To Do List for the Third Week of January 2025


Weather truly does play a part in our lives doesn't it?  It's supposed to rain all day Saturday and later in the week it's supposed to get extremely cold again.  Extreme for us, mind you.  We've even been promised a possible wintry mix...We shall see.

What it means for me: I won't be going out in nasty weather.  I have to go out in the rain on Saturday, no help for it but I won't later in the week when it gets colder.   It also means I won't even be working outdoors.  Remember those porches I wanted to clean up?  Not gonna happen.  Never mind.  There's still work to be done indoors.

1.  Deep clean the master bedroom.  I didn't need to delve as deeply into the living and dining room.  I did all that back in the fall and there's just no need to do more.  But the bedroom...that could definitely use it.

2.  We have an appointment one day.  On the worst weather day at that, so yes, we will be out in it but not willingly.  However, we shall have to wait around after the appointment because I will need to attend to two or three other things that also necessary.  Yuck.

3.  Clean out the toy box.  The kids apparently dumped all the Barbie stuff into the toy box which means sunglasses and shoes and all those tiny accessories have gone to the bottom of the toy box.  And then they dumped in all the magnetic tiles...It's time to drag out the things they don't touch anyway, so I might as well make a proper job of it.  I'll even vacuum the darned thing out.

4.  Gather seeds.  Maybe plant?   I'm pretty sure I can plant peas, parsley, cilantro, and carrots even with the weather as cold as it is meant to be this week.  Of course, next week we're soaring back to the 60's as our highs which is about typical of Georgia.  

5.  Buy February birthday cards.  Millie and John are soonest and then there's Amie and Isaac the next week and JD about 2 weeks after that.  Who am I missing?  I think I'll make Valentine's Day cards for the grandchildren, too, just for fun.  The littles and middles will love getting mail.

I seriously cannot think of another thing to do.  I know there must be more things to do but I'll just leave this here for the time being and we'll see what else happens outside the normal stuff.

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1 comment:

Chef Owings said...

I am gathering my containers to do winter sowing... tomorrow's windchill is NEGATIVE 25