The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Hot Summer Ahead


In my home this week, the heat is ramping up to summertime highs just in time for summer.  Forecasts and most weather apps stated the temperatures were in the lower portion of the 90's all last week.  I'm not saying they were lying but my thermometers here at the house and on my car, all were giving me readings of 100f.  This week the weather is being forecast for triple digit temperatures, so I'm expecting it will be a smidge higher than what they're saying.  That smidge is what's going to have me looking for the coolest way to do everything from cooking to cleaning and it's going to dictate how I plan my week.   


I felt very disheartened last week until I went through my list of goals for the week and realized that I'd touched on every single one of them except those tasks in the kitchen I keep saying I'm going to do...Not too shabby!  I'm pleased to see that at least I'm conscious of my goals even if I'm not sitting down each day actively reading them.

This week is Zone 4, porches and patios.  I'll focus on all three at some point this week, but only in the earliest parts of the day.  There's furniture to be painted and there's plenty of cleaning to be done and now that I have an idea of what I want my patio to be, there's that to work towards, too.  Since there is a readily available water source, I'm going to make that spot my kitchen garden area, all big pots or garden bags of vegetables and flowers.  Of course, I do realize that in this heat it's unlikely anything I plant will do well just now but I can ready it for fall planting.  I have a vision...which means that it will be pretty in a rustic country sort of way and functional and a pleasant place to be when I'm done.  

I know we're probably going to go over to the town house to mow the back yard.  I will try to load up some landscape blocks this time and weed that last section of flower bed.  Fingers crossed I can actually drag myself off to get mulch for that house.  I only need about six bags to finish up the current section and two more would polish off another nice sized spot.  I can almost see the end of this project and then we'll be down to just maintenance which is work enough.

While I'm purchasing mulch, I hope to get some six packs of annuals, one or two perennials to plant in planters here at the house.  

General housework.

And since I've said I won't work outdoors beyond the very earliest hours of the day, lots of quiet work indoors can be done especially on these very hot afternoons.  Lists to make of things I want to get done or see need to be purchased (like heavy duty black out curtains for the living room...)  Writing.  I'm also beginning to feel the need of polishing up on my frugal mindsets by doing a little 'bootcamp'.  I want to study some of my old homemaking books, past blog posts and pinpoint money saving ways I've let slide.  Some of those might well be worth reincorporating, in light of the prices we're seeing at present.  Oh, there's plenty of work that can be done and none of it need cause me to glisten with perspiration.  


Shall I just repeat myself?  Cookie dough, brownie mix, a frozen pie or two...

Sit down and work out a cooler menu that requires less heat in the kitchen and lighter recipes than those we've been eating.  I'm finding this difficult because right now, what's cheapest are roasts especially chuck and shoulder roasts and whole chickens.  I use my toaster oven and crockpot a LOT in summer months, and again, those recipes that do best in the slow cooker tend to be heavier, slow simmering ones.  So yes, I'm going to look for summer fare that is a little lighter.  


Some of the meals here may look like those from last week.  There's good reason.  I didn't have some of these grocery items until later last week rather than early in the week as I'd planned.

Kielbasa, Cabbage, Potato

Gramma's Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Mac n Cheese, Sliced Tomatoes

Tomato Soup, Chicken Tortellini Salad

Shish Kebab of Beef and Vegetables, Rice

Taco Salad, Chocolate Pudding

Twice Baked Potato, Steamed Broccoli, Fruit Gelatin

Burgers, Fixings, Corn on the Cob, Chilled Fruit



Work on my new journal.

Continue with the new skincare routine I've put in place.  It's working very well.  I'm washing my face each morning, then using a Hyaluronic serum, followed by moisturizer.   In the evening, I remove makeup and wash my face, then use a Vitamin C serum followed by moisturizer.  I don't have wrinkles, but I do have dark spots that are considerably lightened, and my skin feels wonderful.  I'll work up a post with products I've found and am enjoying using. 

For my arms and legs, I'm patting barely dry after my shower, then I use one pump of the Phytoplex moisturizing lotion with 2 or 3 drops of coconut oil mixed in and rub that into the skin on my arms and legs.  My skin is a lot less dry and crepe-y.  

Make out a list of items I need for summer, like a white tank top, and perhaps a couple of pretty tops that are lightweight and summery looking that have some sort of sleeve, rather than being sleeveless, and a straw bag, etc.

Buy some flowering plants, perennials or annuals doesn't matter.  I love flowers and I'm ready to add to what I have now that I know where I could use some pops of color.


Practical Parsimony said...

A roast in the crockpot does not have to mean heavier meals. The roast can be sliced thin for sandwiches or topping a salad. While it is not the usual salad meat, it will be good.

Anne said...

I have been on a quest for a new straw bag for weeks now. I checked my favorite stores and some of my not so favorite. I found some cute ones that turned out to be tiny (I have made the mistake in the past of not paying any attention to measurements listed and ended up with a mini purse I could not use) or huge beach totes. I have quite literally looked at hundreds of bags.

I finally found one on Etsy, but from China. I'm always hesitant about ordering from China, having varied results in the past, but this company had hundreds of good reviews so I ordered. Will come in early next month. I'm looking forward to it.

I like to have a new straw bag every summer.

Casey said...

Hi Terri,

I was going to suggest you cut up the beef roast … thin slices or small pieces for stir fry. You might look at some Vietnamese recipes as they often call for rice noodles, which require more soaking than cooking. Given what you’ve shared about John not likening pasta salads, that might not work. I’ve had some delicious cold noodle salads.

We had very cool temps here in the PWN and I’m so tired of the rain, but I’m trying not to complain given the intense heat wave in other parts of the US. I probably could have turned on the heat today, but I refused given it’s the middle of June! I’m still just fine using the oven.

Stay cool!

MamaHen said...

Hot hot hot here in Alabama, although yesterday it only got up to 93. High 90s are forecasted this week. But that is typical for Alabama. I sprained my knee working in the garden last week and have been laid up in the recliner for a week now. It is feeling much better, but the doc says to take it very easy for at least another week. It is so hard with the garden coming in. But I know if I don't take care of the knee now it will only take more time for it to heal later. I had a very carefully planned-out summer filled with down-time, garden work, canning, freezing, and house projects that I can't do in the fall/winter (I work 3 days a week teaching during the school year, care for my home, and my 97 year old mother-in-law), so I have had a hard time letting go of my plans. But God is faithful and trustworthy so I am having to over and over remind myself of that.

Tammy said...

We're in the final day of the current heat advisory, so with the "cold" front coming in, we'll have storms tonight. Those are forecast for 4-10 p.m., so I'm not planning to cook. I'll prep everything this afternoon, and we'll having Cobb salads for supper.

My sister will be here in two weeks to spend a couple of days. They usually stay with my brother, but will be here this time. I'm very excited, but have been in a perpetual state of decluttering for weeks, so that must be finished up and the house calmed. Layla and I have two library programs this week, Jess and I are having a table at the Farmer's Market for our cups, and I have orders to finish, and on Saturday we're having an early birthday celebration for Jessica. I always wonder who thought summer was slow and relaxing. Lol.

We did have our first fire on Saturday evening, just me and Greg. We dipped into the s'mores bar that I set up on the open shelves by the kitchen, and enjoyed roasting our marshmallows slowly so they were perfectly golden brown. Then we watched the fireflies floating around and enjoyed the quiet.

March 27: Grocery Day