In My Home This Week: Determined

I think this is an American Steel advert from the 1940s.  I had one of those steel sink cabinets with the porcelain enamel sink in a house that I lived in long ago.  And Grandmother had one that moved from house to house with her.  Hers was pristine, naturally, mine not so much.  But sturdy and durable was one thing these steel cabinets had in common.  Even today, I shouldn't fuss if I had steel cabinets in my own kitchen, especially one of those sink cabinets!

If I love a yellow kitchen, I also love a red, white and blue one where the red is the more subdued accent color.  This one is particularly charming with the big picture window and built in wall cupboards at the end of the room where the dining table is situated.

The kitchen itself is set up almost as a galley kitchen.  I shall hazard a guess that there is a wall behind the stove and cabinets here to the right of the kitchen view.  It's a neat little kitchen and appears perfectly functional.  And there's a lot of storage in a small work space.

Two things I've discovered over these months of sharing  vintage kitchens is that what I admire most of all is the clean counter tops and the combination of a space for eating as well as kitchen work space.  I've considered more than once getting a small table and chair set for the breakfast area of my own kitchen.  I've not done it because John insists he'd only take over the table and he prefers limited space to make into his drop zone.  Since he's taken over the bench meant for putting on shoes at the back entry  and the top of the little cabinet next to the freezer, I'm sure he knows just what he's talking about, so I'll bow to him on that score.

But I can see that there are things I might incorporate in my own kitchen that would make me happier.  Namely trying to reduce the counter clutter.   

I've been thinking a lot about our planned work in the kitchen.  I can't yet buy the hutch I want but it's a fact that I've got to figure out where to reduce items so that what's in those upper cabinets can fit into the thing.  And that means I need to cull hard really think about what we're keeping in them and why.  Some items can move to the pantry. Oh yes, I am thinking!  If I can't start where I want to I can most assuredly start at the beginning.  

In my home this week:

I am determined that this week shall be more productive than last.

That this week, my attitude will be well and truly adjusted.

That I shall do my utmost to avoid waste and make good use of what is at hand.

That I shall not lower anyone else's spirits because I don't control my own when they want to spiral downward.

To enjoy my home and family.

And that's my declaration for this week!!


Start to clean porch railings.  I keep putting this on my list and then ignoring it if it's hot outdoors or rainy.  Both weathers are fine for this task and I know that the pay off is the porch rails will look so much nicer without any further effort put forth.

Trim back the other roses.  These are all the antique ones that I have and while there's only four bushes it feels like a lot more because two of them grow a LOT in summer.  I can't imagine how they'd take over if I didn't trim them back two or three times a year.  I'd like to try and root some cuttings off the New Dawn and the yellow knock out that is growing out from under the step, underneath the porch and out behind the rosemary bush.

Be semi-prepared to keep Caleb at least for a few hours while Katie has therapy and runs errands.  I'm thinking this might happen twice this week as I fully expect her job will be ready for her to come pick up materials to start working.

Go pick up a bag of mulch or three for MY house. I  might toss in a few bags of the black mulch that I'm using at the house in town.  If I can get the mulch meant for me spread in the two flower beds here at the house, I shouldn't have to weed again this year.  It's lack of mulch that is the real issue with both those beds and have necessitated far more work than usual this week.

Start prepping my bathroom walls for paint.  Katie had a gallon of paint leftover and it was tinted differently than the other gallon (same store, two different branches mixed it).  I like the color which is a pale blue-green and think it will do well in one of my bathrooms for a fresh look.  I'm going to paint a sample board and hang up to see how I like the color in both rooms.  One gets a lot of natural light and the other has no windows at all so it will be interesting to see how it looks in both.  I'm not committing myself to starting to paint this week.  Either bathroom will need clean walls and prepping before I can get to that stage.


I ended last Thursday with just a few leftovers for suppers and lunch over Friday and the weekend.  However, as usual, a weekend brings more leftovers with it even if I prepared minimal food.   

I'm finding it pays off well for me to organize my fridge at least twice weekly.  I'm trying to do this either Sunday or first thing Monday and then again on Thursday or at the latest Friday morning.  It's helped me to remember to use things that look like they are nearing time to use and also keeps the fridge orderly.  Also, I can immediately wipe up any spills that might have occurred.

I have peanut butter that needs to be used up in the pantry.  I think this week I'll make some peanut butter cookie dough which I can put in the freezer.  I might also make a peanut butter pie while I have all the necessary ingredients on hand.  I think that will freeze well.  We've plenty of warmer days ahead to eat a cold pie.

Meal plan.  I haven't done this in three weeks and I think it's time to get back to it.  

Personal and Leisure:

I did start work on genealogy last week and oh how I enjoyed that time digging and looking and searching and adding to my research.  I'll try and continue to work on that project this week.   I don't know just why I will play a silly computer game for hours and hours on end in the evenings when I could be doing something that brings me so much more pleasure.  Mind you, I do enjoy the game, but after awhile it's boring.  I don't have to stick with it.  I can do other things.  I just need to remind myself of that.

I finished another of the Bridgerton books, this time reading sequentially.  I've the whole set of books but I find that I can get bored with these if doing a marathon of them.  I think I'm ready to pick up other authors and read say some Emilie Loring or even Goudge or D. E. Thompson for a change.  Never mind the books by my chair or the fact that I am still making my way slowly through Supper of the Lamb by Capon, and the Jane Austen's Town and Country Style books.  

Manicure and skin care.   Truthfully I take this in spells and then I neglect both.  I really need to pay more attention to both.  I am prone to weak nails and hang nails.  My nail beds are terribly dry.  It takes just moments to put on lotion or rub in a little coconut or olive oil.  Also skin care overall.  It's getting towards the end of summer and my legs and arms are showing signs of the drier skin seasons ahead already.  I've noted that in the past year or two that my facial skin gets more dry as the seasonal change occurs.   So I want to take time to moisturize daily (overall skin care) and my face twice daily.   My skin has been very good for many years and it wouldn't pay to neglect it now at this stage of life.

A date with John.  If we can't carve out a full day we'll take a couple of hours and go for a ride or get an ice cream.


Donna said...

Love the kitchen and especially the sink cabinet. I could happily work in this kitchen. The dining set by the window is well placed. We had steel cabinets in the first house we bought but they were not in the best shape.

The Urban Farmer loves peanut butter but not peanut butter cookies. That makes no sense. My girls and I used to make no bake cookies that has peanut butter. The girls still do.

Somehow developing the habit to moisturize is a bugaboo for me. I like the result of well-groomed hands and feet with soft, lightly scented skin so there's nothing to stop me from attaining that behavior. Still...

The Urban Farmer insists on accompanying me everywhere although last Thursday he did stay home while I went to the doctor. He says there are too many crazy people out there. I enjoy taking my time browsing without feeling rushed. Maybe we can have a day out with lunch and a trip to a charity shop. He claims he doesn't like them but always has an armful of things that catch his interest.

Enjoy your week!

Angela said...

I love your declaration!

That kitchen is truly my favorite of all the ones you have shown. I love everything about it- the colors, the cabinets around the window, the curtains- everything!

Did you find a hutch you want?

That is exciting about painting your bath! I paint a lot and think the prep the very most important part. I need to paint my porch floors but will wait until it is cooler.

I need to start adding dirt to a hole a stupid armadillo dug under the drip pipe of the AC. It is a small lake at the foundation of the house. Ugh!

In Zone 5 this week (my kitchen).

And it is youngest son's birthday.
And there are errands to run.
So I shall be busy enough but I do plan to read and work on some fall yoyos for a table runner idea I saw on a vlog.

Wishing you a productive and contented week!

Liz from new york said...

Those same cabinets were in my grandmas kitchen, until she remodeled in the 1970’s. Then she put them in her basement, along with the big white 1940’s stove, which she used until the day she died because she didn’t want to mess up the ‘new’ kitchen, which was gloriously remodeled with oak cabinets, and that gruesome ‘avocado’ color so popular then. Sure she made coffee and tea in that new stove, but anything requiring frying or heavy cooking was done on the old one. She put the sink part of the cabinets into her laundry room. The old refrigerator was in use down there as well, with a bar handle that was horizontal, and clicked to open and close. I didn’t realize how much I miss that, and haven’t recalled that in years! Thank you for the trip down memory lane!

terricheney said...

Donna, does Urban Farmer eat jelly with his peanut butter? If not then he just may not like it combined with sugary things. It's pretty savory really though some brands are sweeter than others.
Moisturizing, especially hands, legs, arms is something I routinely go back and start doing and then drop off doing and then pick up again. I wish habits were as easy to make as they are hard to keep! I'm going to go to work on this because I like having nice looking skin and with the increased pigmentation my skin can look very rough and coarse. My husband admires pretty well kept hands and feet and I do well with my feet but neglect my hands terribly. I'm trying to change!

Angela, I haven't even gone to look. Katie tells me I can likely get one off facebook marketplace and no doubt she's quite right. At the moment though, I need to wait for our financial circumstances to improve ever so slightly before I can buy anything unless it's an extremely good deal...and then there's the renting of a truck or borrowing of one to move it so there are hindrances, lol. I'm not planning to buy new though, definitely want to get pre-loved.

Yes, heavens we had an armadillo go under the main duct of our AC unit a few years ago. Hint: there is a product you can buy from Tractor Supply and hardware stores called Repels All that you can spray about the house foundation when it's not wet from rain that will keep them away and worth every penny you'll spend. Also works for skunks and a few other critters that like to make themselves at home in our homes.

Liz, my grandmother and Granny both had the big stoves. Granny's was newer than Grandmother's. Grandmother had her late 1940's/early 1950's stove and fridge until I was nearly 35. I missed that lovely old fridge and her stove had the well cooker as the fifth burner on the stove top. Loved it all.
Your story of your grandmother's old and new kitchens is sad to me. I'm sorry she never allowed herself the pleasure of cooking and enjoying that new kitchen...This is an issue John and I have when we do buy really new things. He wants to 'save' them. I finally blew up about the carpet and said "I'm LIVING in this house...God provided carpet for it and if I need more He will provide more!" He's not fully relaxed about it but overall he's finding it doesn't stain as much as feared and that even older stains eventually come out of it.

Lana said...

Yes! Determined!

My grandparents had that steel cabinet and double drain board sink, too. I have fond memories of doing dishes at that sink. The funny thing is that my grandmother kept plates in the drawer new to the sink. I do like a galley kitchen as long as it is only me in there. Add a person standing in the meddle of the floor and it is impossible.

We did a bunch of mulch over the early summer months but need to take a look and see if we need any more this year since it will be a great price over Labor Day weekend. Those old roses are surely a labor of love. Look away and they are as big as a van in no time. You might try using some of your huge rosemary for hot tea. Friends of ours always drink it at bedtime and they swear by it for good sleep. In fact when their kids were growing up she made enough for the entire family and it was bedtime tea time every night.

I did two weeks of menus yesterday. No menus means no meals here. We are no good at flying by the seat of our pants. I just took a yellow bundt cake out of the oven for sweet treats this week. I really was tempted to make these with that cake mix and use up some of the freebie PB we have gotten on iBotta lately. They are so good.

I started mixing my foundation half with moisturizer about a year ago so I at least get that much each day and it saves a ton of money. I do Hopewell Peppermint Cream on my feet every night and the dry cracked feet stopped being an issue. But legs are always neglected. I just don't like the feel of legs full of lotion.

I do see hutches fairly often on Facebook Marketplace and last week on a cooking show I saw one just like the huge one in my Mom's house painted the cutest hot pink. It was just perfect for that house. I agree about the transportation though. I have asked about delivery in the past though and some will bring it for as little as $20.

Angela said...

Oh thank you for the tip on Repel Away! This is not our first problem. We had never had an armadillo this far north until about 5 years ago- now they are a constant problem. I will be getting some right away!

I would always rather have something old as new- the quality, the history, and having something unique to me- just speaks to my soul. I looked for two years for the perfect small hutch for my kitchen. I finally found a used one that fit the space and my budget. There was missing trim pieces and one side was BADLY burned from something, but it was the right size, had nice lines, a cute pineapple motif, and was dirt cheap. I molded missing trim with my fingers using wood putty. I sanded the burned side well and put lots of primer soaked into it. Then two coats of a pretty mustard paint. Is it perfect? No. But I think it is darling, and I will never see another one just like it.

Karen in SI said...

I love this kitchen, but I think I would go either blue and yellow or red, white and blue.

The blue green paint sounds lovely for either bathroom! We have a similar color by Sherwin Williams called Rainwashed in our master bath and we really like it. When the sun shines in the windows, the color looks more blue. When it is dark out, it looks more green. I think it gives an ocean vibe to the room.

We are painting our sons room a medium greige with a dark blue gray accent wall. It should look good with white accents. He needed a refresh as he was a boy the last time we did his room.

Well, my husband and I just arrived in lower Michigan today to start a week vacation, by ourselves! We rarely do this, but we started last year and it is so rejuvenating! Such a nice break from taking care of the house and looking after, feeding and watering sons! So nice to have a change of scenery and a beautiful one at that! The Sleeping Bear Dunes area of Michigan is so pretty with lots of water and beautiful beaches.

Hugs to you and I hope you have a lovely week!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again