In My Home This Week: Slow and Steady or Let Her Rip?

My head feels crammed full of things I must do, things I want to do, things I don't want to do at all, things I don't want to deal with and things I know must be dealt with or reap the rewards of letting it go.  And then there's the part of me that just wants to stop.  Take that vacation that we had to cancel.  Rest deeply.  Do only what I'd like to do.

I think I'm going to slow things down a bit because this month things are a little more heavy duty than they've been in the past few months.  Lots of tugs upon my time, none of which I'd have not occur but I also know that I am not Elasti-girl.  I'm not going to physically stretch by much.  I try to let the spiritual and mental and emotional stretches occur naturally but sometimes they hurt.   I seem to be in another growing season and I'm going to try to have a moderate approach to all things rather than be stubborn as I usually am and think I can do all things.  I know what that Bible verse says about doing all things through Christ who strengthens me, but I also know that God is never as insistent on my doing all the things as I am.  He is always urging me to let a few things go, sometimes because I have reached the end of a season, sometimes because it is the natural end of a cycle of life.  I'm going to try to be more mindful of His guidance this month.  That's the only goal you'll see me list for May.

No, I am not about to give up the blog, so don't even think I am.  I'm talking about the big projects.  This month is just not the month for big projects.  It will soon be too hot to even think of big projects.  I'll continue puttering and doing little bites when I have time but I'm not planning any big renovation or makeovers at present.  I'm just going to go through May and see how God leads me to spend my time.  So if the job lists look a bit weak, never mind.  I know what I have on my calendar each week of this month and where I've got time to spend and where I haven't.  I'll plan my weeks accordingly.

Work this week:  

Grocery shopping is usually done this week.  This is where I typically spend the bulk of my grocery money.  Now John and I went into the grocery today and bought a few things, mostly 'fun' foods.  I think we're both in the mood to have a little vacation and what we bought today were the sorts of things we'd typically eat while on vacation.  Difference: we bought most all of them in regular quantities not vacation single sized portions we'd buy which oddly enough are far more expensive than buying in normal quantity.   However, more groceries will be bought this week and I want to plan carefully for those.

Homeschool Josh two mornings.

Katie has an appointment one afternoon this week and needs a ride over.

Clean a section of the porch rails if my back has stopped acting up.

These things are all in addition to my routine normal housework.  Not the only jobs I plan to attend to so bear that in mind.  I'll stop quite busy in the week ahead I assure you!

Meals this week:

I didn't share Fridays meals but Katie and I split the Korean Beef Bowls I'd chosen from a Mandy in the Making vlog.  The meat was good but as she'd noted, not nearly saucy enough.  I made the sauce as written and used less meat than called for in her recipe.  She'd said she'd at least triple the sauce in  future if she made the dish again and I can say honestly that I wish I had!  All in all last week's new meals were a success save that one meal.

Meals are not necessarily in order given except the first two...

Homemade Pizza, Soda

Steak, Baked Potato, Salad

Skillet Sausage and Rice, Tomato Salad, Green Beans

Chicken Verde Enchiladas,  Corn, Pico de Gallo and Avocado Salad

Asian Chicken Wraps with Peanut Sauce, Grapes

Tuna Pasta Salad, Saltines, Fresh Fruit



Anonymous said...

Hi Terri,
I love your simple May goal. Perhaps I'll take a page from your book and do the same. Things are a bit crazy here as people are really tired of everything (including the beaches) being closed. We live fairly close to where those large beach protests were/are going on and they are very orderly and respectful; lots of American flags and invocation of the constitution which is not a bad thing. It inspired me to do a bit of researching about their position and I do believe they are legally correct. I found this very interesting read on the US Department of Justice site: It never hurts to know our rights...great for future reference as well! It's all about striking a common-sense balance (and, of course, having accurate information in order to make informed decisions). But I digress haha! We dropped some flour and almond milk to Rosie this morning along with meat from the freezer. Mike has been wanting to smoke a tri tip and there are none to be found, but plenty of other cuts and ground beef and chicken, which is fine. The weather has warmed up considerably and caught me too warmly dressed. One of my small goals this week is to work on pulling together a warm weather wardrobe and pack up our cooler-weather clothes. Well I'm off now to make an attempt at cutting Mike's hair and then a nice game of cribbage out on the patio. Thanks so much for your lovely blog, as always.
Much love,

terricheney said...

Tracey, I'm happy to hear your report of the protests. Not quite what I heard on the news but a first hand honest account is always welcome. While we are 'open' in Georgia, the term is very much an open interpretation. Salons are taking appointments and you wait until they call your phone to say you may come in which is pretty much the way doctor offices have operated through this. Some smaller churches have opened but others are choosing to continue online and drive thru services. We did dine in in a restaurant last week and that experience was a good one but it was very different, too.

When is the baby due? Soon?

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Sounds like you've got a good plan. I've felt rather unmotivated this weekend, so I haven't finished much. I hope that I'll get back in the swing of things tomorrow. Have a wonderful calm week, Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

Chef Owings said...

you have a good plan... I/we have 5 major projects along with me making masks for Daughter 4 and Son 2. Daughter 1 employer supplies hers, Son 1 is following his daddy's footsteps and using his bandanna. Daughter 2 and 3 are not sure if they will need any.

I need and want to be in the kitchen for a couple of days to have set up for canning better and getting food prepped...

Weary, that's the term my brother used... weary

terricheney said...

Laura, Thank you! I am looking forward to an easing of the pressure I've put upon myself. And I shall pray that you find your motivation!

Juls, That's another thing to plan to make ahead is masks for fall use...Thank you for that reminder! John gets masks at work for use there but some of the Mennonite girls have gifted him several to use away from work. His favorite has smiley faces all over it, lol.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.