The Week Ahead: Why Even Plan?

One day this week Katie and I were going along a road per Siri's directions in order to keep an appointment and discovered that we had to detour.  Siri didn't know anything about that detour!  Down a side street into a shady side of town we traveled looking for further  detour signs but it just kept getting more and more scary looking...So we decided we'd skip the detour and we turned around and went back and started again from another big intersection and let Siri guide us on an alternate route from there.  Well that's how plans go. Sometimes we have to deviate down a side street because of detours we didn't know are in our path.   We have to rethink our plans.  But in the end we get where we were trying to go if a little later than we'd planned to be there!

My week didn't go quite as planned.  My menus didn't go as planned  either, because the week altered so much.  But because I'd had a plan, I at least got a few things done.  The things I knew had to be done, got done.

Last week went sailing by and all those plans of mine came to  much less than I'd planned, both with the work about the house and the menus...So why plan?  Because a plan is a road map to work by, same as a budget and if you want to get things done then having a plan is a good way to get them done, even if sometimes you have to alter the original plan.

I've  been changed these past few weeks (okay for all of 2020 thus far!) in  how I plan.  I'll hold my plans loosely and do my best.  It's all any of us can do.

Work Week:

But first rest...My planned rest day for this week went kaput like all the other plans.  Today I baby sat Caleb which is no hardship since he's not yet moving under his own steam.   This afternoon we had a family birthday party to attend.   I'm shooting for a Sunday rest day and if that fails me, too, I'm going to shoot for Monday.  No plans then that I'm aware of...

This will be my last week of homeschooling Josh twice a week.  In June, we'll move to one day a week. But that's planning for June.  In the meantime, let me finish up May!

I'll need to pick up Caleb from nursery four times.  Katie's work hours end at the same time that Caleb's nursery closes.  Problem is that she's 40 minutes or so away.  I'm only 3 miles from his nursery, so  I will run into town each day and pick him up, take him home and wait on Katie to arrive home from work.

Make time for a day with Mama.  I'm sure she needs her usual shopping cart full of groceries.

I'm hoping for a hair cut. Pretty please?  I plan to call for an appointment at the shop where I'd been going.  Katie did a nice job but three weeks later and I look very much as though I need a cut all over again.  She can do her dad's hair in about five minutes since it's a buzz cut but it takes a bit of her time to try to cut mine and I don't know that she'll have the energy to spare for that now she's working full time.

Plants and potting soil and pots?  I do hope so!  I'd so love to work on making flower beds pretty before full blown summer weather is here.   Also buy more seeds.   I want flowers this year.

Fertilize plants.  I have just loads of good fertilizer and I'm sure the bougainvillea and mandevilla and other plants could use a proper feeding.  Also those three plants need to go to a sunnier locale, probably in the back flower beds for move those.

At least 1 hour in the yard again.  I did manage about 45 minutes last week which is something given how the week kept being a shape shifter.

Sort out the guest room.  It keeps getting stacked up with extra stuff and I'm not at all pleased with it.

Do a proper pantry inventory and decide which areas need restocking.  I know that I've no more trash bags or storage bags and there are other food areas where I've NONE of some items we typically keep on hand.  An inventory would let me know when to stock up when I see an ample supply of a needed item.

Continue to look for fresh meal ideas.  There's been no time for experimenting lately.  I'm continuing to throw in some old tried and true things though that we haven't made in a long while.  

I'm only planning six meals this week.  We've that family birthday party mid-afternoon and typically we won't eat another meal after eating that late.  

Gramma's (aka Publix) Fried Chicken, Beans and Potatoes, Coleslaw
Grilled BBQ Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Coleslaw (leftover), Blueberry Cobbler
Mac n Cheese, Pan Roasted Vegetables, Salad
BBQ Chicken Pizza, Salad
Greek Chicken Salad, Rolls (didn't make this last week)
Beef Fajitas, Corn Chips with Creamy Salsa Dip

1 comment:

Chris M said...

Hi Terri,
I hope your week does go better this week! It’s wonderful that you can see and help with your grandchildren. Because of circumstances, even though our grandchildren are close, we must practice social distancing. They can’t come over and when I do see them, I can’t hold them or hug them. While I’m sad about this, I believe it’s a necessary component to keep all of safe and healthy. When it’s safe again, I’m going to treasure those hugs! Blessings.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.