The Week Behind: Here, There, Everywhere


Saturday:  We were awakened this morning at 2:30 am with the fire alarm bleeping.  It wasn't a sustained sound but reminded me of the summer we had stupid ants inside the wall and they would cross over the contacts on the alarm and cause it to go off in short blasts.  Same thing.  But John was out of bed like a flash, convinced the dryer had caught fire after his repair work on Thursday.  I'd used the dryer to finish off sheets yesterday and it had worked just perfectly with no smell of overheating but I understood his concern.  


While he was examining the alarm itself, after checking the laundry area, I walked through the kitchen and sniffed about, quite literally, and smelled nothing like smoke or hot wires or anything unusual.  In fact, all I could smell was the herbs I'd cut on Wednesday and brought in to dry.    I went back to bed and reasoned that anyway if the dryer had caught fire, the bathroom would be smelling, too and feel overly warm because the bathroom and laundry share a wall.  I'd gone into the bathroom before making my way out to the kitchen...Just call it a sleep fogged brain.  I couldn't fathom that the house might actually be on fire and my only thought was how desperately I needed to use the facilities so...  Having asserted that I smelled nothing unusual I went right back to bed after the kitchen walk through and went to sleep.  John apparently did not.

He went to men's meeting this morning leaving me to sleep.  I did sleep a little while longer, but I got up.  I enjoy that time alone.   I had my Blueberry coffee and an overcooked bit of toast for my breakfast.  The coffee was really nice.  The toast, not...  I did Bible study, watched videos and went through Instagram and then I took a shower, made the bed, and fed the dogs.  

Watching vlogs made me long to do a bit of baking, something I haven't done in ages, not since it got deeply hot this summer.   I decided to make a Pineapple Upside Down Cake.  

Jordan Page did a vlog on her recipe binder a few months ago and said she'd put every recipe they used in it,  even though she liked to keep cookbooks.  Today I realized the beauty of her way of organizing recipes because I found myself looking at 2 or 3 recipes before I found the one I like best in yet another cookbook.   Even though I have my favorite recipes in each cookbook tabbed with Sticky Tabs, having them all printed out and in my Recipe Binder would be so much easier.  I'll work on that some now and especially through this winter when there's no chance of doing outdoor tasks.

Decided while making the cake that I'd attempt a deep dish pizza for our Saturday pizza.  Honestly...Probably should have looked for a recipe, because I've never made one,  but mine turned out all right.

Easy supper tonight of leftover Baked Chicken and Dumplings.  I steamed broccoli, too.  There are leftovers of that.

Sunday:  What luxury to get up and have nothing much to do but get ready for church!  I am so appreciating my decision to stop cramming in multiples of activities before church.

I kept our breakfast super simple and I didn't bother with making the bed nor feeding the pets when I realized we were running later than I'd like to leave for church.  I have a tooth bothering me and didn't feel like much of anything really, but I used several remedies and over the counter pain relievers and gargles.

We didn't shop anywhere following church today, not even stopping to get gas since we'd done that on Thursday evening on our way home.

I made the bed while John fed the pets.  Honestly we weren't so very far off their usual eating time so everyone was at the door waiting  on him.  

It took only minutes to clean all the rooms this afternoon and then I pulled leftovers together for our lunch.

I'd just settled in my chair with a second treatment for my tooth tucked into my jaw when Katie called asking if I'd go with her to Michaels.  I don't typically shop at Michaels, but I have missed her tremendously these past five weeks.  I'd have loved to have seen Caleb, but he'd just been put down for a nap and stayed home with Daddy.  Never mind.  I've been promised he'll come to visit later this week.  And yes, everyone is well and healthy now and have quarantined well beyond any symptoms in accordance with all guidelines.  Still...we wore masks all through our ride and visit.  They have all been tested once again but results this time around were longer in coming.

First stop was Publix.  I didn't buy groceries and Katie herself only bought baby formula.  I did buy some peroxide for swishing about my tooth and some supplements we were out of.  Then we went through the Drive Thru at Dunkin' Donuts to get Happy Hour coffees.  And yes, I kept my mask on and drank my coffee.  On to Best Buy to pick up a curbside order.

In Michaels, I wanted some new autumn florals to add to my current lot but I couldn't separate the things I liked from one another and after overturning the basket they were in thrice, I decided I was just not meant to have those items and walked away after righting it once more.  Honestly there was a dearth of autumn or Halloween but Christmas was well in evidence.  This after my Cracker Barrel experience a few weeks ago, I do indeed feel I've missed whole seasons of decor this year.

I purchased two items, both marked down dramatically.  Originally priced at $44 each and selling for $4 for one and $5 for the other.   They are called Orb Jelli Worldz and were considerably overpriced at Michaels apparently but even compared to Walmart and Amazon, I seem to have gotten a good deal on them just the same.   I put them up for the boys.   I think they might be a Christmas gift or a rainy day craft with Gramma.  We'll see. 

Katie bought yarns, some of which she got off the clearance racks.  She's always got a project of some sort going on and said that crochet and knitting soothes her just now.

My big find there was a multi pack of Magnetic frames.  I love to have pictures of the grandchildren on the fridge but I haven't had any of the two babies up.  Now I can put Millie and Caleb amongst their siblings and cousins.

Then we went into Carter's outlet to look for clearance items for Caleb.  Katie said she has a plethora of things in size 12 months and 6 months, but nothing for him in 9 months except short sleeved shirts.  There was a nice sale on items and we bought him several multi piece sets so he'll have a variety of things to wear in this new stage of growth and new season.

And then we headed home.  It wasn't a busy day in the stores and we were in and out fairly quickly.  I was surprised at how early we got back home.

Katie and her dad socially distanced and chatted while I washed up and changed clothes and started supper for he and I.  A lesser meal than I'd planned as I didn't want to take time to cook one item that takes  a little extra time and then discovered the lettuce was bad.  

I gave Katie half of the Brussels Sprouts I'd bought.  I knew we'd not eat them all in time to keep them from spoiling.  I also passed on to her  the tub of  Artichoke and Spinach dip.  I'd enjoyed it, but it was too much for me alone and John wasn't interested in having any more of it.

This was not the day I'd planned.  But it was a lovely day and just what I needed.  I'd been missing Katie pretty badly  and am awfully glad that she's weathered this virus and come out fine.

Meals:  Peanut Butter Toast

leftover pizza and a single taco  from Friday's lunch

Burgers, Tomato Salad, Chips

Monday:  John said last night he meant to sleep in.  I don't know if he did or not but I most certainly did!  It was almost 9am when I got up.  I'd planned on Saturday to be up much earlier come this morning because I wanted to have the boys over to visit.    I've been a wee bit dizzy, something that comes and goes and seems to be related to seasonal allergies.  Ho hum.  Between that and my tooth and still dealing with residual issues with my ear, I'm about done with all this!   Bess texted that she had a migraine.   I asked her to give me an hour and told her I'd take the boys for a bit after that if I could get myself squared away.  I felt much better after my daily allergy med and the tooth isn't as problematic as it was yesterday, the swelling having largely gone down.  Bess and I both think we can't afford to have us both out of commission at once.

John made breakfast, such as it was. Very sweet of him.  He's not feeling too well at present as his knee and hip are aching and have been for a few days now.   We're quite the pair!

I managed to almost get the housework attended to before the boys came in.  Josh amused me.  The first thing he did was go to my room and get my slippers to put on his feet.  It is not in the least cool here and I've no idea why he wanted to wear my slippers but he was happy, lol.    Isaac had troubles getting here.  His shorts needed to be taken up and he'd literally walked them down about his knees by the time he got here.  Grampa asked me for ribbon to make a belt.  I assured him the waist could be made smaller but he said "nope" and repeated that the boy needed a belt.

Well he tied a big red/white/blue ribbon bow through two belt loops and Isaac thought that was the greatest thing.  Later, I took up the pants as I'd told John they could be done, but Isaac was concerned I'd undo his big bow.  "Don't take it out...don't take it out..."   I promised him I'd leave his big bow right there.     He was wearing the tee-shirt we brought him from Florida and proudly displayed the flag and Eagle on the front to his Grampa.

John left the big roll of ribbon down where Isaac could get it and Isaac took the loose end and ran.  He was mighty disappointed when we started rolling it back up so I cut a big long length of ribbon and we waved it about and later pretended that I was fishing and he was the fish in a gentle tug of war game.  The boys really loved playing that!  I'm always amused at how toy manufacturers go out of their way to insure that children use their toy in the way they imagine they ought to, but children can play without toys and a single item may become many things.  A ribbon can be a ribbon, or kite tails, or a fishing line.

I confess I'd thought often over the weekend of what I might make for the boys to eat today but I never did quite make it to the point of actually deciding what those meals might be.  I decided to take a hint from Mandy In The Making vlog and made up a batch of cornmeal muffins with chunks of hot dog inside.  I served these with honey, mustard and ketchup and the boys liked them pretty well.  Isaac did ask for my hot dog pieces when he'd finished his, so I got up and gave him  a whole hot dog.   I'm happy the boys enjoyed the corn dog muffins.

I also made Rice Krispies Treats using Aldi brand crisp rice cereal and Aldi's Giant Marshmallows which had been sitting for a bit in the cupboard.  I still have more of those to use up but that's okay.  I've got ideas.   I made a slight mistake in making my treats.  I thought I was turning the burner down under the pan that I was melting butter and marshmallows in but instead I kept turning down the hot dogs.  Result was that my butter browned and had that nice nutty scent.   It didn't burn but it browned.  Those are absolutely the BEST Krispies Treats I've ever made!  Sam and Bess raved over them, too.  Go me, making a happy mistake like that!

After lunch the boys each wanted a little more of the treats and I cut a small piece for Isaac and Josh came in and asked for seconds so I cut a small piece for him. "But that's square!  I want a rectangle!"  I said "Ok" and took it back from his hand, smooshed it a little in the middle, lengthened it a little and handed it back to him.   He looked at it a minute and then said with a huge grin, "Well...That IS a rectangle!" and he ate it without complaint.  Some children would have flung a fit but his good nature saw right away that he'd gotten what he'd asked for and so he was happy.

Things went on from there.  I was starting to struggle and I knew the boys were tired.  I was missing key things, like that Isaac hadn't turned off the water in the bathroom (thank goodness we have NO stoppers in that bathroom!), or that a child was running about with too much food in his mouth and the boys were starting to quarrel gently over things.  John looked at me and said "Now's a good time to send them home."  He was right.  We were all tired but we'd had a grand time together.   

We couldn't find Isaac's socks anywhere when we were putting shoes on to go home...But the boys went home with a bag of Krispies Treats for their household.  Not a bad swap is it, socks for Treats?  And naturally as soon as we started cleaning up (the boys always pick up the toys and put them away), we found Isaac's socks.

After resting a little, I started preparing our dinner for tonight.   I also ran a full load of dishes in the dishwasher.  

I realized in making dinner that I had too many vegetables for our meal.  I cut the amount in half but I still had a serving or two leftover anyway.  We'll eat them for lunch, I guess.  I went ahead and cooked the other vegetables in separate foil packets and put those in the freezer to use later.

Meals:  Cereal, Toast

Corndog Muffins, apples, Krispie Treats and for the boys, yogurt

Roast Chicken, Autumn Vegetables (Brussel Sprouts, Sweet Potato, Onion, Butternut Squash)

Tuesday:  We've had a tough start to the week.  John hasn't felt well, I felt lousy and I've had some pretty yucky nights of late on top of it all.   So this morning we both woke at around 9am.  I was in the guest room again.  John had turned his feet to the headboard and slept that way on the bed in our room.  Fortunately we both agreed we each felt better.  I'm so glad.  I hate feeling yucky yet not being really sick.  I have no excuse to give in to it if it's just the yucks, as I do when I'm truly ill and can stay abed and feel right in doing so.

I'm convinced what we both need to help us sleep better are new pillows, but John is not.  He likes his pillow and I'm sure he does.  I've personally replaced mine three times over the years but no luck getting him to use the replacement pillows except once.

Today I pulled a pillow from the guest room to use as my 'new' pillow.  After all, I've slept well on it every single time I've gone there to sleep.  I offered John an alternative pillow, suggesting he try it out tonight.  We'll see how it goes.

At some point last night the oscillating fan in our bedroom quit working.  I got up and checked it and it was on.  I turned if off and back on again, hoping it would work, but no luck.  I turned it off once more and that's when I went on to the guest room.  This morning we cleaned the fan really well and John fixed a wire that had come loose but no luck in getting the fan to work again.  Fortunately we've had this one and two others like it for about 15 years now.  Yes, we do have good long life from most all of our appliances!   I had a fan in the living room that we didn't use, so put it in the bedroom.  We'll have our fan tonight.

I made the big breakfast I've been promising John I'd make for days on end.  I  just wasn't up to it until this morning.    

We had simple plans today.    Voting opened in our county starting today and since we knew for whom we meant to vote in all categories, we went ahead.  There were several people ahead of us but only two at a time were allowed to go to the table for filling out the paperwork.  So people stood outdoors.  All were wearing masks.  I did wonder how they could be  certain we were who we said we were since we're not wearing masks in our picture IDs but I guess they have that all worked out.  

 8 people could vote at once with the way the things were set up and all but one were in use while we were there and our spaces filled as soon as we were leaving.   John said when we left, "Now it doesn't matter who debates and who doesn't nor is there any point in watching ads, etc.   As far as we're concerned we've voted and it's over regardless of who wins."   Quite right.  

Next to get gas for the mower.  It was quite late for us, past lunch and then some and John offered to buy us lunch while we were in town, but I declined.  I'd already thought about this and I had the same  basic items at home and could make anything we could buy from our two local diners.  I suggested we go on home and I'd make lunch and that's what we did.

After lunch, I prepped our dinner for tonight.  And then, because I knew what zone I'm working in this week, I decided I'd like to get to work.   I didn't want to do a huge big cleaning job today but I knew I could do half the room.  I'd already cleaned the entry way storm door  this morning (a task I meant to do two weeks ago, you might recall).  I dusted, polished, wiped down the ceiling fan and other items in the dining space, and front entry and little hallway.  I changed the air filter and dusted the return air register.  It was quite a task.  I loathe dusting on a good day and I was only just barely over the yuck of the previous three days. Besides, my foot was aching...There's always something out of sorts these days, lol.    I was more than ready to sit and rest and put my aching foot up.  I made sure to drink a glass of water but I had my eye on the clock.  I wanted a cup of coffee!  

I usually have a cup around 3:30 but my foot ached so, I decided to wait until closer to 4.  I was going to just sit and really rest.  I read a bit.  I sipped my iced water.  After I'd really let myself rest... and don't think it isn't hard!  It is!  I can think of so many things I ought to be doing and at least fifteen I'd like to do besides, but I just know that really stopping and being mindful of resting was the most important thing of all...So after I'd let myself rest, I got up and made myself a cup of coffee.  And then I made myself sit and sip that before starting my next task.  I love really hot coffee but seldom drink it before it's just about lukewarm because I do things instead of stopping and enjoying my coffee.

I was sipping my coffee when I heard the mower stop outdoors.  I keep my ear out for the mower in the background.  I want to be ready to help if John needs me for some reason.  I kept waiting to hear his step on the back porch and then I did hear it and I relaxed but the mower started right up again and I heard the back door open at the same time....Who was that?!  

Well it was Katie with Caleb!  I haven't held that baby in five weeks and I was some kind of glad to see him.  He could have cared less at first.  There were so many things he could see to get into and he wasn't penned in by a baby fence as he is at home.  He wiggled and squirmed and got on the floor and started crawling and he chuckled to himself again and again as he found a new place to go to, lol.   I almost let my coffee go cold, but for a very good reason as I was busy watching him explore.   I was awfully glad I'd decided to do some work today before settling to rest and glad I'd prepared dinner and only had to re-heat it.  So my coffee might have gone almost cold, but my gracious, I had a whole afternoon to enjoy that boy and his mama and enjoy them I did.

They stayed to supper, which Caleb ate a little of, as well.  That's another change since I saw him last.  He now wants to eat when others are eating, as well as at his regular hours, and he wants what others are eating, not just baby food.   Katie was a little surprised when I made his bottle and he let me snuggle him.  He usually prefers to take his bottle on his own, but that little one knows Gramma's arms are fuller of snuggles than most, and he can tell she's just aching to let go of some of those snuggles.

Which reminds me that yesterday as I was helping Isaac put on his shoes, he bent over and kissed the top of my head, bless his little soul.  Gramma's have empty places where little kisses should be placed, too, and I'm so glad that I have little boys in my life that know these things.

Oh it was a lovely long visit and I enjoyed it from beginning to the end.  At the end, Caleb had gotten tired and he wanted to snuggle again and I was all for it but there was no doubt that the visit was coming to an end.  This little boy, like his Mama before him when she was the same age, is a stickler for his routine and his routine was getting ready for bed at that hour and that was what he was doing.  He took time out to hum with Grampa and then he went to his mama and yawned widely and snuggled into her.  It was time for our visit to end and end it did.

Meals:  Eggs, Grits, Sausage, Toast

Pimento Cheese Sandwiches, Chips

Beefy Tortellini, Green Beans, Bread and Butter  We're out of lettuce and didn't go out of our local area today to buy any, so we made do.

I found this recipe in BH&G magazine I think, but I've never made it as it's written when it's just us because it makes so very much.  I half the tortellini (9 ounces instead of 18), I cut back on the mozzarella by about half and I cut the ground beef by 2/3 (I use 1/2 pound instead of 1.5 pounds), but I never cut the sauce ingredients back.  It's not too saucy when baked either, it's just right.  And of course, the main ingredients that cost so much are the ones I cut back.  Even so this dish made enough for six, or five hearty servings and so we've leftovers to eat despite feeding 3 and a tot tonight.

Wednesday:  This week is half over already and the month nearly half done, as well.  Honestly these lovely days are going by so very quickly, so much more quickly than the end of winter and early spring went by.

We slept quite well on our 'new' pillows last night.  I woke without my back aching and John didn't complain of his shoulder hurting.  So I'm hopeful that this is the simple help we needed.  John was starting to make noises about a new mattress and I wasn't in the least keen to replace it after just 2 years.  

Despite rising at a decent hour it was rather late by the time we ate breakfast.  I've fallen into a 9am breakfast habit but this morning we were even later than that sitting down to eat.   Part of this was a last minute decision to make something else to add to our meal.  Never mind my tardiness, I soon had swung into routine and had the bed made, breakfast cleared up and the pets fed.  Then I started the task of deep dusting the living room.


I still have one whole bookcase to go but the two I've done look lovely and neat.  I stack my books vertically and horizontally on the same shelf just to add interest really and because I can fit more on them than I could otherwise.  The last bookshelf is glaring at me at the moment, because it's very obvious I haven't touched it compared to the other two.  My goal was to have the bookshelves finished by Friday evening and I'm more than on target to have done that.  I expect I'll finish the last one tomorrow simply because it is bugging me with the way it looks.   But bookcases were this afternoon's work.  

I dusted everything in the living room side first.  I polished the solid wood boxes.  I have a variety of them.  Three were built by John's dad to use to house tools and parts in and I'm pretty sure he'd be amazed to see them sitting in place of honors in my house décor and even more surprised to see how the children loves those boxes to play with.  I have a small cigar box, not flat as I'm accustomed to seeing them but a deeper and shorter than the usual.  That one houses John's sundry things like nail clippers and pens.  On my side there is a hand carved sugar bowl that I picked up at an estate sale that keeps my pens and clippers and holds my earrings when I take them off when a certain wee boy is yanking at them.

Let me say just one more time how much I loathe dusting, okay?  It is my most disliked household task of them all and I find the task of deep dusting is harder than the twice monthly swipe I can usually get by with.  But I do feel satisfied at the end that I've done a good job and as I said, I do putter and rearrange so there's something extra thrown in after all.

I made lunch and prepped tonight's supper and then I remembered that today is our 'pay day' and had to tot up the checkbook and write our tithes out.  Those are the only items we have going out this month.  Everything else comes due first part of next month.  I wish it meant we had loads of money leftover but it doesn't, lol.  However, we manage all right and it feels nice to know that we can afford little extras this month because of taking care of our budget in past months.

Katie and I were chatting last night.  Her cats can't eat the food we bought for her a few weeks ago.  It doesn't agree with them.  I have a bag of the food they can eat that just came yesterday.  Misu is not sensitive to brand.  So we're going to swap bags.

John had a small accident this afternoon.  He was working at clearing a new patch of ground next to the driveway and a small branch stabbed him in the ear.  It scratched his ear canal and made it bleed.  Nothing serious but it bothered him and it was painful.  He's been nursing it all afternoon now.  I was hobbling around with my foot hurting.  He mused that old age wasn't for sissies. I pointed out that old age or not he might have worn his ear defenders while working but he had no such helpful comments on how to make my foot stop aching, lol.

Meals:  Apple Streusel Muffins, Boiled Eggs

Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Chips, Mandarins

Chicken Broccoli and Rice Casserole

I made a dozen muffins and put 8 into the freezer this morning.  We'll reheat those over the weekend perhaps.

The chicken I roasted on Monday has been a very giving bird.  We ate half a breast together on Monday for our big dinner.  Then today I used the other half of the breast to make chicken salad.  I chopped up the meat from the thighs to make our casserole for tonight's meal.  I still have the wings and legs for another meal and then there will be the bones to boil for broth.

I didn't have a side dish with my supper tonight.  I had a lovely big tomato in the fridge and had planned to slice it for a side dish for our supper.  I was so disappointed when I cut it open to find the inside was completely spoiled.  Not a sign on the outside that it was no good.  I didn't have any desire to scramble to find a back up.  We ate casserole all by itself.  At least it had plenty of broccoli in it.   

And I have leftovers of chicken salad  and the casserole.  I could just skip cooking the rest of the week...It's a thought!

Thursday:  Funny enough, when I titled this week's post I had no idea that I'd have such a busy week!  I thought it was going to be a stay at home week and I've no idea why the title "Here, There, Everywhere" came up.  And yet, it's proven to be very true!

Yesterday, Katie texted asking me if I'd go with her today to pick up buttons for the cardigan she's crocheted for Caleb.  I told her the errands I needed to run, most all of which were convenient to the area where she'd be buying buttons anyway, so I said "Sure."

With that in mind, I got up a little early this morning (not really early...But it was well before 9am), I showered first and did Bible study right away while I made breakfast.  I fed the pets and had hot tea with breakfast.  After breakfast I made the bed and cleaned the guest bath which I noted on Monday needed it badly.   Ideally I'd have gotten to it Monday afternoon but's a little later in the week when I get to things.

After that I dressed and decided I'd work on the last bookcase.  It seemed a monumental task this morning but I made such good progress that I actually got through four shelves before Katie texted to say she was almost ready.  I stopped to do my makeup and was able to work on the last shelf.  I have a whole half shelf that is empty!  I only removed three paper back books that I have extra copies of and one heavy three-in-one volume book that I dislike because it's so very heavy to hold and read from.   Not nearly enough to constitute having a whole empty shelf.

It all looks so much nicer, and I'm glad it's done!  So the biggest, most dreaded task this week is all finished and well ahead of the deadline I'd set myself of sundown on Friday evening.

Katie is making a matching hat for Caleb's cardigan and needed more yarn.  She needed snaps and buttons but had to visit a different shop to get those.   We went into Target to 'get baby food' and that was truly our reason for going in.  I virtuously took photos of items on the dollar aisle that I admired and thought would be cute for a Christmas decoration here in the house...

And then we walked into the clothing section.  This is the same store where I was so disgusted a few years ago due to the state of the women's plus section.  It is so greatly and vastly improved and a joy to  look for clothing there, now.  I bought a cardigan sweater in an off white/cream shade that should be versatile.  I have a goal of replacing all these waterfall cardigans of mine with more classic styles.  I loathe the waterfall and high low styles each time I wear them.  I love the teal colored sweater but shy from wearing it because of the long dangling  front pieces.  I've been trying for the longest time now to mentally figure out how to alter it, but I may end up looking online to see if I can restyle it.  In the meantime, I'm going to look for more classic shaped cardigans that will never go out of style.  After all, I've been seeing the classic style in fact and in photos for almost 100 years now!

So yes, I bought the cardigan and somehow as I walked past the purses a lovely citrine green crossbody suede purse came into the basket and after that, I walked away and wouldn't look back.  I bought the makeup items I needed and then a nail polish I didn't need and I'd spent a pretty penny when I got to the register.   I decided as I walked away from the store today that I am done for the year, even though I haven't got all the things I wanted or felt I needed.  I've spent enough this season on things.  

Katie had a couple more stops to make but I stayed in the car with the boy who is the happiest child.  He never fussed about being in the car seat nor complained except when it was time for his bottle, which he is now taking his midday formula from a sippy cup...another big change!   She picked up the lettuce and other produce items I requested from Aldi.  I wasn't in the least sorry to not go into that store where I'd no doubt have found other things to add to my pantry.  Again, I've spent enough.  

From this point on, we will buy what is an absolute need but nothing more until next budget month begins.  I've begun to feel very 'spendy' and that's generally a sign it's time to stop.  It almost always occurs just about the time I start to feel I can't stop, that the needs are too overwhelming, and I feel a little bitter fear rising at the back of my throat.  That, my dear friends, is a fear of lack.  And we do not lack. The needs are not desperate, but the mind is a funny thing at times.  It will screech and scream, " can't stop spending just now!  You NEED more produce and you NEED more of..." and part of the message is true.  I  certainly don't  have enough produce for the rest of the month, no nor bread, either, but you know what?  We'll manage.   Things tend to last a great deal longer when you know you have less to work with.  Have you ever noticed that?  

Anyway, home we came and I was happy to have the leftovers tucked into the fridge because Katie stayed to supper and I had enough leftover yet to pack up a meal for Chad when he came in from work.  

Littlest boy immediately took to his 'real' food, still a baby food item mind you, but it looks more like the grown up foods and he was just fine eating them.  He also had a little of what we were having for our supper and handled it all like a champ.  He likes eating.  That's a help.

So that's today...

Here's Katie project for Caleb:

Isn't it just the cutest thing?  And it fits him perfectly.

Meals:  Breakfast Sandwiches

Kids Snack Boxes from Zaxbys This has two chicken tenders, about a half order of fries and comes with a small sized (children's) drink.  You can upgrade the beverage size to a small adult for pennies.  It was exactly the right amount of food and comes with a Graham Cookie that is just sweet enough and not all sugary.  And it's a good price at $5 for all of that.

Leftovers and Salad, lovely green salad!

Friday:  And another day of being everywhere including here...

I guess we're in a season of tiny annoyances, lol.  I took off my makeup last night and though my eye felt a little sore.  When we started to bed it was quite swollen.  I have a sty, sigh.   I do have a ready treatment here as I get this occasionally.  I applied the first dose before bed and got up at some point during the night to apply a second.  By the third dose this morning I was beginning to see some results already.

I stripped the bed and bathroom this morning and put a very large load of clothes on to wash right away.  As soon as those came out of the washer, I had a second smaller load of clothing to wash.  All were hung to dry except our underthings which we tend to toss into the dryer.  It keeps the elastic snappy.

John made us breakfast, just eggs and toast.  I puttered about the house gathering trash and remaking the bed and putting out fresh towels in the bathrooms and picking up in general.  Eventually we got ready to leave the house.

John had a whole list of things he was looking for today.  Some were simply to be priced, some were to actually be purchased today.  We went to his favorite DIY store, Lowes.   I wasn't sure I was even up to walking about the place today but I gave in easily to his urging to just come in for a bit.  There were some things he really did want my input on.

I was pleased when he insisted we go in through the garden center (we were able to park under a shade tree near that entrance.  "Don't you want flowers?"  Indeed I do!  However, just last night I had said I was done spending and done I shall be.  I know from past experience that the current flowers in the center are meant for much cooler weather than we have at present or are the last seedling plants of summer plants which will succumb to the cooler temperatures shortly.  So yes, I can wait.

We looked at Christmas trees but apparently a 4 ft tree of the style I want is not to be had.  I'll keep looking until I find something suitable.  There was a decent priced 6 foot tree but I really don't want one that big.

As we passed by the birdseed John insisted I get a fresh bag for our feeder.  And a suet block and feeder.  He knows I really enjoyed watching my birds last winter.   To this one thing I said "Yes, please..."

We did okay in the store, carefully choosing what we did buy.

Then we went out to lunch.  We opted for a Mexican restaurant I like that John always insists is closed.  Too bad for him today that just as he said "'s closed...." a woman walked up to the door, opened it and went in, lol.   We had a lunch special and spent less than we would have for burgers and sodas.  

After leaving we discussed eating out in general.  We're not fancy people.  We don't eat at five star places but we do have a standard.  I remarked today that the food we ate was fresh and tasted so.  "Did you know the last time I picked up Chinese that every item they cooked was frozen?  I can do that myself at home from frozen."   John agreed.  We're looking for options where we might easily afford to eat out more often but we feel it's worth the spending to go.  Truth told, we'll likely not eat out more than twice a month but we are trying to build up a repertoire of places we feel are worthwhile for us.

While we were chatting, I thought we were just taking a long way home but no, he treated us to an ice cream cone and then we headed home, going the longer way around.  We remarked on changes all along our route.   A new pole barn here, a new carport there, a new house in that spot, a new fence about a grove of pecan trees. Nothing exciting to others but noteworthy to us, as the roadway is familiar if not traveled as often as in the past.

Home once more, we finished up our chores.  I brought clothes in off the line and folded them.  John vacuumed.  I put bread on to bake for Shabbat.  When our chores were done, we had coffee.

Meals:  Eggs, Toast

Mexican Lunch  Special, Ice Cream Cone

We have a variety of leftovers: chicken salad, pimento cheese, and corn dog muffins.  We'll take our personal choice when we get ready to eat.

That's our week...How was yours?



Lana said...

On the subject of eating out, our eyes have been opened with all the restaurant food at the discount grocery this year. We have seen entrees from Olive Garden, McDonald's hash browns and burgers, Little Caesars chicken wings, Starbucks mixes for all kinds of drinks, slices of frozen meatloaf, little trays of single serve pasta dishes that go in the microwave, the square fish portions from McDonald's and chicken tenders and portions of every description and so much more. I wouldn't cook like this at home so why pay $12-15 for an entrée that was run through the deep fryer or the microwave? For months now we get lukewarm food when we go out for breakfast even if the restaurant is busy. This one is a mystery since we have eaten at these restaurants for years and all that has changed is the virus.. We end most months with over half of our eat out budget leftover since we have not been eating out as much. We had quite a bit of cash from this budget so this week we bought a new TV with that money. Our TV was a family hand me down and had irksome bad sound. I figure we will enjoy this new TV more than eating out.

We are still working through all the pantry storage and rearranging and taking stock. So far we have only needed some dry black beans. We did not have as much pasta as I thought we did but still probably 35 pounds total. This week Aldi finally had pumpkin and diced tomatoes but I was already stocked from other stores.

Our grandchildren in Germany are getting their own rooms. They have wanted to be together ever since they have had each other but now they are growing up. Our daughter found pink velvet curtains for almost nothing clearance at Ikea. Granddaughter is smitten. She has spent a lot of time just hugging her fabulous curtains.

All the tender plants are in the garage for the weekend since we are having our first really cold nights but will come back out on Sunday. We still have some outdoor chores to finish but we are about ready to turn our thoughts to cozy cold weather and enjoying soups and hot beverages.

Have a great weekend all!

Anne said...

Love the sweater outfit for the baby, really well done.

What is a "waterfall" cardigan?

Liz from New York said...

Your daughter is so talented! That sweater is gorgeous. I had an elderly neighbor that knitted sweaters, hats and booties for all my kids when they were born. So priceless. I’m laughing about aches and pains, some mornings me and hubby wake up and compare pain😂 now I know I’m getting old. I liked your description of kisses, it’s true, grammas have holes where kisses should be, and I’m so thankful that I have grandkids to cuddle. I totally agree with you and Lana. I’m not paying good money to eat out, when it’s stuff I can make at home. The only chain restaurants I will go to are Red Lobster, and Applebee’s, and only for specific food I can’t nail the taste of at home. I love the oriental chicken salad at Applebee’s. I haven’t nailed the dressing recipe. I love red lobster for their lobster artichoke dip, but I’m seriously sure they open a bag and heat it. Small vice. Anne, a waterfall sweater has extra fabric that cascades down the front, which is longer than the back. I have a few, but donated them, make me look bigger and too much fabric. I like a sleeker look, one that covers my butt lol. Anyway, have a great week! Liz

Anne said...

Liz, unless I missed it, quite possible, I have not seen that style here in So Cal. Although we have had every weird hem possible in the last few years. Lots of hems that are straight across in front and then hang down over the backside. Hems that are longer on the sides than the front and the back, possibly called the "shark bite"???

But I'm also in the old gal school, straight all the way around is fine, especially in sweaters and jackets.

Deanna said...

That baby sweater and hat are adorable!

I bought a classic cardigan from Old Navy a few weeks ago and liked it so well I bought it in two more colors. I just checked and they do have it in plus sizes (some). I like it because it's not heavy. I wanted something light to wear indoors to extend my summer dress wearing into fall and warmer winter days. They are having a great sale right now so if you need another, you might check it out (or others who are reading this might be interested).

Lana said...

Liz, Yes the artichoke dip is always in stock. Huge frozen bag for 2.99. Now I know where that comes from. They always have huge frozen bags of soups too for 2.99 a bag. Today I am thawing a bag of pizza Hut meat sauce that was $1 for five pounds. We are going to prep a huge pan of pasta for the neighbors whose Mom is dying of cancer.

Liz from New York said...

Lana where do you shop that you find all those things? I never see anything g like that in stores. I don’t eat that but it would be awesome for my kids. Nothing like that in Costco. My son would love to have that for snacks. He eats like a horse lol

Lana said...

Liz, Wise Buys and S&A Discount Grocery are our local stores. These kinds of stores are all over the place here. I find that Googling ' discount grocery store' will sometimes find them.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again