Diary of a Homemaker's Week: First Week of January '21


Saturday:  We had a very quiet New Year's Day here.  Just me and John and the rain.  I didn't do a thing except an extended Bible study in the morning.  We had a Submarine sandwich that we ate for our midday meal, with the last of the Christmas cookies, a soda and chips.  We paid far too much for that silly sandwich but we sure did enjoy it.  It made us feel we'd done something special for New Year's and that was what we'd meant to do.

Today was not a quiet Shabat day as we'd usually like to have.  We'd had a rather desperate housebound Daddy text asking please could we take the boys.  They do live in a small house and it had been raining for two days.  I told him we'd take them for the midmorning to mid-afternoon time frame and I quickly made plans.  I found pizza dough in the freezer yesterday and set it out to thaw.  The boys love pizza almost as much as they like pancakes.

I had time to do another lovely long Bible study before they arrived this morning.  They came running over on the field path between our two homes, and through the gap we cut in the hedgerow.  It's not really a gap...You can drive a  big SUV through it, but I'll call it a gap, anyway.   John loves watching them run across the yard and always goes to the door to greet them.  I like to wait until they knock and then I knock back and ask "Who's there?!"   They always get a kick out of that.  John tends to throw open the door before they can get to it and greets them joyfully.  I hope they remember the welcome they always got when they came here.

Both boys wanted to watch videos on our Kindles and that's fine for a limited amount of time.  Then I ask them to put the tablets away and tell them to play.  I used my imagination today and built a tent from chairs and a quilt and we piled it full of pillows to sleep on.  I used blocks to make a campfire pit and a funny cloth ball that has flame colored fabric on it was our fire.  We used the play dishes to cook meals and then we went hunting for food and cooked it over our fire before going to bed each night.   We even brought in the stuffed doggies and put out a pan of 'water' for them.   We had a grand time and the boys seemed to join fully in the spirit of playing our imaginary camping.  So much so that when I suggested we go fishing ,  Isaac looked up quite seriously and said "Gamma, I no like eatin' pish."  LOL  

After that I made pizza and the boys played with toys for a bit and we had a long chatty lunch.  Josh won my heart all over again when he said "When I'm big and grown up, I'm going to bring my children to see you...What will they call you?"  I thought a minute and said "Well your children will be great grandchildren and a second generation...Why not Gramma Gramma?"  He liked that and then said "But wait!  How old will you be when I'm grown up?"  "How old do you think you'll be when you're that grown?"  "About 30..."  "Then I'll be 85."  "That's really old!"  "Yep, it is...and I hope I live that long.  My granny lived to be 95..."  His eyes got wide at that.  "Will you come see me if I get to be that old Josh?"  "Yes, I will!" he told me and was solemn as could be about it.  

I hope he remembers that, too when he grows up.  So many young people think anyone over twice their age are really old, but I grew up with all sorts of great aunts and uncles and great grandparents and I learned early to appreciate the love and joy older folks had for us children.  I felt quite comfortable with them all and never looked askance at anyone because of their age.   

The boys were quiet after lunch.  Isaac was obviously ready for a nap and came to curl up in my lap and watch tv.  When I said it would soon be time to go home he didn't cry but simply said "Otay."  I knew he was tired when he didn't argue.

After the boys left, I read two more parts of my book.  I've really enjoyed this novel and think I might look up more of L'Amour's work, in the near future.  I have lots of books to read, though, both new books and old friends.

The rest of the day passed peaceably and nothing much to say about it.

Meals:  Bagels       

Pizza made at home   

Cream of Tomato Soup, leftover sub sandwich  I used the leftover tomato sauce from the pizza in the can of soup, then added milk.  John really does prefer Campbell's soup if we're eating it but I had only Aldi.  The difference is color and I think the Aldi soup is a wee bit less sweet.  I don't mind using the Aldi soup in my casserole dishes.

Sunday:  One of my more wretched nights of lying awake for hours and hours and falling asleep only to awaken and lie awake for more time and then getting up very early.  John said something to me, and I said "I'm Grumpy."  "Nooooo....You remind me more of Snow White..."   That man!  He did get a smile from me at that. 

We left home in plenty of time to arrive at church on time.  I always consider that a bonus on these sorts of mornings.

Our pastor spoke on something this morning that resonated with me.  I think there's a post in there...I made notes and will see how it comes together.

After church we went to the supermarket.  I have long since said goodbye to last month's budget.  So why in the grocery today?  Because tuna was on sale, at long last, after months of empty-ish shelves of all but the most expensive sorts.  I picked up 4 four packs of plain old tuna at 62c a can.  And I didn't even look to see if it's oil packed or water packed!  I just wanted the tuna, period.   I also wanted to get some frozen ravioli  that was an excellent price, about 10c a pound.  I got two big bags because I know they won't go bad and it is something I typically keep on hand, though I've leaned more towards dry shelf stable the last few years because I seldom found a good buy at Aldi on the frozen.

John has helped the grocery budget go a bit deeper off rail.  He spied a smoked turkey breast.  We often see the whole smoked turkeys this time of year but never just a smoked breast.  I said we should get it and slice it for sandwich meat.  And then he spied Chinet plates.  We looked and looked and looked over the holidays,  starting before Thanksgiving, for Chinet plates to use for  our family days.  Not one to be found.  Well he found them today on our way to getting the Ravioli and whole end cap filled to the maximum right at the end of the freezers with nothing but Chinet paper plates.  We got them NOW so we'll have them later.

And then we came home.  I contemplated the sunshine that shone in the windows at me and decided that a 30 minute ride home in sunshine counts as time spent in the sun.

Once home, we finished some household chores and then I made our dinner.  We'd bought cold fried chicken on Thursday and I reheated it on paper towels in a low oven.  I baked a sweet potato for John and I, a regular potato for Katie and a big salad for us all.  I went ahead and washed lettuce and cut carrots and red cabbage for salads later this week.  

Taylor was in a wonderfully good mood today.  She's never in a bad mood mind you...She's always pretty even tempered but today she was in an exceptionally good mood.  She ran to hug John right away and climbed into my lap for a deep long hug later in the visit.   She did talk John into giving her enough money for a chocolate doughnut with sprinkles.   He had given his small bills in the church offering today and went scrambling about the cars looking for loose change, lol.  

I thought for sure, once they'd gone on, that I'd nap this afternoon, as I typically do on a Sunday but I didn't.   John went off to play guitar and I sat here reasoning that if I were to keep Caleb tomorrow (a last minute thing) I should do what I wanted to get done while the sun was shining (literally and figuratively).  So I went out and picked up my rose and lantana clippings and carried them across the yard.  Three trips to do that job and then the long walk into church and the grocery today...I got my walking in today and my sunshine as well.   I found lamp harps in the shed and took out a handful of things I'd already set aside to go out there even though I haven't begun decluttering quite yet.

I confess I was feeling mighty sorry for myself as I worked outdoors and thought of what I should do once indoors.  Yes, indeed.  I had a right rotten point of view about life in general and won't bother you all with details because I did get rather peeved with myself for my own poor attitude.  I've had time with three lovely grandchildren, time in the sunshine, a good church service...Gracious!  Why such a sudden downturn in my life?  No good reason at all.  

I came indoors to put the new harps on my lamps and cursed the things...The harps wouldn't fit, the tops proved to be so jiggly that they practically fell off...It's not the tops but the light sockets is what I mean. And that set John's mind to fix the thing he could see bothered me.  And he did!  My husband used an ingenious method to correct the problem, did some rewiring of one lamp and now they both work lovely.  However...lol, one of the shades is now too small!  I need it to be about 2 inches longer.

I sorted out my desk top which looked a horror and then came in to read from my book.   Katie came back by to leave my jacket and tell me I wouldn't be keeping Caleb tomorrow after all.  I was both relieved and disappointed.  I haven't seen him in a few days now and I miss him, but I also haven't done a thing I'd meant to do last week and now here I am with a new week full of things to do.  We chatted about this and that and ten other things and then I went out to the porch to see her off.  

It was cold out there!  No wonder she'd borrowed my jacket.   I looked up at the sunset streaked sky and saw a jet flying, it's jet stream a ribbon of coral pink behind it.   It seemed a fitting close to a day that had been far more lovely than my foolish self deserved.

Meals:  Oatmeal with Raisins    

Gramma's Fried Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Salad, Rolls

???  Can't remember!!!  Oh yes I do!  We had hot dogs.  I remember asking Katie to stay and she said "No thanks, I'm going home to make spicy Chicken sandwiches."  And then Chad texted her to bring home hot dog buns and she said "Oh!  I guess I'm having hot dogs, after all!" 

Monday:  Around the 1st of the year, Chris left me a lovely comment and a blog to check out where a quote had been posted.  I headed right on over to read the post here, at Dewena's Window.   

This morning when I woke I was about as grumpy as yesterday.  Not lack of sleep this time but one of those frustrating dreams that has a bevy of frustrating situations preventing one from doing what one must get done.  Sort of the way I've felt about the past 10 days if you want to know the truth of it.  

While I had my morning coffee, I journaled about the dream and then went on to write my thoughts about the quote shared in the aforementioned blog.    The idea of a new year having 12 rooms appealed to me.  While Faith Baldwin suggests that every room is swept clean, organized, pretty and freshened up with flowers, I've envisioned more of an empty house with 12 rooms and I get to start from scratch making each one both comfortable and beautiful.   The idea of decorating a room appeals to me greatly and hence my thoughts grabbed hold of the idea of an empty room.

I considered what January had brought me thus far: a lovely day at home reading and on Saturday a pleasant time playing with the two little boys.  On Sunday, I had a lovely visit with Taylor and Katie and the pleasure of adding to my pantry.

I decided that I'd take time each day to write out what the day before had held that was pleasurable, beautiful, comforting, sweet...In other words, I'd fill each 'room' with gratitude of various sorts and at the end of the year, I could walk through my house of 2021 and read once again of all the lovely things with which I had furnished my 'home'.   Much better than reading how I'd gotten myself in a fit of pique and felt sorry for myself after, agreed?

I laugh now because today went. I make my plans and before I get started, plans suddenly change.  This morning, John wanted to vacuum the living room deeply.  Far be it from me to complain that I hadn't planned to vacuum deeply today if someone else is more than willing to do it.  Trouble is that when John does things, somehow my help is always required.  So I helped.  And as I was helping, I happened to glance down at the table where his phone was and see the screen lit with Bess's name on it.   I picked it up and called her right back.  

Sam's paternal grandmother passed away this past weekend and they were going to the funeral today.  That's why Katie had asked me to keep Caleb, because Bess had planned to watch him but she was going to the funeral with Sam today.  Her mom was meant to be watching the trio over the field but due to a miscommunication she was running late.   Could John please come sit with the boys?   I was free so I volunteered to run over and watch them until Jenny could get there.  

Well the house was in mayhem.  I might chuckle over it at the moment but I am sure it was beyond stressful to the family.  Millie had fallen and bumped her chin and when she started crying, so did Isaac.   Bess was nursing Millie to soothe her down but Isaac was wailing his heart out on the couch and no one had time to baby him.   Josh kept popping up around me telling me about their new kittens.  Sam looked like a thundercloud as he was trying to get out of the door and get on the road.  Does it sound chaotic?  It was...

I picked up Isaac and asked what the matter was and discovered he'd mashed his toe, not crying because Millie had cried as was supposed by his parents.  I offered to kiss his toe, which made him laugh and had him wiggle it and pronounced it just fine.    Isaac was happy with the attention.  Josh was still in his pajamas and I told him to get dressed.  "But I'm waiting for Gammy to see them!"  "Did she give them to you for Christmas?"  "Yes."   "That's nice that you want to show her you like them.  We'll wait for Gammy and you can get dressed after she's seen you."   Bess brought the baby to me and asked Sam to put her car seat in the car and he refused.  "She can stay here with the boys!"  "But I don't have any extra breast milk for her..."  "She eats...she'll be fine..."   Bess commanded Josh to put on his clothes and he wailed "But I'm waiting for Gammy to see my pajamas!"  Isaac wanted attention from his parents, and failing to get it decided to pester one of the older cats.  Bess told him to stop and he kept on.  Bess tried to get a water bottle and things fell from the fridge.  Sam came stomping into the house looking for Bess who was still uncertain about leaving Millie at home. Isaac started crying because the cat had used her claws to make him stop...I gathered him up as parents yelled that it served him right and Bess fretted one more time about Millie.     "She'll be fine..." I reassured Bess, as I held Isaac and soothed him.  He quieted down and I took Millie from her.   

I am sure it's more than Jenny had bargained for...even I haven't braved all three of the children at once until that moment... and I was only staying until Jenny arrived!   I shooed Bess out of the door and assured her I'd pass along lunch instructions to her mom.

Millie made it plain to me that she wanted to get down on the floor and play, so I had the boys bring one of her toys into the living room.   I grabbed a basket of laundry and folded the clothes because it was there to be done and I figured it would be a help.  It seemed to settle the children down to see me folding clothes.  Isn't it amazing how they pick up immediately on the quiet rhythm of housework being done and they  get calm?   I felt like at least an hour and a half had passed instead of the 15 minutes that was the most likely time frame.

Jenny soon arrived with apologies and I assured her it had been no problem.  I told her the instructions Bess had left with me.  Josh had shown Jenny his pajamas and gone right off to change his clothes.  I told Jenny if she needed me to call and went out the door.  Josh sweetly helped me down the porch steps and ran inside to help Gammy with whatever she needed.   I drove home and was shocked that I had only been there about 35 minutes.

I put sheets in the washer, and started to get ready to go out to do my errands which took longer than I'd thought it might.  I wasn't just getting dressed but also gathering stuff to go with me.  I hung out the clothes eventually and came in to kiss John goodbye.  "Where are you going?"  "To do the errands we've been talking of all weekend long!"  "I was going to go with you."  'I thought you were too but you didn't get ready, so I figured I was going on my own..."  I could see in an instant that the idea of my going off without him hurt him.  Honestly, I'd just been telling myself I needed to get in the habit of doing a few things on my own once more.   

So I settled to do Bible study while John got ready.  It was nearing 12 and I really wanted to be in town before the post office closed for lunch at 12:30.   I was sure we were going to make it just fine when John checked his phone and discovered he'd gotten a reply to an email.  "Just let me do this one thing..."  Sigh.  I could see that getting to the post office before it closed was a dream.  

We finally left home after 12:30.  Just before we left I called the bank, the one I needed to visit to get into our safety deposit box.  We'd attempted to do this on Thursday when I realized I didn't have my key with me.  We'd said we'd do it on Monday.   Well no we won't do it on Monday either.  The lobby has been closed and opened by appointment only for months.  As of today it's only open for absolute necessity.  I couldn't deem my need to put an item in as an absolute necessity but it bothered me that even an appointment wasn't allowed now...I told John that this has made me think twice about having important paperwork in a safety deposit box.  I think we're going to look into a home safe, one rated for fires, which is my only concern  really.

Well we finally left home and we did get errands done but not all we'd planned obviously.  I went into a grocery in the next town to see if I could get some items I've been unable to find elsewhere...like turkey Spam and canned greens.   No luck on the Turkey Spam.  I stocked up on canned greens and pimento.   I told John this was my intent this month, to stock my pantry, not to buy groceries for eating right now so much.   It was now about 2pm and I was hungry.  My breakfast had long since worn off.  

I offered to pay for burgers if he'd go to the drive thru.  Happily, John's as keen to go to the graveyard to have lunch as I am, lol.  "We'll go see your friend..." he said, meaning Elizabeth Slappey, wife of Jacob. I guess between the ride and sitting in the sunshine eating our impromptu picnic lunch I got my dose of sunshine today.   

We stopped at the post office to do our last errand there and John was greeted by former co-workers who live in town.  They chatted for a long time.  I knew that visit was good medicine for him so quietly got in the car and waited.  

When we got home it was 4pm.  I took clothes off the line, looked up paper work that John needed, put away groceries, and started supper.  I looked at the clock and said "Great!  It's 4:30 and I still have time to do some of the extra work."   I started my declutter of the cabinets.  I got one whole section of cabinets done and have a pile of things in the kitchen floor to go out to the shed, some for donation and some to put away for another time.  I worked until 5:30.  That was quitting time.

This was not the day I planned.  It was the day I was given and I took it and tried my best to make it a good day, without whining, without complaining, without fretting.    Today I did.    Yesterday, I did not.   I want to do the better thing more often.

Meals:  Waffles, Variety of sausages     

Burger meal deal from BK    

Red Beans and Rice

Tuesday:  I set my alarm for 7:15a.m., determined to rise a little earlier.  The alarm went off and I immediately shut it off.  Did I get up?  I did not.  Nor did I go back to sleep.  I lay abed until John got up and left the room, a little less than 20 minutes later.  Then I pushed myself to get out of bed and start my day.  I will  set my alarm again tonight for tomorrow morning.  I'll keep right on setting it, too, until I manage to meet my goal of rising at 7:15.

Again today, I made time for quiet coffee.  I had all my breakfast ingredients out and ready to start our meal.  But coffee...I'm giving up coffee for the next few weeks so I thought I'd take time to enjoy this one.  It was appreciated since the house was a little cool when we got up.   No fear I'll be cold these weeks ahead.  I'll have hot tea.  I restocked my cupboard today from my pantry and I've a nice selection.  Darjeeling, Lapsang Souchong, Peach, Black.  

After I made breakfast and cleared it away, I did my housework and then Bible study and finally started cleaning and organizing cabinets once more.  Not so much to remove this time, a mere handful of items.  I've contemplated switching pots and pans and appliances about but John's finally gotten used to having them the way they are...Still, to move the pots and pans over with the frying pans and to put the waffle iron, blender and toaster in the island...Does it make sense?   It sounds sensible but I need to see how the baking pans would fit that other space.   However, the cabinet above and the drawer of the island are neat and nice at the moment.

I found cookies and doughnuts John had bought for me a week or so ago (just a small packet of minis) and we added those to our lunch.  

After lunch, I had a spell of quiet work and then went back to the kitchen.  I started supper prep cooking in the crockpot and made a breakfast casserole and croutons from the bread end pieces I had in the freezer.   John seemed excited to have a breakfast casserole for tomorrow's breakfast.  

When I was all done, I told John I was making coffee and going to sit on the back porch in the sun.  I invited him to join me.  I set up our chairs at the end of  the porch, where we'd get full sun and we settled in and had the nicest talk about our spirit lives.  A murder of crows went to screaming across the field and then when it was all quiet an owl gently enquired "Who? Who?"    A hawk glided on the current above us.   The sun nearly blinded us when we went out but John brought out sunglasses and ball caps to shield our eyes.  The longer we sat the lower the sun went until the sunglasses nor cap was necessary.  

I went in to check the roast and get bird seed to refill the feeder and discovered we'd sat a full hour on the back porch.  I'd say I got my sun time in today very well.  John insisted on refilling the feeder. I can perfectly well go up those steps to reach that feeder but he insisted.   I put out a suet block when we filled the feeder in late autumn, but the birds have done nothing much with it.  I'm thinking they couldn't get to it where it was, so we removed it from the holder and laid it in a deep broad crotch of the pecan tree where they might get to it better.

John went indoors and I took the compost bucket out to empty and then walked about the yard for a bit.  I stared off into the woods and noted how there are natural meadows and how in other places the trees are now so big and tall that nothing will grow under them so you can see far back into the property.   It's all strange to me, having moved here with it all cleared off and now we're surrounded by 20 year old trees...It's interesting, a familiar land with an unfamiliar landscape.  A lot like these autumn years of life, familiar but things look different enough to make it seem unfamiliar.

Meals:  Cheese Eggs, Bacon, Toast     

Leftover burgers and pizza    

Mississippi Pot Roast (made with venison), Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans  I was iffy about this when it came time to serve.  It smells different than beef and it wasn't exactly a yummy smell...but I tasted it and it tasted just like Mississippi Pot Roast made with a Chuck Roast but leaner.  This is one instance where I didn't mind a bit adding a stick of butter to the pot.  I think it needed the fat.   There are plenty of leftovers which I think I'm going to turn into Philly Cheesesteaks or something along that line.

Wednesday:  The kitchen declutter/organization mission is finished, as is the back entry, laundry area and the only thing wanted in the sitting area is for me to haul the things I decluttered out to the shed.  I am contemplating taking the green goblets and the hand mixer out there as well, since we don't use either one at present.  I'll sort the glasses out on a shelf so they  won't be in any danger of getting broken.  It feels good to know it's all been gone through and what's in the kitchen now is pretty much what I typically use in any given week.

While I was in the kitchen this morning, I mixed up applesauce muffins.  John's doing a sugar fast, so the streusel topping and added sweetness I'd meant to give the muffins didn't happen, but I put in some raisins, used whey and a dollop of sour cream and the muffins turned out fine.  

I also made homemade mac n cheese for Bess, whose birthday is today.  She's easy to please when it comes to birthday foods.  Josh came down with her to pick up the birthday cards he and Isaac left here on Saturday.  They each chose a card from my stash and signed their names to it.  Josh, bless him, is doing really well these days with reading and writing.  Isaac had a perfect "I" and then a free hand scrawl for his signature but it will be a sweet reminder to Bess one day of a little boy eager to give mama a card.

Josh is not back at school as first planned when they went on break.  I'd felt sure I overheard John's EMS couple mention that school wasn't going back until January 11 and that is iffy.  True the virus numbers are higher than they've been but not alarmingly so and certainly not fearfully so.  Schools and a few businesses are closed  or closed to the public but not employees.   I haven't seen an unmasked face in months and frankly I'm getting weary of staring at people's eyes to see if they are smiling.   Thank goodness for those whose eyes crinkle at the corners.  People are really trying hard to keep the six feet or more distance.  In our little post office that means you can have one person at the counter, one person six feet behind, one person outside the door in the main lobby and one person outside the entryway door.   Yet all do it and no one complains about it in the least.   We've experienced the same everywhere we've been.  I'm glad that people are trying so hard to keep this business contained, but I wonder at times if we aren't actually living our new normal.

John and I took coffee and tea on the back porch.  Since he didn't want anything sweet, I had a slice of the homemade fruitcake which is good.  Not as good as the lovely dark rich one I was sent but good.  I'll try Pat's recipe next time,  now that I've written it down.  It had been buried in the comments.  I have it now where it's handy to me when I want to make it later this year.  I don't mind practicing on cakes until I find the one I like best.

We are having some lovely conversation sitting on the sunny end of the porch.  No tv, no phone and no internet to distract us.  Just us two and the two dogs who must join us.  Maddie grabs her deer skull and gnaws with her eyes closed.   Charley Rufus lies at my feet and soaks up the sun, just like John and I.   It's a nice interlude to take that break mid afternoon and we really enjoy it.    I'll definitely make a point to have us do this every afternoon that the weather cooperates with us.  I think we'll get more good than just what the sun has to give us.

While we were out there, UPS came up to make a delivery.  I took money Mama gave me for Christmas and ordered a DVD player that is HDMI compatible so I can watch my Christmas DVD set (and all the others I own) that I got from John and a new Bible.  I don't need a new Bible.  I have all sorts of Bibles and I enjoy each one for different reasons but I got this one because it appealed to me.  It's pretty for one thing.  And there are places to make notes on the side bars or an image to color on other pages.  The end pages are beautifully gilded and illustrated on this Bible.   It's the NLT which I don't own and sometimes prefer to read.

I think I'll enjoy it as I tend to write all over my Bibles.  It's the only book I allow myself to write in though now that I've had some of my most dearest book friends for a number of years and don't mean to let them leave, I will make a penciled check mark next to a quote that moves me deeply, or pencil in the definition of a word with which I'm not familiar.

Another lovely day has been passed.  Now it's time to prepare our simple supper.  I hope your day was as productive and pleasant as mine.

Meals:  Breakfast Casserole  I'd meant to make fruit salad to go with this but then I didn't...We had plenty to eat and enough for another generous serving another morning.

leftover Red Beans and Rice, Orange (Gathered from fridge), Applesauce Muffin (applesauce was gathered too)

Cubed Steak, Mac n Cheese, Salad, Rolls

Thursday:  John got up in the wee morning hours and I stayed awake until he came back to bed.  I think it was about 6:30 a.m. then.  I dozed off and the alarm went off at 7:15.  I got myself out of bed because we had plans for today.   

First, I went to fill the tea kettle and start it heating up.  I  looked out the window and groaned as I saw the frost on the ground.  I'd forgotten to cover my plants last night!  Ugh.  If I'd remembered them I'd have brought them indoors.   I don't like to let them stay out overnight when it goes into the 30's.  Typically I cover them if it's going down into the mid 40's.  I completely forgot them last night and it had been 31.  I had no idea what I might find whenever I went to check them.

The lawn was frosty white, but the sky...Oh that sky was pearly gray and pink and deep dark blue-gray clouds.  It was lovely.  I stood there at the window looking, shivering with cold, just soaking it all in.  What's a few chill bumps when beauty is right outside the kitchen window?

I showered, dressed, and still John didn't move.  I went on to the kitchen and started my first cup of tea, laid out breakfast items and then settled to do Bible study.    My new Bible arrived yesterday and I rued that I hadn't enough time to color a page today, but the study itself was more important to me this morning. I knew we were going to do several things and I wanted to be primed for the day.   

I started breakfast and contemplated the time.  John was still sleeping...I decided to let him get a little more rest before I got him up for the morning.   I finished the Scripture writing exercise for the day and then I went to wake John.   He dressed, we had breakfast and then we did the other little tasks that we needed to do before leaving home.

It was our first time at Senior Adult Bible class.  It was okay.  I am getting to know a few people and  enjoyed the sermon/teaching part of it.   Today we were served lunch as well, a lovely chicken noodle soup that was made from scratch and really was a good dish for a dreary looking winter day.  I received a gift from our small group leader today, Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.   I was very happy about receiving this book and told him so before I thanked him.   I had been eyeing that book for the past week but had already ordered my book for the month.    

I allow myself one book or vintage magazine per month, with a limit of $20 to spend.  If the book I want doesn't cost $20, I don't order another.  I can get carried away ordering books so the one book limit is a rule I try to adhere too unless I find an absolute treasure in a thrift store or junk shop.  I don't pass up the rare finds...  Remember my Bible order was from Christmas gift money, so I don't count that as my one book for the month.

Which reminds me I've not pulled out January magazines and last month I ordered a set of vintage magazines (3 to the sale lot) and one was a new January issue.  I must remember to pull those out before the weekend is upon us.  I fancy a snuggling in sort of weekend with reading.

Speaking of reading, I've just finished the Louis L'Amour book today.  I had only one short chapter to go but had been busy enough this week that taking time to do any  but Bible reading was a struggle.  However, this afternoon it was pouring rain when we got home.  No sitting on the back porch soaking up sun for us.  Instead, I took up my book with a cup of Peppermint Tea and finished off the story.  It was really quite good!  How The West Was Won by Louis L'Amour.

After we left Bible study today we went to Target for the 'big' sale on cleaning/household.  Not so much this year.  They cut the sale by 5% reducing the amount required to earn the gift card and the gift card amount, too.   Then as we went over the aisles adding things to the buggy, I realized that lots of things weren't included at all this year.  Paper products were limited to facial tissue only or aluminum foil and parchment paper.   Cleaning supplies were limited to laundry only.   You could buy all you wanted of storage bags.   What's more though, not only did they not include toilet paper and paper towel but there was a limit of ONE of each per household.  I bought the largest packet of store brand basic paper towel (I think that was six rolls) and the largest packet of store brand toilet paper (12 rolls) but neither counted toward the gift card.   I was pretty disgusted with the sale overall, if you want to know.  I bought only what we needed today, regardless of sale and we came away without a gift card.  I won't bother to go back next week.   I'm afraid I've just experienced another new normal.

We ran an errand across town, depositing money into the credit union, replacing what we'd taken out for Christmas gifting this year (Thank you stimulus) and John was able to get a paper he needs to return by mail notarized while he was there.   That was a happy blessing.   Then we drove back to  the grocery where we prefer to shop  (when we're not at Aldi) and bought chicken breasts while they were on sale.   John must have been tired because he stayed in the car and asked if I 'needed' him.  I assured him I didn't and went on in to do my business.  I bought the chicken breasts, tangerines and orange juice (an easy way to satisfy his sweet tooth without sugar), cheese and cabbage.  

Having checked my grocery budget, I think I want to quit at this point and see how long I can hold out until we really are out of things.    I am not eating the foods we bring in right now, the ones I've stocked up this month.  We are eating from the pantry and freezer supplies we had when January was brand new.  I still have eggs, milk, lettuce though not a month's worth but still...If I can hold out one or two weeks, I will.

When we headed home this afternoon the rain came pouring down.  The house was a little chilly.  We'd never turned up the heat this morning.  I put on the tea kettle and the coffee pot so we could have something warm to drink, then turned up the heat.  Maddie was at the back door impatiently doing her biscuit dance the whole while, lol.   She's looking rather old to be doing the biscuit dance but she does it every time we come home.  John gave her a doggy biscuit and then shut the door with a "Brrrr!" vocalized as he did so.

We haven't done a thing this afternoon really.  Supper was super simple and easy and took minimum work to put together.  John raved over it when I served it up.  We've enough for a second meal though I wouldn't have thought it possible.

And as I did dishes this evening, I looked out the window and saw ragged clouds tinged with pink.  The wind rattled the window and the tree branches outside but it couldn't chase away that lovely sky of pink and deep blue-gray just yet.  I felt I'd come full circle except the yard was considerably wetter than this morning.   It's been a lovely day...

Meals:   Applesauce Oatmeal Muffins, Cheese Cube, Boiled Egg

out at Senior Adult class

Chicken Pot Pie, Cranberry sauce, Tangerine   I added leftover mashed potatoes and green beans to the pot pie mixture which came from the freezer.  It seemed a bit dry, too, so I added an additional cup of chicken broth to it.  I made the pourable crust and baked it.  I had plenty of vegetables in the pot pie and felt we were getting a well rounded meal with it so just served with a side of Cranberry sauce.

Friday:   I went to sleep in the guest room last night.  Not mad or upset but awakened after about 2 hours of sleep by the most awful snores and jerking of covers.  Not my own this time, either...I tried to get John to turn over, and he moved closer to me...Not what I'd had in mind.  I slipped off to the guest room and slept a little off and on.  I won't say it was a bad night because I did sleep.  I just kept waking up and then drifting back off.  I finally woke at 5:45 and lay there looking at the dark window and checked my clock to see what time it was hence why I knew it was 5:45.  I decided that 7:15 was early enough to rise, especially since it's still fairly dark at that time and rolled over to sleep once more.   I woke feeling rested enough.

Apparently so did John because before 9am this morning we'd fed the pets, made the beds, he'd done laundry, I'd made bread and biscuits  and we'd had breakfast...I shook my head in amazement.  We seriously seldom ever have breakfast for 9am and this morning it was finished and all the dishes washed.    I settled to do Bible study and had no guilt at all, with so much of our daily work behind us already.

We puttered about all morning like that and then it was 1:30 and I was hungry.  John finished in the music room and  I started to make lunch and John said "I'm not really hungry..." so I grabbed a snacky sort of lunch, shoved it in my jacket pocket and we went off to town to take off trash and drop off mail that needed to go out.   On the way home a half hour later, John looks at me and says "I guess that was your lunch, huh?"   "Yes."  "Oh."   I looked at him and said "Seriously?  I thought you weren't hungry and wanted to wait until supper."  "I never said that."  Well to be fair, he didn't.  But that was the idea I'd gotten when I'd pointed out that it was almost 2pm at that point and would be later still when we got back from town.   "I guess I'll make myself a sandwich."  "I guess you will."  Cold hearted woman that I am, I was perturbed, lol.   

Quick chores when we returned home and we are done for the week. I have supper in the oven, an idea of what meals we'll eat this weekend is jotted down on paper.  I even went through the fridge and noted what I need to use up in the coming week.

Gathered Fragments:   1 c of buttermilk

                                      1 cup of eggnog

                                      2 servings Chicken Pot Pie

                                      Venison Mississippi Roast

                                      2 servings Breakfast Casserole

                                      6 biscuits

Meals today:  Cubed Steak, Biscuits, Gravy

each on our own

Stuffed Peppers, Creamed Corn, Rolls

That was my week.  How did your first week of January go?


Karen in WI said...

Sounds like your start to the year was lovely! I pray that you get more sleep as I know my day just feels so messed up when I don’t sleep.

Your new Bible looks so beautiful. I love that there is room to write notes. I tried to give up my morning coffee for 2 weeks, but only lasted two days. I really like coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon. Felt like my day was upside down to have tea in the am.

I sent you something, but realized after it had my husband’s name on it...oops. The important thing is that it was sent I guess!

I laughed at the chaos at Sam’s house. I remember times like that when our 4 boys were younger and thank goodness I don’t have to repeat them, though some days I would surely give up teenage/grown son chaos for little boy chaos!!

I made King Arthur Flour’s cranberry orange nut fruitcake and everyone loved it. For the 2 cups of assorted dried fruit, I used half candied lemon and half candied orange. I also added 1 T orange zest. You may want to check it out on their blog. I made my own candied cherries and had enough leftover of everything that I am making another one this weekend to freeze. I really should try this gluten free, but I’m afraid it won’t turn out and there’s a lot of pricey ingredients at stake!

Have a lovely weekend Terri, hugs to you! Off to figure out what in the world to throw together for supper.

terricheney said...

Karen, Now I know who sent it! Thank you very much, it was a lovely surprise.
It was funny the chaos going on at Sam's that morning. It amused me because I remember having those sorts of times in my family life.
I was just about to say "But John doesn't like cranberry and orange..." well never mind. He doesn't like fruitcake either, lol. I could make it for me! I'll go look it up.
In looking at the gluten free recipe on the site, they used 3 cups gluten free measure for measure flour...Surely the same could be substituted for the flour in the cranberry orange cake?

Karen in WI said...

I really should make it gluten free so I won’t feel guilty. I think the worst thing would be that it would turn out a bit dry and crumbly. My husband had never eaten fruitcake before so I was really surprised when he said that he really loved it! I think it’s just delightful with tea or coffee, particularly over the long winter.

Liz from New York said...

My grandkids call my MIL ‘GiGi, for ‘great grandma’ .
It’s an idea. My first week was absolutely awful, truth be told. My son and daughter got in a car accident in Roanoke Va. , and had to have emergency spleen surgery, she had internal bleeding, and I had to jump in the car , 7 hour trip to Roanoke, and not be able to be at her side. The surgery was already over by the time I got there. She’s going to be ok, banged up and sore, but she will recover. I swear, along with other thoughts swirling around my head, I’ve not had the best week. So many troubling things. Anyway, ttyl, Liz

terricheney said...

Liz, I am so sorry to hear this! I will put your daughter on my prayer list and you too! It's been a tough season for you personally and this is like overkill...

Anonymous said...

How lovely!
The first newsletter of the year!
Sounds like you’ve had a busy week Terri, and how wonderful to be involved with your family too. You certainly are a calming influence, although I did smile at the chaos! Lol
I thought I’d had an unproductive week but looking back I can see that sometimes I can be too hard on myself.
I only do minimum cleaning through December with all the holiday decor being around and I suppose giving myself ‘permission’, if you will, to have a sort of rest at the years end... so come January, start of the New Year and all that goes with it, I’m raring to go.
I’ve since come to understand that I tend to ‘overplan’. This first week I’d planned to deep clean each room - a room a day! Along with any necessary decluttering!,,,,
Well that went right out of the window. I did manage to do our bedroom. I felt quite disappointed and to be honest I think it affected my drive. Anyway, the week is done and looking back I can see how much I have achieved and more importantly, I’ve changed how I look at things or how I plan my time.
I’m not beating myself up over what hasn’t gone my way, but appreciating what has gone right and learning from what’s gone wrong.
And like you I’m being thankful for the little things, like good weather, stocked pantry, and importantly good health during this very testing time.
We are currently in another lockdown.....our NHS is becoming overwhelmed and we all need to do our bit .... we are only allowed to travel if it’s essential, we must stay 6 feet apart, wear masks and are not allowed to meet others only our own family we live with. All nonessential shops must close, you can only shop for essentials and not browse and all contact services such as hairdressers etc are closed for the foreseeable future along with gyms cinemas etc..... it makes for very strange times.
Anyway Terri, stay safe and I look forward to the next instalment
Karen xx

terricheney said...

Karen in UK, Give yourself a week in each room to do the hard deep cleaning. A day for routine zone work. We forget we've got other tasks that must be done too and it's impossible to give the full attention to deep cleaning one room per DAY when there's laundry, meals, errands, etc to also be figured into the day.
I know about the lockdown's in UK. We follow several vloggers from England and I've been watching as they get news and deal with the ramifications of it.
In this case, it's the appreciation for the little things that will get us through!

Liz from New York said...

Thanks Terri

Kay said...

I love your long weekly dones posts. :)

And thank you for the "camping" idea. I plan to do it with the Littles the next time we watch them. They get so tired of being inside so much in the winter and right now it's not fit for any little one outside (temps below zero).

And finally, thank you for the 12 rooms idea. I may try it myself.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again