Public Service Announcement #2


This past week, after struggling all summer long to  earn my annual $100 from the blog, I enabled an expanded ad platform.  By September I was at $17 for the year which is pretty abysmal.  I'm sorry that this ad expansion was necessary but I really do need to find a way to make some money from this venture which takes a considerable amount of time.  

However, I had a private email and a comment that I didn't publish about objectionable ads.  For those of you who are kind enough to not block the ads, please email me privately (it's in the 'about' section) or just post your comment and let me know what the ad is about and/or screen shot it for me and I will do my best to block it.  The objectionable ads won't appear again once I do this, but you will continue to have ads interspersed through out the page.

Thank you all for helping me sort this out.


Lana said...

I will try to figure out how to enable them and on my laptop once I get back home.

Anonymous said...

Terri, the ads I saw recently I didn't pay much attention to. They were not on the top side but throughout your posts. Different. But I say it is your blog and although I appreciate your asking but you do what you need to. So far I have not seen any objectionable ads. I wouldn't even know how to block an ad! Or the you could ! :-) When I went on this site just now the only ad at all was the usual pretty blouses and women's clothes one the you have had before. Thank you though for thinking about us..So far so good with me. Sarah

debbie said...

The ads don't bother me i focus on the blogs

Anonymous said...

Good morning Terri! Just a quick note to let you know I don't see ads at all when I visit (just your lovely roses wallpaper). I think my new browser automatically blocks them because I haven't changed the settings at all. That said, I did see ads in the past. For those who are concerned about it, it's a very easy settings change on your computer if they don't wish to see them. (Just do a search for "how to block ads on your computer" if you're not familiar). Thank you so much for what you do Terri. It is greatly appreciated.
Much Love,

Kathy said...

I'm glad you will be earning some money from your blog. I know it takes a while to write. The only ads I noticed last week were sites I had visited like Zulily.

Deanna said...

Ads are generally targeted so we see the sort of things we have searched for or related content. Personally I don't pay any attention to ads but whenever I do notice one it's almost always something I've purchased or have searched for. I never see anything objectionable.

Deanna said...

I just went to your last post so I could tell you what ads I saw. There were ads for Audible, Old Navy (I've recently purchased from them) and an HSN ad for artificial flowers/plants. I haven't been to HSN but I've looked for some on Amazon.

I'd say those were well-targeted and nothing objectionable.

terricheney said...

Ads are generally generated by online searches or even clicking on an ad elsewhere that interested you but the two objectionable ads were both on pages by people who likely haven't done online searches. I wasn't too happy about either ad, but both were blocked in all their versions. Overall ads do tend to be rather banal.

Anonymous said...

Ads don't bother me. I like to see what's new. This is another case of somebody trying to run your blog for you when it is none of their business. Don't worry about it.


terricheney said...

Not at all, Shell...I promise you I found both weren't to my taste either! Not necessarily indecent but certainly vulgar and off putting. Generally things settle down again after a change is in place and I'm sure this one will, too. But thank you for your warm defense. It's good to have champions on my corner, lol.

Liz from New York said...

Just so you know, I haven’t seen anything untoward myself... Liz

Karen in WI said...

Terri, I have been a busy bee lately and just got back from our youngest son’s soccer tournament in southern Indiana so am catching up. Have you ever considered having your PayPal account as a donate button on the side as I’ve seen on some blogs. I truly enjoy your writing and this lovely little community...a refuge in this crazy world, and certainly would like to contribute a bit. Just a thought. I know you spend a lot of time on this. Hugs to you.

terricheney said...

Karen...I'm slow, lol. It occurred to me this week that I might try that. I'll have to look into it and see what widget I'd need.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again