No Menu Monday

And why is there no menu today?  I didn't do it ahead of time and now it's late...

I've been busy as could be the last few days, truly I have.  C.O.P. seems to have been the order of this past week.  Change. Of. Plans.  Every day.  Seriously.  It's been sort of crazy and that's just the way it is at times.

It started last Tuesday night with a phone call from Mama.  "Can we change our lunch date to Thursday?"  She explained that a distant family member had passed away and she wanted to attend the funeral.  I said, "Sure," cause I'm such a git along sort of gal...NOT...because I had already planned full days for Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I decided to just shift things over a day or two.C.O.P. 

Wednesday I worked hard all day long.  And I do mean all day long!  I was almost too tired to consider Thursday out.  Thursday morning I ran terribly late because I couldn't decide what to wear.  And why couldn't I?  Because I did not buy clothes that fit the life I have!  I bought new clothes that suited some other phase of life.  I piled things in a bag to go back so I could get real clothes for my real life. C.O.P. Which made me late.  Oh well.  At least I had on clothes.

We went to Hobby Lobby and Target and then I bought a freezer. C.O.P. It does strike me kind of hard that I refused to pay $4.50 for a Nutcracker but I paid boocoodles of money for a freezer...but you know that's why I pass up these "It's only $4.50," purchases.

Friday John was home.  I know, he did just have twenty four days off but it seems he didn't use all of his necessary time up and has MORE.  Can you beat that?  His boss suggested Friday was a good day to be home.  John didn't argue, lol.  Since I'd just bought the new freezer I thought we'd be home all day Friday and so I was just sort of moseying around.  Imagine my shock when he disappeared for a bit then came back dressed to go out!  Seems he thought I was still working on the mind reading and obviously I wasn't.  He had plans.  And then about the time I got ready he discovered that he didn't have plans (item not in stock) and then he changed his mind and decided to do another errand.  So we did leave the house. 

But the whole thing threw me off my plans entirely.  From the "I've got Friday off," conversation right up to the "We're going where?" conversation.  I didn't get a whole lot done...

Saturday was synagogue and that is a day in itself right there.  I meant to go to Kroger and buy the cream of soups that were on a great sale.  I'll confess here and now that I passed up two opportunities to go into that store on Saturday.  First I saw someone I  just really really really didn't want to talk to.  People I used to know a long time ago who happily discuss a past life that is over and done.  So I went on down to the clothing shop and returned my items and did buy some 'real clothes for real life' items, having determined what it was I needed while I was digging in my closet this past week. C.O.P.

I hadn't eaten since 8am and it was now 3pm.  I went back to the grocery but this time the sheer number of people coming in and going out made it impossible to drive in front of the store for at least five minutes, which is shocking beyond words for the small town where I was at the time.  And suddenly I felt overwhelmed (sure sign I'm entering the twilight zone and desperately needed to eat and drink something).  I decided to drive home and skip the soup.  C.O. P.

Sunday morning I meant to start to work immediately.  But when I was saying goodbye to John there was this incredible sky...C.O.P.  I spent 40 minutes sitting on the front porch watching the most amazing sunrise.  I was so in awe of God's handiwork.  And oh the morning!  First it was roosters crowing as the sky began this incredible show.  Then there was a dog barking, more roosters crowing.  I think we must have chickens all over our rural neighborhood and plenty of roosters.  One who insisted on more than just crowing.  He did a full rendition of "Cock A Doodle Do"!  An owl hooted and a coyote howled and then a train whistle sounded.  A deer hunter's gunshot echoed in the woods and traveled across the fields and highway  and Maddie barked.  Birds began to tweet quietly and then a Crow fussed loudly and the morning noises all went on at once.  It was not a quiet sunrise, let me tell you.  There was an amazing amount of life going on out there on that cold morning.  Between the sounds and the sunrise glory I was watching I was so engrossed I never noticed that the day was moving on.  Or that I was half frozen.

I had plenty to do.  Namely get ready for the new freezer delivery.  After a shower to thaw me out and getting dressed I began work, moving the little freezer and cleaning the spot and moving the plastics bin (that's all the lids and containers I use for leftover storage).  I worked and cleaned and cleaned and worked and finally at 11:45 realized that no delivery was coming Sunday morning after all.  I was beyond frustrated trying to get through customer service.  Finally I figured out a way around all the no information I was getting and managed to talk to someone who actually called the delivery guys...who were sitting in the Lowe's store going nowhere.  I had a promise of delivery in thirty minutes.  I knew full well it would take them at least 40 minutes to arrive, so went into town for a paper and a Dr. Pepper and came home to work more. 

The freezer arrived, I had my dinner, moved all the foods over from the little freezer, pushed it onto the front porch to defrost and drain, worked and worked on coupons.  By 2pm I decided a break was in order, but Mama came by.  And when she left at 3pm I thought a nap really had to go on my agenda for the day, but then Samuel came by.  Then it was too late to even consider lying down at all.  See all these C.O.P.s?   The week has just been rife.  I did manage to get my grocery list done last night after John moved the freezer into it's new spot inside. 

Then John reminded me there was a memorial service for a friend on Monday.  That would be today.  It started at 10am.  I decided to get ready early and walked into the bedroom and found John's phone on the dresser just as he began calling the house phone to tell me he'd forgotten his phone...I quickly assessed the time frames and determined that it made best sense to do what needed to be done here, leave by 8:30, drive to his work place then turn around and head to the memorial service.  Change of Plans.  Again. 

This was a very long service as it happened with a sort of reception to follow and it was at our synagogue which meant I had to help put things away and then clean.  Not a problem but I didn't realize we were having the reception after and I'd been late arriving so didn't help set things up and it seemed only reasonable to clear up afterwards.  Then I went to do two errands but I think I was just tired at that point because I did one and turned around drove home, never once remembering the second one until I arrived here. 

Nothing drastic or dramatic or horrible going on just a lot of busyness and changes.  I have no clue what foods I have on hand.  I have my grocery list made out but forgot that this is Thanksgiving food purchasing week, so I need to think ahead to the holiday meal, which I've not even planned...  When I realized all that this afternoon I did the most sensible thing I could think to do: I went out and picked up pecans!  So there you go.  No Menu Monday.

1 comment:

MeginKS said...

A new freezer. Be still my heart! I love my two freezers and would not be a happy camper without them. Please tell us more about your new freezer. What size is it? Is it a chest or upright? Where will it stay? When you emptied your old freezer contents into the new freezer, how much room did those contents take up? 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 What will you do with your old freezer? Just think you can take advantage of the good sales going on for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your new freezer. Take care, MeginKS

Journal of My Week: Winter Again