The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Sailing Towards Summer

In my home this week, I am tired, planning my next week and sipping the first cup of coffee I've had since I woke.  It is evening, just to let you know that it's been one long day.   I did something completely uncharacteristic this afternoon and drove over to pick up take-out for supper.  I was just that doggone tired and not in the mood to do dishes or try to figure what sides I might have when I've yet to get to the grocery store.  That was the BEST food I've had for supper in a week.  I am sure that knowing I didn't have to cook it, there would be no dishes and the fact that I was bone weary all combined to make it an awesome treat.   Not one I'll treat myself to often but one I surely did appreciate this evening.   We'll call it bonus that we both had leftovers, enough to make a decent lunch for us one day this weekend.  

Let's get busy planning the week ahead...


Zone 3 Beds and Baths.  I am pretty sure the guest bedroom could use a good dusting and vacuuming.  I sometimes forget that just because we seldom use a room doesn't mean dust won't settle in it.  

Nothing much beyond a general cleaning is needed in the guest bath

In our room, I'm going to just do a good old-fashioned cleaning.  I don't need to declutter any area, nor do I need to deep clean any spot in the room.  Oops!  I take it back.  There's one thing I've finally determined I shall let go of in my room and I want to place it with the other items I mean to donate.

The one 'big' job this week in this zone area is to finish up that bathroom.  I reminded John that it's now been six months since I painted the bathroom and its high time it was finished.  And I am not kidding!

There's a few weeds and loads of sticks in the Faith tree bed that need to be cleaned up.  Also work on cleaning out the last flower bed and the area about the Sweet Gum tree at the back of the house.

And if I have time, I hope to start cleaning the back porch.  Rather than paint the furniture there first, as I did on the front porch, it's cleaning that is most seriously needed first.  I need to move some things out to the shed and then go to work on the ceiling joists, siding and floor.

Grocery shopping.

Purchase MORE mulch for the town house beds and a bag of soil so I can repot two more tomato plants.

Should I even list it as work?  I plan to take the boys to the local library for a Lego play day.  Sad to hear today that our library lost their part time employee and so it will only be open on Fridays or whatever day there is a special summer reading program planned (like the Lego day).

Possibly get a haircut and go visit Mama on the same day.  I'll combine that with a Kroger sales run or a trip into Walmart to get flour, as I am already in need of a restock.


Cookie dough, brownie mix, etc.  I said I was getting this done last week but I didn't.  This week for sure.  I'm also considering making a freezer pie or two and popping into the freezer.  Orange meringue would be nice to have on hand as a cool dessert.

Other than that, it's all about meals and using up the leftovers.


Birthday party

Chef's Salad if we make it to the grocery store as I hope today. 

Mississippi Pot Roast, Mashed potatoes, Greens

Bbq Chicken, Potatoes au gratin, Cucumber and Lettuce Salad

Tomato Basil Soup, Cheesy Breadsticks, Salad

Tuna Casserole, Green Beans, Sliced Tomatoes

Baked Potato Bar, Tossed Salad


Library with the boys.

Try to start a pen pal club amongst the older cousins.

Plan and set up outfits for the rest of the month.

Continue with Vitamin C and intensive moisture therapies.

Pedicure for me.  Ditto plus a manicure for Millie who needs to get a little one on one Gramma time in.

Morning coffee outdoors.

Plan lunches and breakfasts so I can approach those mealtimes in a more leisurely and not last minute manner.

1 comment:

Lana said...

Sometimes you just need a meal time break! We did not cook a single thing yesterday because it was our 44th Anniversary. We had all our meals out and played and rested all day which was glorious!

March 27: Grocery Day