Diary of a Homemaker: Thankful


Saturday:  The above picture is to inspire me to remain calm and enjoy the week...We had an opportunity to see Caleb late this past week and thoroughly enjoyed his visit.  Not so fun for him.  He's still sick and Katie thought it best if he was seen by his pediatrician here.  Poor little fellow still has ear infections and complications to his system from the previous round of antibiotics.  We tried all sorts of natural home remedies prior to the doctor visit, but the doctor assured his mama that none of them would have eased Caleb's way in the least.  Here's hoping he feels better with the new medications.

After they left today, John and I quickly cleaned house and then took a formal Sabbath rest through the afternoon.  That said, we both did some other tasks that would be considered quiet work, simply because it was necessary.  

He has fresh strings on his guitar (popped one last night at practice).  The floors were freshly vacuumed.  I sorted out dishes, made a meal from last weekend's leftover steak, wrote out a menu plan, looked through pantry for items required for Thanksgiving menu, took Turkey breast from freezer to start thawing, and wrote out a grocery list of items needed right now for the week and a half of this month ahead.

We watched a really good film called "Molly and Me" with Monty Woolly and Rodney MacDowell.  It's about a former Member of Parliament who is running once again and his newly hired housekeeper.  Black and white and well worth viewing.  

Then we watched a film from 1952 we've seen once before during this year.  I'll say this before I share the title, while it had big name stars in it, I knew we'd seen it but couldn't tell John a thing about it even after reading the description.  I told him before it started, I wasn't sure if the film was good or bad as we neither of us had any memory of it save the main male character actors.  "The Big Country" centers around a feud between two ranchers who live either side of a ranch with water rights.  It is a good film, lots of big names and I don't know why I couldn't remember it.  Maybe I just didn't pay attention the first time we were viewing it.

Today I'm thankful for our afternoon to take as Shabat rest.

Meals:  Bagels and Croissants

Beef Stroganoff Soup, Bread and Butter  I put the sour cream in the bowls then stirred soup to blend it all.  Glad I did, because there were leftovers.

Pizza  Put half the pizza dough in the freezer.  Kept it simple again this week and we were both quite happy with it.

Sunday:  I wasn't ready for that early alarm this morning.  Not at all.  I think getting up early when it's dark and cold is twice as hard as getting up early when it's sunny and nice outdoors.

The weather was a misery all day long.  I don't think we got over 45F and the wind was raw and cold.  The only one who was happy about it was the happy young lady who carried my groceries out to the car for me at my second stop.  But I'm running ahead...

Church.  We arrived breathless and I walked right into a pastor's arms who gave me a big hug today.  That was lovely.  Then a service that had music that made us weep, a sermon that spoke to our hearts and the storms we face at present very well indeed.  It was almost like the pastor knew our week just past and he was preaching just to us.  He wasn't, lol, but it felt like it.  Several others apparently felt the same and went forward afterwards to speak to him.  We enjoyed the sermon so much that we listened to the second service on our way home from the grocery store.

The grocery store visit was apparently meant for tomorrow but when John realized that I'd brought my list and was mentally prepared to face it today, he said we'd go ahead.  I was fine with postponing it until Monday and had already started replanning my day.  So much needs to be done that any time I have is immediately filled with the things!

We went to Aldi where we picked up a lot of fresh produce, something we've had little of.  I've shopped mostly at Kroger here of late and while the sales on the produce look great once in the store there is seldom any of the produce on sale and what is available is so much higher than what was on sale that I've held back in buying.  I'm not saying Aldi was that much cheaper.  It was more that they had items in stock and that encouraged me to purchase.  

I ignored pantry outages and needs.  I have gathered all the grocery items required to make our Thanksgiving meal and knowing we've those on hand already, that the pantry is holding its own, I focused on the fresh produce and dairy items and the few other items I knew we needed, such as paper products.  I hope that this will see us through the next three weeks.

I needed to pick up some Lactose free milk, our traditional Orange Danish for Thanksgiving morning and voiced a desire to have fresh flowers, so we went from Aldi to Publix, where the happy young lady took my groceries to the car.  Her good spirits were contagious.  I felt a bit lighthearted myself after her bubbly happiness.

Obviously, I picked up a bit more than the three items I stated I went in for since I had a girl take my groceries to the car, but not too much more.  Now we should truly be covered for a good two weeks.

At Aldi today we looked over turkeys and planned to buy one.  They only had Butterball turkeys and those were well priced ($1.07/pound compared to last year's prices of 99c) but in the end we opted for a Kirkwood turkey breast.  It did cost more per pound, but the advantage was that it was $13.50 compared to the $25 the smallest turkey would have cost.

Once home this afternoon I made a larger meal for our midday meal.  I took leftover chili from the fridge and topped with cornbread to make Tamale Pie.  I'd forgotten about that chili until we were on the way home.  I added in a leftover burger patty that John had cooked extra the other day.  I also made a pan of cornbread to use in stuffing this week while the oven was on.  

I sorted out the fridge as I put groceries away and arranged things best I could with two turkey breasts in the fridge.  This fridge is roughly twice the size of the one we had when we moved here but it's still a bit small for our needs.  Never mind.  I'm grateful I have it and grateful that despite its noisiness it keeps my food cold or frozen as it should.

After lunch, I sorted out the pantry and brought all the items required for Thanksgiving dinner to the kitchen.   

Then we began to dismantle the guest room.  I'm moving some things out and taking down the sewing table.  We need the room to function a bit differently over the holidays.  This was just a 'first bite' step in making this work.  We'll take big bites tomorrow and try to get it all sorted.

After that I told John I felt like a rest.   I must have been serious.  I woke about a half hour later. 

Cleared out more leftovers to have for our supper tonight.  In looking over what we have in the fridge I think tomorrow we'll be doing still more clearing out.  Why cook fresh foods when we've so many leftovers?  I just didn't realize what all was in the fridge when I made out my menu plan for the week.

Today I am thankful we can borrow Peter to pay Paul where our grocery needs are concerned.

Meals today:  Cheese Toast

Tamale Pie, Corn, Pineapple Salad  Used leftover chili, added in a chopped burger, topped with cornbread.

Beef Noodle Soup (aka Stroganoff minus the sour cream), Bread, Oranges  Plenty of soup for supper tonight.  I left out the sour cream this go round.  That's six servings total from a small sirloin steak.  

Monday:  What a long day today has been.  

This morning after breakfast I began work on the guest room clear out.  At the moment there are a few finishing touches and by that I don't mean decor but of vacuuming and dusting and such.    

You all know I have books and that I love books a lot.  I had a small bookcase in the guest room packed full of books and hidden under the sewing table was a big, okay HUGE, box of books some of which were meant for donation and some of which were overflow from the bookshelf.   John took one look and suggested we go buy boxes to pack my books in.

I think I've mentioned the refrigerator freezer fan is making a frightful racket.  It stopped for two days, and the freezer worked just fine but then the noise began again...This morning, John noted that the drain in our shower seems to be an issue. It's not a clog.  The drain itself is moving, as though it's worked its way loose from the fitting.

After a long discussion about other things with which we must deal with just now, we eventually left home to attend to that task and run other errands as well.  It was while we were gone that word came the house buyers had backed out of the sell.  Thankfully we never removed the house from the market while this sale was pending.

Nothing to do with that house but the rest of the afternoon got harder and harder.  We failed at our plans to do three other things while out.  When we got home, we got the books packed up though.  And we do have the guest room cleared.  So, there's that.

We sat down with coffee about 5:45.   I confess a complete lack of motivation at this point.  I feel wearied by the day and the issues that we must deal with.  So, nothing done towards Thanksgiving preparations this day.  

Today I am thankful for the sun that shone.  It was such a welcome sight after the dreary cold day yesterday.  While at Lowe's I noted all the fresh wreaths and winter plants were out.  Lovely things!

Meals today:  Eggs, Grits and Toast

Burger King Special at 3pm 

supper?? I expect John's going to look at me around 7 and tell me he wants something.  There are leftovers and if that doesn't suit him, he can make himself a sandwich.  later: Ha!  he lasted until 6:30...

Boiled eggs, a piece of Baby Bel cheese and bagel with cream cheese for John.  Croissant and Baby Bel, and a turkey snack stick for me.  I also cut an apple and we each ate half.  

Tuesday:  Up early this morning.  I've about found my sweet spot for rising in this season.  I don't know how long I'll get to hang on to it, but the magic awakening point seems to be 7:15 most mornings.  I'm quite all right with that.  

I rose, took a shower (guest bath as we're now avoiding using the master shower until John decides he wants to determine whether that is in need of a repair, and he wants to make it).  I came out of the room a wee bit later and snarked at John.  My attitude definitely needed an adjustment.  He felt caffeine was the adjustment required and I made it a hard point on my part to speak softly and sweetly thereafter.

After breakfast that good man tackled the last of the guest room furniture removal and then vacuumed the room.  Now it is ready to meet guests and while stacked boxes is hardly the English cottage vibe I want, at least the room is open enough to move about in, safe, and clean.

I straightened up our bedroom which seemingly is always in quite a mess lately.  I clear it up and I promise you I go back later, and ten things are out of place.  It's rather disheartening.  I took time to straighten the closet shelves again (third time this week).  Then I sorted out my very messy desk and finally went through those photo boxes and determined that the photos were all some Mama likely would want and nothing for me to determine how to dispose of.  Those are set aside for her to have.  

And if she refuses them then likely they will go into the trash.  Does that sound harsh?  Admittedly I don't set much store by photographs.  Mama shared copies of a great many of the family photos years ago and some are of people I don't even know and therefore nothing in which I have an interest in keeping.

After the bedroom I cleared up the kitchen.  And when that was done, John and I tackled the pile in the kitchen meant to go into the shed.  I had to clear up the shed first to make room for things and to ensure that the Christmas items could be easily accessed when I get ready for those items.  Then multiples of trips across the yard to move all the things into the shed that were leaving the house.

John complimented me on how neatly my shed is organized when he came out with a load.  It's my opinion that my shed should be as organized as any other area of my home, and I ought to know just where items are located when I go out.  He suggested that I organize his shed...I laughed out loud.  One thing for sure, his left-brain organization and my right-brain organization ideas are complete opposites.  He's already prone to accuse anyone of going into his shop to borrow something and then finding it is in the trunk of his car where he tossed it, or in the music room in a whole separate bag of tools he keeps there, etc.  

When we were done with the shed, we sat on the back porch for a minute to catch our breath.   I suggested we go ahead to run the errands we'd missed doing yesterday before I got to work in the house.  "What could you possibly need to do now?"  "Thanksgiving prep."  He looked at me and asked "That's Thursday.  You can wait until then."  I laughed again.  He's good for laughs today as well as being a big help.  I explained that Thanksgiving dinner doesn't all come together in a matter of an hour like supper.  It requires a lot of the work to be done ahead of time.  "But you have tomorrow..." "Tomorrow I'd like to have free.  I very much want to have the children over in the morning, so I want to get what I can done today."  We loaded up trash and went off to make the deposit.

Back home once more, I took the pasta and chicken dish Katie sort of tossed together on Friday evening and added a jar of Alfredo sauce to it.  That made an excellent and quick lunch, heated in a saucepan.  Still have a few leftovers which I'll pack and freeze and move out of the fridge entirely.   I put the turkey breast meant for sandwiches in the oven.  Even though I plan to bake pies, the turkey breast can cook right along with them, even with the varying temperatures needed to bake.   I'll mix the gelatin salad, get the components for the dressing all prepped, and mash the baked sweet potatoes in preparation for making casserole later.

Well, now I'm stalling... I need to get busy and DO what I say I'm planning to do.

later:  I am not quite done yet, but I am tired.  No kidding.

John came into the kitchen a few minutes ago and said he'd seen something on Facebook that a friend of his had said, "If you didn't start on Monday, you're already behind with Thanksgiving."  I smiled and said I told you I was behind.  I should've done more on Sunday since I missed Monday.  He then urged me to talk to sister-in-law and take a little pressure off myself.  I sent a nicely worded text letting her know that we were few, I've planned much (the first turkey is baking right now) and have limited storage and asked her to please come and just enjoy herself and let the shopping and cooking go.  That's a lot on top of a long road trip for anyone truly.

We shall see what happens.  I've done my best.  I've asked three times now.  If I am ignored, I will know that I've done my best to voice my desires.

The pies are baked.  The pumpkin pies turned out beautifully, but the lovely little toppers are a wee bit more golden brown than I would like.  Nevertheless, they are cute and will pretty up those pies.  The pecan pie took longer to bake than it should have.  I'm suspecting it's because I was baking other pies and that turkey breast at the same time so the added moisture in the oven was slowing things down a bit.

The Cranberry Celebration Salad is almost made.  I always make this because it is Bess' favorite and even though she's not going to be here, I've divided the salad between two bowls, one for her and one for me.   

I'm only stopping now for a cup of coffee and a half hour or so with my feet up.  Then I'm going to chop onion and celery and peel baked sweet potatoes.

later than later:  I messed up the salad.  Doggone it I read the recipe and saw that I needed to add 1/2 cup walnuts with the pineapple.  I divided the pineapple between the two bowls.  Then I measured our 1/2 cup of walnuts and dumped it in one bowl, measured out another 1/2 cup and dumped it in the other...Crud.  So, this year's Salad will be a little bit more crunchy than last years.  I was doing so well up until then!

The turkey breast has cooked, cooled enough for me to separate the two breast halves from the bones, pick over the frame a bit.  The frame is in the freezer now.  There's a container of about 1.5 cups of pieces also in the freezer.  And there's two halves of breasts in the fridge.  If I think we're looking a bit shy of meat at dinner on Thursday, I can reheat one of those.  I have a feeling we'll all get plenty, though.

The pies were thoroughly cooled and stacked in the cake keeper one atop the other

I reheated more leftovers for supper tonight and made a salad for as our side.  I didn't bother trying to be different or creative.  Just served it as it was and let it suffice.  Did a big load of dishes in the dishwasher and have washed a sink full of dishes extra.  

I found a spoiled orange in my bag of oranges today and I mean it was badly spoiled.  How it came out of the grocery fresh and got that spoiled that quick is beyond me.  I washed all the rest and have them sitting out to dry.  I've noted in the past that if any of that moisture or mold gets on another orange, it too will spoil unless it's washed well.

I have a few tasks to attend to in the morning, but nothing heavy duty.  I need to plan some sort of lunch for the kids.  I've asked to have them over in the morning.  I plan to sit and enjoy them.  Millie will want pretty toes I'm pretty sure.  She asked last time she was here with me, and I didn't have time to do them that day.  I promised her next time I'd get them done for her.  

Sometime tomorrow all the out-of-town guests will start arriving.  I really should plan a supper of some sort...Hmm...I haven't even thought about the possibility of that meal!

At this point, I'm calling everything 'good enough'.  I've set a really pretty centerpiece on the table and if I think of it, I'll try to get a picture.  I used the gold turkey I bought a few years back, fall floral picks, fresh rosemary, and even some fern picks.  I have an amber colored candle in the candle holders and the new napkins I bought at HomeGoods the day Katie and I went shopping in October.  I think with my blue and white plates, and the green and brown goblets we should have a pretty looking table.  Yes, I plan to use my real plates.  I'm using disposable pans so I can toss them when they are empty.  Plates are a cinch to wash.

I've been listening to Brandon Lake's "Gratitude" off and on all day long today.  Not just because it's the season of gratitude, but because of all that we've got going on in our life.  It's a reminder to me that His mercies are new every single day.  Every day.  

I'm going to end this week's post here and enjoy my family for the rest of the week.  I so appreciate each of you who take time to read and thank those of you who take time to leave comments.  You've helped create a sense of community here that we all need.  Hugs to each of you!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Meals:  Oatmeal Cranberry Muffins (from Old World Cottage and boy were they GOOD!  She used Blueberries in her muffins, and I used Cranberries) Fried Turkey Spam.  Tried to find the video where she shared this recipe but failed.  I'll share it later for sure.  

Italian Chicken Pasta Alfredo.  Last Friday, I put chicken tenders in the crockpot with Italian dressing before we left home to take Caleb to the doctor.  John and I met up in Ft. Valley that evening because the day was unexpectedly long (two pharmacy stops, traffic, etc).  When I came in later that night, Katie had made pasta, cooked some mushrooms, onions, and garlic and shredded the chicken.  She left some in the crockpot which is what we ate and mentioned to me that she'd put some away in the fridge.  Well, there was a LOT put away in the fridge.  I reheated today with Alfredo sauce.  I still have another 2 serving sized portion (smallish or one large portion for one) that I ended putting in the freezer today.  This was really good.

Tamale Pie, Pineapple Salad

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Carol in NC said...

Beautiful centerpiece! Have a blessed holiday with the family who come and then relax. You've earned it!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Your centerpiece is beautiful. I love the gold. I bet the grandkids will ooh and ahh over it. I would if I was right there looking at it in person. I hope everything goes smoothly and you all enjoy yourselves.

Anne said...

Same from me. Love the centerpiece and the wall behind it.

You will get a laugh out of this as it falls under "Dumb things I've done while my mind was wandering." I realized I had a credit at a store and there really wasn't a thing I needed or even much that I wanted, but my impatient self said to pick out a blouse and use up that credit. I spent some time picking out a top, and checked out.....only to realize I had forgotten to use the code for my credit. NOW, I have to pay real money for it.

I hope this isn't due to aging. :D

Mary said...

Glad you got to see Katie and Caleb for a while. I'm sure you've missed them. Thank you for the movie suggestion. I love Monty Woolly movies, but I've never seen that one My favorites are "The Man Who Came To Dinner" with Bette Davis, "The Bishop's Wife with Loretta Young and "Since You Went Away" with Claudette Colbert. I love black and white films too. Happy Thanksgiving!

Rhonda said...

Hello friend, so much to do! I hope the little hope fix ups get fixed easily. And hope Katie is getting settled.
Hugs to you ❤️

Lana said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you a lovely visit with your family!

Shirley in Washington said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for all of your posts and the hard work you put into them. I hope your Thanksgiving is a wonderful time with family. Blessings!

Cindi Myers said...

That's a beautiful centerpiece. I hope you have a lovely and peace-filled Thanksgiving.

Donna said...

Your centerpiece is beautiful! I like the glass candleholders.

Poor Caleb has had a time of it. Hopefully this will be the last round. Good you got to see him and Katie.

It sounds like you are well prepared for your Thanksgiving feast. Enjoy your day with family.
We had our dinner yesterday as our daughter has to work both her jobs tomorrow. We had a good meal and a good time.

Casey said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re able to relax and enjoy the day and time with family. I pray the unknowns were few and far between.

terricheney said...

Thank you all. We got through Thanksgiving without too many scars and burns. The food was good, the visit with the in-laws pleasant and saw a wee bit of other family, too.

Mary, I believe Monty Wooly is also in "The Cole Porter Story" with Cary Grant. Another good black and white film.

Anne, I've done the very same thing! Or was saving a credit to use towards Christmas and ended up using accidentally because I didn't uncheck the box when I ordered something else. Argh!

Donna, Caleb is doing much better. He has a follow up appointment on Friday that we'll take him to.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again