Coffee Chat: One Last Time This Year


Hello dears.  I know, I know, I said I wouldn't write this week much and I don't mean to do so but I am for the moment.  I am writing this at a bit before 6pm on Christmas Day.   I have reason to write.  For one thing, it has been a pleasant and lovely day.  

I now understand why those of you who live in more northern climes might well think the weather outside enticing and windows should be thrown open once a high of 40F makes itself felt. I went out earlier today in the sunshine, with a mild westerly, cold, breeze blowing and almost felt inclined to take a sunbath...but then a sharper breeze blew.  I decided it was worthwhile to go back indoors, lol.  At that point it was in the mid-30s but for a moment or three it felt positively balmy compared to what it had been the two days previous. 


So, there was that and then later this evening, I was in the back of the house where it was quiet, and I heard the geese flying southward over the house honking as they flew. I wondered where they might end up for the night.  It was just time for sunset.

But I also wanted to write because yesterday too was a lovely day despite the frigid weather and boy was it frigid!  I'll drift back a bit to Friday first.

Friday it never got over 30F and by that evening we'd determined it was entirely necessary to turn on the propane heater and to leave faucets dripping overnight.  John argued briefly that we'd never before left faucets dripping, but our daughter looked at him and said "Oh yes we did too, Dad!  At some point in every winter, we did it!"  John conceded to our 'greater wisdom' and told me I was in charge of dripping faucets.  

It was so cold Friday we determined it was just too cold to go on our usual late afternoon ride.  Our young one was disappointed and frankly so was I, but it really was too cold to take a little outdoors.  The floors of the house were cold, and we all wore socks and slippers and sweaters and sweats about the house all day long.

The wind never did much roaring and gusting as predicted, but it blew steadily and briskly all day long.  We did all the cold weather prep necessary.  I drew up bottles of water.  John had already attended to the outdoor faucets.  I took out meats to thaw.  We'd plugged in the pumphouse light.  Everyone had baths.   

It was even colder on Saturday.  John and I were to be away from home for hours on end.  We fortified ourselves with extra coffee that morning and then we dressed up in multiples of layers, I grabbed a lightweight fleece blanket at the last minute before we stepped outdoors.  Generally, our car heater is so warm by the time we arrive in town that we must turn the heat off.  Not this day!  No indeed, I was wrapped in a warm heavy coat and had that blanket over my lap and still I was shaking and shivering.  John checked the heater three times to be sure it was set to hot.  We drove nearly 30 miles before we began to feel warmth.

First stop, John took me to our favorite restaurant for a meal out.  It was a lovely gesture I was wasn't expecting.  The hostess seated us in a booth on the outside wall.  Let me tell you I was chilled coming in the door but even sitting at the edge of the booth well away from the wall, it was chilly as could be.  We ordered coffee right away and it arrived just warm.  It was warmer than we were, so we gulped the first cup down and waited for the waitress to bring around refills which were piping hot.

We had a lovely meal and good conversation.  Probably the nicest part was the lack of interruptions we experienced during the meal.  That was especially nice.

We headed over to Mama's after that.  I'd meant to go pick up flowers, but John went a totally different route which took us away from the grocery stores.   Mama was happy enough with the small gift offering we carried in with us.  Happiest though with the plate of cookies I decided to prepare at the last moment and take to her.  She'd done no baking at all this year, the first year I can remember her foregoing Christmas baking.  

Mama had her place toasty warm.  It was so pleasant indoors that I really had no desire to go back outdoors when it was time to leave later.  We urged Mama not to come to the door but to allow us to lock it on our way out just to keep her from the drafty front door which faces north.

We drove to church.  There were a few places on the old road where people obviously had burst pipes that flowed down drives and had left a large very wet area on the roadway.  I told John I was awfully glad we needn't come back that way during the dark.  

At church we went into the front doors.  We were greeted by one of the pastoral staff and their little girl who welcomed us in the front door joyously.  Then a friend approached us with cookies he'd made that afternoon and brought to church to offer to any who wanted them.  As I stepped into the sanctuary, another of the pastors came to give me a hug and later another came by where we were seated to welcome us.   

The candlelight service on Christmas Eve is one of my favorite special services.  I mentioned before that I felt bad for all the drips the candles made on the carpet.  This year they passed out battery operated candles that flickered.  Much safer for the little ones to handle as well.  I can't say there was any less ambient lighting than a real candle.  It was a lovely, lovely service.

Afterwards several people came along to speak to us, pass along Christmas cards, shake hands or give hugs.  The church was so beautifully decorated with trees tucked in every corner.  When we left the moon was hung like a huge smile in the sky and the afterglow of the sunset was absolutely lovely.  All the way home we said over and over again how nice the day had been.  The house was warm when we got home, and quiet.

John and I were up early this morning.  Earlier than anyone in the house and we waited patiently for the little member to see what Santa had brought.  Eventually we had that special pleasure.   

There were no screams of delight but a simple walk towards the tree and the whispered words "It's Cwismas'.  The child was happy with the few items left by Santa.  I say again, nothing big and showy is required.  Just something that you know is of interest.  

Our usual special holiday breakfast followed but the new toys, simple as they had been, were the centerpiece of all interest all day long today.  They went to the table for meals and to the bedroom for a nap (that didn't happen) and at 5:30 we were told Night Night by the little one who'd been awake for a long time today and sleep came before 6pm.  

And that's been Christmas.  Quiet.  Calm.  Cold.  Peaceful.  It was in fact, just the sort of Christmas I needed.  No pressure to be excited, no fuss, nothing complicated.  It was so restful.  I'm not saying I'd want to go through another such season, with my own grief and lack of spirit.  It taught me something though: sometimes it's necessary to surrender to what's going on and allow it to run itself out.  Sometimes.  I'm not a big one for giving in to feelings but this year it was necessary.

I never saw the children from across the field.  Everyone there has been sick, sick, sick.  I had hoped we might see the Santa gifts and visit for moments but when I texted asking if they were up for visits, I was discouraged gently.  No one felt well.  The last thing I want to do is force myself on someone who is feeling ill...and I most certainly don't want to expose this household unnecessarily to any illnesses.  


Frances Moseley said...

Hi Terri,
It sounds like you had a nice Christmas after all. I know the feeling of lacking in Christmas spirit, but those seem to be the years I appreciate the season even more, as I spend more time meditating on Christ's birth and less time on the other things. Thank you for opening your life and your heart to us, your readers, and I wish for you and John a wonderful 2023.
Frances Moseley

obscure said...

I'm glad you had a restful Christmas! Cold weather tip from a Northeasterner - start and let your car warm up for 5-10 minutes before you leave the house! Better for the car and much better for you ;)

Lana said...

Glad to hear that your Christmas was so nice. Ours was pretty much what we expected which was lots of fun chaos! A five year old ended up in the ER just after midnight on Christmas morning with an asthma attack and he was given steroids which made everything as steroids do. But we all had a jolly time and most went for our traditional breakfast out the morning after. The last ones left this morning with two cars and two littles on a long day of driving for their new home up north. They will arrive tonight to an empty house until the movers come in a few days. I am hoping it will finally get above freezing today. We have to sort out the leftovers and get a bunch of food in the freezer and a mountain of garbage must go to the dump today. All in all it was a great Christmas.

terricheney said...

Frances, Indeed I think I focused far more than usual on the birth and life of Christ due to how I felt. It ended being just a lovely peaceful restful day.

Obscure, Typically we do that but I don't recall that we did on that particular morning! I don't know why. Perhaps because we were so anxious to get away from home.

Lana, I'm so glad that things went well despite an ER visit. I can't imagine camping out in an empty house, yet my own kids have done so.

Anne said...

Love the story about the little guy and "Cwismas" morning.

Tammy said...

How lovely that you had a peaceful Christmas weekend. I smiled throughout the entire post.

We have a busy weekend coming up with our delayed Christmas celebration and my cousins gathering here on Sunday. Our uncle passed away yesterday, so that day will be full of tears, but also laughter. My aunt arrives tomorrow to stay a few days. She's supposed to fly home on Monday, but now that depends on when her brother's funeral will be.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend with your family - hope everyone is feeling well again.

Karla said...

It sounds like Christmas was just what you needed it to be this year. Ours was the same. Quiet, low key, but lovely.

Grammy D said...

Been a while since I said hello. I really never did get into an excited Christmas mode this year. All 3 of our kids and families were here for Thanksgiving. Wonderful chaos and my refrigerator looked like it. This year I didn't even send cards. I intended to but the Monday I planned to do them Gramps had an emergency visit to urology followed by a week of needing a lot of care because it really threw him, as it often does older folk. My son was home and heard a number of strange stories and spent a lot of time looking for non existent items. He did wind up in the e r so that took up most of a day. When my son arrived he turned around went to the store and came back with a small tree! I had good intentions and several artificial trees, but nope needed a small live one. We wound up with 2 Christmas Eve dinners and begged off from a Christmas day one because of the cold and not wanting Gramps to go out. Several other friends have the same feeling,they never really felt very Christmassy. See what next year brings.
We have had some very cold weather, last Saturday -9 and -41 windchill with a nasty wind, today 51 and sunny. 2 records in one week. Such is western NY. Some of you may have seen how horrible Buffalo, NY was. Fortunately we didn't get the huge snowfall.
New Year's eve will be just a movie on tv, maybe some other goodies. We see friends during the day now. Nobody wants to drive at night anymore.
Today I went shopping for a lot of miscellaneous items in case it snows the rest of the month, tomorrow groceries and then let it snow if it must.
I just want to wish you all a Happy New Year and health, love and peace. Grammie D

terricheney said...

Tammy, I'm sorry for the loss your family experienced but hope that the day together as family is a nice counterbalance to the sadness you'll feel.

Karla, It was perfect for me this year.

Grammie D, I'm awfully sorry that Gramps is experiencing so much illness of late.

I was wondering how you fared in the snow after seeing photos of Buffalo.

John and I pretty much try to do all our travel during the day though a few church activities necessitate evening drives. There are so many deer here that we don't want to risk being out too often after they start running.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again