Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Hot and Cold

Saturday:  A very relaxed day at home.  We did a few chores and then we settled in to rest as we'd more typically do on a Saturday.  How lovely it's been to read, play games, talk and not feel pressured to DO anything more.

We watched two movies today.  "The General" with Buster Keaton was a silent film but so fun to watch.  I laughed out loud several times.

Then we watched a Bette Davis film "Another Man's Poison"...Dark and sinister but worth watching.

Grateful the news this evening wasn't worse, but we are shaken...This shouldn't happen again in our country.  This is horrible.

Sunday:  Our church has asked for 7 minutes of prayer for 7 days at 12 Noon daily.  I have set my alarm to go off so that we can be sure to participate.  We are not praying for one candidate or another.  We are praying protection over our leaders, former and present.  I will NOT tolerate derogatory comments on any candidate.  This is not a political blog and never has been.  

Went into the grocery. John stayed in the car.  Talk about a reason to hurry!  It was hot out there and I knew even sitting in the shade he was going to fade fast.  I wanted to take him a cold drink but there was NO water and NO clear beverages beyond Energy drinks in any of the drink cases.  Fortunately, I travel with water and urged him to take a drink from my bottle.  We stopped at the gas station to fill up and I went in to purchase a cup of ice and several lemonades for him.

We were drained when we got home.  We ate a quick lunch, and both took a nap.   That was the most we did all day long.

Monday:  I went to bed about 9pm last night and went to sleep, too!  I slept in this morning.  I don't know why I was so drained, but I had a busy day today just the same.   

I brought the checkbook up to date after the weekend and puttered in every room of the house.  I'd set myself the task of doing one thing and then do one more and sit to rest.  Then I'd go elsewhere and work two jobs in that spot.  

It was so hot outdoors.  Miserably so.  John took gas over to Sam so he could complete a project he was working on there and when he came back, he started to mow our yard.  Honestly, I don't know how he stood it.  I made lemonade and put in the fridge for him, and I made him a sandwich to put in the fridge as well.  He stopped three times today while he was mowing, highly unusual for him to do so.  He usually pushes through, but he kept telling me, "It's just hot.  It's HOT."  I knew it was.  I'd been outdoors twice, and it was miserable out there.  He came in and drank lemonade and ate his sandwich at one point and just sat in the chair and cooled off, but he insisted on going back outdoors to finish up.

I'm glad he did that because before he'd stepped out of the shower an hour later, I heard a 'ping' on the vent over the furnace and then it began to rain.  It rained hard for over 2 hours.  We were glad to see that rain.  Everything had begun to look awfully droopy and tired.  

I ran outdoors and set the back porch plants under the eaves to catch the rainwater.  I'd watered the front porch plants earlier this morning.

Tuesday:  I am sincerely concerned I may be getting a cold.  Doggone it.  It always happens in the summer because we get too hot, come indoors and cool off and then get hot again.  I kept telling John yesterday it was allergies, but I can tell you this evening that it is a cold and it's trying to move to my chest.  Ugh.

I was out with Mama today.  She is seeing so much better and noticing all sorts of things she claims she couldn't see before.  Like the notice on her rearview mirror "Objects may be closer than they appear".  She kept poking at the buttons on her car's screen and I kept having to turn off something she'd turned on.  It was a lot like driving with Caleb loosed in the front seat to be honest.

Today was her first trip out since her surgery and she seemed to really enjoy it.  Today at least when she'd say, "Is that new?"  I could tell her it was actually something that was new.  

As I expected she absolutely refused to go into a restaurant to eat and wanted to stay in the car.  It was 97F out.  I told her I'd do my best to find a shady spot, but we were going to sit with the windows up and the AC on the whole while.  I kept my eye on the temperature gauge to be sure the car didn't begin to run hot.  After we'd eaten, we drove all the way to Ft. Valley to the peach shed.  She made comment when I was near Lane's, the place she generally wants to go, that she didn't much care for them any longer.  I told her I'd take her out to my favorite place which is in the little town of Zenith (I think the population there is about 50).  They've converted the old community schoolhouse into a packing shed and they have peach ice cream.  

It is the absolute best peach ice cream I've had anywhere, and I told Mama I think that will be our spot from now on.  I bought peaches to share between the two of us, too.

Mama continued to poke at buttons on the dash and I finally got snippy.  I really don't know how they operate but I know where the OFF button is.  I told her to leave it alone and not touch it again, rather sharply.  Sigh.  I shouldn't have and I did apologize but I was so frustrated with her at that point.  Mama knows even less than I do about how to work those screens and she'd panic every time she'd turn something on.  

It was 100F by the time I got home this afternoon.  That's when I realized this is not allergies as I'd kept saying but a proper summer cold.  My throat is aching, my chest feels scratchy and tight, and my nose is starting to get stuffy.  I think I'm going to just try to rest it away, drink loads of fluids with lemon and take my little compound of medicines meant to help relieve colds.  I probably need to plan to restock those this month. 

Wednesday:  Went to bed early last night and right to sleep.  I woke several times but went back to sleep easily and then slept in until past 9am this morning.  I definitely have a mild cold and I do mean.  I just feel bad for short spells but mostly I don't feel energetic.  

I have gently pushed through housework today and making bread. I'm getting lots of rest and trying to take it easy.  

I was made an offer I can't refuse today:  to restock my pantry and freezer!  I am very grateful for this opportunity.  I'm glad I've just done that big pantry inventory because now I know exactly what I need to restock my cupboards.  My list is made...Now to feel well enough to go do this job.

Thursday:  We had a miserable night last night.  John got up in the wee hours and went to the guest room to lie down, which is something he has never done.  I think he was afraid he'd disturb me, but I was too busy disturbing myself.  

This is by no means the worst of colds or even the achy flu-like thing that summer colds sometimes are.  It's just a mild summer cold.  Like 80% of our usual 100%.

We've had an ominous silence from one side lately and I've been doing an extra lot of praying.  The news came this afternoon that something we'd wanted to see as a hopeful thing had turned into something extremely messy and painful.  I feel almost guilty because as hard as I tried to be hopeful, I feared things would go this way.  I'm angry and resentful and deeply disappointed.  

Friday:  Can't sleep.  It's been a week of ups and downs.  Illness, sunshine, heat, rain.  I read a lot this week.  Nancy Atherton's Aunt Dimity Down Under and currently One Thousand White Women.  

I haven't worked on Bootcamp.  I haven't achieved a thing this week.  I want a do-over for the whole week.

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Karla said...

I hope your cold is short-lived and your rest is fruitful and healing! It's been so hot here too lately. Thankfully we've had a cool down at the end of this week so yesterday and today felt like May! We had some rain the other day and it was much needed and appreciated and should have more this weekend. We were going to drive to an air and space museum about an hour away tomorrow but we're postponing to next Saturday since we want to be able to get good photos of the airplane outside to use in a documentary we are working on honoring a Vietnam POW we know.

I hope you have a great weekend Terri! Praying for your healing and praying with you for the messy situation.

Mable said...

When my husband insists on mowing in the heat, after about 20 minutes I wet down a cloth hat he has, wring it out and take it out for him to wear. The first time I did this he was not interested but did it to please me. However, he quickly a convert. He said it cools his whole body to have an ice cold hat put on his head. Maybe you and John want to try it.

terricheney said...

Karla, Thank you for your prayers. And your weekend sounds lovely. I am going to stay home, despite beginning to feel a bit of cabin fever.

Mable, He wets a Gator and puts it on his head. I also bought him a thing called a Frogg Togg that he wets and puts around his neck. He also carries water out with him which he's not done int he past.