Worth Sharing This Week: Spring Watch

While fashion week is just done they were busy showing what to wear come fall and winter of 2020...but if you're like me, the main focus right now is spring/summer wear.  I find that for the most part I do best if I keep to the classics but some of the spring trends  are do-able in a classic manner.   I found a handy style guide here. What's in for 2020 that I'm interested in wearing? 

Pearls.  Not the Barbara Cleaver choker type nor the 1920's flapper type but something with a fresh take on pearls.  John got me two sets of pearl earrings.  One set is a sort of charm that hangs from my gold hoop earrings.  Another set is a more natural looking pearl that is on a tiny french hook.  I love both pairs.  I also would love to get these from Analouisa.com .

Do I need more pearls?  Not really but these are so pretty and feminine looking and I don't mind adding the occasional better quality piece to my wardrobe, especially earrings which I tend to wear often.

Other items in style this spring?  Square toed shoes, wide legged pants, jumpsuits (not so sure about any of those) and pants suits.  A number of influencers (fancy term for vloggers) I follow are scooping up pantsuits at thrift stores just now.    Puff sleeved blouses are all the rage, too....Shades of Anne Shirley all over again, though most are on a more modest scale. Secretary blouses with a self tie at the neck are in vogue.   Another trend at present is the monochromatic look of wearing a single color from head to toe. 

Animal prints are still in vogue.  As well tropical and florals prints are in for spring.  No surprise there!    Neon colors are back, too.  And then there are polka dots.

And finally those plain old white athletic sneakers, now known as Grandad sneakers, which we all wore in the 90's are in again.

Since I'm all about Spring in this post, why not listen to the joyous music of Vivaldi which is such a happy piece?  I can just hear the riotous singing of the birds...

I tend to share older artists works but I've stumbled across this particular painting a few times now and each time I am drawn in.

I was convinced it was the work of an old master painter, likely an impressionist.  To my surprise it is credited to Denis Sarazhin, a Ukrainian artist born in 1982.   I went to view other pieces of his work which is amazing.  I think I'm just going to end here and imagine myself sitting there enjoying tea...


Anonymous said...

Easter is April 12th this year.

Karen in WI said...

I love pearls and wear them often. They seem to never really go out of style, but then my taste does run a bit old fashioned. I have noticed that blouses are coming back. I bought a pretty sapphire flower one last year and just purchased a beautiful flower one on an ivory background. I usually don’t wear flowers, but I love to garden and have enjoyed wearing the flowers too! Lastly, I love wear the same color head to toe, particularly if it’s a more dressy outfit. I think it’s very slimming.

Thanks for the spring fashion update! I love making seasonal changes to everything from home decor, meals, and my wardrobe. I am very much looking forward to spring and with the unusually warm day we had today, it feels like it will come at some point! I am so jealous of the blooms you were telling us in your area.

terricheney said...

Karen, I too like to change things up seasonally. There's really little need in the south to change wardrobe. It's mostly a matter of wearing a sweater over a t-shirt or putting on shoes instead of flip flops except on rare occasions.

Karla said...

I am definitely a pearl girl. Love those earrings!

As for Spring fashion - not sure. I haven't spent much time paying attention or looking. I do know I need to get out of my black rut.

March 26: It Was Time