The Homemaker Plans Her Week...


...and sets goals for a new month.  Are they really goals or just a to do list that never ends?  I'm not sure anymore, lol.  

In my home this week, we are ending up May and beginning a new month.  I had planned to work on porches last week but after weeks of little to no rain, we've had cloud bursts every single day.  The grass grew and so did weeds.  The wind blew and down came limbs.  Flowers I thought were surely dead flushed with a bit of green, but I know they need more than just water if they are going to survive.  They need new soil and to have a little more room to grow.  I arranged furnishings on the porches, but other duties prevented the deep cleaning I'd planned.  

Never mind.  Things wait to be done.   Though they might look shabby by the time I'm able to do them, they wait all the same.  I have a long goals list from April I'm still working through.  You know what?  I'm going to make a new list.  The April list is scratched up and written over and I don't need to know what I've done as much as I need to know what's still waiting to be done.  

But mostly I want a new list so I can add all the many things I've noted over this month I ought to do that I haven't.  By the same token, I don't want to work myself to a sweaty heap every single day.  I generally share things off my goal list all through the month, so you're not going to see a separate post.  I promise you'll see some portion of it each week in these posts as I plan my week and some items will show up repeatedly until they are done!


I've promised the boys I'd take them to the library now that school is out.  I need to look up days and times at various branches in our system that are nearby and note them down so we can plan.  I'd love to say I'd do it once a week, but can I?  Would two weeks be better for me and for them?   I have to determine that once and for all.  It does seem like summer is awfully short.  Part of me wants to do it weekly, but I do have duties and other obligations that I must do as well...I really need to sort this out this week!

I need to determine how we're going to keep track of books that they check out.  I've had several thoughts.  They have a lot of books at home and the library books need to be kept separate, but I can't limit them to reading their books only here, as that would defeat the purpose of trying to encourage them to read, not to mention John's need, and mine, to NOT have children here every day.  So, decisions must be made, and solutions found this week

Since this week is split between two months, I'm going to do something I haven't done before and work on two separate Zones.   I'm going to add in Zone 5 which I've determined should be pantry/freezers and/or shed.  Since I did a rather neat job on the shed last month, I'm going to focus on the pantry.  I want to determine what I have and what I might need to be looking to replace.  I don't want to do a full-blown inventory, but I do want to do a sort of mini inventory, scanning the shelves and checking expiration dates on least used items, etc.  I'll also do a quick tidying and inventory of the chest freezer. I'll have three days to get that zone done  and I don't believe it will take three days.  I'll push any extra time I have over to get a head start on Zone 1 for June.

Zone 1 is the kitchen.  This month in the kitchen, I want to focus on cleaning cabinet fronts and appliances.  I don't mean to just wipe down the appliances outside but to clean them inside.  I do try to wipe up spills and spatters and such, but you're bound to miss something at some point.  I'll run vinegar through the Keurig, lift the stove top to see what sort of graveyard of dropped food exists there, pull drawers and shelves from the fridge to wash, etc.  

Work on the porches will continue.  I'm going to try to sort out the front porch entirely before I move on to the back porch or the patio.  That said, I'm breaking it down into bite sized pieces.  There's cleaning, painting, plants I'll want to arrange, plants I want to add.  I'm not at all sure how far I'll get with this since I have to account for John's plans, too (if he's mowing there's no point in trying to paint anything!), and my routine work in amongst all this extra.

I have repotting I must do.  Stunted plants are proof I need to get busy and get it done!  Some need to be divided, some need to be planted in the yard, some need to have fresh soil added and roots broken up a bit...Small bites on this job, too.

A new month is ahead.  I must get our check book set up for a fresh month.  John asked when we'd get paid this month and when I told him he was quite gleeful, until I mentioned it would then be five weeks before we got another check, so there's extra planning required to stretch our funds an extra week.

I know we'll be doing yardwork at the house in town.  John will be cutting lawns here and across the field.  I feel safe in saying we won't be doing much else this week.  I think we'll safely stay quite busy enough without my planning to do anything more.

Our new chairs are supposed to be delivered on Wednesday.  That's the only appointment we have for the week.


Since I'm in this cleaning zone this week I'm going to make this week a quiet work week in the kitchen.  Because I'll also be doing a mini inventory of foods, I'd like to determine what meals would be good for warmer weather, something I meant to do last week and didn't.  I'll make a list to keep in my recipe file. 

I'm going to include it here since it has more to do with kitchen than home or yard.  I have some pretty good value coupons from Kroger I'd like to use before they expire.  This week is it or I'll lose them.  Some are free items or are high value.  I never worry about not using every single coupon but some are well worth the time it will take to run to the store.


Salisbury Steak and Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli and Apple Salad

Roasted Chicken, Squash Casserole, Green Beans and Potatoes, Slaw

Grilled Brats, Onions and Peppers, Pickles, Leftover Slaw

Buffalo Chicken Pasta Salad

Mac n Cheese, Roasted Broccoli, Carrot, and Peppers, Crisp green salad

Chicken and Rice Soup, Ambrosia

Chef Salad, Muffins, Oatmeal Crumble Bars

Personal and Leisure:

Set up June outfits.

Skin care.  I must moisturize my skin routinely.  Right now, I'm experimenting with using a mix of refined coconut oil and a pump of the lemon scented moisturizing lotion that Bess's mom gave me.  It's leaving my skin feeling lovely, but I must remember to do this daily.  

Hand care.  My nails are taking a beating and my skin and cuticles are extra dry with all the dirty work of the yard.  I can at least soothe them with cuticle oil and lotion on a more routine basis.

Order Vitamin C serum. 

I want to watch some more makeup tutorials and practice a bit. I've reverted back to my high school 'look' of mascara and blush (with a wee bit of foundation and lipstick and a brow powder when I'm going out) and honestly, I don't look as fresh as I did at 18.  No shock there but I find I'm less happy with a heavily made-up look.  My foundations are not the right shade at all.  I just need a lot of help at the moment!  I want something that looks natural but an improved natural if that makes sense to anyone except me. 

I'm also trying out a different clothing service.  I'll see how I like this one.  Katie ordered from them, and I'll say she certainly got some cute looking things.  This is a once-a-month service.  Katie said it was cheaper than Stitch Fix, but I think in the end it would cost about the same, based on their being a once a month and the amount of clothing sent in each package.  The main thing is it's different than Stitch Fix. I feel I've pretty much run the gamut of what Stitch Fix had to offer for my size range at present. 

I'm reading and I've loads of books here at home to read, but there's always something I want that I don't have.  This month I mean to return to my treat of allowing myself 2 new to me books each month.  I'm going to place my first order this week.  I'm going to pop a list of authors whose books I'd like to read, but don't necessarily want a long term relationship with just now into my purse because I'm sure I'll borrow some while the boys and I are at the library!

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Anne said...

"Honestly, I don't look as fresh as I did at 18." I fell off the couch laughing at this. Sweetie, as soon as you find the special elixir that accomplishes THAT, you have to promise to share it with YOUR readers. We'll be the prettiest old ladies in the country. :) :)

Lana said...

I have found it to be well worth the expense and extra cost of the product to go to the Clinique counter and have them help me with foundation and the color. In the long run it probably saves me money because I know my foundation is right and I never buy anything but the Clinique so wasting money on trying different ones.

Tammy said...

I know you didn't ask, but as a long-time friend, I'm butting in with love and my 2¢ about the library - my vote is once a week and schedule it on your calendar like a standing appointment. Everything else that needs to be done will still be there, but the boys will not always be. You will have excellent time spent with them that you will not regret. (Spoken by the former early childhood professional in me.) This said, I understand my opinion is just that and you'll do what works best for you and the boys. Just offering encouragement.

As for the books - I'm sure there are extra tote bags or backpacks at their house. If each boy has a designated bag to keep their books in at all times unless they're reading them, would that work? If needed, they can be kept at your house and the boys can come exchange books every few days?

Makeup - the weekend before we left for vacation, Jess, Layla, and I had a girl's day out. One of our stops was the Sephora store at the mall - mainly because the manager of that shop worked at the theater with me, and I wanted to pop in and say hi. Anyway, Jess tried some of their color-matching foundation and it was amazing. I didn't try it because I knew I'd just sweat it off, but perhaps that might be something to consider as you shop around.

We have a cloudy and breezy Sunday, but it's going to get hot, and we have scattered thunderstorms this afternoon and tonight. I gardened for about an hour this morning, but still didn't plant anything, in case we get hail. Greg is cooking brisket for our supper, but no gathering for us, and I'm okay with that.

Conni said...

Hi, Terri,
Tammy beat me to the suggestion but I was thinking YOU might provide a ‘special’ bag for each of the boys for their books to go home with. Perhaps you could find themed bags at the Dollar and a Quarter :) store that fit their personalities, and reward them with a small treat (Dollar Store sticker on their bag??) for returning their books. Whatever you decide, HOW FUN to have a gramma-date which will further cement memories of FUN with you!

terricheney said...

Anne, So happy I amused you, lol.

Lana, I actually stumbled upon something online that let me know I was on the right track with foundation. But yes, that's a great idea and if my experimenting doesn't show any improvement with my skin/look overall I'll definitely do that!

Tammy and Conni, I pretty much decided once a week. When I asked Sam about how to keep the books separate, he thought they might use their school bookbags since they won't need them this summer and said that if I'd keep a copy of the list and make sure he and Bess also had a copy, they'd help keep the books straight. Now trying to find a story time to take Millie to each week.

Frances Moseley said...

Hi Terri, I know I am a bit late to chime in about the library, but I did not read blogs until this morning. I agree that once a week for the boys' outing to the library is the better choice. Also, you might wan to see which branches offer a summer reading program. Most do, and they usually consist of some sort of story or activity time once a week with some prizes at the end of the summer for most books read and that sort of thing. This would make the library day extra fun for you and the boys.

March 26: It Was Time