The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Take it Easy...

In my home this week, I was just looking out of the guest room window and seeing all the weeds in the flower bed about the Sweet Gum tree.  I felt really frustrated and sad for a moment and then I pulled myself up short.  I can do it in small bites can't I?  That will hold it through most of the summer, once I get it done and it's not so much.  It's just my old familiar frustration that what I might have done in another season is no longer what I'm able to do now.  

I refuse to beat myself up or lament what I can't do at the moment.  I am here in this season now, so I will just take it easy and not try to whip up resentment and frustration and anger.  I'll do what I can to do what must be done, but I won't be hard on myself.  It's a full season already, and I know this.  Really, everything else is 'extra' just now.


Zone 1 Kitchen/Laundry/Back Entry.  I'd like to get the back entry doors cleaned both the storm door and the interior of the back door which is painted white.  And if at all possible, I'd like to see what I have in the shed to use a spring wreath.  Truth, there is a job I'd love to do that I know is impossible just now: painting the door afresh.  I want so much to change it from red to Navy or Marine Blue.  I haven't the paint to do the job and I've a 3-year-old boy who would be insistent upon touching it.  So let's just put that idea on hold, lol.  Cleaning I can get to just fine.

I'll keep the laundry and kitchen work to just routine cleaning.  The fridge is practically empty at present, so I'll wipe that out and I'll try to get the floor mopped.  In the laundry, I'll wipe down the machines, just possibly blow out the dust from the backs of the machines so I can sweep it up and tidy the mass of things that accumulate on the dryer.  

I'll try to declutter this area as I work in it this week. I know there are things that never get touched in several cabinets.  It's also getting time to sort out the dishcloths. I need to bring out a fresh supply and put the old ratty looking ones in the cleaning bag.  I thought I could put this off until we had the kitchen redone, but since the contractor won't return calls...might as well just replace them now.

Other work this week: all the usual household work.    And try to do bits and pieces of that flower bed about the Sweet Gum at the back corner.  Possibly get the Pink three-tiered planter boxes moved to the patio.

Get the May ledger sheets set up.


Last week I never got the cookie doughs made nor the cake layers.  And here we are with a new week ahead and nothing sweet for John's sweet tooth.  Caught. I'll try to make two of something this week while I'm satisfying the sweet tooth.  One for the man of the house, one for the freezer.

Do meal prep for the week, as soon as I get the meals planned.  There's that to be done, too.


Best thing I've done in weeks is pick up the Mitford Series by Jan Karon.  I just finished Light from Heaven Saturday afternoon.  I sniffled and cried and chuckled my way through the book and it was easy as pie to pick up the next in the series.  

Caleb's outdoor time has been a wonderful part of my day.  Sitting listening to the birds, putting my hand in the dirt, pulling a weed, or just sitting and letting the beauty of Spring take over my senses has been a great bonus part of my day.  He's a lot happier with the freedom to play outdoors.  I'm more relaxed.  Benefits for us both.

Fresh pedicure.  Manicure, too.  

Order eye cream.  I don't know how I skipped that when I placed my order for face products last week.

Set up outfits for May.  I finally wore everything I set up for April.


Lana said...

We got a text late Friday night that pir oldest son's family was coming in for a funeral for a college friend. So we kicked into food prep mode yesterday and made loads of food. I always forget how much those three teens can eat! I expected a bunch of leftovers but they really only left us with one meal. I was glad I didn't have to go shopping and had all the needed ingredients right here in the pantry.

This week two bathroom exhaust fans have to be replaced since they have died. We have breakfast plans with friends on Thursday. Hubby has to rehang the party lights over the deck. Thankfully our son was here to climb the ladder and do some prep work for Dad.

Our mower is all fixed and back from the shop and working like new. So thankful.

Have a good week all!

Anne said...

Oh dear, the contractor is not returning your calls. That's a familiar tune I have heard over and over again, have even sung it myself. Do you have a back up contractor?

Grammy D said...

A number of years ago when I was doing a lot of gardening, it seems as though there were always to pull, deheading I needed to do and a lot of frustration because everything wasn't perfect until one day, it seemed just like the Lord saying, "look at the flowers and not the weeds". That changed my mindset and I enjoyed my yard so much more because I quit expecting perfection. Now we have so many deer in town very few people have flowers because they get eaten as soon as they blossom unless you keep constantly spraying witb deer off. A friend who lives a couple blocks over saw 14 in her neighbors yard the other day. Another bad summer. Gramma D

terricheney said...

Lana, I am so glad you got to see your family. Hoping all is well with you. I've been praying for you and your treatment aftermaths.

Anne, actually he called today, and we're scheduled to meet him here on Friday. Fingers crossed.

Dora, our deer population is heavy here but they seem to have plenty of other things to munch on than my flowers. I don't recall Granny and Granddaddy ever having trouble with them in the vegetable garden either. Bonus of living in a wild rural area? The deer aren't used to fancy gourmet things, lol.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.