom have on hand come end of a pay period.  I've an idea of how to change up things in the house at no cost...and I'll run by Goodwill to add some things to my closet for spring wear.

Work this week:

One of my goals for February was to read more and create more often. I've done some reading though not nearly as much as I'd planned to do.   I've totally missed the mark on the creative front.   So this week I plan to do both.   Reading: Marilla of Green Gables and start the Harriet Beecher Stowe book.  Creative stuff: This week I will sew, embroider, make a collage or card, redecorate the living room mantle and bookshelves, and do some genealogy work.  What would be most helpful at present in my genealogy work is a big family tree chart so I can see at a glance where the gaps are in my family lines.   I'll enjoy working on that I think.

Clear out the cabinets in the living room and discover what it is I have hidden in them!   This has been on my goal list every week this month I think.  Well February will be over at end of this week and I'm determined to get this done.

I need to make a more comprehensive list than I have thus far of what is needed in my home.   I need to physically walk through and look at each space and see what is working and what isn't, or determine what I'd like to have.    I need to take some measurements in order to attend to some things that are really bugging me (like wonky lampshades).

I need to determine just where we are in our finances at present.  We've gotten a tax refund, spent some money that will be covered by that and charged some items that I may not have written down in our checkbook as a cash out.   I just need to have my financial house in order now that I'm feeling a little better.  Made a list of our purchases...Now to determine which I've written out of the checkbook already and work on bringing the checkbook up to date with tax refund deposit.

Make English Muffins, Bagels,Yogurt.

Start a grocery list.  I'm getting low on meat and know that for March there are specialty items I'll want on hand (St. Patrick's Day and Passover and Easter come to mind).  I want to be watching for sales in the weeks ahead so a list will help me to restock at best price as I see items available.

As I make meals and bake this week I'll make a little extra.  My freezer has the space at the moment.

Go by Goodwill.Done!  I had good luck too and have some nice things to add to spring wardrobe for $2 and $4 from really good name brands that I'm reluctant to pay 'new' prices for.

Start working on my March goals list.

Get some things I want to send out in the mail packed up and addressed.

If there's a sunny day I will wash bath rugs and mop kitchen and baths, too.

Visit Mama.

Meals this week:

Breakfasts: Cinnamon Rolls and Sausage
                   Breakfast Sandwich
                   Eggs, Hash Browns and Toast
                   Waffles and Fried Spam
                   Oatmeal with Raisins and Cinnamon
                   Berry Muffins, Hard Boiled Eggs

Lunch:   Frozen dressed up pizza
              Hamburgers out on Sunday.
              Tuna Salad Sandwiches
              Egg Salad Sandwiches
              Lentil Tacos
              Kielbasa Dogs
              out with Mama perhaps

Supper:   I skipped two meals I had posted on last week's meal plan.  I'm picking them up here on this week simply because they are good meals.

Mississippi Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Pear Salad

Brunswick Stew and Corn Muffins (frozen leftovers)

Pumpkin Alfredo Pasta, Green Salad, Crusty Bread

Butter Baked Chicken and Biscuits with Gravy, Rice, Green Beans

Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches, Chips
(assuming we've leftover roast beef)

Tuna Rollups, Coleslaw, Butter Beans

Sloppy Joes, Leftover Slaw, Chips


Chris M said...

I don’t remember when you posted this, but you took pictures of area to help “see.” I thought that was such a good idea and tried it in several of the spaces. in my home. Very helpful!

Cristikit said...

Have you ever read these? They are every bit as enjoyable as her books. I have a feeling you would really enjoy them.

Chef Owings said...

hum drums here. No energy to do anything so just wonder around the home. Several things not working in the home for organization but I haven't found anything to make it better YET.

Karen in WI said...

Terri, you are making such thorough 3-meal-a-day plans for your week! Is this helping now that John is retired? I haven’t made sloppy joes in a while. That will go on the list for next week. So glad you found some good spring clothes! It sounds like you are having a sunny day or two , at least, and that spring is thinking about making an appearance! I reminded myself the other day to get out my happy lamp to get full spectrum light. I have to say that this winter has been sunnier than usual, though. It makes winter seem much happier. There are usually gray to dark gray days that can last for 2 weeks at a time and I do struggle with that.

I do hope that you get your creative and reading time in this week. Sometimes I feel like i could be in the kitchen all day and I have to just say “enough” and go have a little time to myself! I just got in an order of books from ThriftBooks and I have been enjoying bits of reading. I got an edition of Betty Crocker’s Picture Cookbook from the 1950’s and am loving it. I’m going to plan to make baking powder doughnuts the next time my parents come down to visit. My father has fond memories of working in the bakery as a young man and eating the fresh doughnuts. I think I will like the baking powder doughnuts better than the yeast doughnuts I made this past fall. The yeast doughnuts were a little too light and airy without much flavor, to me anyway.

Well, I find myself at the end of February with quite a bit NOT done on my list too! Well, with traveling up to Green Bay to see my dear ailing FIL, it takes out the whole weekend so I shouldn’t feel bad. My FIL will probably not see this coming summer, so it is a priority. I told my husband that I think it would be the loveliest thing to go 2-3 years without an immediate member of our family suffering from a serious illness/injury. It is something that I am praying for.

I do have to do several more kitchen cupboards (i’m getting to the end!), and make a batch of soap before this week ends. Oh, and finish my vegetable seed inventory and place an order for this year’s seeds! That is always fun to do, but I do have to make the time.

Enjoy your evening! I’m off to bed early as my 3rd son and I have to leave very early for a doctor appt in the Chicago area. Thank goodness we will miss morning and evening traffic! Hugs to you!

terricheney said...

Chris M...I still do that periodically. It's a good way to 'see' things you no longer see because they have been there so long. I need to make a point to do that again!

Criskit I ordered! Ty for sharing

Juls, dark dreary rain...It's hard to be motivated to do much of anything at all except hibernate.

Karen in WI...You just reminded me I really need to attend to the cabinets in the living room...Ugh. I was so comfy here in my chair and now I won't be able to enjoy it unless I get up and DO something.

Cake doughnuts are the most favored here in our home.

March 26: It Was Time