Final Week of the 2025 Pantry Freezer Challenge


I'm pretty pleased with the Pantry/Freezer challenge of 2025.  I've saved money.  I've been using up older food items.  My pantry and freezer are holding up fairly well to a month of eating from them without purchasing to replace those items used (with the exception of produce).

This week will be my final week of the challenge.  I may do one come summer.  We shall see.

I did have a bit of waste this month.  Two things that I simply tossed was a jar of capers that have been on my shelf for too many years now and a can of bean sprouts.  I don't like them; I don't want to use them, and we are well off without having them on the shelf.

I had a few leftovers that I failed to plan to use.  Those at least went to the dog and cat.  Oh, and my vinegar was a bust this time.  I started it when it was cold in the house, and it just sat there then began to mold.  There was never any fermentation taking place.  I'll save apple cores again and when I have enough, I'll try.  It should be warmer by then which will help with the fermentation.

I may post an extra meal or two since last week I came to the middle of the week and not quite enough menus to finish the week.

Cheeseburgers, Chips and dip, Orange Julius.  I found two burger patties in the freezer when I was doing the inventory.  I

Pizza, Salad

Cottage Pie, Fruit Salad, Cornbread Muffins.  I think the half-pound of ground beef will do just nicely for a cottage pie.  Frankly if I feel it's a bit skimpy, I can always (and really ought to try it) add some cooked lentils in with the meat and extend it a bit.  I have a big jar of mashed potatoes left from last week, hence my intention to make a Cottage Pie.  I'd much rather eat Porcupine meatballs but that can wait until February I reckon.

Alpine Swiss Chicken, Cranberry Sauce, Steamed Broccoli.  I have two boxes of store-bought stuffing mix left on hand.  I want to use one of those.  Chicken breasts are so large that they weigh nearly a pound, so we ought to be able to eat twice off this dish

After these two boxes are gone, I'm going to make my own stove top stuffing.  I have three pints dried cornbread crumbs.  I figure with dehydrated onion, celery and chicken bouillon powder, I should be able to just add hot water and have the same product.  In the meantime, I'll use up what I've already purchased.

Onion Dip Pork Chop and Potato Bake, Green Peas, Applesauce.

Pumpkin Chicken Enchiladas, Corn, Salad.  

Bbq'd Chicken Breasts, Sweet Potatoes, Turnip Greens.

Pot Roast and Vegetables, Pear Salad.

 Chicken, Broccoli, and Rice Casserole, Carrot and Apple Salad.

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Casey said...

I did really well this week, again. My friend called me from Trader Joe’s to see if I needed anything. I had her get me yogurt, eggs, and two pantry supplies that I was out of a back up. We ate from the freezer and pantry. We went out to eat once. I’m going to continue on in February as my freezer is still too full. I need to get some space so I can have room at Thanksgiving, etc. I do need to get produce and more dairy/non dairy products.

Donna said...

Your pantry/freezer challenge spurs me on to get rid of some older things. We pulled out a package of stew meat and will make a stew/soup/stoup with the meat. Lots of choices of veg to go in it.

Cheryl said...

I was wondering if you would share your recipe for buttery baked chicken. It sounds delicious and I forgot to ask earlier. Thank you

terricheney said...

Casey, I determined yesterday that I'd be extending my challenge by at least two more weeks. I've still got quite a few things in the freezer that are old and items in the pantry I need to look hard at how I can use as well.

terricheney said...

Yay! I love being the one to inspire another!

terricheney said...

Cheryl, I will put it up on the recipe blog and let you know when it posts. I just need to dig it out of my binder...and to make it! It's one of my favorite cozy meals and isn't too difficult either.

Cheryl said...

thank you very much