A Homemaker's Diary: All I Want for Christmas


Saturday: I was scrolling through a blog this afternoon and saw photos of Christmas cocoa stations.  For the first time I felt twinges of interest in Christmas decorating.  I thought of how much I'd like to create such a station in my own kitchen.  I probably won't, since it would take space, I don't have at present, but I thought about it and was interested.

That made me feel a bit restless, and I went off to my room and picked up my Bible and began a self-guided study on the birth of Christ.  I began with Matthew 1.  I didn't get to dig and do research, but I have begun and will take time over the days ahead to study further.  I find that in times of trouble, while I might instinctively want to hide, that it is always best to not turn away from God but turn inward towards God and hide within Him.  I can do this by prayer, study and reading His word.

This afternoon, after supper, I finished the Bess Streeter Aldrich book, Miss Bishop.  I must confess that what the movie left out was the depth of feeling Miss Bishop had over her sacrifices through the years.  It wasn't related as though she felt sorry for herself or spent all of her time railing against it but there were moments throughout her life when she struggled with giving up heart desires.  I won't say I identified with this character, but I will say I felt some of the emotions at least were mirroring my own emotions at present.  It was too close to home to make me feel completely comfortable with the book, but it is well worth reading.

Caroline, who has become a dear friend, shared a link with me yesterday for an interview with a researcher who has devoted herself to Grace Livingston Hill.  I heard much of it but will admit I went to sleep as it was at the end of a long day.  You can listen to the podcast here.  I'm going to go back and listen again as I found it quite interesting and far more in depth than the biography written by her grandson. If you are a fan of Grace Livingston Hill, this is well worth listening to!  I've been a fan of her books for years and years now, but I'm even more interested to research her a bit deeper than I might have done.

Another author I love is Emilie Loring.  Professor Patti Bender has finished editing her book on Loring's life, Happy Landings, and is now going into print.  As soon as she offers pre-ordering, I'm planning to get this biography of another of my favorite authors.

Simple day today.  Katie, Taylor and Caleb are here together for the weekend.  It's been very nice to be with them all.

Meals:  Bagels and cream cheese

Leftovers from fridge

Pepperoni Pizzas, Salad.  Taylor wanted to make her own pizza, so I made Caleb his own.  He even had a whole teaspoon of Parmesan cheese on his pizza.  Taylor requested I make ranch dressing for her salad. I realized that I could use Lactose free milk to make the dressing and Caleb could have salad dressing on his salad, too.  

Today's Movie:  He Ran All the Way John Garfield and Shelley Winters.  I was glad when this one was over.  I wanted to slap the girl and shoot the guy.  

Sunday:  The alarm went off entirely too early this morning, which seems to have been ages ago.  I took my bath and was just dressed when I heard Katie speaking to Caleb in their room and then Taylor was up talking to us.  It was pretty much non-stop from that moment on.  We finally left home a bit later than usual and made it to church just on time with no room to spare.  

Rush home.  It was nice to find Katie had started lunch warming and made the potato salad.  We had dinner on the table in plenty of time to eat leisurely and then it was time for Taylor to return to her dad.  

We're tired.  There's a whole week ahead to be gone through.  I really want to take a nap right now but there's a fridge that should be sorted out and I'd really like to do something towards decorating for Christmas but I'm feeling very overwhelmed.  Perhaps I'll settle for sorting the fridge right now.

Currently reading: Sister of the Angels by Elizabeth Goudge

Meals:  Orange Danish, baby sausages.  Thought Taylor would consider this a special meal.  She didn't care for it at all.  Oh well.

Gramma's Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Mac n Cheese, Stuffing, Deviled Eggs

I sorted out the fridge.  Most of the leftovers are from today.  I have one item from late last week that we'll use as lunch for tomorrow.  Now to figure out how to use or where to put the rest, lol.  It's really just a matter of changing up sides for a couple of the meals this week.  

After I sorted the fridge, I totted up the checkbook and then I made myself a cup of coffee.  It was early for coffee, but I was more than ready for it.  I really savored that cup.  Mornings of late have been rushed affairs with coffee gulped as I could between tasks, but this afternoon's cup was taken slow and sipped while warm.

We took off trash this afternoon and then for a longer than usual ride following.  I've noted that John is doing things like turning off news programs and putting on old movies or adding rides to what used to be just a run to the dumpsters when we had a full load of trash.   This evening he referred to these rides as 'mental health breaks'.  And they are!  So are the movies. 

Today's ride, while not sunny was totally different views and we really enjoyed it.  We had Caleb with us.  We've finally taught him that donkeys say "hee haw".  He's insisted for months now that horses say "moo".  Well today when we saw a horse, he said "Neigh".   But then we saw a display of Christmas things with reindeer.  Apparently, reindeer sound like donkeys.  "Hee Haw".

In a discussion amongst us this evening, it was determined that we'd have a Family Christmas Day on New Year's Eve.  It was the only day that really worked for all of our family.  Don't know who will come and who might have to work.  

Supper:  Sandwiches, Pickles, Chips, Grapes and Apples

Today's Movie:  The Other Love.  Barbara Stanwyck, David Niven, Richard Conte.   This was a good movie with a lovely set, beautiful Edith Head costuming, a cast of familiar faces all around and a gentle romance.  I wonder why I've never seen it before?

Monday:  I slept very well indeed last night and was glad of it this morning.  The weather was miserable outdoors. Not truly raining but coming in fits and starts as though it meant to rain.  Not weather conducive to toting things in and out of the shed in.  No, nor to walk outdoors and try to tidy up the porches, etc.  The forecast is the same for the whole week through.  Not pretty weather but it is at least cool once again.

I'm afraid not much was accomplished today.  I have to say, some days it feels like I am a hamster on a wheel. Make a meal, clear up and make the bed.  Make a meal, clear up and pick up the house.  Make a meal, clear up and put the kitchen to bed.  And in the end, it's been a day in the kitchen for just three meals and not a whole lot else.

I was able to do a little Bible study this afternoon in a quiet moment or three and got very interested in my research.   Today I studied the three gifts: frankincense, gold and myrrh. I found the work very interesting, most especially about the two resins, Frankincense and myrrh. In spare moments through the afternoon and evening, I've continued to study.

We had a long ride this evening again.  Mental health breaks indeed!  It's good to get out of the house and to see the fields and life about us.  Today we watched a farmer feed cows, saw a flock of geese grazing in a field, noted a house we'd not seen before, and went down a road that we haven't traveled in years upon years.  The sun peeked through clouds at us on the way home.

Once home we wound down for the day. 

Meals:  Biscuits with Sausage Gravy.  I made about 18 biscuits, put two pans of 6 each into the freezer.

 Roast Beef Hash, Peaches (canned)

Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Corn Muffins

Today's Movie: Never Say Goodbye.   Rock Hudson, Cornell Borchers, George Sanders

Tuesday:  I slipped out to the shed this morning, while Caleb was happily occupied with his cars and gathered a bin full of Christmas decorations.  I brought in the nutcrackers, some faux trees, the reindeer and a few other pieces.  I waited until he was down for a nap before I even attempted to decorate though.

I decorated the buffet in the dining space and the mantel in the living room.  I'm not terribly happy with either one to be honest.  I think I want greenery on the buffet, but I only have real greenery at present, none of the faux stuff and I think faux would work best with little ones about.   I wanted to do a centerpiece on the dining table but whatever I do must be little hands friendly.    I'm still tweaking things, so I won't show photos just yet.

I thought perhaps if I put out a few pretty seasonal items, I'd start to feel a bit of the Christmas spirit.  I'm sorry to say it didn't work, but it did occupy a few minutes time and made me think of something other than the usual worries.  

As we took our long drive this afternoon, I contemplated the things I've put out and my lack of enthusiasm over them all.  Truth is that I had a half inspiration for the mantle but as usual, lack of planning, lack of materials, will prevent my carrying it to the full heights of my original vision.  I wondered if starting in August was early enough...Or would I be better to think of my vision and then jot down elements as I see it mentally, then shop all year around for the items that would complete it?  I don't know.  But it's worth thinking, planning ahead and seeing how it comes out rather than a sudden inspiration at a point in time when there's no time or material to work with, isn't it?

I realized with a start this evening that I'd set bills aside to pay next week...That won't do!  Most of them are due within a few days of our paycheck.   I'll need to sit down in the next day and work on those things.  By rights I should do it tonight but I'm tired and I find I'm prone to make more mistakes when tired than I'd make when in a mere hurry.

Meals:  Cubed Steak, Muffins   This was our first try of the venison steak and boy was it super tender and really good.  There's enough left to go with eggs one morning, which will please John.

Chicken, Stuffing  Leftovers from Sunday dinner.  Glad to see the end of them.  I cut up the rest of the breast meat and made a buffalo sauce to go over it.  It will make a great lunch salad.

Pigs in Blankets, Potato Salad, Sweet Crunch Winter Salad   I didn't use the tahini-based dressing, opting to use a sweet mayonnaise dressing and forgot the cranberries, but this was a really good salad.  I find this time of year; I crave the colorful vegetables.

Today's Movie:  Man Hunt   Walter Pidgeon, Joan Bennett, George Sanders

Wednesday:  Up early this morning, earlier than I'd have liked, but it was necessary so there we are.  I had a plan for two meals today and only needed to sort out lunch.  Tomorrow, I have a supper plan but need to sort out the other two meals.  It's never ending if you cook at home, honestly it is.

I was working in the kitchen this morning and doing a wee bit of rearranging. Nothing big, really, just freshening and neatening things up and attempting to put a small holiday spin on things.  Well, in one of those moments where you think you're doing one thing the job exploded into something bigger.  Boom.  I was so hot and wrung out by the time I'd finished what started out a 'simple' freshening up!  And the amount of dirt that came with that job was surprising as well.

I didn't even make it back to the bedroom until noon today to make the bed.

I knew I needed to do checkbook work at some point today and as it happened it took place this afternoon, too.  I was pleased to find that I had money already set aside for most of the bills falling due immediately.  By immediately, I mean that these bills all fall due within a day of our pay day, so they must be paid now and not on our payday as I'd thought.  I'm awfully glad that I'm in the habit of trying to 'work ahead' because this month it surely has been in our favor.  

We took our evening ride and went along another bit of roadway that we hadn't traveled in a long time.  This trip was a shorter one which suited me.  I'm finding it is best to have supper pretty much prepared before we take these little rides, but it is truly a wonderful way to end our day.

Meals:  Waffles, Sausage

Hamburger(John), Pig in Blanket (me), Winter Salad, Baked Beans.  All leftovers.

Braised Round Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Mayo Muffins

Today's Movie:  Larceny with Dan Duryea, Shelley Winters, Joan Caulfield, John Payne.  I've always wondered why all the hype about Shelley Winters.  I often find her barely attractive, whining and prone to look pitiful, but she was stunning looking in this film.  And she acted well enough.  Love John Payne in most films.  The story line was interesting and went along pretty well.

Thursday:  2pm and I sit here yet another day thinking 'WHAT can I make for supper?'  Yes, I've a meal plan...Yes, I have all the ingredients on hand.  No, I don't want a bit of it, not one single bit!  However, I've neither time nor energy to make something totally different and I have no money at present with which I might buy more.  At least, I shall add, not money I'm willing to spend, when we've a full freezer, full pantry and laden fridge.  I'll just get over myself and eat what we have on hand!  In the end, it's easier than taxing my brain for another idea.

Today has gone by in dragging steps and bounding leaps that seem to skip over time.  I find I'm feeling antsy and anxious today.  Feelings have run high.  Not sure why but it's left me feeling a bit of a nervous wreck.

I cleaned out the toy box today.  There wasn't a lot of excess stuff in it that was broken, as I tend to go over it every few weeks anyway.  But I did take everything out and vacuum the inside and wipe it down.  All the like toys are gathered together once more.  All the musical instruments, all the blocks, all the dishes and cookware and play food, all the baby things.  I find the toys always get a renewed interest once all the parts are assembled together.

Then I sorted out the drawer in the dining buffet where I keep the games, puzzles and coloring books.  As soon as I was done with that task, John moved the fridge, and we vacuumed behind and under and in all the cracks and crevices that we could.  It didn't make a whit of difference in the noise the thing is making.  In fact, between the vacuum, the fridge and a rather insistent child whistling loudly on a whistle, I felt I was going to go mad for just a bit.

John opened windows this morning.  It was warm enough outdoors to do so.  In fact, since December arrived so have daily temperatures in the 80's.  Ugh.  I much prefer cooler weather.  I was already warm but compromised with the open windows and told John when the AC came on, we'd shut them.  And the AC did come on, earlier than he thought it would.  

I made cookies this afternoon.  They baked as we ate our lunch.  Then on to make phone calls to attend to another matter.  

We pick up Josh this afternoon to stay with us for a little while.  He's getting so big, he won't be staying with Grampa and Gramma after school for very much longer, but I'm glad he's still young enough to want to come to us.

Meals:  Eggs, Tater Tots, Toast


Teriyaki chicken sheet pan dinner, rice, oranges

Movie:  Cast a Giant Shadow with Kirk Douglas, John Wayne, Yul Brynner   

Friday:  Good news the fridge is running more quietly.  Bad news...The hot water has quit working and we so far have called about 30 plumbers who either don't work in our area or are too busy to see us.  Yay.  We have one man who is supposed to get back with us...It appears if all else fails our son will help out tomorrow.  That's the good thing.  The bad thing is we must give up our tickets to the church production of Believe if it is tomorrow.  Thankfully I can boil water.  Just like in the old days!

Unable to control circumstances I have decluttered, removing every last thing piled in any corner or on any surface.  Yes, some of it just got hidden, but it's all looking much neater and that helps, though I don't know why.  

I'd been sitting here last night thinking maybe I'd just order Christmas on the credit card, something we've not done in years upon years upon years but I felt I should wait and I'm glad I did.  I'm very reluctant to do that shopping when I don't know what this hot water heater is going to cost us.   I'd rather just wait and adjust Christmas accordingly.

 I am quite honestly feeling pretty darned fed up and DONE so I'm calling this a week right now. 

How was your week?

Oatmeal, Toast

Spaghetti a la Diable, Green Beans


Today's Movie:  Battle Hymn with Rock Hudson. I'm not terribly familiar with the Korean war but this is based on a true story of an AF colonel turned pastor, who re-enlists and starts an orphanage for children in Korea.  Excellent film!

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Scotty Kilmer recommended these and I was smitten.  I'm planning to buy one for our car after the first of the year.  He said it stopped all the sliding of things in the trunk of his wife's car and are easily removed so you can wash.  It will surely save John's fussing over hauling mulch or soil in the trunk of the car.


heatherruark said...

Have I missed something, or perhaps you're not writing about it out of respect for them, but didn't you say you wouldn't be seeing Caleb and Taylor and Katie for long periods of time? I hope all is well.This year has seemed so odd and unsettled for everyone in this world.

Lana said...

It has been a dark, dreary nonstop rain week here and my EDS has been more painful every single day than I can remember for a long while. These painful weeks often mean my brain does not connect with my feet and legs very well either and I intend to walk one way and go another so Hubby follows me around and turns me the way I need to go. The body is also very weak and I feel like I will fall any moment because my legs will collapse. It's been two years since we put in the chair lift to keep me from falling down the stairs and I am fighting a power chair with all I have now. I hate these weeks and hope it is soon over and done with since this would upset the kids if I am like this when they are home for Christmas. We did get the tree up finally and that is a nice bit of cheer to have the lights on for these dark rainy days. Most days I can get some things done while sitting such as wrapping a few gifts at a time. But, as always we will press on and hope next week will be better. So here's to a better week next week for both of us!

Tammy said...

I'm truly sorry that you're having such a trying season of life right now. Add to that the holidays, and it can be overwhelming. I love that you get a scenic ride at the end of the day.
The old movies sound like a great way to relax as well. When you said you wanted to "slap the girl", I thought to myself, "well, yeah, Shelley Winters just whines through her movies." Lol.
I'm working on a bathroom refresh - paint mostly, but a new faucet to replace the 26 year-old leaky one, and a new light fixture. I purchased the light a few years ago, we just never got around to hanging it. Last week, Greg took down the old one, which covered a larger area of wall space than the new, and I've put up wall paper and painted around it a few times, so Nick scraped the area and sanded the edges, but it was still going to need a skim-coat of joint compound. Greg went in last weekend to start the skim-coat, and realized that the old light fixture did not have a box behind the sheetrock - just wires coming out of a hole, so there's no solid way to hang the new light. He had to order the box, and now will have to cut a big hole in the wall to install it. What should have been a few minutes for the job has been a week now. I'm frustrated and so is he. I just want it done before Christmas, and it will be, but it could have been done already.
Our weather is yucky - cold and wet and windy and unpleasant. I need some sunshine.
Kids and grands are coming over this morning to make and decorated gingerbread men. This was a request from Silas last year, and we didn't get to it, so it was a priority this year. This is the only December weekend Jess has the kids until New Year's, so we're packing in as much Christmas fun as we can.
Layla's school concert was last week and it was a fun little program that lasted 19 minutes. That was awesome! Lol. The boys have their concert this week, middle and high school, so it will be an hour, but we have good music/band instructors, so it'll be enjoyable.
Sending much love and virtual hugs. ♥

Anne said...

Terri, I contributed to the GoFundMe for your daughter's fiancee and I just got my credit card bill. It says that it went into a fund for Steven Olson in Redwood City, CA. I know that all of you live in the south, so I want to make sure this is the correct person before I pay the bill.

Chef Owings said...

I have never heard of winter salad... what is it?

terricheney said...

Anne, the organizer for Steven Olson lineman is Michelle Apida. She lives in Aiken South Carolina. I don't know why it would come up with a California address. I'd talk with my credit card company. I'm sorry for any trouble you experienced. I do not have any contact with the family at this time but his GoFundMe page is still up.

Juls there's a link to the salad on the page. It's a BudgetBytes recipe and is a lovely colorful salad with red cabbage, broccoli, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, grated carrots...

To Do List: Last Week of February