This Week In My Home: Moving On

This week in my home...

...I am moving on.  I let a whole week go by with me mooning and moaning and I'm done.  A rather astute observation from someone I love who I know loves me was, "Hmmmm...aren't you letting the worry over that relationship become a new addiction for you?"   It was said with love and it was spot on.  I'll likely have a post somewhere along about addictive relationships but for now, suffice it to say that I felt this sudden overall lightening inside and had peace about it once I saw my behavior for what it was.  Done!  Let's move on.

John goes back to work this week, just one day, so nothing to shout hurray over as I will still be at his whim on planning anything real.  BUT, I have already attended to the bill box, so there's nothing but the totting up to be done this week.  I've planted all my current lot of plants and freshly rooted petunias so the last set of pots I had ready to plant are filled in.  I have to dig about to find more pots but I'll strictly need true shade lovers for the next area of the back flower bed.  Shade loving plants I don't have at the moment so I'm going to begin working on the south end of the house and the front as I've been just hankering to do.  I have to remove some plants from a bed about the Faith tree.  Some of those can go in the ground  (iris) and the rest will be saved to put in a pot.  I'll begin with what I've got...Moving on.

I've looked over my new June issues of magazines and guess what?  Apparently in June 'cool' meals were just regular ones eaten outdoors.   I just find it hard to believe that a heavy roast beef with gravy dinner is going to taste any better outdoors when it's 100F and the gnats are buzzing about.  No thanks!  I guess I'll pull out the cookbooks and see what comes up among those pages that might be quick, light and easy for summer meals.  So I'm letting go of that initial idea and moving on.

 My reduction plan continues.  I'm continuing to monitor portions and making sure I don't eat ice cream everyday.  I'm at that stage where I want to see my clothes falling off me and despairing that they appear to be just as tight as they were.  But I KNOW I'm cutting back and I'm walking more and that means those results will start showing up sooner or later.  My blood sugar numbers are looking great so I'm certain I'm doing some good somewhere!

Not a terribly busy week ahead but I'll find plenty to do I'm sure.  I'm never really lacking for the work or play it's just the motivation required for either!  

...I plan my work:
It's Harvest Week.  I have tended to the bill box and balancing the checkbook and visually boosting the account which it pained me to do but it was very necessary.  Our expenses this pay period were more than our check.  Money has to come from somewhere to cover things, so out it came.  

Run errands, do banking. 

Grocery shop and plan ahead for a birthday meal this coming weekend.

Begin to dig up the plants about the Faith tree.  

Mail off Rosalyn's birthday package.  I shall have to include a second card for Josie in that box as her card never arrived.  That means running into the Dollar General to pick up another one.  Poor girl was so disappointed when she got NO cards at all on her birthday and who can blame her?

I am having a Jamberry party this week.  It will entail me being online each evening as different events come up.  I need to put the finishing touches on a couple of games I want to incorporate in the week.

I'm doing a bit of slow decluttering.  Just a few areas here and there that I've noticed appear to be overflowing with items.  I'll continue this week.  I'd like to sort out the area above the broom closet and our bathroom toiletries cabinet this week.

...I plan meals:
Breakfasts:  oatmeal
                     Cheese omelet and toast
                      Sausage biscuits
                      Pancakes and Spam
                      Peanut butter and fruit toast
                      Oatmeal with blueberries
                      Scrambled eggs, hash browns, toasted biscuits

Dinners:  Taco Burrito Bowls, Green Salad, sf Chocolate pudding
Almond Chicken with Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Orange slices
Polska Kielbasa with au Gratin potatoes, Steamed green peas, Tossed Salad
Steak, Baked Potato, Bagged Salad (John's choice menu), Gelato scoop
Pineapple, Chicken, and Pepper Kabobs, Steamed Fresh Green Beans, Brown Rice
dinner out as promised
Homemade Pizza, Green Salad

Suppers:  Pimento Cheese Sandwiches, Whole Grain Chips, Berries
PBJ's, Orange Slices, Cheese Crackers
Kale and Farro Soup, Cream Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers
SLT's (John says he prefers fried turkey Spam over Turkey bacon hence the 'S'), Nectarines or peaches
Chef Salad with Crisp Toast
Turkey Wrap, Chips
Bologna Sandwiches, Whole Grain Chips with Salsa

...I plan my leisure:
I've two good books going at the moment, one for review and one that is strictly pleasure.  I'm enjoying both greatly though.  So I'll be sure to make time to read every afternoon this week.  I also am going to try to move the genealogy work to the leisure side and see I won't give it more attention if I claim it's leisure because it is fun to me!


Beckyathome said...

It sounds like you have a great plan for the week ahead. Since this is the first week of summer, I have high hopes that I will find some time for cleaning and reorganizing. I will be working more, though, because my niece and nephew are out of school. Since my job is working with kids, though, there will be lots of fun summer activities heading my way--so I have that to look forward to. Best of all, my husband will be home since he works at a school.

All the birthday parties are finally done and I wrote about them on my blog:

I'm also hoping to work on the garden a lot this week, in-between things. We will be spending quite a bit of time working on the teen rummage sale as well, to benefit a Mexico mission trip and camp for the teens.

Debby in KS said...

I had a little giggle when I read about the regular meals eaten out of doors. Nope, I'm with you. Hot roast beef and gravy outside does not sound appealing.

I had an art day with some friends today and we were talking about camping meals. It occurred to me that two regular camping meals would make tasty summer meals, as well. One cooks on the grill and the other doesn't. We used to do the Hobo Dinner in the foil pack. The hamburger pattie, with diced veggies folded up on put on the fire grill. We also did something called Walking Tacos. Instead of shells, we used the chip bag as a bowl. We had indy sized foil tortilla chip bags, added taco meat, lettuce, tomatoes, & cheese. Ate them with a fork. They were loads of fun to do and great nights to volunteer for KP!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again