The Homemaker Plans Her Week: If at First You Don't Succeed...


In my home this week, I'm making plans but not planning to be quite as ambitious as last week.  I have Millie to keep one day but only for a couple of hours or so and beyond that the week is wide open for any plans I hope to make of my own.  And I do hope to plan well and get a few things accomplished.  Shall we get started?


I don't know if Katie's mown her yard or not.  Just now she's working full time, taking college courses and studying for the last part of her licensing as an agent.  I don't expect much with her tending to Caleb, too, except the indoors things that any mom must attend to.

I'm pretty sure we can find limbs to trim there and a few other tasks that need to be done.  That's one thing about a home that has been neglected where yard work is concerned, there is always something that is needed.  John will attend to yard work, mowing and weed eating and possibly doing some trimming

My personal plans for the other house are these: pick up the blocks I moved, try and wedge up the rest and move them.  To do this I mean to take along leather work gloves and my little red wagon which will easily fit into my car.  Also pick up the bricks I removed and tossed over the fence and stack them all neatly.  I plan to get some of the blocks/bricks loaded into my car to bring home for use here.  

I found, in an out of the way corner behind the shed, lots of plastic flowerpots and plan to see if I can't weed out those that are cheap old nursery pots and those that are broken to haul up to the dumpster at the end of the road.  We generally try to keep work sessions there to about two hours and I suspect we'll do that this week.

Zone 3 is bed and bathrooms of the house. I'd planned last month to paint the mirror frame in the guest bath. I also need to get the master bath painting finished.  I knew when John took the step stool out of the room that he'd never get back around to that task as he'd promised he'd do, so I'll just do my best to finish it on my own.  It's been months.  That's quite long enough to wait on anyone to do what's been promised.    I won't plan anymore for the bedrooms, etc. as they've both had a very good going over in the past two months.

And if I possibly can, I hope to get mulch and soil.  I know that keeps coming up on the list and it will keep coming up until I actually get it started and finished.

Last, I hope to start painting porch furnishings this week.


I promised John I'd get busy and make bagels this week.  It isn't that lengthy a process, but I simply put it off last week and didn't even attempt to make them when I found I had the free time to do it.  I'd also planned to make up a sizeable batch of French toast which freezes and reheats well.  I have most of loaf of bread from this past week that will work wonderfully well for just that purpose. I'll use my big griddle so I can make several pieces at once.

I have one project in the kitchen I want to do, and that has to do with the area where I'm storing plastic containers, yogurt jars with lids, and such for storage of leftovers.  The system I've devised is more aggravation and less organized than I'd like.  I'm going to find or purchase a deep basket and shove all that stove in the thing.  In the end, I think I'll be a lot happier with that than having to dive to the back of that cabinet to retrieve pieces that slipped and slid away from my grasp as they are doing now.


I'm having one of those moments where I know I must cook in the week ahead, but I don't want anything in particular.  Nothing sounds appealing and John is no help at all, as I can pretty much count on two hands any food he's ever mentioned wanting and which he could eat on repeat ad nauseum.  It is me who likes to cook and try things out and it's myself who will end up doing the cooking.

What I have at present moment is a variety of things that are ready to thaw and heat in the freezer.  Casseroles, pasta sauces, etc.  So, this week, I'm going to just play it by ear on a daily basis and see how things fall out.  If I'm stumped I can either rely on John's personal list of favorites or what's already in the freezer.  


I just finished reading In This Mountain by Jan Karon.  I think I'm ready to step away from the Mitford series for a bit.  I'd like to finish the last of the Merlin and Arthur series by Mary Stewart, and then we'll see where I go from there.

Spend one hour setting up a few more outfits and making out a list of wardrobe needs which are few but there are one or three things I could use.

Get a haircut.

I've found a series of videos by makeup artists who are over 50-60 years old and I'm watching those with an eye towards better skin care and a fresh look with my makeup.  I call it 'Continuing Education'.  I've also picked up a vlogger who is over 60 and shares fashion tips.  If any prove to be especially good, I'll share links with you in future.

John and I have a number of obligations for several evenings this week ahead.  I'd hoped to sneak away for a date one day but honestly, I don't see it happening this week.  I'm going to set my sights on planning something nice for our anniversary and we'll see if we can manage that.

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Connie said...

Can you try to convince John to finish the bathroom painting while you make the requested bagels ? Seems like a fair trade !


terricheney said...

Conni, all being fair in love and baking and painting? I make it my policy to ask John if he'll finish a job once. Then I wait patiently and when it fails to get done, I start. I'll wager that he'll be in there helping to finish it off before the first paint hits the wall, but if not, then it's done and no fuss about it. At which point he'll remind me that he'd said he was going to do it and I'll remind him I waited. That's how we do things here, lol. He'll then apologize for not getting to it and I'll accept his apology.

MamaHen said...

This week will be a mix for me as far as work is concerned-I think. You just never know around here how a day is going to go. I'm torn between wanting to rest and read and watch some no-sense tv (:)) and getting straight to work with some summer projects I want to do. This will be my first week not working my part-time teaching job. We did get our big garden planted yesterday ( and I'm feeling it this morning) and I got my grading done and grades sent. We'll see how the week plays out. It will probably be a mixture of rest and work-which I guess is how it should be. :)

Anne said...

1. Thank you so much for your permanent Amazon link. I can start shopping now. :)

2. I love fashion and makeup links for women over 60. Can't wait for your opinion on the new blogs.

3. Smiled at your "policy" exchange with John. I'm quite sure women the world over have exactly the same issue. We love our homes and want them beautiful, they are an extension of ourselves. Men are less invested in their looks.

Donna said...

Glad to hear that Katie is moving along with her plans for her career. Wishing her the best!

Yard work always takes longer than we anticipate, and a lot more lifting and hauling. We are still cleaning up beds and planting vegetables. Next project is to make a temporary chicken coop and run for the eight Rhode Island Reds as they have outgrown their storage tub apartment.

Lana said...

Just back from a great little trip to squeeze our youngest grandson. Arrived home to rain! YAY! So tired but happy to see all the plants looking so perky from the rain.

terricheney said...

Lana, How very nice! We've had some rain here on Friday and again on Sunday afternoon but it's not nearly enough. The lavender is budding up for the first time ever and the heads are drooping sadly. I'll be out with the hose this evening to water them.

Donna, thank you. Katie manages and that's all any of us can do. She's loving her job and that's a huge help at the end of the day isn't it?

Yes, yardwork takes longer than it ever used to take and it always took plenty of time way back then. John insists we stop and rest more now and I think he's quite right. Resting isn't what eats up our time however, it's recovering once we've got it done lol.

Anne, I will try and remember to put it on each post. I thought I had a permanent link fixed at the bottom of the blog page but I seldom look at the blog the way you all do, from the finished page. I'm usually in the 'new post' section which is where i write and edit from.

I really like these two women so far. I've watched a few of the older vlogs they've posted. MaryEllen After 60 and Elis Marquam Jahns. They seem reasonable about what they are willing to spend and how they do things.

MamaHen, I hope you find the perfect balance between work and play while you're off work.

Karla said...

As I've entered my 2nd year of the 50s decade, I've gravitated toward some really great mature women vloggers who vlog about fashion and beauty/skincare. I am finding some really great ideas, products and methods that are new to me and revamping my style as well!

March 26: It Was Time