Weekend Reading

You might think of late the only reading I get around to is what's on my Microsoft Edge home page from MSN and you'd be just about right.  I'm ready for the weekend though and thought I'd share what little I've saved this week between writing jags and packing up moving jags.  Next week I have a few posts pre-scheduled and I expect to be back at work the week after.  No holiday.  Just flooring, groceries and moving things back and forth and suffering aching muscles!

I thought this story about a 1934 Plymouth Coupe was pretty cool.  I love old cars! There was something very majestic and elegant about some of them and something dead solid about all of them.

This slide show about unconventional guard animals is a fun one.  Don't think I'd feel inclined to visit the zoo featured though.

Go on Pinterest anytime in the last three weeks and you'd see a flood of Pumpkin Spice recipes.  I promise that these are a bit different and some actually sound good!

Me personally, I am all about St. Augustine.  But I know there are N'awlins enthusiasts.  Thought for those of you, you might enjoy this short slide show.

I am a dog person.  I like cats, a lot.  But me and dogs...long history.  I really enjoyed this slide show about the White House dogs.

I did get to scroll a few blogs last weekend and this post by Mimi was stellar and really spoke to me.

Have a lovely weekend!


Lana said...

Last year the local garden center had pumpkin spice mulch! All we could think was, 'WHY?'.

Mimi said...

Dear Terri. Thank you so much for the mention. I love a good read too, but I'm not always in the mood for a book. Blogs are my go-to as well. Have a lovely week! Love, Mimi xxx

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

It's always fun to see what other people are reading! Thank you for sharing!

Deanna said...

As you know, we go to New Orleans often. We get a lot of requests for recommendations so many years ago I created a Word document which I update and add to periodically. I'm going to add that link you shared.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again