To Do List for the First Full Week of January, 2025


The week behind was just fine.  I got enough work done to feel I'd made a right good start at the New Year.  I've also 'practiced' a bit at the fasting I plan to do for the 21-day fast. 

I thought I'd go back to my old habit of including a quote about economy on these posts each week.  I came across this quote last week on Jennifer's blog:

Jenny of Elefantz:  I was surprised last year when studying about economy to learn that the original meaning of the word 'economy' has nothing to do with government spending. Big aha moment to be sure! The original word is taken from the Greek oikonomia which means 'the management of a private household'.

1.  Get things out to the shed. Christmas, stuff I decluttered back in early December.  

2.  Load up the donation items.  They've been sitting in my room since Fall.  Hopefully, I'll also get them to the donation center as well.

3. Finish the kitchen clean-up.  This week: a. cleaning the sink and baking sheet cabinets.  b. Wipe down the cabinet fronts.  c. Mop the floor.  d.  Clean the fridge.  e. Dust the blinds.

4.  Get a stack of books by my chair for reading.

5.  Get the living room pretty for winter.  I couldn't afford flowers this past week when we went to the grocery.  I wanted to buy them but the prices on what were pretty were far too high for me.  I'll try to check another store when we go to church on Sunday.

And I've plenty of 'pretty' things in the shed and house that I can arrange into vignettes and use as decor.

6.  Research pet food suppliers.  I need to find a pet food supplier that carries the food my pets will eat at a good price.  I can only buy 3-pound bags of Rufus's mini kibbles, and those bags are pricey.  I paid only just barely more for the 16-pound bag I ordered from Chewy two months ago.  Hopefully I can find another affordable source.

7.  Call and make a doctor's appointment.  I have another prescription expiring and must see the doctor to get it renewed.  

8. Find my last eye exam and tag receipts from 2024.  I need both to get my driver's license renewed and tags before our birthdays next month.

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1 comment:

Cindi Myers said...

In the past I've had good luck ordering from Petco. We're fortunate enough to have a small mom and pop pet supply place here that will special order anything I want, and their prices are very competitive -- so if you have a business like that, you might talk to them. (I, too, live in a rural area/small town, so I know your options may be limited, but I was really surprised to find out I had this option for pet food.)