The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Hup Hup Hup


In my home this week, I am enjoying all the lovely spring blooms.  I was in the yard on Friday and said to myself, "Now if I could just get blooms all summer and deep into fall..."  I know that will take lots of work.  I haven't even gone out to plant the few seeds I have just yet though all danger of frost has passed us.  Why the delay?  Too many other things taking priority for one thing.  And also, because it's been very dry here.  Other areas have had enough rain to leave water standing but we're dry as a bone.  I had to water container plants (which basically means nearly ALL of my plants) heavily last week. Even the herbs had started to curl up and wither.  

I nearly got caught out with Mother's Day coming this Sunday instead of next as I'd thought.  Fortunately, I've got Mama taken care of with a meal out at a higher end restaurant and her store bought, heartfelt card.  I sent the girls handmade cards with personal messages written inside.  Mama hinted strongly that she'd like to do something on Mother's Day proper, but she loathes crowds and there are no family gatherings to speak of.   When she asked what my children were going to do for me, I answered truthfully that I'd no idea.  Some years I get a card, some years I get a text or phone call and some years I get nothing at all.  I don't make a fuss either way about it.  I'm always pleased if they do think of me, but my year doesn't hinge upon that one day.  John and I don't do anything for one another for Mother's or Father's Days.  And I'm perfectly fine with it.  

Well, best get busy and plan for the week ahead.   Let's see what all we've got to do in the days ahead...


This week I'll be working in Zone 2 Living, Dining Rooms, Front Entry.  For certain, I must dust.  But just glancing around at the moment, I don't see much that has to be done.  If I can find that block of poster putty once again, I'll add some to the backs of my pictures.  I've noticed that every time anyone shuts a door, they get a little askew.  It will save having to straighten them every single time.

I think I'll begin the search for summer pillow cover fabric.  At the very least I'll wash and put away the Afghan.

I should also sort out the CD's and records.  

Try to find something summery to hang on the front door, clean the storm door glass and generally make that entry welcoming.  I believe I have wreaths in the shed that will work just fine.

It's pay week and I need to work out our finances for the month.  Tot up the checkbook, see what's gone through the bank since my last check, determine where we are with our budget and plan shopping for the month.

Mulch and soil.  I know those are on repeat.  I haven't got the first bag yet and why not?  Not a priority with John, not at all. However, this month it's MY priority and I'm starting this week to get those things I need so that I can do what is necessary for the months ahead.  Period.  Even if it means making multiples of trips over to the garden center to pick those things up.

Repot tomatoes.  Plant basil seeds.  

Harden off those sunflowers this week so I can get them planted.

Plant flower seeds.

Start painting the porch furniture.  One piece at a time.

Finish the bathroom painting.

Keep Millie one day.

Oh yes, take Caleb to an afternoon health checkup this week as well.  


Really more to do with the kitchen than with the house and yard is planning what I shall purchase during my grocery shop this week.  I know that chicken items are low.  I've plenty of beef at present.  So, I'll try to take time to go over the pantry and see just where I am with what I've got at present.

One item I want to make sure I pick up is some frozen broccoli.  I'll go to multiple stores if I must.   I'm sick of eating just green beans and green peas and green salads the last two weeks of every month.  I want a little more variety.  

I plan to sit down with cookbooks this week and find new vegetable side dish recipes, salad ideas that use more than just lettuce, etc.  I'm always looking for new desserts or new main dishes, but I really need to focus on the side stuff for a bit and try some new recipes.  Maybe we'll find some new favorites and get more variety in our lives.  I'll probably go through my favorite cooking vlogs as well and see what they might have to suggest for side dishes, but most of them tend to focus on desserts and main dishes, too.

I definitely need to make bagels this week or John shall insist I buy them, and I can make the much cheaper.  I broke down and bought English muffins.  Truth, the homemade ones taste nice, but the texture is totally different.  The recipe I have is more of a soft bread texture and I like those little pockmarks all through the dough, a sign that they used sour dough, I think.  I'll have to research a few more recipes, but in the meantime, I have English muffins.

I bought egg roll wrappers last week and would like to get those made and into the freezer.

I have several prepped meals in the freezer.  Sloppy Joes, Spaghetti sauce, a Ravioli Bake, Shredded BBQ Chicken, Chicken Wild Rice Casserole and Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Rice.  I think this week I'd like to make French Toast, Waffles, Pancakes and add some of those items to the freezer.  I'd like to take one packet of English muffins and make up some breakfast sandwiches to freeze.  Those thaw and reheat well.  It would make John happy and ease morning breakfast prep for me.

Enough.  I've planned to do plenty. Now, I shall have to live with my list and see how right or wrong I was about my potential productivity this week!  I'm planning meals with an eye towards using leftovers and also having sandwich fillers.  John's been very happy with the increased sandwiches on the menu these days.


Hot Dogs with Sauerkraut, Potato Salad

Gramma's Fried Chicken, Boxed Mac n cheese, Coleslaw

Golden Chicken pasta, Steamed Broccoli  (assuming we have leftover chicken)

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Corn Muffins

Corned Beef, Potatoes, Cabbage (from freezer...we'll see how the frozen cabbage quarters do)

John at men's meeting

Tomato Soup, Tuna Pasta Salad, Muffins


I continue to read but I've done nothing towards genealogy at all.  I'm not giving up.  It's going back on the goals list again this week.

Shut down computer by 9 pm each evening.  I'd much rather spend time watching tv or reading.

I started season 9 of the Great British Bakeoff and I want to watch some more of that.  

I'm also going to remind John I'd like to see Season 2 of Bridgeton.

Take morning coffee on the porch.   Tis the season.

I brought out my Blueberry Cobbler k-cups, too for Saturday coffee mornings.

Remember to take a break routinely throughout each work day.

As a treat to myself I'm going to buy not one but two rose bushes.  I won't be able to buy the top-of-the-line sorts I'd like to purchase but I'll buy the best I can afford.  I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was to realize that I'd come home with that pot from the town house and didn't have a new to me rosebush at all, just another pecan tree!


Anne said...

I was absolutely stunned to find there is a product called poster putty. Why have I never heard of this? Crooked pictures drive me nuts. Where do you buy it?

I think you are more emotionally mature than I in not expecting a thing for Mother's Day. You do a huge amount for your two close by families and it would be nice if they made a fuss over you once a year. But you are smart to just let it go.

Lana said...

We use some little clear stick on square things that keep pictures straight. I think they are Command brand. They really work. That is exactly my problem with English muffins. They just taste like bread. I picked up the BOGO Geenwise Publix bakery ones to see if we like those. Aldi ones are horrible. We continue to find lots of Pepperidge Farm bagels for a buck at the discount store.

Happy Mother's Day!

terricheney said...

Anne, Having grown up with someone who did nothing but fuss no matter how much was done, I decided it wasn't worth the fuss or bitterness on my part to be hurt over something that in the end is just one day. My children often do things for me, little and big all throughout the year unasked and unexpected. I'll take those over their making a fuss once a year and ignoring me otherwise.
I pick up the poster putty at Walmart or Dollar store in the office supply section. One package lasts quite a long while.

Lana, those little things you're talking about are really good too. Anne I think those little dots are in the hardware section with furniture slides and such.

Anne said...

Thanks, I think I'll try the dollar store first as it might be cheaper and I still like to save money as long as it doesn't weigh 40 pounds. :)

Tammy said...

Worked outside for a couple of hours this very warm morning. So humid, the garage floor was sweating. Windy enough that it's dried up now, and I swept the dried leaves and corn husks out. We've had such strong winds the past few weeks that our yard was full of corn husks as well, blown in from the fields across the road. Greg's taken care of those in the yard, but neither of us had swept up the garage.
I drove my little tractor down to the dump, with lawn trailer attached, and unloaded a pile of leaves that I raked from the front beds last week. Then I made four or five trips from our yard over to the shop, just moving some pallets and lumber from my back yard to behind the garage there. I keep asking Greg to bring home the trailer so we can load it all up at once, and he "forgets", so I'm taking it a piece or two at a time. I bet when he sees that, he'll "remember" to bring the trailer home to me. Lol. I parked the tractor in the garage so I can air up the trailer tires, and my knee needed a break. It's probably time to limp back out and get the tires taken care of, then I could get another pallet or two delivered before Greg is home from work.
About Mother's Day - Jess and the kids came over and I got hugs and kisses. Layla had picked out a small gift for me from the store, something I already had two of, but I just thanked her and agreed it would be useful. Lol. I didn't hear from Nick at all. He'll be here Wednesday afternoon, so I'll get a hug then. Like you, I don't worry about a fuss. My kids are there for me if and when I need them, so I don't need a day when they're required. Greg does cook for me for the day.
We do not do a gathering with extended family anymore. I took the grandkids to the garden center on Saturday morning where they picked out a flower container for Greg's mom, and a succulent container for Jessica. Then I guess Jess and the kids took a bouquet of flowers to her yesterday as well.
I'll be interested to hear what you think of season 2 of Bridgerton. I've watched the entire season twice. Those gowns are just stunning. There were a few really teary moments in this season as well. Even talking about them after watching, Jess and I both teared up. Enjoy!

March 27: Grocery Day