The Week Ahead: Rawr

We've just returned from Bess and Sam's where we celebrated Isaac's 2nd birthday.  At one point, he came in the front door and smiled at each of us.  Not a grin, but a gentle sweet smile, a very satisfied one, happy that all the people he loves had gathered in one spot.   Josh is the showy one, the one apt to perform and garner attention.   Isaac is quieter in his ways, not so prone to demand attention but that little smile about said everything to each of us and made us glad we were there.

Dinosaurs and cookies  were the theme of the day and he was pleased as punch despite not feeling well.  Both boys have a general allergy crud ongoing at present.

At one point Isaac came in and came straight to me.  I could tell something wasn't right but it wasn't until he got down and pulled at his britches leg that I was sure of it.  Then I had a sudden pain in my thumb and looked down to find an ant biting me.  I told Bess, "Strip him...He's been in ants."  He never put up a fuss about those ants which did hurt let me assure you but the pained look left his face as Bess removed his clothes.  Thankfully he's not as allergic to them as Josh.

Lovely day for a party and a lovely party.  The little house, which Josh assured me would never fit the whole family does fit us all.  And to see two happy little boys enjoying the extended family about them was lovely, too.

I did wonder at one thing and I've wondered over it before.  These little ones get put down for an all too necessary nap, often while the house is full of company...What must they think when they get up again and everyone is gone?  Isaac left  a houseful of guests behind him when he took his nap and no one but Grampa and Gramma were there when he woke up.  I would just like a quick peek inside a two year old mind to know these things.

Last week:   I think making myself accountable to you all last week for what I did in my home made me step up my game!  Seriously, I did every job on my work list last week.  You might never know it to see the sticks in the yard yet, but I assure you, I spent a bit over an hour outdoors after that storm clearing up branches and sticks.  I see there are loads more out there though...

I made all of the meals except the Chicken Tikka Masala.  We still have leftovers on hand that I am planning to utilize tomorrow and put the rest in the freezer.

My hand sewing wasn't sewing, but  ripping seams from the slipcover.  I literally spent hours finishing that task on Thursday just because I knew I'd have all day Friday to concentrate on the remaking of it.

And I never did pick a new book, though I did receive one in the mail.  Instead I read a few fiction stories in my vintage February magazines, which is, in it's way, as good as reading a book..

Time to plan the week ahead.


Zone:  Bed and Bath Rooms

Just a good basic cleaning of all the bedrooms and baths and perhaps hanging pictures or rearranging what I have in my room so there is something over the headboard. Come to think of it, I've borrowed so much from the spare room to use in my living room I might ought to consider the same in the guest room!

 I also want to look for material or something to create a bed skirt for our room.  It's not needed with the winter cover, but we're hitting mid-70s this week...and that means in a few weeks the summer covering will be necessary.  Our summer cover is a proper Queen sized piece, not a heavy King sized coverlet as we have now so the base of the bed will be exposed and it's not a pretty site.

 I came across an item on JES's blog Strangers and Pilgrims from Catherine Beecher the other day.  It was a checklist for keeping the home in good standing and item #1 Go about each room, drawer, closet...What is out of order?  What needs to be done? Plan time and make arrangements to do each task.

Such a good idea and I thought really I ought to do this once a month, just a walk through say towards the end of the month and then plan to attend to these needs in the zone week, unless of course, it was really pressing.   This month I'm just off a major month of organizing and decluttering but I thought I'd share this idea with you all.  I'll incorporate this into my last week of February though.

Okay, real work planning now.  This week should be fairly easy to work in.  I've almost finished the slipcover.  I need to do something about the fronts of the arms and attach the sides to the back.  I may have to patch this area out.  We'll see.  Overall it looks pretty good but there's some thinking to be done and I don't expect to finish this in say thirty minutes come Monday.

All the usual routine things that typically go into a week: dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, meals, clearing up after, etc.  Just because I'm working in a zone doesn't mean all the rest of the house gets no attention at all.

Make rolls for the freezer and perhaps a pan of cinnamon rolls for weekend breakfasts.

I still have nothing on my entry doors...I'd really like to take time to find something either from my shed or actively go out and look for something to work with.

Begin digging out the corner flower bed.  It was rather pretty a few years ago but Maddie's dug out all the flowers along the backs of it and piled mounds of dirt here and there.  The soil is still damp enough to be easily dug.  Now would be a great time to work on that.  I will go slowly with a little each day perhaps and while I'm removing the few remaining plants I'll try to plan what it is I'd like to see in that area.

Pick up the next lot of sticks and branches that are in the yard.


Birthday party: Burgers, chips, cookies

Roast Beef, Baked Potatoes, Salad

on my own xs2

Tuna Casserole, Green Peas, Apple and Celery Salad

Hamburger Steaks, Wild Rice, Green Beans, Pear Salad



Hand Sewing...If I do go out to shop for stuff for the door wreaths I may buy a skein of yarn (something inexpensive) and try my hand at learning to crochet.  Katie's offered to show me what she knows and I'm sure I can find something on YouTube so I can practice basics.   Definitely spend some time making yoyos, too.  I find hand work is a good mind and body quieting  task.

Spa Day for me.  I haven't done a full routine in many months and I feel the need of the attention and care for myself.

I think I want to take a day of shopping.  I think the new items for Spring are on the store racks now and I'd promised myself I'd look for spring things.  I need new bras, too.  But a leisurely day of shopping might be nice.  I'm not firmly committed to this just yet, but maybe.

Reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.


Kathy said...

Happy belated birthday to Isaac! Sounds like a fun celebration.
I'm glad that you sensed something was wrong when he came to you about the ants.

Sounds like a fun and busy week.
Can't remember if I told you how much I love your living room. The fabric backing on the book cases looks great, and it looks like such a lovely sitting area. So peaceful and beautiful.

Tammy said...

I think you will like crocheting. It's a little bit addictive, though.
I learned to crochet when I was in high school, but put it away for a long time. Several years ago when I hurt my knee at the beginning of the summer and spent a lot of time in a chair with an ice pack, I wanted to be productive rather than just sit on the computer or watching TV all day. When I learned to crochet, it was just one stitch, and I wanted to learn more, so in my search I found Mikey who is a wonderful YouTube crochet teacher. I know you said you have some YT resources, but if you want to take a look, here's a link to his beginner series of videos:

Frances Moseley said...

Hi Terri,
I really enjoy your blog! I taught myself to crochet a couple of years ago after finally admitting to myself that my eyes will no longer let me do the fine handwork I used to enjoy (thread count embroidery). I learned by watching CrochetGuru,com. You can find lessons on all the basics there. Then I found Bella where I learned the granny square and other patterns. Both of these are easy to follow and really good instructors. Hope this helps.

terricheney said...

Kathy, Thank you so much! I don't know why on earth it took me so long to catch on to myself...I've always loved English country so why haven't I had it all this time?!

Frances, Thank you. I'll be sure to check out that site for crochet lessons.

Tammy, I'll check out this from you as well. In fact, I'm about to go bookmark all of these sites!

Debby in Kansas said...

When I was still working full tome, so pre 1997, I found an article in one of the women's magazines on how to organize your home in 1 year. I kept it, looked at it a couple of times, & refiled it! I couldn't imagine being able to work FT, do my regular cleaning, & manage to find time to go thru' every little nook and cranny. And then, I just tried it. And I really did it! It was essentially one room per month. I did small things like drawers in under 15 minutes and saved the bigger things for Sat. morning. But, I was tickled with the results. Anything that allows a person to look at something in small pieces is always less intimidating that looking at the whole thing. In the same line, I remember reading about an author, I want to say Ernest Hemingway, but not sure, that was in a serious grieving phase. He went room to room with a notebook, sat down, & noted every single thing in every room that needed work. Maybe a touch up paint job, something repaired, whatever. He spent 2 yrs. doing that and said that he felt like it was a healing process.

I grinned at your question as to what kids think when everyone disappears during their nap. When I was real young, I remember really feeling like I was missing something being sent to bed one night. We'd been having so much fun- my aunt & uncle were playing cards with my parents. I crawled into the hallway and watched them. It was so *exciting* that my mom found me there sound asleep when seeing her guests out!! That was the only time I recall doing that.

Ants, ick!! We used to have some awful biting red ants in SoCal when I was a kid. I once fell off my bike onto an ant hill. YOUCH! The ants were way worse than the scrapes. I remember shrieking and about scaring my grandmother to death.

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri,
So enjoyed reading about your week. What a little sweetie Isaac is. So stoic regarding the ants!
I am sorry to hear you've been under the weather. You're in my prayers and thoughts for perfect health my friend. Soda water and Ginger are my favorite remedies for tummy troubles. The soda water alkalizes the body (a good thing). I like to shred up a little nub of fresh ginger and put it with my black tea. In a pinch a very small amount of powdered ginger (about 1/4 teaspoon per 4 cup pot) works nearly as well in soothing an upset stomach. Iced or hot. I used to just buy ginger ale until I found out nearly all ginger ale commercially available doesn't have any real ginger in it. Plus I try to stay away from sugar, haha.
Well, the week down in San Diego went about as expected. Melancholy but uneventful...quite relaxing in fact as it rained heavily for three days while we were there. With windstorms. Rare weather for that area. The last time I remember it like that was when I was pregnant with Rosie 25 or so years ago! It is certainly giving the dry landscape a much needed watering. That is a blessing. Sending love and healing thoughts.

March 26: It Was Time