This month in our home is one that sometimes keeps us on our toes. There are five family birthdays and Valentine's Day to be acknowledged. In really good years, I might even toss in a nod to George Washington and/or Abe Lincoln. I have a wonderful recipe for cherry cupcakes that I consider perfect for GW even if he didn't really try and cut down his father's cherry tree. I wonder if they still teach that at school? How many pictures of hatchets and little boys at the cherry tree do you remember coloring in your youth? With Lincoln, logs always come to mind. Years ago I had a potato log casserole that sounded good. I don't believe I ever did make it but it involved layering French fries in a casserole dish then pouring over a cheese sauce and baking. Still sounds good. Still don't think I'd do it but I might be tempted to do it if I had bought any fresh potatoes the other day. I didn't buy potatoes because I couldn't reach potatoes. No kidding. The huge carton at Aldi had two lonely bags at the back of the big old thing and I couldn't reach them nor tip the carton. So no potatoes for us.
My big thrill where Valentine Day is concerned is not the flowery card nor the overpriced roses and candy. It comes the day after when John buys me a lovely box of mixed chocolates at the 50% off sale. Chocolate and sale...two words together that just create a lovely blissful combination that occurs only once a year.
As for birthdays they are simple enough. John wants a cake, vanilla or chocolate with chocolate frosting and I put off making anything at all for myself after running through the list of possibilities. I always end reasoning that we have his cake and my birthday is the day after which means there is already cake on hand. The two grown children who share our birthday month live far away. We send them a gift card or a care package and that is that. And then there is Isaac who is too little yet to care about birthday parties but will eat cake if anyone is sharing.
It's time to begin planning the first week of February and I've given it only half a thought. Its overcast and gray outside and darker inside. Katie and Taylor are napping in the guest room and will be leaving here within the hour I am sure. Taylor goes back to her home tonight. John works tomorrow. My mind has been as lazy as the day just behind us.

Zone: Living/Dining and Front Entry Dusting is in order for sure. The front door is barren of any sort of wreath and the front porch as barren of anything that looks alive. I want to freshen things up and to make something for the front door and perhaps put out a green plant or two if I do nothing more than pull a pot of bulbs to the porch to soak in the sun.
I've decided, after these past weeks of decluttering, to go back over the zone areas and determine where I shall focus to further refine the work done. This month, I think I shall sort photos and find suitable storage for those we will keep. I have both our family and historical family photos to organize.
Routine work: In addition to the usual routine work of a home:
Clearing my throat....Finish the outside of the chifforobe.
Make up a batch of small quiche for the freezer as well as a recipe of pound cake, a birthday cake and rolls for the freezer which we also use as Shabat bread.
A day traveling with Katie.
A day out with Mama.
Working up bills for next harvest. Most likely that will be done on Wednesday which is John's second work day of the week.
The usual routine work.
Start remaking the slipcover on the chair I use. I realized when I put in that zipper last Friday that I have let my own nervousness gain the upper hand. I can do this and I will.
I am doing a mini budget boot camp, so in quiet moments I'm exploring blogs like Frugal Measures. I do admire the Mormon food storage system and am looking at recipes I might use, methods and means. I'll also be reading through my favorite books on frugal living and looking hard at this month's vintage magazines for new ideas I might incorporate or new skills I might plan to learn.

On my own X2 and out of town a third day.
Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Steamed Broccoli, Rolls
Lentil Bolognese Sauce over Whole Wheat Spaghetti, Green Salad, Garlic Bread
Corn Dogs and Fries (child friendly for Taylor)
Homemade Veggie Cheese Pizza, Tossed Salad

I don't know just when I'll have time for leisure this week. I'd love to get away for a few hours with John if we can. It's been weeks since we went out on a date per se and now he's done with his continuing education hours, I hope we can manage it.
LOL! I was trying to reach a bag of potatoes at Aldi a few years ago and fell in the bin. I could not get out so I was just laying in there laughing my head off while people were running over to help me get out. I have learned my lesson!
I fell into a bin of pumpkins when I was 9 months pregnant with my third daughter. I was also wearing an orange maternity sweater. Talk about funny.
This is what I think you should do for the birthday cake. You and John decide on a MUTUAL flavor as the cake will be for BOTH your birthdays. When it's finished, write John's name, your name and Isaac's name on it. Load it up with candles and let Isaac and John blow them out. Isaac will be thrilled.
I never fell into a bin but I did climb into a dumpster. It was pretty poor and had received a much needed check in the mail. On the way out of the post office I passed a dumpster and threw in circulars and junk mail, only to realize I had thrown in the check, too! I looked around and could see no way out of it, so I climbed in. AND THEN I COULD NOT GET OUT! It was an industrial dumpster and there just was no way to get a foothold. So, I stood in there and yelled for help until some older man looked in and took the time to go into the post office and came back with several men and a footstool. They could not find a ladder. So, they passed in the footstool, which brought me up closer to the ledge and then the men leaned in and hauled my not inconsiderable bulk out. Now I laugh but it was not so funny then. Plus I smelled...
Lana, Out My Window and Mabel, You all have tickled me this morning with all this talk of getting into situations, lol.
Anne, I made a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Isaac's birthday is mid-month and I expect his mom will want to make him a cake.
Oh I do hope you will share a picture of your fabric lined bookshelves. How did you attach the fabric? I cleaned and culled my bookshelves last week. They look so good to me with some empty space every time I look at them!
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