Public Service Announcement

 Someone is commenting in a semi-snarky way, pushing a personal point of view about any and all activities I mention that are not socially isolated.   But in the interest of saving irritation, I am now going to moderate all comments.   I understand that many of my long time readers sign in as guests which come up as anonymous.   I've allowed this for quite a long while now.  All I have asked is that you sign your name to your comment before you post it.  Most of you have done this and I do appreciate it. 

However, to the person who has been signing in as a guest and not signing your name:  I am well aware of your view point.  I am living out my view point.  I have explained more than once that we are following and complying with all the guidelines in our state.

From this moment on,  any and all commenters who do not bother to sign their name to their comment will be deleted.   Comments of which I do not approve shall not be published.  Period.   I'm tired of trolls and just as tired of people who are too rude to get that their viewpoint isn't necessarily every one else's.   


Lana said...

I agree! Good for you! But, I am also sorry you are dealing with this.

Peggy Savelsberg said...

Terri, I totally understand this! So sorry you have had to deal with it.


Donna said...

As a non-blogger I can still understand your stance on nasty people. Their mothers didn't raise them right. If you can't say anything nice, keep your trap shut. I so enjoy your blog posts so don't quit because of some trolls.

Kathy said...

I am sorry. So many lies and so much discord. The devil has been very busy. Praying for better days ahead.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having to deal with rude folks. I agree with Donna, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Move on along and don't come back. If a concern is truly sincere, it will be discussed with respect and love and be signed. Kip

Anonymous said...

Great idea Terri. These have not gone unnoticed and you are handling the situation beautifully. Thanks to the Good Lord, no weapon formed against us shall prosper, large or small. Prayers for you and yours as always.
Much love,

Mable said...

I cannot fathom how, with all the nastiness going on, people don't go out of their way to be kind to each other. Even if I don't agree with a blogger, they have the right to do/say as they please and if I don't like it I can find a blog more in line with my beliefs. Honestly, sometimes I wonder why people even blog with all the nastiness they get. I'm sorry this is happening to you.

Debbie said...

I’ve only ever commented a few times but read every post. We all need to make decisions that are best for our families. It’s not as if you’re having large parties at your house, you’re going grocery shopping for goodness sakes. I fall on the side of being very careful and you haven’t done anything unreasonable, including your vacation. People need to worry about themselves. Do what you need to do to protect your space and emotional well-being.

Shirley in Washington said...

So sorry you are dealing with this! And thank you for your blog and all the hard work you put into it. I enjoy your writings so much. Praying for you! Blessings, Shirley

Liz from new york said...

Ugh so sorry. If you cant say something nice and productive,... well you know the rest! Best, liz

Anonymous said...

Terri, so sorry you have to put up with this nonsense. I agree with the other folks completely. I guess some people have nothing better to do than try to make others feel bad. It seems since the covid that the trolls are worse than ever. You just keep doing what you do with the wonderful job with your blog. Those people surely do need prayer.

Margie from ks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Terri,
Good for you. I love your public service announcement. Unfortunately,
there are overbearing bullies everywhere. I hope all goes well for you otherwise. How are your ears and John's ear? I read you every day, but don't always have time to comment. I get hungry when I read your menus. They always sound so good. I also enjoy hearing about the littles. Have a good week and God Bless.


terricheney said...

Thank you all for being so understanding. I have always had a hard time ignoring hurtful or prickling sort of comments but decided in the past few months that I'd let them go and ignore them. However, the person responsible had become rather pernicious and so I decided it was best to take a proactive stance.
I agree there is enough hatefulness in this world at large at the moment to deal with and I'm not keen to deal with it here. Nor do I feel others should be exposed to it.

Anonymous said...

I can't fathum how people take the time to be hateful. If they aren't happy just go elsewhere. I am sorry you have had to deal with all of this. Thank you for still letting us post comments. You have been very understanding and always respectful. They are the one missing out from not taking part in this good group of people. :) Sarah

Meal Plan for Second Week of March