The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Last Week of June

In my home this week, I've been shaking my head thinking of the week ahead.  June is nearly over and that means the year is half gone!  Would someone please put the brakes down hard on this year?!

We'll head into July by the end of this week, and the last holiday on U.S. schedules until Labor Day.  It's going to be a long hot haul ahead for those of us living in the more southerly states.  And if June has been any indicator of how July might look, Whew!  It's gonna be HOT.

This past week, as I've watered plants about every other day, I've been contemplating the brown dry grass.  I'm always torn when we have this extra hot summers.  Yes, it does dry out the grass and it makes it necessary to be very careful about watering gardens, new plants and especially potted plants.  On the other hand, realistically looking at where we are, it is a savings on gasoline if we don't have to use the mower as often.  And in our case, it also means we get a break from more repairs on the mower if we don't use it, too, lol.

I know summer here in the South is meant to be hot.  I got that memo years ago and I actually don't mind it terribly much, as long as I can retreat into air conditioning and cool down a wee bit.  Years ago, when we lived without AC, I wonder how on earth we managed.  I recall all too clearly that we didn't really.  We just suffered through until it was cool enough to sleep once more.  So happy to have the AC!


I designated this as a Zone 5 week at the beginning of this month.  Technically it's pantry/freezer/shed week.  Realistically, it's probably going to end up being pantry/freezer/patio or back porch week.  Let's just call it bonus time to touch on a number of jobs that I've missed this month, okay?  I need to clean the back porch, paint the front porch flooring, paint the furniture on the patio and back porch.   My pantry needs its bit of time to be straightened and for me to oversee what I have and what we haven't been using so much of.  The freezer is a continual jumble of things.  We're talking more and more about a larger upright freezer.  I think we've seen how we can save a bit on that and it's a solution that is just fine.

First of a new month at the end of this week, so time to get my checkbook sorted out for the month ahead.

Mow Katie's front yard and/or spread mulch.  Since this is a push mower job, John and I both cut grass.  

I found fabric at Walmart last week to make slipcovers for the two ottomans in the living room.   I'll probably work on that a little bit, if I don't finish them entirely.

And that's where I'll leave it.  I've made plans to take the children to the library on Monday, on Wednesday I'll take just the boys.

I think any housework I accomplish will be more than enough with the other jobs I've laid out.


Same verse same as the first, second and third...Make up the Brownie mix and mix up some cookie dough.   John's starting to bemoan the lack of treats in the house.  I hate to spend money on cookies and such that just barely have any taste and he wants his little sweet treat.  So I'd better get busy!

Meals:  Every now and then I do this.  I just don't plan at all.  We seem to find plenty to eat.  I often get very creative with various things I find in the freezer, the pantry or the fridge that I know have been hanging around for a little while or that are leftover.  And that's what I'm going to do this week.   I'll go ahead and suppose that on Monday, especially if we mow Katie's yard and I take the three children to the library that I'll pull a frozen entree out to thaw and reheat in the toaster oven for an easy meal.  I'll plan that much and no more.  


Supposed to get another clothing order in from the new company.  If everything in this one is a size S, then I'm just going to cut my losses and stop the subscription.  If I do keep anything, it must be so cute I can't part with it, or go with something else that is already in my closet.  I've got my fingers crossed.  

Right now, my closet is looking very thin.  I think I have a total of six tops that are suitable for summer wear.  I've looked online at Stitch fix and I haven't seen anything I'd jump at if they sent it to me.  So if this next order isn't anything much, I am going to take myself off to Ross for Less and Cato and have a proper shop around for two or three new tops, some accessories, etc.

Mani/pedi at home.

I pulled out the adult coloring books last week and really enjoyed spending some time coloring while we listened to a television series we'd like to finish up before Netflix discontinues showing it.  

Watch an episode of Bridgerton and Season 9 of the Great British Bakeoff.



MamaHen said...

Got some inside house projects I want to work on. I will be making my to-do list today and mapping out the timeframe in which I would like to get them done. It doesn't always work out like I want, but it helps clear my mind to get it all on paper. I will continue picking blueberries each night and tending to the garden. It is supposed to cool off this week, will only be in the low 90's, and afternoon showers are predicted. I hope so. Nothing beats good ole rainwater for the garden.

Anne said...

I was looking at the picture of the very small room with the rose colored furnishings. It was so narrow I immediately assumed it was a bedroom. Then I saw the fireplace and thought it was the tiniest of living rooms with a settee. Then back to a bedroom with an odd end table. What do you think it is?

Donna said...

The picture looks like it could possibly be a dressing room/retreat for the lady of the house. There is a dressing table at the far side of the room. I can't tell if that is a door on the left side of the fireplace. Whatever its intended use, it is a charming room.

Pantry and freezer work can take a while to sort out. It's definitely too hot here to dig into the freezers. Everything would be a puddle of mush! I did a little work on the pantry in the house and we both worked on the "store" in the garage. Both of those area are in pretty good shape.

How is the clothing subscription working out? That is something I've never tried but my oldest daughter has in the past. She also shops Clothes Mentor which is a consignment shop. The thrift stores are more my speed. Last week I bought some things at a local charity shop. Also bought some summer tote bags/purses. The price for everything came to less than what I would have paid for a new tote/purse. Actually now would be a good time to shop for summer clothes as fall and winter things will soon appear.

Tammy said...

I have a few more posts to read, hopefully finding out how the new clothing subscription went. I was very happy with my latest Stitch Fix, and kept everything for the first time in a long time. Then I cancelled my subscription for now. Lol. I feel a need to cut back on non-essentials for the rest of the summer as we work on house and yard projects.

terricheney said...

Mama Hen, I guess you must live in the same zone I do...Little rain and 'lower 90's' is cooler, lol. I've been driving wistfully by the wild huckleberries at roadside peering hard and it seems they must have dried on the vines because I've seen nary a one.

Anne, I think it's an odd little room. It would get stuffy very quickly with that fireplace I should think. I'm not sure if it's meant to be a bedroom or 'box' room or what it's meant to be.

Donna, since my freezer is indoors and I work quickly with the smaller size (9 cu. ft) it doesn't ice up nor does the food melt.

Donna and Tammy, I will share about the clothing subscription in this week's diary. It will be in the Wednesday heading.

March 27: Grocery Day