The Week Ahead: B'day Number 5

Isaac's b'day was Thursday.  He did not take kindly to turning three.  No indeed.  He scowled, he yelled, he turned a cold shoulder to everyone.

Turns out he was upset because his daddy informed him Thursday morning that he was a big boy now and  not a baby any more.  That on top of a new baby coming into the household pretty much spoiled his day on Thursday.  Mind you Daddy meant it as a compliment and a joyous thing but going from being the baby of the family to being a middle child is not an easy transition.

 The boys were here Friday afternoon to make Valentine's for their Mama.  Gramma learned two things.    Glue sticks and not a bottle of Elmer's is the way to go and just skip the superfine glitter entirely because it covers a lot of surface but doesn't necessarily stick to the card its meant to go on.  By the time they left, Isaac was covered head to toe and Sam sported a whole cheek of glitter, lol.  I'll buy a few supplies to keep on hand as Sam mentioned having the boys make Mother's Day cards later in the spring.

John went to the men's breakfast at church Saturday morning.  Katie left little bud with me while she picked up Taylor.   She came in with her later and related this incident which she shared in a Facebook post:

"Had to explain to Taylor today that when she’s an adult she had to work for money and then pay other people to live comfortably. She was not impressed. “Mommy I just want to keep my money, paint my nails and drink coffee.” Same kid.. same."

I think that's just hilarious...don't you?

Saturday afternoon was Isaac's birthday party.  He was far more receptive to a birthday then, if it meant cupcakes and presents.  The day was absolutely beautiful, so the children (Josh, Isaac and Taylor) played outdoors. At first Taylor was afraid of the free ranging chickens, but she apparently got over that fear because later she came in the house with Josh and his two great aunts and they were all holding eggs they'd gathered from the chicken pen.

I didn't touch the wee little miss since she's so newly born and I've still got remnants of this cold, but Caleb has had his first vaccines and has been exposed to illnesses several times now.

I must say that I was quite tired by the time we found our way home this afternoon.  Meal plans listed below are already off kilter as I failed to take out meat last night, planned to catch up this morning and then had baby here with me and did nothing but hold him.   Fortunately I bought frozen pizza the other day at the grocery  for $2.25.  Nice to have such an easy fix meal for the evening.

Work week ahead:
Third verse same as the first...This past week had nothing really creative in it except for that little Valentine making session with the boys Friday afternoon.  Nor did I spend much time reading.   I had quite a shock the other day in a store when I overheard someone say, "This weekend makes February half over!"   It brought me up short as I realized that indeed she was quite right.  Where did it all go?!

I felt I did little last week but in reading over the list I found I did fairly well despite my cold and our frequent days out of the house.   I don't have as much to carry over as I did...

I need to make time to go over to see Mama.

I would still like to make out my list of things to do/purchase, etc for the house and personal needs.  I'll need to plan a little more carefully now that John is retired and look hard for sales for the items I hope to purchase.  I need to be sure I have a list of measurements of items needed, etc.  We have more than enough to meet our basic needs.  I'm cutting back mostly so that if John really doesn't want to work part time he doesn't have to...or so he can wait until he finds something he'd like to work at.

Make the pillow for our room.

Clean up the guest room and take things out to the shed that have accumulated as I've culled cabinets and drawers.

Clear the cabinets in the living room.  This is my last stronghold of possible clutter and really needs to be attended to this week.

Determine just what I mean to do with that trunk type bin that John gave me and put it to use.

Clean the fridge and fridge freezer.

Make time to read and be creative daily!

Get back to my pre-Algebra work.  I let it go this past week when I started to feel so bad with the cold.   I just couldn't get my achy head into the work I needed to do.

And of course, all the routine stuff and any unexpected errands John suddenly determines we should do.  I'd like to try to get over to Goodwill this week if I can.

Meals this week:

I realized this past week that I would be better to plan breakfasts and lunches and prep ahead as much as I can for both of those just to cut back on kitchen time.  I don't mind saying that as much as I love to cook and make meals, this 7 days a week, 3 times a day thing can get old real quick.  Remember I'm accustomed to having John gone two or three days each week for work and so to find myself with no breaks at all in meal preparations is a little bit of a drain.  One morning this past week I pulled frozen pancakes from the freezer and that was such an easy morning meal.   Well it's a no brainer isn't it to just work ahead.  I can make biscuits, waffles, muffins, etc., and freeze those things and I can set up oatmeal  as I used to do on work mornings.  So from now on this girl is going to plan all three meals, prep ahead as much as possible and call herself smart.  I'll let you all know at end of week what I've made for these two minor meals of the day.  In the meantime,  let's plan dinners.

Sweet Chili Pineapple Chicken, Rice, Stir Fried Vegetables
 I meant to buy broccoli or bok choy but didn't.  I'll use what I have on hand: cabbage, carrots, onions, celery and a handful of frozen peas.  The chicken has orange, red, yellow peppers in it.  I reduce this recipe so it's more suited to the two of us.

Smoked Sausage and Potato au Gratin, Salad with tomatoes

Black Beans and Yellow Rice, Pico de Gallo, Tortillas and Green Salad

Deep Dish Cast Iron Pizza, Salad

Mississippi Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Coleslaw

Pumpkin Alfredo Pasta, Garlic Green Beans, Green Salad


Lana said...

Poor Isaac. Life is hard right now.

I remember the three meals a day on deck after Hubby came home. I had no idea what to do for lunches. I had just eaten whatever and nothing special for years and now I had to have a meal. Breakfast was almost always cereal back then too and now I cook almost everyday. Breakfast has gotten easier and I do things like prep a bunch of cooked potato cubes but lunches are still a problem. I keep lots of sandwich foods on hand all the time because we can always eat that no matter how sick of it we are. Making some tuna or egg salad on Momday helps a great deal. I also always keep fruit and chips to go with lunch. I am not a fan of leftovers for lunch or I would do that. If you get it all figured out please share!!

Chef Owings said...

I need ideas also as Hubby just tossed over 1 lb of lunch meat that spoiled because he quit eating wraps (lunch meat rolled in tortilla wrap). Bfast for him is something he can take with him when he is hauling. When home it's eggs or something cooked

Carolyn @ Our Gilded Abode said...

Hubby works from home and I recall when I first was blessed to quit my full-time job and became a stay at home wife ... I was so excited to have the time to cook and made three meals a day plus desserts. After a month of that, hubby asked me to please STOP because he was gaining weight! Lol. Now, we’ve settled into a nice routine for us and we do breakfast on our own ... cereal, toast, bagels, etc. Lunches are leftovers, sandwiches, salads, etc. Dinners are cooked meals. It’s such a relief not having to prepare three meals a day and be doing dishes all day.

terricheney said...

Lana, I have been through so many changes of schedule with my work and John's over the years that I shouldn't have any trouble adjusting...but I always do! Personally I'd love to eat the leftovers and skip the sandwiches, but John could eat sandwiches for three meals a day! I do like the idea of making up sandwich feeling (in small amounts) at beginning of each week because it's so convenient. I'll keep this in mind this next week as I start to try to incorporate planning the two meals.

Carolyn, It's the time factor for me. As you mention all those cooked meals and all those dishes involved...

Juls, My husband goes through cycles of wanting to eat the same thing over and over. About the time I get well stocked on something, that's when he changes his mind and eats something new. Like you we tossed a packet of luncheon meat this past week that sat unopened until it had passed a safe use by date. Since I have to watch carrageenan the luncheon meats we buy tend to be pricier. I'll post any ideas I come up with.

Kay said...

Look at the Large Family Momma Vlogs (Amy Maryon and Jamerril are 2 I like) for make ahead breakfast meals. If we ate breakfast, I'd incorporate them into my menus.

And thank you for the reminder to check our lunch meat. I just bought turkey breast last week and as far as I know, no one has touched it. I'll keep a few slices in the fridge for Chopped/Chef Salads and freeze the rest.

Mable said...

I never understand why parents think a child will be thrilled to have a younger sibling appear. I would not be pleased if my husband came home with a younger and cuter version of a wife and expected me to start sharing attention and get fewer gifts because the money that formerly went for my needs and wants would now have to be split with the interloper. And becoming a middle child is even worse, if you ask me---being the oldest and the youngest confers benefits that elude the middle child. I think siblings learn to love each other but I can remember thinking, 'Am I not enough? What is wrong with me that you need another one?" The "we love you so much we wanted another" certainly didn't apply to getting another mother or father in the house, so why should it apply to kids.

Lana said...

Mable, Our beloved pediatrician had six children and was so wise about new babies. He told us that the new baby belongs to the youngest child and that child gets to decide who holds the new baby which puts the attention on the previous baby of the family. When someone wants to hold the baby they were told to ask that child and their decision stood. This also makes that youngest be protective of the baby. We found that our five were protective of that younger sibling for all their growing up years and even now at times. The rivalry just did not happen with this approach.

Lana said...

You inspired me to make a lunch menu so here it is-
BLT sandwiches-I will cook an entire pkg of bacon for breakfast one morning so we have prepped bacon

Nachos-we have jars of cheese dip and no beans chili that need to be used-with lettuce tomato and sour cream

Big cup of noodles bowls that were free with iBotta, grilled cheese

Turkey sandwiches on good sandwich rolls we bought last week and did not eat with lettuce, tomato, cheese, etc x 2

Hot dogs, everything in the freezer

And for breakfast-

when I make mashed potatoes for supper on Wed night I will make extra potatoes to brown up for breakfast one morning

When I cook the bacon in the oven I will also add a pan of sausage slices because I have a roll of Jimmy Dean thawed and need to use it. I will bake it 10 minutes and freeze in a Ziploc to use as brown and serve

I will also prep some banana chocolate chip muffins using the brown bananas I have on hand


terricheney said...

Mable, I kind of understand how he must feel. I was the every body that came after was an obvious replacement child, lol. You made me chuckle too with the younger wife scenario. Not on your life bud, not on your life, lol.

Lana, You inspired me to make out a whole list of things we might have for breakfast or lunch. I also watched a make ahead breakfast video from She's In Her Apron and she made me think. I'm still fighting with this cold thing but I hope to tackle a few make ahead items tomorrow morning. I think spending one morning a week prepping breakfast and lunch (with a menu in hand) will be a great time saver.

Kay I will check out those. Jordan Page (Fun Cheap and Free) is another who does some make ahead things for breakfast and I love her lunch system for her kiddos, too.

Rhonda said...

Oh Taylor, what a funny girl you are. Just drink coffee and paint your nails :)

Yes, glue sticks are much easier than liquid glue though littles to love to squeeze those bottles. And the purple glue sticks that dry clear are even better than the white glue sticks. We’ve been given several pads of construction paper and those are so nice for child crafts too.

Karen in WI said...

I had a good laugh from little Taylor’s comment!

I have been homeschooling for years, so the whole three meals a day thing does get tiring sometimes. I almost always cook from scratch (like you) so it is more work. My husband and boys actually cooked both suppers this past weekend and I was so grateful. I was just getting tired by the time 3:30 -4:00 came along. I always want to sit down and read a book that time of day!

I try to make enough for supper the night before to stretch for lunch leftovers. My husband and 3rd son try to take leftovers warmed up in the morning and put in a thermos for lunch. My 3rd son is also working in addition to classes, so sometimes he needs to bring a lunch and a supper. He went out too much the first month of college and realized that his budget could not handle that. Otherwise, it is so nice to have a frozen pizza or chicken patty sandwich on hand for the meals I need a break! Lana, you reminded me to make egg salad this week. Always good for lunch.

Well, it’s 3:40 and I must get up to finish supper. We are having broccoli cheddar soup and stromboli. I believe my bread dough machine beeped and my dough is ready! I also wanted to make gingerbread cookie dough to sit overnight, but we shall see if I feel like it. I didn’t make any gingerbread cookies at Christmas and I have been craving them! My youngest asked for pumpkin spice pancakes, so I will get a little container of frozen pumpkin out of the freezer. I like to make sautéed apples in sauce to put on top of this. NOT an easy breakfast, but Wednesday is “on your own” morning so I will get a break! Breaks are so important. I’m so glad everyone in the house is old enough to fend for themselves. No one will starve for goodness sake!

Have a lovely evening, Terri!

Tammy said...

I don't "do" glitter with kids, but do have a glue tip. If you're using liquid glue, put a small puddle on a plastic lid or paper plate, whatever can hold the glue, then give the kids each a q-tip. This way they spread the glue with the q-tip instead of squirting it each time.

terricheney said...

Rhonda, I used to be well stocked with glue sticks but I guess without anyone here to use them I ran out and didn't replace. I will now! And I'll be sure to look for the ones that start out purple.

Tammy, that's a great idea too! Even if I let them use a cheap paint brush it would work better than the puddles of glue that Josh squeezed out!

Karen, I too cook from scratch I'd say 95% of the time. I rely hard on basic food ingredients and that means making my own everything. I did it with 5 kids at home and I'm still doing lo these many years later. It's only been in recent years that I started keeping a bag of chicken patties or nuggets on hand! Some things I used to keep on hand I reverted back to the homemade just because the flavor difference was so much better, but no kidding it's all a lot more work, which saving money typically IS.

March 26: It Was Time