Things To Do This Week: Week 2 of January 2025

I have been doing so much in the house, I almost said to myself, "I've got nothing to do this week!"  Don't you believe it.  There's still plenty to be done!  

Friday, after I closed out last week's Journal, I was going to go walk outdoors. At that moment the rain began to pour so I headed to my bedroom closet instead and went to work on my clothes.  I tried on everything that I thought I might want to keep in there.  I took about 1/3 of the items in my closet out and moved them into the spring/summer drawer.  Then I took everything left in the closet and managed to make an outfit of some sort from every. single. piece.  

I'll be honest. I have been just longing for something new, something fresh, something different.  I don't need a thing except the under garments I'd typically replenish this time of year and maybe a cardigan or blazer or something to top outfits.  I did move a few things out of the wardrobe entirely.  Those either went into the at home clothes drawer or into the pile of things to donate.  

Let me get busy and plan this week!

1.  Finish the dining room.  I need to polish the buffet.  There's a drawer that the children use for puzzles, crayons, etc. and it is a big mess.  That needs to be sorted out.  I have already decluttered the buffet back in the autumn.

2.  Hang artwork above the buffet.  First, I have to determine if I simply want to move what I had above the buffet to the new space or do I want to use the two pictures I'd thought I'd use on the wall.  I'll be figuring that out and then get John to help hang things.  He's the one with the straight eye.

3.  Start on the living room cleaning.  

4,  Visit Mama.

5.  Straighten up the porches if it's warm enough to do so.

6.  Library with the trio.

7.  Take those donations to Goodwill.

8.  All the usual weekly stuff.  Cooking, cleaning, baking bread, taking care of birds, pets, husband and self.  

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