The Homemaker Plans Her Week: I Try My Best

In my home this week, I am trying again.

Pilar brought me a lovely red sweater for holiday wear, and it came in a cute Christmas shopping bag.  The front of the bag was a checklist:  Nice/Naughty/I Tried My Best.   It was the last that was checked.  I laughed, a rueful laugh for sure, but a laugh, nonetheless. I feel like I've done nothing but 'Try My Best' all year long and I'm uncertain I've done a thing right or well.  John has a saying, "Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades."  And we all know that in either one, you lose.

But I keep trying.  "E" for effort, right?

Going back over my past week's goals and the week itself, I think I accomplished one thing:  I booked our tickets for next weekend's big Christmas show at the church.  Ta da!

I stopped going to the guest bath and started using our big garden tub as my bathing spot.  John's still making the trek.  I checked the issue with the drain best I could and darned if I can see anything wrong with it but he swears it's shifting about so...

The kitchen sink hot water has suddenly begun working as suddenly as it stopped working properly.  So, for the moment it's resolved itself.

The refrigerator is still making a horrific noise.  Caleb said it was a dinosaur.  Indeed, it does sound a bit like a roar of some sort.   John has chosen to ignore it.

I haven't had two minutes when I wasn't half worn out to even consider looking at finances, thinking of Christmas plans, doing Christmas shopping, etc.  I did get the checkbook register set up for this month.

Christmas decor is just a matter for deep sighs.  No one is encouraging me in putting it up and that's fact.  



This morning I took the Christmas cards from the drawer so that I can begin working on them.  I just happened to find them because frankly I had no idea where they were.  Now I know and I can physically see them which will be reminder enough that it's time to get them squared away.

I took time this past week, after December rolled around on the calendar to clean the kitchen really well.  This week if I have spare moments, I'd like to get the coating of dust off the living furnishings.  Two weeks ago, we vacuumed all the edges of the room and moved furniture etc.  That was just after Thanksgiving?  Just before?  Recently enough I don't see the need of repeating just yet.  I think we should vacuum the crevices of the furnishings though. 

Small bites decorating?  If I have time to get out to the shed, I'll see what I have and what I might use to decorate the mantel and buffet, perhaps make a centerpiece for the dining table.  Hang wreaths on the doors?  I don't know, but I'll try to do something if any time is mine to claim.  I'm having a difficult season where time is concerned.   But I'm going to try.

Keep up with routine housework.


I got all the Thanksgiving leftovers dealt with.  No waste there.  Biggest hit this week was using the Green Bean Casserole leftovers as a Tater Tot Casserole.  Lots of compliments on that.  Even the leftovers earned lots of praise.  I guess Tater Tot Casserole just might go on the menu now and then.

The weekly clearing out of the fridge is very necessary if we are to avoid wasting foods.  So that will definitely get done, likely tomorrow after lunch.  That's my usual time for attending to it.  At that point I'll have to determine how we'll be using anything in the fridge, but we'll need lunches and there's almost a space in the freezer for them...

Make something sweet.  I think I'd like to make some caramel corn.  It's been a long time since I made that.

I'll need to make bagels this week.  


Pepperoni Pizza, Salad, maybe some breadsticks with Marinara sauce?  We'll see.

Gramma's Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Mac n cheese (kids), Squash Casserole, Stuffing

Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Corn Bread OR Black Beans and Rice, as that is what John counter suggested.  In which case I'd skip the coleslaw and likely make a Green Salad and Pico De Gallo

Almond Chicken over Rice, Steamed Broccoli (Chinese wasn't possible this past week...I'm glad I can make my own)

Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Peas

Spaghetti Di Ablo, Garlic Toast, Green Beans

Pigs in Blankets, Tater Tots, Coleslaw.  Coleslaw will be fresh if I have Black Beans.  If I have red beans, then I'll double up.    Pigs in blankets were never eaten last week.  Caleb actually requested burgers for supper, and since he seldom asks specifically for anything it was easy enough to switch menu plans.


Uplifting music every morning.




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Deanna said...

I had a thought regarding your drain and refrigerator noise. My mom’s fridge was making a noise and it turned out to be because it wasn’t level. Is there a chance your mobile home has settled and no longer level? I’d suggest checking the floor with a level in several places and check the top of the fridge. It’s easy enough to level that. Not so sure about the drain, though. Just a thought!

Lana said...

Pretty much only an E for effort here in the past week as well and most days since the diagnosis of my genetic disease. At this point in December I just feel terrified. But, it always works out somehow.

The refrigerator at the lake house varies it's sounds from one day it moos like a cow and the next sounds like it will die any moment. It is only feet from the master bedroom door and we often wake up and comment in the night and wonder what it is doing now.

Could John go in the crawlspace and you run the shower to see if there is anything leaking? But, the insulation could soak up water for a long time before it drips so he would need to locate the drain area. Maybe Sam could help?

Pressing on because I cannot do anything else.

terricheney said...

Deanna, I can definitely put a level on top of the fridge and see. Worth trying. I'm pretty sure it's the evaporator fan, which has gone out before, but still worth a try.

Lana, that end of the house is too close to the ground for either man to get under, as they are big men. Our plumber just went through a prostatectomy so I'd have to call someone from out of town to go under the house. And John is quite comfortable about doing absolutely nothing.

And it's worth noting that some fridges are just plain noisy. Both my GE models have 'mooed' as you say and now it's just super loud as the fan runs. It also knocks regularly and always has.

Mable said...

I am going through a very difficult time and it is a comfort to read your homey posts. Thank you.

Lana said...

Mable, I am praying for you.

terricheney said...

Dearest Mable, I too shall have you in prayer. I've not forgotten the blessing of prayer you gave me during September and October. Hugs to you dear.

Jo said...

Try a really good vacuuming under and behind the fridge. That might help. It seems newer fridges are notorious for making crazy noises. Ours does it too, but only from time to time.
Terri and Mable I have been and will continue to pray for you. Lana, I will add you to my prayer list.

Karla said...

E for effort is also my letter for the week too. We have used up all the leftovers from Thanksgiving and I bought the 3 and only Christmas gifts online yesterday. Christmas cards were signed, addressed, and stamped this morning. They are now waiting on the ledge at work for the mailman today. I'm concentrating on getting back to decluttering as best I can. I'd like to really get a routine going in my home for next year. I've been saying that for years but hopefully this time I mean it and will stick to it, however simple it may be. The clutter and mess are getting to my mental health. Continuing to pray for all of us who are still riding the struggle bus.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I know just what Mable means when she said she is going through a difficult time right now and your posts are a comfort. I have two back molars, one at top on one side and one at bottom on other side, that broke off within one week of each other a couple of weeks ago. They are giving me a mild constant head and ear ache. I am concerned about how much out of pocket expense they are going to cost to have them pulled or cut out and how much pain there will be during healing. I am thankful that my teeth aren't hurting horribly right now. I am able to forget about them as I read all of the interesting things going on at your place and your style of writing gives me a sense of calm that I really need right now. Thank you for the posts that you write.

To Do List: Last Week of February