Goals for October 2021


I've just been reading over my September list and all in all...I did some things but not all.  I didn't get ALL the mulching done.  I bought six bags and laid those out and I put down more weed mat, but time has not been on my side, nor has weather.  We had rain, lots and lots of rain and that meant that the mulch at the diy stores was soaking wet and I just don't want to haul it wet in my car.  I don't have any other means of getting it home but even with plastic in the back covering the trunk flooring, it leaks, and it stains.   So, I didn't even bother to ask.  We've had roughly a week dry now.  So, buy and lay some more mulch at town house cycles onto this month's goal list.  I doubt I can get it all and if I do buy it I can't see how I'd get it laid out, but I'll keep doing the little bites method.

I want to get some mulch for my own flower beds, and I'd love some mums for my autumn porches, but we'll see on those.   The mulch for the town house is the more immediate need.  Here it's just needed for fill ins.

I have to prune back my roses once more.  I'd prefer to wait until frost but the antique rose I put in at the back porch flower bed went nuts over summer and the canes are yards long and need to be trimmed back now.

I'm giving up the idea of washing/cleaning/painting porches unless I find myself free of Caleb's care.  It's definitely not going to happen while I'm keeping him.  No problem.  I find that these tasks are like any other housework.  They wait for you.  Fortunately, none of it is absolutely necessary right away, but the front porch flooring paint will have to be done by Spring for sure.

My main goals this month will be revolving about holidays.  I want to get as much Christmas shopping done as I can.  I have a list.  I have ideas for several and NO CLUE for at least two individuals.

Also, we may be having guests from out of state coming for Thanksgiving.  I want to clear freezer space and purchase a turkey NOW if I possibly can find one and it's reasonable.  I also want to plan meals for holidays and gather components now for all but the items I'd want fresh.  I'll just make it part of my grocery budget this month instead of in November and December.  I will try to set money aside for the next three months to cover the fresh items we'd want.

If I'm going to do the Christmas shopping and the food shopping I want to do ahead of time, then I need to free up some of my budget for both purposes.  I think one helpful way is to do a Pantry/Freezer challenge.  That will help clear space in my freezer and at the same time allow me to concentrate funds where they will do the best at present.

Whole broiler fryer chickens are going on sale routinely just now for 88c a pound at the discount store.  I want to get several whole chickens and pack into the lower recesses of the freezer.  I think I can get three in there right now. They are on sale this week and since this week includes Oct 1-2, I'm going to try to get over to that store and get them this week.  It will be a great time to check out the reduced-price produce section once again.  I've found some awesome bargains in that section.

Set up a wardrobe for October. I didn't do this for September and while I put together some nice things it was all fly by seat of pants and often led to several changes in clothing as I wasn't happy with my 'instant' outfits.  In fact, I ended up wearing one outfit several times all thru the month simply because I liked the way it looked, and it was easier than planning another on the fly.

John wants to go out for breakfast one morning this month.  I'm still setting aside a small amount for dining out each month.   I'll also see if I can't plan a picnic for a second date.  It may be on a weekend but that's okay.

Have the family together for family Sunday dinner.  This is planned for the first Sunday in October.

John wants to order Christmas cards this year.  I have a whole stack of sale purchased cards but what he's looking at isn't unreasonable and sending out cards is something he enjoys.

All of what comes below has a question mark attached.  I'm not sure I can accomplish any of it but I'm listing it as part of my goals and hoping I can do something:

In November, December, January and February we have several annual fees hit.  The funds are in the account in a subcategory waiting to pay each of these bills BUT it's a lot of large sums that will be leaving our account.  We've had a struggle this year since summer arrived and while we've not had outflow like that again, we've not had the needed inflow to make up for any of it.   We stretched ourselves hard and we can't seem to catch up for anything.   Any place I can trim and cut will be helpful.  Any place I can add a little more to those subcategories will be helpful.  I want to be very budget minded these next five months.  I won't bore you all with it all, but it is a goal to somehow spend what I must and at the same time build up the account, so it's not completely drained by using these sub account amounts to pay our bills.  Finding that balance will be real exercise.  I may have to sell some things to make it happen and I'm open to doing that but determining what and where will have to be considered. 

John's mentioned going to the fair.  It is happening in October.  Frankly I don't see how.   We can go on Patriot's Day and skip the entrance fees which would be a help, but I have Caleb to keep and how will he handle being in a stroller for a long spell?  There is no back up sitter plan.  I'm it plain and simple.  

I know he'd enjoy the people watching aspect.  That's one thing he loves to do.  I haven't given John an answer as to whether I want to go or not, but I know it's something he looks forward to especially in the years when we can't make it to the beach in autumn and we certainly can't do that this year.   


Lana said...

The rain really slowed us down in September as well. I believe the painting will be finished today and everything has been caulked around the exterior. This is a big accomplishment and everything looks so fresh and nice! I want to breathe for a few days before we jump into October and we still have lake time to use.

Donna said...

We have had a lot of rain lately. That does put a kabosh on working outside. Sounds like you are making some progress. There is always something to be done, either inside or outside. We had a good Sabbath so I'm ready to tackle some chores inside as it is supposed to rain again tomorrow.

terricheney said...

Lana, Yay for more lake time! What a lovely month to go in...

Donna, I always feel ready to tackle something by end of a Sabbath rest.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again