The Week Ahead: Rest, Reboot, Redo

Blogger has a new format.  It's meant to be more friendly for mobile devices which is great and all that.  I love the clean look of the new behind the scenes pages, but honestly?  Three weeks it's taken me to finally discover how to create a new post without switching back to the old format to write a post!  Three weeks!  And why?  Because instead of putting it in the most obvious place, at the top of the page where it formerly was or even under Posts heading, they put a big plus sign down at the bottom of the page on the other side of the page.  Hint:  It's not the first, second, third, fifth or tenth place I looked!   But what a feeling of accomplishment when I finally discovered it!  That sort of minor victory can set you up for a week, lol.

This weekend is all about resting.  I am pretty sure there's a nap in my future today.  I'm fully embracing the Shabat rest this weekend, because next weekend will be a whole other story.  Not gonna think about it.  I'm going to just dive into enjoying the absolute bliss of a day in which I do little.  I haven't even made my bed 'proper', just pulled up the sheets.  If I can't go on vacation, I'll take tiny little shortcuts on my rest day to make me feel I've had one.

Work Week Ahead: 
The top four goals here are my must do items.  The rest I'll work with as I can... 
Prep/Make Ahead Meals for this week so I don't have an utter fail
Home School X 2
Katie to Appointments X 2
Tot up the Checkbook
Buy more potting soil
Repot one tomato plant
Separate Bean plants
Spend 30 minutes in the yard at least X 2
Shop for the bevy of birthday cards, gifts and gift bags needed in the next 7 weeks
Make a Chicken Pot pie for the freezer

Menu Plans:
I just gave up last week with the menu plan.  Yes, the beef roast and roast chicken came in handy during the week but not always.  John made hamburgers on the most depleting of the days and used leftover chicken in a Korma over rice with Naan another night.  I made spaghetti one night because I wanted comfort food.  A couple of nights meals were lackluster and we were raiding the kitchen within an hour.  They didn't nourish us at all, not physically or visually nor spiritually.  It wasn't a great food week.  I'm hoping this week will be better.

Veggie Lasagna, Salad,  Bread and Butter, Strawberry Shortcake
From Freezer
Roast Beef Hash, Green Beans, Lettuce and Tomato Salad
Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Corn Muffins
Fried Chicken, Squash Casserole, Potato Salad, Sliced Tomatoes
John's request on the chicken.  I'll pick up on my way home the night I'm in the grocer deli town.
Pineapple Chili Chicken, Rice, Broccoli
A crock pot meal for another late afternoon appointment
Twice Baked Potatoes, Big Chef's Salad
Hamburger Pizza, Salad
Going to try Boone Farm's Method of using my pizza stone.  She heats hers and then takes it from the oven and puts the pizza dough on top and puts on the toppings then puts it all back in the oven to bake.  Seems reasonable to me...


Lana said...

I am intrigued by that pizza stone method. Please tell us how it goes.

I tried a new recipe for Pepper Steak that was horribly salty and we had to eat it twice. Bleh. No new recipes this week! I want to schedule in a restaurant meal out at one of our locally owned spots as we saw today when we were out that some favorites are open. We are talking about doing a progressive restaurant meal for Tuesday lunch and using up a bunch of birthday freebies. Half a sandwich here and half a burger there and half a milkshake over there. I think it will be fun. I need to get to the store for a birthday card supply as well. I do have quite a lot of generic cards on hand if it doesn't happen. Our church is going to go back to meeting in the building on June 21 so there is light at the end of the tunnel.

We plan to leave for the lake house on Friday and stay until Sunday of the following weekend. We have no idea what we will find there so we are packing food for all meals and realizing that we will need to go with the flow. It is not lost on me that we are very blessed to have a place to get away in the midst of all this crazy time. We have tried to guess the reaction of the community there but just have no idea. We feel certain it is one extreme or the other. Parks are open there so we can do outdoor things with packed lunches if nothing else.

Chris M said...

Hi Terri,

One thing I’ve often done to “extend” a vacation, or at least the feeling, is to wear vacation clothes the day before and the day after. I was fortunate to work in a setting where I could get away with a casual outfit once in awhile. It really helped!

Best wishes for the week! Chris M

Mable said...

We heat our pizza stone to 450 degrees, so no way do I want to mess with lifting that in and out. I roll the pizza dough out on a piece of parchment paper and then transfer paper and pizza to the top of the stone. Keeps the stone clean, too, and easy to slide onto a serving platter to cut and serve.

Liz from new york said...

Going to spend the week finishing up the yard, flowerpots, and pool. Doing Memorial Day bbq with family and some friends. No vacations here either, maybe later in the summer, if things go back to some kind of normal. Have a great week, liz

terricheney said...

Mabel, I did do that with aluminum foil last time I made one and I liked the cleaning up was easy enough.

Lana, I'll let you know if I get brave and do it, lol! Enjoy the lake time!

Chris, that's a good idea about wearing vacation clothes a couple of extra days. For myself, I tend to plan the sorts of meals we'd actually eat on a vacation. My goal this week is to take Friday day as my Shabat rest because the weekend will be a big deal. John's planning on working and Taylor's having an early birthday party. Lots of goings on!

Liz, I want to work on flower pots too but I've got more work to do before I get to that stage. Finding time to do it in is the thing.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Terri,
I am in the middle of our lovely coffee chat and wanted to stop and thank you for mentioning your efforts in memorizing the Bible and wanted to let you know that I am in the same process right now! I just bought some CD's that scripture sung in jingle form and now I'm trying to dig up my CD player haha! We truly are kindred spirits. Also much appreciation for sharing Marilyn Hickey and her good logic for memorizing the entire bible. It was inspiring and encouraging! Wanted to also ask you if you are familiar with Mark Taylor? He has a simple YouTube site and I always learn so much from him and his modern take on what is going on in the world today. (In fact I'm listening to him as I write haha.) . I'm so happy you were able to get a decent nights sleep finally. I had a similar night earlier this week and empathize. Well my friend, I am off to continue reading.
Much love and appreciation for you and your wriitings.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I think i accidentally posted my comment under the wrong post! My apologies.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.