March-ing Orders

Well here we are with a new month nearly upon us and I am determined to make good use of the month ahead.  Naturally in the South we think we can plan ahead and start to plant our gardens or do loads of outdoor work.  Maybe we can do some of the latter but even that is iffy.  April is a  more prime month of weather for planting, and painting too.  There's entirely too great a chance of cold, wet or pollen in the forecast to do much of anything.  So any outdoor plans for this month all begin with IF, rather than I will...

The Week Ahead: The End of February

Last week was a pretty  good work week.   I managed every job on my list except digging out the corner flower bed.  It rained every single day except Friday and on Friday I hit the peak of how bad I felt.

I made every meal on my menu but the Tuna Casserole was pre-made and pushed  for Saturday dinner yesterday.    All in all, it was a great week, despite not feeling good.

The Week Behind: Before and After

This so closely resembles the weather we've had since Sunday that I felt it just had to be the lead image!

 Saturday:   I took breakfast casserole out of the freezer to thaw last night.  I reheated in a moderate oven.  It was as tasty as the first time I served it.

We ate lunch at the other household and had cookies for birthday cake.  It was a late lunch so a light supper here at home.

The Week Ahead: Rawr

We've just returned from Bess and Sam's where we celebrated Isaac's 2nd birthday.  At one point, he came in the front door and smiled at each of us.  Not a grin, but a gentle sweet smile, a very satisfied one, happy that all the people he loves had gathered in one spot.   Josh is the showy one, the one apt to perform and garner attention.   Isaac is quieter in his ways, not so prone to demand attention but that little smile about said everything to each of us and made us glad we were there.

The Week Behind: Routine Things

Saturday:  John off to work this morning.  This is a day he'd normally have off, but the station is short handed this month and so no Kelly Days which are basically a built in extra day off, so that each crew member gets 5 whole days off.  It's all overtime.  It does not however, take away from the fact that it is a day I am quite accustomed to have with my husband and I miss him fiercely, no doubt because yesterday was so extremely pleasant and we'd had a super busy week before that.

Coffee Chat: A Made Over Life

Good Afternoon loves...I've been busy today already, as I usually am on John's work day.  Busy, but my brain just ticking along.  It has been for days now.  I can't share all the details of why my brain's been busy because it is another person's sad story and not mine...But  there was a bit of  "There but by the grace of God..." involved in my thinking and then the awareness that it was indeed by the grace of God that I am where I am today.

My Takeaway on Week One

I spent time this past week reading through blogs I'd set aside to read deeply.   Last week I explored the blog Frugal Measures and over the weekend I read through the oldest posts of "Down To Earth" blog. Both are good blogs overall.  Frugal Measures sticks to food storage, gardening and sewing overall.

The Week Ahead: It's Not My Plans Anyway

Last week was a mix of going and doing.  I was aware of this when I began the week but wasn't aware of how much time the going would take or how much the doing would be pushed aside.   I'm always curious to see how a week shapes up compared to my plans for it.  I gave up ranting over my ruined plans long ago.  It's so much easier to accept that whatever comes is God's plan for my week and to just hush up and get on with it.

This Week: A Pocketful of Posies

Saturday:  John and I had a quiet morning followed by a whirlwind visit from a little girl.  I skipped my planned meal in favor of one that was more child friendly.  Fortunately I was prepared having provided for just such a need while grocery shopping this week.

This Week In My Home: February Fever

This month in our home is one that sometimes keeps us on our toes.  There are five family birthdays and Valentine's Day to be acknowledged.  In really good years, I might even toss in a nod to George Washington and/or Abe Lincoln.  I have a wonderful recipe for  cherry cupcakes that I consider perfect for GW even if he didn't really try and cut down his father's cherry tree.  I wonder if they still teach that at school?  How many pictures of hatchets and little boys at the cherry tree do you remember coloring in your youth?    With Lincoln, logs always come to mind.  Years ago I had a potato log casserole  that sounded good.  I don't believe I ever did make it but it involved layering French fries in a casserole dish then pouring over a cheese sauce and baking.  Still sounds good.  Still don't think I'd do it but I might be tempted to do it if I had bought any fresh potatoes the other day.  I didn't buy potatoes because I couldn't reach potatoes.  No kidding.  The huge carton at Aldi had two lonely bags at the back of the big old thing and I couldn't reach them nor tip the carton.  So no potatoes for us.

This Week: Eggs, eggs, eggs

Saturday:  The Strata we had this morning with the coconut streusel atop was very good.  Too much for us.  I put half in the freezer.  I will make a note here that in future, half as much is as we say a gracious plenty.  Bess stopped by later this afternoon and told me how much they'd enjoyed it as well.  I'm so glad.

March 25: Purposeful