March-ing Orders

Well here we are with a new month nearly upon us and I am determined to make good use of the month ahead.  Naturally in the South we think we can plan ahead and start to plant our gardens or do loads of outdoor work.  Maybe we can do some of the latter but even that is iffy.  April is a  more prime month of weather for planting, and painting too.  There's entirely too great a chance of cold, wet or pollen in the forecast to do much of anything.  So any outdoor plans for this month all begin with IF, rather than I will...

Just to share how my February goals went: we ate fewer meals at home than I'd anticipated so not a lot of experimenting with meatless or alternative protein meals.  Nor a whole lot of usage from the pantry overall.  I was ill with a minor bug and felt poorly, so I didn't  go out to get the things needed to set up the sick pantry...bit of irony there, right?  I didn't set up any shoe box meals but the week isn't quite over.  So maybe.

The new sub account savings has about 1/5 the money required to purchase the thermostatically controlled propane heater.  I'd meant to add more two different pay periods and both times the money was required for a higher than planned electric bill, so pffft on that.  I am pretty doggone proud of the savings made thus far though and I have another portion to add to this provided we make it through the end of the month with no further surprises and it's looking very hopeful indeed.  That amount will set me at about the half way point.  Not bad for just one month.  It will go a bit more slowly from here, but you'll see why in a moment.

I learned to crochet.  I've only sewn a mere handful of yo yos for the quilt but I did spend a good bit of time making the slipcover for my chair, so at least I wasn't totally slacking on the sewing front.

I didn't do a thing in the shed, but it's on the schedule for this week so there's hope yet.  And last, there was no work on the yard at all because the few sunny days to be had were also days I was away from home and the rest of the month was foggy, gray, drizzly or pouring.  Seriously ready for sunshine!

And though it wasn't on my month goal list it was on several weekly lists in February...Finish the chifforobe!  I didn't do a thing about that.

The February goals I haven't touched on by end of week?  All will slide over to the March goals list.

So where does that leave me and my planning for March, when I think I've done quite enough indoors and am just longing to be outdoors instead?  Continuing to see what it is I might do indoors, using hard reasoning about what I really might get done outdoors, and continuing to plan and study and practice for the rest of the year.

As I write out my hopeful plans I am gazing out the window at the most impossibly blue clear sky, white wild pear blossoms and bare branches.  The dogs just went romping across the back fence line, slightly shortened by the heavy growth of the spring weeds which generally constitute the first mowing of the season.   The wind is gusting hard, just as though it knows that  the blowing season has arrived even if it is a few days early.

I have a big audacious, scary financial goal...and my tummy lurched just typing that out but I would like to have six to twelve months living expenses saved in a brand new account by the time John retires.   That's extra savings by the way, not rerouting the savings I already make each month.  Can it be done?  I think so.  I really do but it's going to take time and hard core dedication.

After working on that proposed retirement budget worksheet for John to look over, I realized that we have room for a little more savings if I make certain cuts now.   If anything goes wrong, and something will because that is the way life works, and I end up having only 3-6 months of living expenses in savings and I know I've tried, then I'm okay with that.  But my goal is bigger and higher than that.  I don't mean to aim low, hit the mark and quit.  I'm aiming high.   Naturally that added savings will begin this month when we have, at present, no outlook for overtime or holiday pays.  You know, just to really give me a challenge!

I want to return to doing two things in my kitchen.  First, to return to a weekly prep day in which I plan to work ahead so that meals are more readily and easily done each week, cutting down on the temptation to use higher priced convenience type foods when I'm tired and lacking inspiration.  And second, to really work to lower the costs of foods overall.  John and I are not much for over eating but I daresay that without measurements, we do overeat.  I would rather boost a meal by adding a seasonal fruit or vegetable servings to each meal than to continue to use more of the higher priced foods to fill the  desire to see a  full plate.  This goal is set to work both with my desire to find still more time in my day to be productive in other areas, to be more creative with our meals and snacks and last, to help along those savings I hope to make. 

I can't escape that John is a snacker.  So that's one more thing: to have ready snack foods on hand that are not  store bought snacks but good healthy things like boiled eggs, sliced oranges, cut celery or sliced cheese, mixed nuts, energy bites and even some baked goods, like homemade granola bars.    I don't have total control over any other money area as our two most recent  high electric bills (both due to necessary repairs) attests.  Food on the other hand, is almost always a controllable area.  That's why so many of us focus on food first when we're looking to decrease our outgo.

I want to really concentrate on my pantry/freezer this month, too.  I know for sure that this pay period (last of February/first week and a half of March) I need produce and dairy and not a lot else.  I can swing two ways with this 'extra' money: save it or spend it on the pantry/freezer.  I'm going to do both.  I'll split the difference between the new savings plans and my pantry/freezer.  Because of this I want to go over my pantry list and plan what I mean to buy this pay period.

I really do want to experiment with more meatless meals and I mean to do that this month by hook and crook.  I have pinto beans soaking just now for a meal this week.  I'm going to use my meatless meal option FIRST each week rather than push it to the back of the week.  

I plan to continue sewing in the month ahead and learning crochet.  John and I laughed over my learning to make the Magic Circle in crochet.  There was nothing anywhere on the page that suggested what I might do with that circle but I know how to make one!  I would like to have a completed crochet item by end of March.  I'd like to have made noticeable difference on my yo yo quilt and I am playing with the idea of possibly maybe sewing something to wear.  We'll see on that end.  I have material on hand and I do have a few patterns in my current size and I may come up with something that will work with what I have on hand.

Now for my IF goals...IF the weather permits I would like to get both porches cleaned and ready for spring painting as soon as pollen season is past.  If the weather allows, I'd like to begin some really necessary work on the beds about the house and prepare things for spring/summer plantings.  I am sure my outdoor work will consist of continuing to pick up limbs.  We've had some heavy winds this year and there are broken branches in nearly every tree in the yard.  With gusty wind they will eventually fall and I must pick them up so that the yard is mower ready.

I'm going to seek out the best options for seat covers on the outdoors furnishings.  There's a certain little doggy and a cat who like to sit on the chairs on the back porch.  A darker option would be better and certainly something that is removeable and washable.  I have four cushions I can recover and two that are iffy.    This goal is not a hard and fast one but I do want to keep it on my list for the month simply so I'll keep my eyes open and can determine my options.

The last two goals are purely for pleasure: I have a set of brass bells that sound absolutely lovely which must be restrung and I have a bird feeder that needs to be hung up outdoors, as well as a hummingbird feeder I want to get ready for use.  I need to hang all three items, so that's on my list for March as well.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Terri!

There's nothing like reading your plans for the upcoming month to motivate me into action! I love your ambitious goal of saving 6/12 months of expenses in a special account as a future retirement emergency fund! Emergency funds are always a blessing. You are so right about the flexibility of the food budget.

One habit I've gotten into over the years has been to try to always serve a small salad and/or a small bowl of soup before or with the entree. Obviously, I've borrowed the idea from restaurants haha, but it's a great meal stretcher. Not a meal goes by where I don't have one or both. In warm weather we often forego the soup and just make a larger salad. I usually add a sprinkling of shredded cheeses to the top (cheddar, mozzarella, smoked gouda...or whatever I have on hand that seems to blend well with the main meal) along with a teaspoon of chia seeds for extra nutrition (also makes it more filling). Surprisingly, Mike loves this! That said, it's set me on a quest to perfect home made salad dressings... store bought can get expensive and the oils they use aren't always the healthiest...even the organic brands. I collect small and medium size white ramekins and use these to serve the soups and salads. These are also especially nice if I have just one serving of baked beans or mixed veggies left over from the day before. Packaging is everything!

Got a nice laugh about your magic circle comment! That's about as far my skills in that area have gone. I've never produced more than a sad looking pot holder or two in the crotchet realm. However, Rosie knits quite well (she did not get it from me, sadly).

I am off now to get some things done off of my long list. Have I mentioned that I appreciate your candidness (sp?) in telling us when things from your list don't get done? It's nice to know I'm not the only one, ha ha!
Have a lovely day my friend.

Out My window said...

I think we are all excited for spring. Lovely that you learned to crochet, and setting high savings goals is always a good thing. With my three small savings plans I am always looking for a penny.

Frances Moseley said...

Hi Terri,
Glad to hear you are working on learning to crochet. I hope my tutorial suggestions helped. A magic circle is used when crocheting something that is round like a coaster, or when making a granny square. A good starting item would be a scarf. It would not take long and would be easy. If you can chain and single crochet, then you are off to a good start. All you would need to do would be to decide how long you want the scarf to be and how wide.The width would determine how many chains to do and the length would be determined by the number of rows that you do. Another good "starter" project would be dishcloths. Hope this gives you some ideas. Happy crocheting!!

Karen in WI said...

Terri, your 6-12 month goal sounds like a nice cushion to have for retirement. My husband likes to have a healthy sized emergency fund and I’m so glad we had it these past two years as we needed to travel to Canada and Colorado for several weeks of treatment for my son’s constant head pain with the TBI. Our Samaritan health share was wonderful and paid for the treatments, even though any regular insurance would not have paid at all. We still had to pay for transportation and lodging. The expenses overall ran quite high and the emergency fund was so nice to have as we didn’t have to wonder how we were going to pay for everything and were able to focus on our son. It lessened the stress a lot. We are now busy filling that fund up, while there are still some medical bills to cover, but that is our first priority before anything else. I love that you have a high goal so here’s to filling up our funds!

A weekly kitchen prep day sounds like something I should do also. I feel like I spend too much time in the kitchen some days. For snacking, my husband always likes to have homemade Chex Mix around, a big bag of Costco tortilla chips to make nachos with, and he likes to pop popcorn every Friday evening. We buy 25# bags of popcorn from our natural food co-op Azure Standard (not sure if they are in Georgia). Every weekend, I usually bake a fruit based dessert as I have a freezer full of apple slices, tart cherries, strawberries and blueberries that were bought at farms last summer and put up for the winter. Hopefully our apple and cherry trees that we planted a few years ago will finally produce this year. I planted.6 blueberry bushes last year and we freshened our strawberry bed with new plants too. I taught all of our boys to cook, so when they complain that there isn’t anything they want to eat, I tell them to make something as we have a well stocked pantry and freezers! We have all learned to love drinking kombucha (my boys like it better than soda) and it’s so healthy for you. It’s pricey, though, and I may try to learn to make my own kombucha this year.

I am envious of you cleaning off your porches to enjoy so soon! We usually clean our front porch and put the furniture out there the first of May. I learned to wait to give everything a good soapy washing until after our initial spring pollen gets everywhere. As I watch the snow fall out my window, I am thinking that I am ready for spring right now! I hope you are feeling better. Have a lovely evening.

terricheney said...

Tracey, I did not do well with the chia seeds, but have added hemp hearts and ground flax seed to our diet. I sprinkle it over things where John is not likely to notice it, lol. I am purposely trying to introduce more protein fiber combinations into my diet and more omega rich foods into his. I think adding to salads sounds like a terrific way. While Bess and Sam were here last summer, at least once a week we had Big Salad nights where we'd set out a huge bowl of mixed greens, and smaller bowls of a variety of things to add. Even the little boys enjoyed the toppings but not so much the lettuce part of the suppers.

It does seem only fair if I'm to share all I've done to also share what I don't get done. I hate to give a false impression that I accomplish every single thing I say I'm going to.

Frances, I am exploring the sites you recommended but yes, I am planning to make dishcloth, pot holder, scarf, hat...something!

Karen, You just reminded me to ask Bess about her attempts at making Kombucha. She's been drinking it often the past two or three years but tried to make her own here a couple of months ago. I found my first week of a kitchen prep day went rather well. I got a LOT done, but didn't quite finish. We have quite warm weather at present, but are expecting freezing temperatures again next week. Unfortunately some of the peaches have already bloomed.

Rhonda said...

Hello Terri, I’m sorry about the big repair expense but am glad you discovered the cause of your recent skyhigh energy bills.
I’m impressed your working on crochet.
If anyone can reach that savings goal, I know you can, even if you don’t make your weekly to do goals every week.
Lately, I don’t even set very high goals. I am truly not living up to my motto at all.

I do like Tracey’s idea to start all meals with salad or soup, is that Tracey McBride from Frugal Luxuries?

Karen in WI said...

Please do let me know if Bess has had success making her own and how she likes the taste. I think an issue we may have here is that during the cool months, which is most of our year, we keep the heat set at 63 so I think I would have to do something like I do with my yogurt to keep it warmer. I have a small yogurt maker base that I plug in and stick into a thermal bag with my yoguft and then zip it up.

Karla said...

Wait! You actually have a non-pollen season!? LOL Not here.

You know, I need to sit and sew something. I had a machine given to me last year or the year before and still haven't done anything with it. That whole failure to start thing is getting ridiculous. LOL

March 26: It Was Time