Worth Sharing This Week: Taking it Slow

Southern Living shared this list of  classic childrens book series.  Some of these I think I'd like to read or re-read.

When we look far and wide or spend too much time focused of the enormity of a problem, such as many are doing with the worldwide pandemic right now, we soon begin to miss the small things that our hearts need to ground us in the here and now, the gentle everyday things which display beauty to the eyes and plant seeds of calm in the soul. ~ Jenny of Elefantz blog.

That was her opening in her blog post .

And she ended with this:
I will leave you today with something else that is small and yet vast beyond measure with what it offers. 
One verse in God's Word can change a moment, a day, a life. Don't be overwhelmed reading chapter after chapter each day because you think you should...there are seasons for that, but more often there are seasons for soaking in small sections and letting the Holy Spirit bring it to life with the Light of Christ, shining it upon our hearts with understanding of how that verse or passage applies to us personally. 

I'm very slowly going through Psalms at the moment and there are days when I read and re-read the same Psalm over and over, highlighting sections or one verse and then writing it in my journal. Oh I cannot tell you how many lessons the Lord is teaching me right now, but they go deep and are rich with His love and right with His correction.

This coming week...this month of May...look for the small things, choose the ways which bring you joy, and let the beauty and love within God's Word breathe refreshment and peace to your heart.

I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping up with the current happenings, slim as they are, at the Chauteau LaLande.  I plan to watch the earlier videos.  I will say that this vlog often makes me smile until my face aches from opening to end.

One of my favorite quotes from this video is when Isabelle tells Stephanie "Your life is a celebration!" and it's true.  She has the lovely knack of celebrating days and moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.

I thought I'd have so much more to share this week but I do not.  My slower pace this week is due to the overall busyness of my life at the moment and hence no further writing, but certainly dear Jenny's words are well worth their weight in gold.

Certainly being mindful of one verse of scripture has really touched my life this week.  Psalm 52 in the The Jerusalem Bible ends with the vow to 'be constantly thanking' God for his kindnesses.  I can't find the version online to share in full, but it has definitely made me think many times this week of being thankful all throughout the days. 

All in all, I must say that perhaps I have shared what is most worth sharing to myself and hopefully to you all. I want my life too be a celebration of each moment, and to be always thankful for the blessings that have been poured into it.  


Chef Owings said...

Daddy one time looked out the window and the down pour rain and gloom and said it was a beautiful day... Hubby asked him why. Daddy's answer was because he could see it as he was not blind. Could say it as he was not mute. Could hear the storm as he was not deaf.
Yes it was a beautiful day.

Anonymous said...

The links are a true treasure ! Did you change something? I can see where to click for the links now ! How wonderful ! Your little nuggets this week are hyper special ones !

Thank you for lately mentioning my words of encouragements. I was sort of worried you thought I over did it. I write what I think is true. I learned years ago to not hesitate to tell people how grateful I am for them. How talented they are or generous or whatever. Several people who were dear to me I hesitated to tell them how wonderfully God made them and then they died without ever hearing it. They had so enriched mine and so many lives and deserved to be thanked. So I just let my sincere thoughts flow and say what I feel now. So if I say thank you and how special you are I really mean it. I will continue to do so. :-)) Sarah

terricheney said...

Juls that is just lovely! We all should be so mindful of our blessings!

Sarah, I am sorry I delayed so in thanking YOU. I am so happy that the greater color variation helps you see the links.

Anonymous said...

No! I was not thinking of you when I mentioned taking too long to thank people...I was thinking only of my own past in putting off thanking people till it was too late. :)) I do appreciate you mentioning you appreciated the comments though... I was worried several times when I posted that you thought I was going over board and said it too many times. That is just how I do things and so just put it out there and hoped you were not thinking I was some sort of weirdo. :))) Sarah

terricheney said...

No Sarah, I didn't mean to suggest that you were thinking of me. It just made me mindful that I too really do try to say what is true and good and your comments do me lots of good!

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.