Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Second Week of January 2021


Saturday:  We've had a nice relaxing Shabat in our home.  It was so cold!  It never went over 38F today and the promised sunshine?  Peeked in the window about 4:30 and then slipped behind the clouds again and was never seen again.  Pooh!

We kept the little propane heater on all day long and even so the heat pump would periodically come on in an attempt to keep the temperature up  indoors.   I don't think we ran the propane heater much last year or the year before.  In fact, I distinctly remember feeling sorry for the propane company because they made little money off us those two years.  Perhaps this year will be better for them.  I always figure propane into my budget starting in August since we typically get our first fill-up in September.  Some years the last fill-up comes in March and others it's in April but never beyond that do we see the man unless it's time for tank maintenance.

I was up early this morning and snuggled into my kitchen sitting space with a cozy throw over my legs, a jacket over my shoulders and my fuzzy slippers on my feet.  The dogs were antsy this morning, barking several times at seemingly nothing at all and then I heard a big booming gunshot.  I knew immediately that Sam had gotten his last deer of the season.    Later I texted to confirm and he did.  He'd said he'd like one more to get through until next year and so he has.

Kate came out to spend an hour or so with us because everyone was sound asleep at her house and she wanted company.   It's such a pleasure to have her near enough to drop in and I don't take the blessing of it lightly.  I went many and many a year without my daughters around and I am deeply appreciative of the time I have with her now.    Before Katie left today we arranged to have her and the family come out tomorrow to visit.  I've said I'll make chili which seems fitting given the weather even though it's meant to warm a little.

I don't expect Amie will ever again come South.  North Dakota is more her home than Georgia ever was and truthfully far more of her living has been done in that state than here.  Georgia just formed her, but North Dakota has grown her up.   Her family is there, her children and partner and his parents and friends who support their family and  that's as it should be.  I expect she will stay where her children are likely to stay and raise their own families. 

After Katie left, I continued to color pages in my Bible, on those pages where scripture and illustrations coincided.  I don't have time during the week to color every one but today I did and I enjoyed the creative stretching.   I'm such an achiever, that it bothers me to skip coloring an illustrated page, but I figure I'll have this Bible for years and will read it through many times, and I have all those days ahead to color  pages.

Katie brought me out a lovely winter coat which fits beautifully.  The one I bought a couple of years ago didn't quite fit then and still doesn't though I have lost weight since getting it.  It was a Zulily order and was not eligible for returns.  

Meals today have been super easy.  I had lots of leftovers at end of this past week.

Meals:  Bagels, Cream Cheese, Orange Juice

Philly Pepper Steak Sandwiches on homemade rolls 

Chicken Pot Pie, Waldorf Salad

I did remember to get my January vintage magazines out to look through this month and I have a new stack of books by my chair.  I've chose The Ladies of Missalonghi by Colleen McCullough, The Heart of the Family~ Elizabeth Goudge, Pen & Palate ~Lucy Madison and Tram Nguyen, Give Me One Summer ~ Emilie Loring, Woman at the Window~ Nelia Gardner White.  I am still reading slowly through Tamar Adler's An Everlasting Meal.   

Oh and I did want to share this website with you all that another blogger shared.  It's a link to a college library with 76 vintage cookbooks, some of which sound very interesting.  Find them here at MSU Libraries.

Sunday:  Ever since I started setting my alarm for 7:15, I've begun waking a bit before 6 a.m.  It's rather a nice thing, to lie warm and snug in bed and know that it's cold outside the covers and I have an hour or so before I must rise.   This morning I didn't attempt to go back to sleep.  Instead, I waited quietly for the alarm to go off at 6:15.    That's what time we rise on Sundays so we can attend the early service at church.  

I got up immediately once the alarm did sound and took my shower, then hurried to the kitchen.  We really do have a limited amount of time to get all done as we should leave about 7:45 if we're to make it to church on time.  

I'd cooked a mixture of beef and venison last night to make chili this morning.   I didn't want to to go to church smelling of cooked onions and garlic as one tends to do when making aromatic meals.  I wanted to start the chili in the crockpot before we left home and let it cook while we were gone.  I'd left all the other ingredients sitting on the counter next to the crockpot last night.  I don't trust my early morning brain to remember things I know perfectly well any other time of day.

It was really cold this morning, well below freezing, so when we returned home it was especially nice to walk into the back door and be greeted by warmth, like a gentle hug.  And nicer still, to walk in and smell dinner cooking.  I've said it before, and no doubt shall say it again in the future, that arriving home to smell dinner cooking is perhaps the nicest of things, especially if you happen to be the cook because it's almost as nice as having had someone cook for you.  

I made good on my promise to self to cook rice ahead for the week and to set aside a bit of cornmeal batter for muffins later in the week.  It's a silly thing really but it saves time and thought if one does a few little things like that ahead, even if you happen to be a stay at home wife.  

I made a Pineapple salad, too, while preparing the rest of my meal.  I mused, as we sat at table that this exact menu has been served in my home for nigh on 30 years now and I still find it a pleasant winter meal to have.   

Long ago we served chili over rice to extend it, but also to tone down the spiciness of it for Katie who was a toddler.   I grew up eating cornbread with any type of soupy, broth-y sort of dish.  I make good cornbread, if I do say so.  I learned long ago that the perfect crust could be formed by cooking the batter in a cast iron skillet, preferably a hot skillet.   So there we have our chili over rice, with crispy cornbread and to complement it all a Pineapple salad of cold crisp lettuce and pineapple rings with a bit of mayo and grated cheese.  

Today Katie and Caleb joined us.  I didn't feel he was quite ready for chili just yet, but he ate rice, teensy little cheese cubes, tiny bits of pineapple and a couple of Vienna sausages.  He didn't complain over his dinner at all.  And when he was finished he shouted "Done!" Fortunately, we all finished up about the same time.

After lunch we played.  First John played with him.   John gets down on the floor with him and Caleb will crawl over him and around him and they wrestle gently with each other.  This afternoon John picked up the baby doll and sat her up and for some reason this really bothered Caleb.  He gave a screech and crawled right to it and knocked her over.  When John sat her up again, he gave another screech and knocked her down once more.   It was really quite funny.  He never did stop screeching at the baby doll sitting up, lol.  We've no idea why it was such a big deal to Caleb  but he certainly didn't like it.    It's nothing against the doll herself because later he picked her up and kissed her.

He's such a sweet boy and enjoys his freedom here to roam about the big living room.   He's still not walking.  I feel sure he could if he wanted to but he prefers to crawl.  He walks about holding on to things and now and then he lets go, takes a step or two and then sits down and crawls off.

He and I had our little session of play.  He's just now come to the stage where if I ask him for something he has, he'll  give it to me.  We snuggled and played and then he was sleepy and Katie bundled him up to take him home for a nap.   

Gramma must have needed her nap, too, because when they were all gone, I went right off to sleep in my chair and slept a good hour!

Just a relaxed easy Sunday...Not something I allow myself very often but it was much enjoyed today.

Meals: Toasted Cheese Biscuits

Chili, Rice, Cornbread, Pineapple Salad I have about a quart of chili left as well as a half pan of cornbread. I put one pint of chili in the freezer.  I left out the other because John would love chili mac for lunch one day.  I will cook about a cup of macaroni and add to the chili.   We'll share the last pineapple salad between us.    The leftover cornbread will be used to make stuffing for the turkey breast I'll cook this week.  I was going to use boxed stuffing, but perfectly good cornbread shouldn't go to waste and homemade stuffing is easy enough to make.

Grilled Cheese, Apple Slices, Caramel Milk

Monday:  Oh to share great insights and thoughts with you, today...but alas, no.  I woke from a scary dream and got up to find John gone.  I knew where he'd gone, but had forgotten that he meant to be gone.  

I stripped the bed and sat groggily in my kitchen rocking chair, waiting for the water to heat for the tea, while the laundry washed.   John came home with chicken biscuits in hand for our breakfast.  I did Bible study and that was my morning.  Yes, the full morning.   My sole accomplishments were doing laundry and making our bed afresh.  Whoopee!

Just before lunch time, I put the turkey breast into the oven and made up a pan of stuffing to stuff the breast.  Once that was in the oven, I started to break down the smoked turkey breast we'd bought.  I was right pleased with that.  For $8, I got five packets of sandwich meats and two packets, one of the frame and the other odds and ends, to use to season beans or bean soups.  I think the smokiness will be quite nice for that.

Then I made us lunch and that was my whole work day.   John put on "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" DVD and I took a nap during the part where she goes to meet the publisher.   Missed the whole section and woke myself snoring just as it was all over.

It was gray and dreary today with intermittent rain.  Nothing about the weather to make one feel chipper and energetic.   As soon as the movie was over we had our supper and I broke down the fresh baked  turkey breast.  I put a full baked half breast into the freezer, bagged up the frame and put a container of sliced meat into the fridge along with the leftover stuffing.  Not a stellar day for accomplishment.  I can't even say I sat and read a good bit or even at all.

Meals:  Chicken Biscuit

Breakfast Casserole, Hash Browns

Turkey Breast, Stuffing, Sweet Potato  

Tuesday:  I went to bed shortly after 9pm last night and by 10pm even John had dragged himself in to go to bed.  We were both snugged in and snoozing nicely when I got a text message...

Here's my thing okay?   The message was not from my children who generally don't text me after 10pm anyway.  It was from someone I used to know well and it was a prayer request but...BUT...while I appreciate being asked to pray for both the people she mentioned, they both went into the hospital on Saturday.  Why not ask for prayer then on Saturday afternoon?  Sunday?  Monday morning?  Why wait until late at night on Monday?  

Admittedly I am peevish because I so seldom sleep well and a text coming in at that hour will wake me and once awake...Well I'm not likely to get right back to sleep.  I tried to ignore the text message, because I reasoned a real emergency on anyone's part still necessitates a phone call but of course, I had to check it because the scenarios in my mind were far worse than the text message. 

Off to see the doctor today.  It was time to get prescriptions renewed and to ask a few questions.   For my own report (John was also seen) I have gained 4.5 pounds since last visit.  I consider all the pie and cake and cookies I ate over the holidays and wonder that only 4.5 were gained!  I am back on the regular limited quantity now, anyway, so I expect I shall soon see that little gain has disappeared once more.   

My doctor put me on blood pressure medication.  My blood pressure was always very good until 2015 and it has crept steadily higher.  Today it was 1/4 as much higher again.  After the holiday mess we went through it's not surprising it was high.   However, I am glad to have medication to help me regulate it.  John warns me it will take getting used to.  Curiosity led me to look up the drug when I got home and there are few side effects so I hope that no sensitivity to it will come up.  

Finally he suggested I get DMSO horse liniment to put on my knee as well as towels soaked in hot Epsom salt water and laid upon it.    Yes, HORSE liniment.    John went into Tractor Supply to look for it and came out with an Absorbine product, apparently the forerunner of the Absorbine, Jr., that my grandparents used.   It has a lovely spearmint smell and reminds me of Wrigley's gum, something Grandmother always had on hand.   I looked online at Amazon and can get the DMSO liniment for a reasonable amount.  I'll order it at the end of the month but first I'm going to try this.  

I'm feeling rather strung out financially at the moment.  Property taxes, House insurance, car insurance, car tags all come due within a 4 week period and that drains our reserves.   Add to that doctor visit, prescriptions and over the counter medications/supplements....Well my bank account is looking anemic.  I have to concentrate on replenishing sinking funds and getting things to look healthy once more.

While we were out today doing doctor, picking up prescriptions, going by church for prayer time, stopping to get lunch at a take away place, Katie was giving me updates on Caleb who was sent home sick from nursery.  He has double ear infections.  Poor baby boy!   He'll likely feel all better tomorrow once he's had his first two doses of medicine in the way that the very young children always do.

All in all today, we spent nearly all of the daylight hours out of the house.  I have done nothing in my home since Sunday and then it was merely a swipe and a half promise.  I want to clean my house.  Not declutter.  Not organize but CLEAN.    Tomorrow we must get lab work done but once home again...I know my plans!

Katie is being budget minded and  shared a good supper idea with me, something that she made tonight.  She said she took half an onion,  a box of stuffing mix, water, butter and a can of chicken meat.   I can use ideas like that to use up items I stock but seldom think to use (canned chicken).

Meals:  Omelets, Applesauce Muffins

Buccee's Barbeque Brisket sandwich, chips

Chili Mac, Pineapple Salad

My planned menu this week and my week are not going together very nicely...  I had far more leftovers of chili, and turkey too, than I'd anticipated so those things are being used.

Wednesday:  I got up this morning long after the alarm went off.  No clue what time.  I just know I didn't stir again until John got up and then I crawled out of bed as well and headed to shower and dress for our morning out.

John came into the kitchen later as I made breakfast and asked "Why so dressed up?"  "Labs today..."  "Oh I forgot!  I'm going to take a shower!"  Never mind that breakfast was just at that moment ready to start plating.   Never mind indeed.  He got showered and dressed and we had our simple meal and off we went.   I never paid attention to the dirty dishes, the unmade bed, nor fed the animals.

It took far longer than we'd anticipated though we were the only patients at the local health department.  John was familiar with the nurse in charge, as she was a former co-worker.  He's had quite the week chatting with folks and he's one happy man.  I'm afraid I'm not much of a conversationalist.  It's not that I don't talk, I do...but I'm not a former medic or nurse nor doctor and that was lifeblood to him and I can only take so much of guitar talk...No one else talks guitars with him either so why deny him the one subject he can sometimes enjoy?

This was just a basic lab panel except for a few wild cards.  Apparently one of those wild cards was very expensive labs, ordered for each of us, to the tune of $290 for each test.  Wow oh wow.  I've no idea how much all this is going to cost us because in total they had to draw 9 vials of blood from each of us.  Not a typo...9!    I did think to warn the nurse that my veins in the usual places are scarred from all the sticks when I had to take blood thinners for a year.  She thanked me and then tried a vein in my hand that looked promising and proved to be good.  No problems at all drawing blood from me, the one who used to be the difficult stick as they refer to those of us whose veins blow or roll or move in timid shyness from the needle.

John who could care less, had to be stuck three times.  He kept saying, "I don't know why I'm being so difficult."   "You don't drink enough water!" I said to him.   Just as yesterday, we were taken in together as a pair of patients rather than separately, which was no trouble for either of us.   All in all it took well over an hour to draw all the blood and mark the tubes and such.

We did our two other errands of dropping off mail and running by the bank.   Then John suggested we get a Sub Sandwich for lunch.  We went by the local place in that town but traffic backed into the road.  "Let's run over to Roberta..." I suggested, which is 15 miles north and also has a shop.   It was such a lovely sunny day, something we've not had in a long while it seems even though it was just last week we sat on our back porch.   I thought what a nice day to do the same this afternoon when we took our tea/coffee break.

When we returned home, Bess' mom ran by to pick up an item I had for her.   We had a lovely visit with her and when she got ready to go home, I thought we'd just slip out to the porch, but it had clouded over after Jenny left.   I went out anyway and put seed in the bird feeder.

Happily I noted the birds are now eating the suet.  They simply hadn't been able to get at it in the cage feeder thing that we'd bought but laying it in the tree as we have, they have  been enjoying it.  Before I got to the back porch the birds had descended from branches of other trees and started eating.  I am determined to get myself another feeder or two for my birthday and put them in other trees about the place.   I so enjoy watching the birds eat and they certainly seem to appreciate it.

The dogs were silly today.   River was over to visit with Rufus and Maddie and they all three wanted our attention.  When Jenny arrived they crowded around her, too.  Later when I went out to feed the birds, they were dodging and chasing one another.  The weather was warmer than it's been but was still cool enough for even old Maddie to want to play like a pup and bounce about.

Besides getting the dishes neatly stacked and the bed made, not a thing got done today in my house. About the only accomplishment I've made today was to finish a book, The Ladies of Messalonghi by Colleen McCullough.

Meals:  Bacon, Eggs, Toast

Sub Sandwich

Polska Kielbasa with Cabbage, Carrots and Potatoes

Tomorrow John will have lunch with his former partner and then later will go out to the Men's Supper at church.  That is why I planned to spend time thrift shopping tomorrow.  But what I find I really want is a good long day at home cleaning and playing with décor and maybe just limit thrifting time to running into town to the local place to plunder around.  I almost always find treasure there of some sort and it's been months since I've been in.

But I also long to go visit that little church thrift store a little further from home.   I have always found lovely things there, too.  

I think staying home and cleaning house is going to win out over thrifting.  My personal finances are stretched thin and I'm not in the mood to spend a penny more than we must from our account.  As always, I shall wait until tomorrow and see how I feel about things then.  And if I remain undecided I'll just not go anywhere because I find it seldom behooves me to go when I'm undecided.  

Thursday:   The sun was shining brightly this morning when we rose and the ground was frosty white.   We've had lots of frosty mornings this year.  No complaints from me.  The more cold we have now the more peaches we'll have come summer.   John introduced me to a folk saying a few years ago: "Three frosts brings the rain."  That means we're just about due a rainy day again because some of these cloudy days brought frosts.

The very first thing I did this morning was my Bible study and then I went right to housework after breakfast.   It was soon obvious that I needed to clean my house far more than my house actually needed the cleaning.   There's just something about doing the routine home keeping tasks that soothes my soul.  I enjoyed the time I spent polishing and thinking of what I'd do in the next week's Zone.   

I got ready for a noon outing.  My plan was to leave home at the same time John left and to return about the time he returned.     I thought I'd visit the church thrift store two towns over.  It's seldom busy and today was no exception.  They tend to have nicer things in stock, as well.  No different today.  But what I did notice is that more and more their prices are rising.   It's more antique/less thrift shop sort of pricing.  Not all things mind you.  I wandered around for a good half hour with a $1 planter in hand but put it back in the end because I kept thinking I had something similar at home.  Turned out  I was right.   I spent a grand $8 today.  I bought two scarves, a long sleeved pull over shirt, and four books. There was a college publication Civil War Diary, an Alexandra Stoddard Book and Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict.  I'm pretty sure I've seen the movie based upon this book and it's a movie I've been thinking of for some time now.  I'll be glad to have the book to read.  I  also bought a children's book to add to my small stash.

I saw loads of lovely things but nothing I could really afford. I had certain things in mind when I went in, none of which I saw.

I went to McDonald's to have lunch which is a treat for me.  I seldom get to McDonald's alone or with anyone else either.  I drove to a little country church surrounded by big old oak trees and had my lunch there in the parking lot.  It was very pleasant and a beautiful spot.

I decided while sitting there that I'd come back to our town and go into the local flea market.    Here I found just loads of the sort of thing I was looking for but gracious goodness!  They were all out of my budget range today and indeed for the future me,  as well.  I came away with something similar to what I'd been hoping to find , but it wasn't the form I expected.  I found it in a lamp made in Japan.  I knew immediately that it would do nicely on my mantle.  I've got to buy a shade for it and perhaps I ought to have gone on to the dollar store to look but I didn't so it shall have to wait a little.  

Sadly, by the time I got home even taking great care the lamp was broken in one place.  John was able to fix it and I am so glad.  In fact, I can't even tell where he made the repair.   I was so disappointed when I looked in the bag and discovered the breakage.  

I also noted two very nice, very heavy dining chairs that I would love to have for my dining table.  They were well priced (cheaper than the objects I'd wanted!) but out of budget just for today.  I'll see if I mightn't be able to buy them next month.   Fingers crossed they shall still be there.  Fortunately for me, it's a slow little shop and now that the virus abounds people are not traveling from Atlanta to look for things as they did once upon a time.

I got home and found John's car in the yard.  He came right to the door to greet me and told me he'd been home only five minutes.  I guess I timed my day out very well!   And it was lovely to walk in and do nothing more than make a cup of tea and catch up on one another's day.

My plans when he's gone this evening are to putter about trying to get a fresh look for my mantle and living room.  I don't have a whole lot of things that are catching my eye....I have pretty things but have culled them  hard in the past few years and now I am seeing the effect of not continuing to add to them as I had done.   There just wasn't money for thrift stores this past year.   And of course, as it turned out there wasn't a way to visit them either.  But I hope that slowly I shall be able to get out and have a good plunder in some of these out of the way little stores that barely see business in a good economy and pick up a few things here and there to add to my décor stash.   

later:  Goodness.   Immediately upon John's leaving this evening, I put on a movie, started my supper and then began to decorate while supper cooked.  After eating my hot meal, I settled to look at what I'd done, took it all apart, put it back in another way, noted that another area looked extremely cluttered and stripped that down then moved things about once more.  I think I'm happy at the moment.  What I need is a small green plant or arrangement and a floral arrangement to go on the mantle and I shall be quite happy with it all.  Oh and a shade for my new/old lamp.

I had the loveliest evening with "Pride and Prejudice" (Kiera Knightley) playing and puttering around decorating the living room.   It's made me feel rather happy though.  Again, my house doesn't necessarily need to be puttered about in but I need to putter about in it for my own sake.

Meals:  Grits, Cheese Toast

McDonald's for me

Chicken Potstickers, Tangerine

Friday:  Bones determined to be a barometer last night but as false a prophet as the weather man ever is.  Still aching terribly today.  Ugh.   I went off to sleep and slept three hours then stayed awake four...Seems wrong doesn't it?  Needless to say the alarm was Dismissed and I went right back to sleep and slept in.  All told perhaps I got six hours last night which is nearer an acceptable number of hours sleep in my opinion.

John took one look at me and realized he was on his own where breakfast was concerned.   So he made us both breakfast, after starting laundry.  I made the bed and did Bible study.  Then the family across the field came over to spend the day with us.  All the children and the baby and Mama, too came to see us.  Bess and I had our usual talkfest and the boys bounced about us.  Millie was delighted with the new to her toys and when those palled she got the basket full of plastic containers which every child has played with in this house.   The plastic containers may change but it's always an acceptable play item is what I mean and the baby's do enjoy it, which I always find interesting, giving that most everything they have these days will light up and speak and beep and play music.  Yet one and all, they enjoy just picking up lids and containers and putting them down and picking them up again.  

The boys played outdoors and then on the tablet and then they 'cooked' for me...I made bread and then I mixed up pizza dough.  While we were eating Josh wanted another slice of pizza.  I told him he could go help himself.   At that point, Bess was feeding Millie, Isaac was draped across my lap leaning hard on me while he ate (a sure sign he was worn out) and I figured Josh was big enough to fetch his own seconds.   It wasn't until we got back from taking off trash that I saw the bread I'd baked for Shabat...The crust all along one short and one long side had been picked away and even a big pinch taken off the side that was in the pan....I told John it's not a whole loaf but I guess God understands.    It amused us no end.  John said to me "I wondered why it took him so long to get a piece of pizza..."

Meals:  Eggs, Sausage, Toast

Pepperoni Pizza

?Fried Rice? Turkey Tettrazini?

Gathered Fragments:  8 Pot Stickers in the freezer that are getting a bit heavy with ice.

2 cups rice

1 serving Chili Mac

Smoked Turkey

Venison Sausage

Regular baked Turkey

Dressing (Stuffing)

1/2 can tomato sauce

1 cup Cornbread Batter

This is off the top of my head, not a full account of what's in the fridge nor of any pantry/freezer items that might need to be used up.  I've taken some over the counter pain relievers and just don't feel like getting up to see what's all in there.  But I know for sure those items listed are there.

That's our week.  It's been interesting and different and was mostly enjoyed.   Now it's time for a weekend.

Tell me how your week went...

It was a lovely day.  I'm glad I'd done all I did yesterday because it made today easy peasy after they went home to nap.  We carried off trash and I came home to unload the dishwasher and we were finished.  I have meal ideas and possibilities for tonight and all day tomorrow that can be made easily.  I'm fine with a loose plan.  I might want something different tomorrow and given how this week has gone I probably will.


Lana said...

LOL! I am laughing about the bread! When our middle granddaughter was two they came over for a visit and I had a huge basket of apples on the counter because we had been up to the NC mountains for apples. Bella asked for an apple and we said no because it is too close to lunch. Well we thought she was in the kitchen coloring at the grandkids bar but she had pulled a chair over to the counter and taken a bite out of every apple in that basket. She had carefully lined them all up in a row along the edge of the counter with all the bites facing forward. We were pretty shocked when we went into the kitchen to make lunch and saw all those apples! She was pretty proud of her neat row of apples! I really wish I had a picture.

I have always thought that if you can get through January financially every year then the rest of the year is easy. We had property taxes and car taxes this month besides the tank going bad on our well and having that replaced along with the generator purchase. And when the kids were home someone always seemed to get sick so there was a doctor bill. I did have a dentist appointment for a cleaning which is out of pocket for us since I don't have dental insurance anymore. But we are half way through so unless something else breaks around here I hope we can slide on to February now.

Our new heat pump and ductwork are paying off. Besides the fact that the house is nice and warm now we got our utility bill and it was more than a third less than this month last year. We were shocked! It has been really cold so I know it has not been because it has been warmer. While we were having our new well tank installed we had the guy remove some old water purification equipment that we had to buy filters for and it was doing no good so we will save ten dollars every six weeks on not having to buy those filters. And we have LESS sediment which I had been suspecting.

Grocery deals here have been crazy good so we are very well stocked. The discount grocery had cases of big bottles of fresh squeezed tangerine juice for $5.99. Wow is it good. We are getting spoiled with all these foods that we would never buy at full retail. There were also crazy deals on Starbucks products including their flavor syrups for 1.49 and the bottles are big.

Terri, Lately when I wake up hurting I have been getting up and drinking a big glass of water and the ache goes away. I am not sure why but I'll take it!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Anne said...

I'm desperate to come up with some new and easy meals. Can you tell me what is the difference between a Croc Pot and an Insta pot? Which would you recommend to someone who has never used either one?

Sandy Dixon said...

hey there Terri. I so look forward to your Friday post. I enjoy them so especially at this time. they bring peace and sanity and fun to us all. My husband purchased 2 very nice squirrel proof bird feeders for me for my birthday last year,also a February girl! We really enjoyed having them but we live in a neighborhood with lots of trees and shrubs against the house and unfortunately they attracted tons of chipmunks and even some mice!!! So we are not using them. I took them down and cleaned them and stored them. I would be delighted to gift them to you. We live in Peachtree City We go every summer to Musella for peaches. Such a nice drive. I think that is near you. We would be happy to meet you somewhere and give them to you. my email is sandyrider1@yahoo.com No pressure just thought of you when I read this post. take Care. Sandy Dixon

terricheney said...

Lana, I used the bread for our Shabbat and as we prayed over the loaf I said "It makes me happy Lord, so I hope you'll honor it same as a whole loaf." I know He does, lol.
When John was working it was getting through June/July/August that was always most difficult, I think due to lack of holidays so no overtime and car insurance hits in July and summer AC runs electric higher. We didn't experience that this year with our income the same every single month. But this little spell is hitting us now with our house insurance (supposed to be quarterly payments but the second one is due this month after November payment?), property taxes, car insurance, second house insurance payment, and car tags...It's like Boom, boom, boom...
I've been drinking water faithfully for years and the first thing every morning, when I wake, I have at least a 10 ounce glass of water, before coffee ever goes into my system. I don't know why the aching which stayed full on all day today, but has inexplicably gone away here this evening.

Anne, Insta-pots are more like pressure cookers only better contained and supposedly safer since they are electric and controlled in that manner. Crock-pot is merely a brand name for a slow cooker which cooks food low and slow for hours at a time instead of in minutes as an insta-pot will. Insta pots are the popular appliance at the moment and may stay popular for years to come. Some insta-pots do have a slow cooker feature. I don't have one and can't really point you in a direction as to which brand etc is best. I

Rhonda said...

If your BP med is Lisinopril, watch out for a dry cough. I got it after taking Lisinopril for a few months and it was awful. But Jeff has been taking lisinopril for years with no side effects at all.

Caleb is a a little dear- all done!

D. Pearson said...

My husband is a DMSO user big time and long time. He gave a small bottle to a friend (at a distance) who was diagnosed with COVID and had a very sore throat. He sprayed his throat I believe 2 mornings and by the second one he was much better. Now he's putting it on his knees.
We bought 2 gallons several years ago on line just in case we couldn't find it again.
He puts some in a strong spray margarine bottle (a yellow one) and gives some to friends when needed. It must be strong plastic otherwise it will eat thru it.

Right now we need a Septic Tank cleaner. Hard to live without that.
They are all busy.

Anonymous said...

Terri, I have had high BP for quite a few years. I wondered about your using Epsom Salts since the salt can be absorbed through the skin. For High BP, I have been told that sodium is pretty much a no-no. I suppose it is such a low amount, your Doc isn't worried. I proudly told my Doc I was soaking my feet in Epsom Salts a few years ago, and boy, did I get a lecture!!! Just a thought. Sounds like you had a busy week. And some fun time with family. Love the "just getting a piece of pizza" story. Too funny!! Hope you took a picture to take out and smile at. I have a bunch of those on my phone, and enjoy just flipping through them on some dreary cloudy days when I need a smile. Chris

Liz from new york said...

I totally understand the January crush of bills due. We had property taxes too. All the usually house bills, Now the hospital bills for daughter coming in. I can’t believe you had 9 vials of blood taken! My house needs a good deep clean too. I did manage to get the Christmas decorations down, but not yet in the attic. Still a little sluggish from the Covid, but getting strength back slowly. Had my grandchildren 5 days this week, so that’s why I’ve gotten behind. Once my son finishes renovating the new home they bought, the babysitting will ease up. Anyway, have a great week! Best, liz

terricheney said...

Sandy your offer is very generous. An early happy birthday to you. We are heavy on February birthdays with 7 of them! Please let me think about meeting up. John always gets very iffy-ish when I mention someone wants to meet up with me. We have met a reader or two before but more accidental than on purpose! And perhaps come summer we can meet up in Musella and have ice cream together, for sure.

Liz, I much imagine you'd be exhausted from five days of babysitting more than Covid!! I am keeping Caleb on Monday for MLK day and I fully expect to get next to nothing done and to be done in when it's all over,lol and he's quite a good little boy!

Chris, I think he was thinking since it has magnesium it would LOWER the blood pressure. It does seem he mentioned that when he was telling me what to do.
I didn't get a picture of that loaf and should have...It is a funny little story. I've so many to think over from this past year and it does my heart loads of good to think on those sweet memories that make me laugh or tear up from their absolute sweetness.

D. Pearson, thank you for letting me know about the DMSO from someone who has used it. I will order nearer the end of the month and start using it. John wants me to put it on his shoulder which aches anyway, but especially if he's spent any time playing guitar which is usually an hour twice a day. I take it y'all got the liquid rather than the cream which was something I was wondering about, too.
Our septic tank really needs to be pumped out this year as well. I was thinking of that the other day when I walked around the house and came to the tank cover at the end of the house...I wonder why it's so hard to get anyone out? Is it due to Covid? Or is it because while people are home they are thinking to get it done and so the workers are all very busy?

D. Pearson said...

Don't hesitate. The man we want, his truck broke down. Naturally! The worst part is we waited too long. I won't go into that!

If the DMSO starts to gel about 65 degrees that means it's pure. We keep it in our basement where it stays cool in a gallon can and then transfer it to that yellow butter spray bottle.

Love your blog.

Kathy said...

I should be ashamed to report that my fireplace mantel is still decorated for Christmas, but I'm not!

terricheney said...

Rhonda, No it's not Lisinopril. I remember you having that aggravating cough and John had it too when he was on that medication.

Kathy, if it sparks joy in your life then let it be decorated for Christmas!

D., I'll keep it in a cool spot then. Thank you for letting me know. I know exactly what you mean. We didn't know we had a septic at our former home until it was far too late and then it was costly to replace. We paid for it in lieu of rent at the owner's request.

Tammy said...

Anne - The Instant Pot is a brand name of a programmable electric pressure cooker. It cooks food in a fraction of the time for cooking on the stove, in the oven, or the slow cooker. It is considered safe to cook food from frozen using a pressure cooker. We use it for soups, meat, sides, hard-cooked eggs, and you can bake in it as well. It is NOT intended for canning.
Crock Pot is also a brand name, but for a slow cooker. It's easy to make "dump" meals for the freezer (for both slow cooker and IP), to thaw overnight and then pop in the slow cooker for several hours.
The key to both of these appliances is that they're hands-off cooking. Being able to pop the food into something that cooks it without needing me to babysit is very welcome.

Karen in WI said...

Terri, I read the comment about salt and blood pressure and I just wanted to mention that it is possible to have too LOW a salt intake. My sister in law was on a low salt diet due to her heart and her doctor told her to cut out more. Well, she ended up in the hospital and almost died because her intake had been too low. She was livid that her doctor did not tell her this. She didn’t know that it was possible to have too low a sodium intake. She also did not know that sea salt was much better than Morton type salt. I also read that Dr. Christianne Northrup’s mother also had a similar incident and was livid that she didn’t know you could have too low of a salt intake.

Also, sugar and white carbs are the big culprit in high blood pressure, much more so than salt.

Love reading about your week! It was a beautiful sunrise here this morning with pink streaks in the sky. So pretty with a fresh snow fall! Hugs to you!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again