April Is No Fool: Goals


I thought I'd just go ahead and make my plans for the new month about to occur.  My thoughts have been filled with April's plans since we headed into this week so it's high time I started jotting down my intentions.  

First, I want to do a quick review of March goals...I haven't even looked at them so I've no idea how well I did or didn't do!

Quick rundown of March goals:  I did get some candy for the church's planned Easter egg hunt this Saturday.   They wanted to fill 35,000 eggs this year and made their goal.  The hunt is open to the community so that's why so many eggs.   

I did try to clean up the porches and then full blown pollen season and new appliances arrived.   John's put the old appliances on the back porch.  Not my ideal when I was trying to pretty things up.   

I have made up my mind to skip the cushions for the porch chairs because all I'm really providing is a dog bed for Rufus, River and Misu.  I might as well save my money.  They all have nice cozy places to sleep.   They don't need new cushions on my chairs as a substitute.

Courtesy of Sam, I have a big bag of potting mix and just used up the two bags of mulch he bought for me last weekend.  I did get a handful of plants repotted earlier in the month but ran out of soil then.

I pulled up all the bordering rocks about the flower bed in front of the back porch.  I have weeded and weeded and raked existing mulch to try to get it to cover the bald spots in other  beds.   Today I worked on the whole area about the Faith tree but am short a bag or three of mulch to complete that.  

A great deal of what I meant to do outdoors and indoors too was hindered by never getting even a slim chance at shopping.  I couldn't buy the things I need to start projects but I did work steadily at what I could.  

No trip to see Jd.  Somehow we just couldn't make plans mesh.

I did sort out the freezer and have things in better order.  I've made space over the month by making jam and using older items up to get them out of the way.  I'm doing well with using up items that expired.  I've worked on the pantry and food storage areas several times this month and each time I come away feeling I've accomplished something worthwhile.

I made my savings goal and paid half the hefty lab bill.  

Now let's discuss April!

One of my goals for this week was to set up an April wardrobe.  Right on time for it to be a goal for this month.  We have a trip planned so I'll want to plan for that, as well. Done

John and I discussed Passover at length this year and decided ultimately to go to a Communion Service on Passover Friday at church.  This will also replace our Friday evening Shabat service at home.  Done

We have no plans to attend Easter Sunday services at our church.  We find those holiday services over crowded and parking difficult so we'll watch from home.   I'm thinking I'd like to get John and I a Chocolate Bunny.  I haven't had one in years.  Done

I'd like to do something for  dinner with my family but it's Wednesday and I'm only just thinking of it, have no menu, no plan, nothing, soooo....maybe yes/maybe no.  Done/ voted yes

Buy fabric to make new cushion covers and pillow shams for living room and our room. Done

Find a new summer spread for our room. Done

Find my seeds and get things in order for planting.  Our last frost date is April 15.  I'm going to concentrate on flowers this year.  I get so much pleasure from them and that's where I want to put my time and energy and money.  I'll also buy some annual six packs and want to add one or two perennials (more costly but worth every penny) to planting areas.

Purchase mulch and landscape blocks (or go fetch the ones I was told I might have) and get busy working on the next section of the work around the borders of my house. Mulch was yes, rest no

Stock charcoal, matches, Citronella candles, sunscreen, paper plates and picnic items...all the summer things we might want.

John and I have been talking at length  about  preparing as much as we can for future needs due to inclement weather.  I think we have an idea of the things we want to stock up on like five gallon buckets to hold water, a small generator to keep the fridge going,  extra gas cans to hold fuel for the generator.  Now to start picking up items or setting money aside for them.

A discussion this morning, led me to agree that our check registers are confusing at best.  John has no idea of what we have in subaccounts, etc.   So I'm going to put my bookkeeping experience to work and create a ledger sheet for each sub account category that is updated monthly so he can see exactly what we have and how/when it is disbursed.   This is being done in case I am unable to say what is what and lessen any confusion he might have. Done

I could go on and on.  Honestly, come Spring, I am so ready to swing into a new season that I sometimes forget that April is really more about planning and gathering for the months ahead than it is about getting things started and seldom completed.  So I shall end here.

Do you have any goals for April?


Liz from New York said...

Busy week. My sons 15th birthday is Saturday, so family day. The next day Easter Sunday. My most favorite holiday of all. Picked up some candy for the grandkids, and thawed out a prime rib roast, a small lamb roast, and a small ham. Just need sweet potatoes and red potatoes, asparagus. Hopefully family members will bring the dessert. Looking forward to some heavy work around here. My house and walkways and patios need a serious power washing. So hubby needs to get on that. I have a large area in front of my house that needs landscaping so I have to brainstorm some shrubs and hardy flowers for that area. I’d totally love to put a small pond and fountain, but we shall see. I don’t want the raccoons eating the goldfish. I’d like to finish my basement to be a living area, but that may have to wait till after summer. In any event, we would like to remodel our bathroom . It’s working, but aesthetically ...not so much. It’s not large at all, and it’s on the main floor, so I’d like to redo it more modern. It’s 22 years old already. Luckily my husband knows how to tile, which is usually the most $$$. Have a beautiful holiday, and I hope you see your family like you want to!

Lana said...

Easter will just be us two. I thought off and on of going to Alabama to our oldest son but never got motivated enough to do anything about it. We will go to church and then plan to grill strip steaks and all the fixings. We will have the traditional cinnamon rolls for breakfast and I want to make some cupcakes. We have plenty of candy around here so no Easter candy. Just a few days later our middle son and his family will be flying in for a short visit. Can't wait to squeeze the grandkids.

Pollen is coming on so there are always things I want to do but there is no point until this mess is over. The deck and screen porch and sidewalks all need a good cleaning and flower pots gotten out and filled with beautiful blooms for the summer. I am ready for our summer meals outside! My deck pots need tomato plants and my big square boxes need to go down to the driveway and get planted with green beans. We need to get the lawn mowed before next week because all the rain has really made things grow.

I also need to check supplies for storm season and be sure we have batteries and such on hand. We have plenty of non perishable food. LP tanks have enough for running the generator if we need. Five gallon gas cans in the garage are full of water for toilet flushing. Six 24 packs of bottled water on the shelf. Better to be ready than running around at the last minute.

Mom's birthday is this month so I am trying to think of what to do for her as she will likely still be in the rehab.

I also want to have someone over for breakfast this month. It is our favorite time to entertain.

terricheney said...

Liz, that's a whole summer of plans for home and yard! But I can see I'm not alone in the April is the month to plan everything, lol.

Lana, I saw a lovely double impatient today and seriously considered buying it but we're meant to have frost two nights in a row and I really didn't want to have to bring it indoors. I'm not going to bring in any of the plants tonight because I keep finding slugs in the house when I do and I do NOT like slugs. Fingers crossed that the wind will keep up and so no frost will come. And if not that then perhaps the plants will be sheltered enough there on the porch that they can survive. At least they are out of direct line of the wind.

I've told John we should try having breakfast at the local diner. It's just a little place but the meals we've gotten there for lunches have all been good so maybe the breakfasts are as well. I love going out to eat breakfast!

Yes, I've a birthday to buy for this month...Not sure I even put that on my list but I have one granddaughter born in late April.

Lana said...

We love breakfast at the local diner! It is tiny and crowded every morning and the food is cheap and delicious. The coffee is good and an omelette is only 4.95. Best of all is how much the owner appreciates our business.

March 26: It Was Time