Now truth told, I hadn't planned on all that fuss. We were just having a preacher come to the house to marry us, but Mama wanted it pretty and pretty it was. A whole lot nicer than the dusty probate office where John and I were married. Isn't it funny that the second marriage was so much happier (then and now) than the first? Sometimes, it's not what it looks like on the outside at all but what it truly is on the inside.
Well...never mind all that. March this year is important because when it begins we'll have survived our 1st month of full retirement in a few days time. It seems silly to think of how we'd worried ourselves over it all now though I daresay John's not quite as ready to completely give up worry just yet.
Work Week Ahead:

I was going to say I'd done fairly well on my tasks last week but then I read through them all, and I think I only did two or three! I worked most all the week long, though. So I'm not really sure why I failed so miserably on the tasks I'd set myself. I'm ready to do what my daughter does when she's frustrated. Just wave my hand and say "Whatever..." I did things. They apparently weren't on 'the list'. Oh well.
Wash the bath rugs. I know why this didn't get done last week. We didn't have any sun until Thursday when I was out most of the day with Mama and Friday we had company for a good portion of the middle of the day.
Groceries. We are low on meat. I'm out of chicken, have little beef. I expect that we're going to concentrate on stocking up on meat this pay period. I will say that watching the meat stock decrease has really made me work harder on incorporating meatless meals into our week!
Get some items in the mail. I did get boxes but need bubble wrap to protect one item and must write my notes to go in with the items so individuals know why they are receiving things. Also get stamps for the month.
I ran down the rabbit trails in Genealogy all this past week. That incorporated my reading time, my leisure time, etc. It was a productive week for my hobby work. This week I want to make out my March reading list. I didn't quite finish Marilla of Green Gables so that will top my list.
Get my March goals posted.
Make out that house/personal/yard needs list.
Whatever strikes my fancy. It's meant to be sunny all week long. At some point I'd love to start getting my porches nice once again but (a) the dogs have adopted my chairs with cushions on the front porch as their personal space, despite putting in dog bed and (b) it's cold...But it IS March and I'd like to be outdoors. So we shall see.
Meals this week:

Beef Stew, Corn Bread Muffins
Gramma's Fried Chicken (aka Publix Deli, lol), Green Beans with Potatoes, Coleslaw
Beef Fajitas, Mexican Rice, Pinto Beans, Avocado
Spaghetti a la Diable, Green Salad, Asparagus
Meatballs in Tomato Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Turnip Greens
Cheese Enchiladas, Black Beans, Salad with Pico de Gallo
Vegetable Korma over Rice, Tomato Cucumber Salad, Naan
Easter Sunday is on april 12.
You had me second guessing myself. Take another peek at your calendar, my friend. ;)
Trying to decide if you are being facetious about Easter being in March?
Same here. I actually googled it thinking my calendar was wrong.
I can’t believe that March will be here tomorrow! I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked either, so I’ll join in you in saying, “Whatever....I did things!”. I finally ordered my seeds today. I usually start most of them around the 15th of the month. Can’t believe it’s time to tell my husband to bring up the seed starting table and lamp.
I need to run to Costco this week and I have a doc appt, but other than that it is a normal week and I should get further on my kitchen cleaning. I need to put in a batch of soap too. I try to make at least one batch a month.
The other thing that I have been putting some thought into is this Coronavirus and how I can be as prepared as I can be. We had booked a vacation to visit California at the beginning of the year. We were really looking forward to going and the kids were excited to see their old friends as we haven’t been there since before our 2nd son sustained his brain injury. Well, we aren’t sure that getting on an airplane in May will be a good choice as this pandemic will get worse before it gets better. I have gotten sick more than once after getting off an airplane and felt it was due to the close quarters and lack of air filtrations. We can still cancel our lodging, but the airline tickets are another matter. We are going to see what happens the next 4 weeks, but my husband and I decided to warn the kids that we may not be going.
Anyway, I’m nottoo worried about our family getting this virus, but I do feel at this point it would be prudent to make sure I am stocked up on herbal, homeopathic, and essential oil remedies, particularly the ones that deal with respiratory viruses. I am also trying to make sure that I have everything we need so that I’m not having to run out if we feel it is better to avoid crowds. My freezers and pantry are doing well, but I am low on essentials like tp and tissue. I have admonished the boys to wash their hands very well and to remember not to touch their faces, I ordered another 3 lb of elderberries to make more elderberry juice for our extended family. It is getting hard to find dried elderberries at this point. I’m making sure my two older boys are set with home remedies and supplements, as well as my elderly parents. Making sure that you are taking enough vitamin D3 is so very important for your immune system. We do homeschool our youngest son and he just quit his part-time job so other than a couple of classes he takes with other students, he would be at home most of the time. Our 3rd son goes to a local college, so I wonder if they would transition to online classes if it ever got that bad here? My husband could do some of his work at home. I’m just thinking as I feel it is better to be prepared and have somewhat of a plan! I sent some information to our oldest son in Washington state and he said thanks, but until it hit his state, he wouldn’t worry much. Well, the day after this conversation, it hit Washington state.
Well, off to make a bit of hot chocolate and settle in for the evening. Hugs to you!
Easter is April 12th... But if you want to celebrate it this month that is fine.
We are suppose to have warm weather here in our area of Ohio along with rain... they keep changing when the rain is coming and how much. Got the to do list and started changing wardrobe for bouncing temps (aka LAYERS)
Blessed be
Wow,you scared me! No way we could do this week in Florida visiting my parents and be in Ohio for Easter like we promised our son all in one month!
Congrats on surviving your first month! My DH has but a few months before his retirement, and he is very nervous after all these years too not to have a paycheck. It is just a leap of faith like having a child or when I left full time employment to be home full time. We have always made it. I had to laugh at your wedding comment- it has been my belief that the more a wedding costs the less likely it is to succeed. I am sure that is not always true and I am not sure why it is so but that has been my wedding observation of the last 40 years.
Sometimes we just do what needs doing!
All, I am sorry! I should have checked my calendar too. I took someone's word for it instead. Lesson learned...Sorry for those of you who felt time scrunch up on you, lol.
Karen, I hope your week goes well. I'm not aware of anyone sick in our area nor am I too concerned over the coronavirus. NOT downplaying it but just aware that living as rurally as we do, it's less a threat than in crowded congested areas. As well, we do and have always practiced precautions. Thankfully it seems to be fairly contained here in the US.
Juls, I'll be happy to wait until April. Like Lana we'd made plans that didn't include Passover, Easter and that all at once, lol.
Angela, From personal experience, he'll have a lot of qualms and nerves about it. John still does but I'm feeling more and more confident of our ability to manage just fine. I must say my first marriage didn't last well, lol, despite the free cost of the whole thing. But I have note that some people are already having relationship issues and use marriage as a giant bandaid to fix problems that they don't address after the marriage. It ends being a very very expensive mistake in finances as well as emotions for far more people than they think are involved at the time they make their first decision.
March this year our anniversary year will be our 50th. Who would imagine we would be married 50 years!! :)
Please pass the information on to watch using elderberry if you ever do get this virus. My understanding from reading is it is good for building up our immunity. .. I understand,.. but NOT to use if you actually get it. It interferes somehow. Also I hear to not make patients temperature go what they mean by that I am not sure..don't give aspirin to help it go down or what...?? So please everyone including me do homework because if we get this it it would be best to know Before how to proceed. They say the three signs of this virus are cough, fever and difficulty breathing. The breathing problems is the key. Cough and fever goes with other things..the cough is a big clue. Then to be tested. This virus is not supposed to be long or bad for people in good health if treated. People elderly or with health problems especially respiratory ones can have problems.
I heard an interview of a lady from China asking if this will change anything for the average person there. She said one thing she feels it will make each citizen more aware of cleanliness. They had gotten lax in some ways she had noticed recently. What else will change she did not know. The area and city she is from gave all citizens a list of 12 new rules for their town. One of it is Never again will any wild animals be sold at the markets. She said how Never was written it meant not just for a time but NEVER. I am not sure if I am right on the word wild about the animals but it meant the type of animals they suspect
could have started this problem and had been sold in the markets. Those rules as I said, were for her town and she did not know what other towns had new rules from now on. She said the elders were used to eating these types of food and buying them at the local markets so they would not like this new ruling as they have eaten them forever. It was interesting to hear reports from actual people who tell you what they are saying in China.
I hope that over time we can start making more of our medicines here that we now get so much of from China . To depend on other countries for such basic essentials is not good. Just passing on a few things and going to do more searching to verify. Sarah
Sarah and anyone interested, from the alternative medicine training I have, fever is caused by the body pulling calcium lactate from the bones which the body uses to fight I infection. So when we get a fever we give the body what it needs, calcium lactate. What a difference it makes! The fever goes down and the aching greatly improved. Healing happens quicker since the body has a ready supply of what it needs to fight the infection. Amazing!
If you are interested in learning more about elderberry, please read this article that sites studies that have been done. We take elderberry now and then as an immune tonic, but if we feel anything coming on, we take it 3-4 times per day. This is what we do, but please read about this article if you are interested in it.
My youngest daughter was born on Easter Sunday 1995. Isn't it amazing how early it seems when it's in March?
Your menu this week looks delightful!
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