Menu Monday: Starting Fresh


I am bored to tears with food at the moment. I want something different, not take-out, not expensive, but different than we've had of late.  And when I went to look over menus from April's past, I found that I pretty much planned the same old things over and over again.  Ugh.

Well, I am always on the lookout for new to me recipes but this week I'll pull tried and true, but seldom used ones.  I plan to spend the week looking for something fresh and new to serve.  Really, it's all the same foods just a new manner of preparing or combining that makes it seem new and fresh, isn't it?

I had a minor success this past week when I made a lovely fluffy Pizza Roll.  I rolled my dressed dough up and then cut like cinnamon rolls.  It was still pizza, but it was unique.  And it tasted pretty doggone good.

Chicken Parm, Pasta, Roasted Broccoli, Garlic Bread

Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Cornbread

Chef's Salads, Cheesy Garlic Bread

Brenda's Au Gratin Potatoes and Sausage, Peas

Omelets, Asparagus, Hash Browns, Biscuits

Bbq'd Boneless Pork Chops, Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans

Oriental Meatballs, Rice, Lettuce, Pickled onions and Carrots   later note:  I used a recipe I've used before but instead of ground beef chose to use ground turkey.  Not a fan of them cooked in this manner.  I find the texture a little too finely ground so it almost seems sandy/gritty.  


Lana said...

I can relate! I got out my menu calendar last night and drew a complete bank and could only think of the same old things. UGH! The one new recipe I made last week was not a winner. But at least we did eat at home and did not resort to fast food take out. I keep threatening to just make fresh yeast rolls for supper one night! Rolls and butter and big ole glass of sweet tea sounds perfectly lovely to me!

Karla said...

Goodness do I understand this! I get stuck in a rut and get tired of planning. The thing saving my sanity in this area lately is a subscription to Green Chef. Since we both work full time, it's a time saver and a mental/physical energy saver as well. So that's 3 meals I don't have to think about because husband (the pickier eater) picks out what we will get in the next boxes. Then we usually have pizza another night and Mexican a 5th night. Weekends are usually super simple stuff like leftovers, sandwiches, burritos, etc. And breakfasts are always eggs on one weekend day and a sweet item (this weekend it was French Toast) on the other weekend day.

Tammy said...

This week we're having chicken/veggie kabobs on the grill, crockpot vegetable beef soup, and grilled salmon. I may take inspiration from you and get some ribs out as well. I have coleslaw mix and baked beans to go with them.

Our weekend was busy and we ate take-out for a few too many meals. We also ate some leftovers, and Greg made grilled steaks and baked potatoes for supper with the kids on Saturday. I threw some fresh broccoli in the air fryer to go with that. I'd like to avoid eating out as much as possible for the next couple of weeks, which are going to be jam-packed with getting ready for graduation company and helping at my brother's house as well.
I'm also making a few freezer meals for my friend who is having a baby in a couple of weeks.
I should probably get off the computer (lunch break) and get back to work...

Chef Owings said...

Hubby wants to lose more weight so wants to change how we eat. I started laughing as he said appetizer, small main meal, salad then small dessert... Basically how my Italian from the old country, grandmother made her meals

Since asparagus is coming in I think asparagus risotto is going to be on the table. Bolognas made with polenta so I can have fried mush later in the week. Deep dish pizza for the weekends with salads of mixed veggies or such. I have blood oranges for dessert . Rhubarb is up so I can make a tart or pie with that.

NOW just need the freaking weather to quit being freezing and dropping snow pellets (at least it wasn't hail)

Lana said...
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Lana said...

Trying again because I left out an ingredient-

Terri. this is an old recipe I have made for probably 30 years that is easy and good. I have no idea where it came from.

Chicken Chow Mein

1# cubed chicken breast
2 cups sliced celery
1 cup chopped onion
2 cups water
2 T soy sauce
1/2 t each salt and pepper

Simmer together for about 20 minutes r until chicken is done.

Add 3 T cornstarch mixed with 1/4 cup water and cook and stir until bubbly and thickened. I add another splash of soy sauce at this point to freshen the flavor.

Serve over rice topped with crunchy chow Mein noodles.

Another simple recipe that is different-

Salsa Verde Chicken and Rice

12 ounces cubed chicken breast, salted and peppered and browned in a little oil in a skillet with a lid

Add-1 c white rice
2 cups chicken broth
1/2 c green salsa verde
Bring to a boil, cover and simmer 20 minutes.

Mable said...

For the past three or four years my New Year's resolution has included trying one new recipe a week. I started because we, too, were in a food rut. It really helps to keep it small---just one day a week we try something new. Some weeks it is wonderful and some days we vow never to eat that new recipe again!

terricheney said...

Lana, those sound really good. Thank you for sharing. I have chow mein noodles on hand...

Mable, I definitely need to return to trying a recipe routinely. I think once a week is very doable, too.

Lana said...

Terri,. Getting the gas grill going would give you lots of meal options.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.