The Week Ahead: A Busy One

My plan to slow down for May was based mostly on this coming week's line up of appointments and errands and because  thinking of it slightly overwhelmed me.  I finished up the workweek  early on Friday and decided to start an early rest.  It's rather nice to have the house all neat and nice about me, and see the yards freshly mown outside the windows and know that we are essentially done until Sunday morning which is when I clean the baths and our bedroom.

Work this week:

I'm keeping this all very simple this week.

Pick up and take back Taylor.
Home school 2 times.
Take Caleb to his six months check up.
Run Katie about to do errands x2.  One will be combined with appointment day, the other is to get groceries and we will do that when we don't have Caleb with us.
Mama's grocery day and lunch out.

My personal plans: My living room really needs to be dusted.  I'll try to remember to do that this Friday when the room will be vacuumed anyway.

Put together a few more outfits.  I'll need them this week!

Get back on track with my pre-Algebra work.  I took off a week and I'm ready to get back at it.

Maybe, just possibly, do a little bit of creative sewing work.  We'll see how days go.  At the very least I can take some hand sewing projects with me a couple of days as well as a book to read.

Pick up some potting soil and go buy the discount grocer to purchase potting plants.  They had a lovely selection and I'm ready to get my porches and flower beds looking pretty for the summer.

Purchase two zippers for the front porch chair cushions.  Look for some Scotch Guard to put on the cushions to protect them from the dogs.  By the way, River now sits in the chairs on the patio.  Apparently she doesn't 'do' chairs without cushions so she has abandoned the chairs on the front porch.


I got thrown off my game last week because I didn't prep ahead and didn't have recipes handy when it came time to prepare the easier meals.  I just sort of threw it all up in the air and it came down where it would.

Friday, knowing what my week was about to look like, I took a roast beef and a whole chicken from the freezer to thaw.  I'll cook them both in the oven, at the same time, while the weather is still cool.

I'll plan to use those in my meal plans this week ahead.  John works one day, so will want only a snack plate that evening.  I'll be home for evening meals every night but likely won't cook that night.

Roasted Chicken, Zucchini Gratin, Rice

Roast Beef, Armenian Potatoes, Salad with Cucumbers

Chicken Florentine Pasta, Crusty Bread 

Roast Beef Sliders, Chips, Homemade Spicy Cucumber Pickles

John's work day/Mama day

Aldi General Tso's Chicken, Egg Rolls, Rice

Roast Beef Hash, Green Beans, Salad


Angela said...

The pattern of the light looks so lovely in your living room. I took up a cross stitch project today that I've not worked on in some time. It was very relaxing.

Lana said...

Happy Mother's Day! No kids home today but we had a good talk with all of them. We had the best surprise when our middle son and his wife told us they are expecting a new baby. My Mom was over the moon when they called her, too.

This week we have cleaning day on Monday and my birthday is Tuesday, I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday but I am so glad to be able to go and get my permanent crowns. My temps have been broken for weeks. Also on our list for this week is planting annuals in the pots for the deck and cleaning the screen porch so we can start eating outside every day. Come on summer!

Rhonda said...

Last week was my busy week with several places to be and things to do away from home. It wiped me out.
Hope your errands are easier on you

Chef Owings said...

this is how Mother and Pop had their living room set including how the light came across.
Lots of things to do , suppose to get warm mid week so I will be planting over 300 plants and then seeds. Butt is already dragging with just the thought of it LOL

terricheney said...

Angela, It's one of those things that makes my heart rise within me...As do hay bales in fields, and flags flapping in the breeze.

Lana, Congratulations on the new grand baby! I'm sure you are indeed over the moon. No children here for me either unless you count Katie and Taylor whom I picked up and took back to her dad.

Rhonda, I was worn out by Saturday afternoon...And irritable now as well.

Juls, I will be cheering you on...

Mim Pepper said...

Do you have a recipe for Armenian potatoes? Sounds interesting.

terricheney said...

Mim, This is from my oldest cookbook and always a tasty side dish for beef in my opinion whether it's roast beef or steaks. Katie has even made a roast beef IN the Armenian potatoes and said it was delicious, too.

Armenian Potatoes

4 cups diced potatoes, 1/4 cup oil, 3/4 cup water, 1 head garlic (yes, it's a lot. I generally use two generous teaspoons of minced garlic), 1 tbsp of paprika, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp dried parsley, 1/4 cup diced tomato. Bake in a covered casserole dish, 350f for 45 minutes.

Mim said...

Thanks for the Armenian potato recipe. I'll try it next week.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.