Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Just In Time


Saturday:  Last night's Coffee House was absolutely wonderful.  John presented his music well and what's more he was well received.  We socialized amongst the group and enjoyed the interactions.   I was so tired, not going to even pretend I wasn't, but I truly enjoyed myself and I mean that sincerely.  Sometimes social gatherings, especially when I'm already weary, are just hard to push through.  

Last night, when we came home, I just put myself to bed right away.  I needed that half hour or so alone and in quiet to recoup.  Then I slept fairly well.  I still lay awake for over an hour after John came to bed, but I slept, blissfully well, once I went to sleep.  

I awoke to the same of Caleb hammering something on a wall in their room.  No clue what it was but he got his Mama out of bed and John and I both rolled over and went right back to sleep.

Last night on the way home, we talked over what we would do today.  I told John I really didn't want to run errands or shop.  We can do that after church on Sunday when we're in that area.  I didn't want to go into our own small town for the festival.  It was such a crush last year and from my glimpse of the number of vendors and displays I got last night, I felt it would be well populated today.

I suggested we go off to the little town in the foothills.  John countered with a visit to Veteran's State Park and a picnic lunch.  Since it was all last-minute plans, we decided to stop in the supply store that is just outside the park entrance and get a picnic lunch there.

We woke to a day that was breezy, cool and sunny.   We took a meandering way around the outskirts of our little town when we left home, but we still caught a glimpse of crowds even far out on the outskirts. The ride all the way from home to the park was mostly back roads.  We were astonished at one point to watch a bobcat cross the road in front of us.  

The whole trip was absolutely lovely.  The day was so beautiful.  We rode with the windows down. I am glad I brought my jacket along.  It was just a little cool, even at our slower pace of driving.  And oh the scenery!  Thick waving grasses, loads of blooming privet, tansy, wild verbena, clover, honeysuckle, and so much more.  It was so beautiful and abundant looking, a perfect example of spring.

We picked up lunch.  I won't even pretend to you that it was cheap.  It wasn't.  But as John said, "I'm going to enjoy this picnic!  We'll get what we want..."  We probably paid as much as we'd have paid at any restaurant but oh my goodness, it was good food and the picnic table we found was in a quiet spot with just enough people about to keep us occupied watching them as we talked and talked and talked.

It's made up my mind that I shall just go forward with one of my plans and book us for a night near another state park that is within an hour or so of home.  I think it will be just the 'vacation' we really need.

Home once more. As we pulled into our road, John said "Are you ready for this?"  I nodded.  "I can do it now..."   Caleb was over the moon that we were home. I started supper right away and we helped Katie with him as much as he'd let us help her.  He crawled into my lap just before supper and lay back.  I was combing his hair with my fingers and I watched as his eyes drifted down.   "Don't you go to sleep this close to supper!", I told him.  Katie and I got supper on the table as quickly as we could.  

He was finished with supper, tucked into bed and sound asleep before 6:30 pm.  

As I am typing this John has just turned to say, "Today was a great day!"  Yes, it was!

Sunday:  We've been getting out of the house in record time on Sunday mornings.  Truth is we want to be loaded up and gone before Caleb comes out of their room.  Once he's out, the morning disintegrates when we start to leave.  I hurried outdoors and loaded the car with the donations that I'd left sitting inside the door of my shed.  While I was at it, I grabbed the pack n play and popped it in the trunk too.  That pack n play was bought when our grandson Daniel was a baby and we've used it for 8 grandchildren.  Now I hope someone else gets a great lot of use from it and has as much joy as we did using it.

It was chilly this morning.  I regretted putting all those sweaters away, lol.  Fortunately, I had one I'd not put away and I used that one this morning.  Our church is always cool, almost a little too cool.  I think they do it to get people to sit a bit closer together, lol.

After church we talked with a few people, then headed over to the grocery where I restocked for this week.  It's been a bit more than 2 weeks I think since I was last in the store.  I've tried to avoid going, just to insure I am nearer budget and so I am.

I came home to do light housework and put a quick lunch on the table.  I am trying to make it a point to rest today. There's enough work for the week ahead.

Monday:   I've had a productive day.  I slept in late this morning and then I rolled over and went back to sleep and slept still later.  So late that when I got up, Caleb and John were sitting down to breakfast.  There were no complaints from any of us about my sleeping in.  Obviously, I'm still catching up on sleep lost last week and we all know I'm a lot nicer with a good rest under my belt.   I made my own breakfast, same as theirs (fried eggs and toast) only I made two pieces of toast and two eggs.  Caleb ate one of each despite having just polished off his own egg and toast.  Somehow, I'd known that was how it was going to be and it was easier to just go on and make enough for two.  I'm telling you when he's on form, that boy eats as much as John does, especially when it comes to breakfast.

I was just itching to get outdoors this morning, so I sort of did a lick and promise cleaning of the kitchen and told Caleb come on, let's go work outdoors.  I let him wander a little bit off the porch but kept reminding him that I needed to be able to see where he was.  We had a good time outdoors.  While I was potting plants, I gave him a pot of dirt, a trowel and an empty pot and he had a grand time transferring dirt.  He kept calling himself 'a digger'.  "I'm a digger!"  Cheap entertainment is what it was.

The back porch looked so nice when we were done.  I still need to paint furnishings, still need to clean, but the upper layer of grit and grime is off, the arrangement of things far more pleasant and conversational.  There are surfaces handy to place a drink upon.  It's a good start on the work I'd hoped to get done this week.

I have made bagels and bread, lunch, and started supper.  I think Caleb must without a doubt be taking a nap.  He's been in his room now for 2 hours and not a peep.  I know the program I allowed him to watch was just a 40-minute program, so he has to have fallen asleep, else he'd be shouting "Gwamma!"  When he gets up this afternoon, I mean to take him out to the patio to play for a bit, as soon as I finish up prepping my supper dish. I need to go into the pantry for a necessary item before I can finish that off.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy the peace and quiet.  John is off mowing across the field.  The only sound is the distant hum of his mower and the tick tock of the clock on the wall.  A girl could get use to this sort of pleasant quietness.

Tuesday:  I swear I heard Caleb running across the floor this morning at about 6am...

I had the oddest dreams last night.  I really have no idea where those dream came from.  It didn't resemble a thing I watched or read or ate, lol.

I was up early this morning and made us a breakfast of sausage gravy and biscuits.  It's been a little cooler these past few mornings and it felt right to indulge in what I consider a winter breakfast.  

Mostly today I just puttered about the house.  I sorted out my room after I'd emptied the dishwasher.  My little helper didn't offer me any help today and I have to admit I missed him.  He was too busy working on his cars.  

When I'd finished cleaning our room, Caleb asked "Are you done?  Play ball?" so we tossed the ball back and forth between us in the kitchen sitting area, then we played "squeezy squeezy" with big hugs and the ball, lol.  

After lunch today, I should have laid down, but I didn't.  Why can't I just get over that hump and just do it?  Why do I feel it's so very indulgent and a waste of time?  15 minutes is all I want to attempt and yet, I more often than not make excuses about why I shouldn't do it.  And my shoulders were aching something terrible this afternoon.  Stretching out on the bed for that 15 minutes likely would have rested my back nicely and saved me half my irritation this afternoon.

I have been taking Caleb out nearly every day now.  We really enjoy those play periods outdoors and he's very good about minding me and staying where I can see him. 

I think John got the idea I was pretty well spent this afternoon and so he took over.  He and Caleb picked up the toys then John brought out the crayons and sheets of paper for him.  I got to sneak some time with my latest read: Jan Karon's Somewhere Safe with Someone Good.   I feel so at home in Mitford!

After supper, while I was clearing up dishes, John brought his coffee to the kitchen, and we talked while I cleaned.  Then we sat down in the kitchen sitting area together and had a long talk over an ice cream.  It was so pleasant to sit there and just talk gently with no TV.  

Then I gathered up the bills that came in this evening and wrote out those checks.  I took time to do another task that John asked me to tend to a month ago.  It wasn't a major thing but something I'd kept meaning to do and forgetting when I'd sit down to the computer.  I should keep a notebook of reminders of things I mean to look up or do when I get on the computer!  I forget so often.  I do love having information at my fingertips, quite literally, but my memory gets shorter and shorter when it comes to recalling what I meant to do once I sit down.

All in all, it's been a steadily busy day, a good day, in the house.

Wednesday:    This morning as I was reading my book (see above day's diary), I realized that I had forgotten another book in the series of Mitford books due to a mention in the chapter I'd landed on.  I thought, "Oh, I should read that one, I think I skipped it..." and when I went online to look I realized that indeed I'd 'skipped' three and that there were two more books following the one I was going to read.  I had the previous three books, so I put down Somewhere Safe and took up Light from Heaven instead.  

I went to sleep at a decent hour last night, but I woke myself up giggling.  I recall more or less what the dream was about, but I don't believe I've ever awoken giggling before.  I had a hard time settling my mind to go back to sleep.  Eventually I put on a video to listen to and until it went into an ad much later this morning, I didn't wake again.  I overslept again this morning.  No apologies made and none expected.  I'm very grateful that John is gracious about my sleep.

I made us all a quick breakfast.  Not quite quick enough to suit Caleb who ate the last of the yogurt, and something else too, before I ever got the biscuits toasted.  Then he ate a biscuit to top off his breakfast.   I took a few minutes to write out a check or two for bills that came in yesterday evening and then John was off to get ready to go out to lunch with his partner.  

To occupy Caleb, I pulled out play doh and let him have some fun with that.  I let him vacuum the kitchen.  The kitchen didn't need to be vacuumed, but he'd wanted to help with the carpet and since I'd just done it, I figured what the heck, let him do the kitchen. Then when that palled, I took out the construction set he wanted to play with yesterday.    This carried him up until lunchtime.  He ate lunch and then wanted to go to bed for quiet time.  The morning had literally flown by.  

I sat down and realized that today was my second granddaughter's 17th birthday.  I just ordered her gifts two days ago, sigh.  I don't know why I kept forgetting to get that sent off, but I was pleased I could at least let her know the gifts were on the way.

I enjoyed an hour or so of quiet then got up to prep our supper for tonight.  I'd decided to just have salads today while it is warmer and before the rain sets in.  I don't think a salad sounds very appetizing for a rainy day, even a warm one.  Anyway, that was all prepped and refrigerated and just about the time Caleb called out that he was done with his nap, John called and was on his way home.  

I got Caleb rounded up after dinner, took him outdoors.  We'd only been there a moment or two when I heard a car drive up at the back of the house.  Only Sam and Bess use that 'secret' route between houses.  I came around the side of the house to let Sam know we were around front.  He and I watched Caleb and talked a bit.  Then John came home, bearing brownies and cookies.  Then Katie called saying she felt unwell and was on her way home.  Caleb got over excited with all the extra folks coming in and refused to stay in the play area.  He earned a spanking from his uncle for not listening.  Our outdoor time was cut short today due to all the distractions.  Caleb just couldn't play where he should.  

Katie settled him in the room with a movie and a cup of juice.  She and I ran to town to the post office...I've only been trying to get to the post office for two weeks!  I finally got the card for the graduate off and a heavy box to another friend.  I was so pleased to get those things mailed off.  Honestly, you'd think I lived in another state and had to travel across the line the way I kept missing the working hours of our little town's post office.    Katie had business to attend to there as well.   There was one clerk and three of us in the post office, but we waited and waited, lol.  Small town business is never in a hurry to be finished up.  

Home again and Caleb informed me he was hungry.  He must have been too, because he had a snack before I got food on the table and then he ate his soup and salad, too. 

The day has flown by.  The month has flown as well.  Slow down, please.  About this time last year the year began to speed by.  Slow down!

Thursday:  Last night, I ordered another Christmas gift.  Now it's time to take an inventory and note what I have and for whom.  I need a master list.  I'm pretty sure I'm doing well on children's gifts and may even be ahead on birthday gifts.  I'm about to hit the big birthday season though, so I probably won't buy anything for Christmas over the next couple of months.  It will be about all I can do to keep up with birthdays.   Barring a fantastic sell on something perfect of course.

I slept in this morning.  I didn't even wake until somewhere near 9:30. No clue why I've slept so very late this week. I've apparently slept hard enough I've not heard any morning activity going on.  It's very sweet of John to let me sleep but he was a bit testy over not having had breakfast this morning.  I think I owe the man a big proper breakfast if I can drag myself from bed in the morning.

Nothing much going on here at home today.  I've had a terrible time with my ears of late.  I'm just going to have to acknowledge and use the allergy medication.  This is just a hard time of year for my ears allergy wise.  Having the blocked ear throws off my balance, and I either can't hear properly what is being said or I'm so overwhelmed by all of the noise in the house that I snap and that leads to hasty words all around.  

It's gray and overcast and meant to rain for the next four days...Though honestly the weather apparently changes so much that they must update it hourly.  So, it's really hard to guess what the weather is going to do.   Which makes it hard to make plans, too.  

Caleb has asked to go for a ride and to go the castle to play.  I know he's getting house crazy as he and his mom stayed home most all the weekend long.   However, all the nearby castles are outdoors play only.  And oddly, this little boy hates getting wet in the rain.  He does not like it at all.

I'm going to go stick my head in a book.  I'm so enjoying the return to Mitford.  I realized this morning, as I read the prayers and scripture contained within the book that really it's a great comfort and uplifting.  

Friday:  I fought myself to get out of bed earlier this morning.  And I made it but just barely.  

Fridays are a big housekeeping day for us. It's the day we do all our catching up, hitting the jobs we missed during the week if we can and generally preparing our house to be Shabat clean, even if we don't always get to participate in Shabat evening rituals.  It still leaves us with that feeling that we are prepared for the rest day ahead.

So the house was a hive of activity this morning.  Bed and baths stripped, floors vacuumed deeply, bread made, tidying in general, baths cleaned, laundry done and kitchen cleared up.  The only thing I have left to do is determine what meals we might have this weekend.  It's been a lovely busy morning with all sorts of extras thrown in like watering plants and returning the porch plants to their spots now they've all had a nice watering from rain.

At last, I was finished with housework and took Caleb outdoors to play with the kinetic sand construction box that Renee was so sweet to send him.  He absolutely loved it.  So much so that he got mad mad mad when I told him it was time for lunch and to go indoors.  No promise of coming back out if it wasn't raining this afternoon would placate him.  John had to talk him into taking calming breaths and reminded him that Gramma does keep her promises.   In honesty, I think he was overtired by that point of the morning.  He wasn't happy about lunch.  He finally took his new water bottle and his new little dump truck and went to bed with them.  

 As we were sitting on the porch this morning, the air was heavy with perfume.  Right now we have blooming privet which is one of the loveliest smells in my opinion though it does make me sneeze.  And honeysuckle and chinaberry are blooming too.  So the air is lovely and fragrant.  

Over on the hill someone was singing as they worked and I listened as she lifted her voice and let it ring out over the neighborhood.  Not in a showy sort of way but in a joyous way.  It made me smile.  And then a redbird flew to a branch near me and sat and listened along.  I always think of Granny when I hear singing and when I see a redbird which was her favorite of birds.  It's always like a benediction of sorts when I see a redbird.  And since we often sat on her front porch and sang a morning away, it felt right to feel she was with me as another lifted up her praises heavenward.

The week has flown by.  We are done with all but the last little tidying bits of housekeeping that will be done tonight once Caleb is in bed.  I am anticipating tonight's Shabat candle lighting.  It's a rare Friday evening anymore when we're home to do this.  

Life has been awfully good here on the hill. How was your week?

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Karla said...

Oh my you've definitely needed the sleep my friend. And I'm glad you've allowed yourself (and others have as well) that much needed rest. Our bodies know what we've been carrying.

John sounds like my husband here with the not getting breakfast if I don't make it. He gets concerned he'll use something I had planned for other things or he just doesn't want to go to the trouble. LOL

We have had a week of grey skies and rain this week here in Oklahoma too. My allergies are not liking it. I always thought rain was supposed to help allergies but maybe it's the mold count being higher and changes in the pressure system over and over. I just know my eyes itch, my ears itch, my throat itches. I get paranoid a little bit so I ask my youngest daughter who is the sinus and allergy barometer in our family because she has issues so often. LOL Yep, sure enough, she's had the same thing.

But tomorrow I'm headed for sunnier shores - literally. Time to go on a vacation. I will miss your blog but will catch up when I get back.

Casey said...

Hi Terri, I’m so glad you got some sleep this week. It does make all the difference in the world!

It sounds like you had a lovely week .. with the exception of the sand issue. Poor Caleb. I’m sure he was having a very good time and couldn’t figure out how to quit.

Your description of the woman singing and your memories of you and your grandma just warmed my soul. Beautiful.

Hubby and I worked on the garage this morning. We ended up filling most of the back of the truck with donations for Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity. It was a good start. There’s a ton more to do!

We live reasonably close to a tulip farm so spent a date day this week visiting and strolling through the tulip fields. It was so pleasant. Not too hot, didn’t need a jacket, just right kind of day.

terricheney said...

Karla, and then I took a long nap this afternoon. I just went right off to sleep, woke, then went right back to sleep again. I guess I slept well over 30 minutes today.

Have a wonderful vacation! I envy you in the nicest way possible! lol

Casey, He got to play with the sand again this afternoon and didn't fuss at all when I put it up. I was glad it cleared up and got sunny this afternoon. So he had a nice play outdoors, got hot and was more than happy to come indoors again and watch tv for a bit. We don't normally let him watch tv in the afternoon before supper but he had such a full day of play that we felt it was okay.
And congratulations on that clearing out of the garage. I know how hard it is to get socked into that sort of job but it's so worthwhile when you do.
The visit to the tulip garden sounds so lovely!

Lana said...

I have no idea where this week went!

Rhonda said...

Hi Terri, I’ve been reading every new post. I think you are getting lots done and I’m glad you and John had a nice day trip.
We just got back from a Branson trip and it was nice but also quite tiring. I’m thinking a short trip or day trips might suit us better now.

Anne said...

Rhonda, yes, husband and I are liking day trips better, also.

Terri, thanks for the picture of Caleb, it,s been quite some time.

Peggy Savelsberg said...

You inspired me to revisit Mitford...until I remembered that my whole set of those are in a storage unit a few hours away! Two years ago we thought we’d be moving soon, so I made the mistake of packing up almost all of my books. Then we were surprised by cancer, then my foot surgery, etc. Dave would still like to move in the near future, and isn’t keen on bringing back my boxes and boxes of “old friends”, lol. Time to visit the library, I guess! The funny thing is, with so many empty shelves, I’ve begun to fill the space with more used books! He realizes my “vice” could be much worse! 😁

terricheney said...

Rhonda, I long to go to St. Augustine, I truly do but I refuse to even consider it unless we can have a four or five night stay. It's too long a drive down and back to do in a day or two like John seems to think we can do...Not and take care of Caleb when we get back! But since the place is booked to the gills anyway, no matter.

I don't mind the day trips or even the little one hour trips here and there.

Anne, You are so welcome. I was thinking of you when I posted it.

Peggy, my 'vice' as well. I simply can't stop myself acquiring new books. I don't mind if they are borrowed or used.

To Do List: Last Week of February