Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Briefly


Saturday:  Remember the restaurant I thought I was going to eat at on Wednesday with Mama?  Well, John took me there today.  I know it was his way of saying he was on my side, and I really appreciated it.  Thankfully the restaurant proved to be quite good.  I had a Birria Taco that was awesome and Green Enchiladas as my main entree.

I spent my afternoon strolling through a variety of vlogs on YouTube, looking for new sites to interest me, some of which have to do with gardening and preserving, some that are simply lifestyle, but simplified lifestyles.  It made me think long and hard about what I want to change in my life at present.  

I may not have an ideal life.  But there are things I can change to better suit me, and I might as well work on those areas and let the ones I can't sort out just yet be something I focus less heavily upon.

Sunday: We had a pleasant weekend, very relaxed and easy.  The children played a lot of hide and seek.  Caleb is far keener to do the seeking than the hiding, but Taylor eventually got him to go hide.  He hid in plain sight...but he had his eyes covered and this made John and I chuckle.  I guess he figured if he couldn't see Sissy then Sissy couldn't see him.  

We noted this weekend that Taylor is decidedly maternal towards him.  She delights in encouraging him to eat, play, behave, instructs him, etc., and wanted to help with his bath and getting him dressed in pajamas.  John said that earlier today she'd helped change him when he had a potty accident.  

Monday:  Just another Monday.  I took time after a simply made breakfast to move the planters to the patio.  I carried the two Hibiscus that are in separate pots around to the back flower bed, for a spot of sunny color there.  I needed to move more pots but even though the temperature is mild, it was sweaty work to do what little I did.

While I was feeding the cat, I found a big Luna moth dead on the porch.  Katie said Sassy had caught it and brought it to her.  I brought the poor old thing into the house.  I'm forever saving things of this sort to share with the boys. 

I thought I'd bring in a cicada shell the other day, but the thing was not quite dead.  It let out intermittent clicks, sounding like a Geiger counter, and John couldn't stand it, so that got swept off the porch.

It was pretty much a nature morning. I found a tree frog in one of the planters.  I scared a toad as I weeded about one flower bed, just a little toad who blended in just perfectly with the dirt around him and scared me when he moved out of my way.  And another moth, this one looking like a ragged bit of dried leaf who flew off as I reached for it, thinking it was a bit of dead leaf.  

Tuesday:  I find that most afternoons, when I've settled into my chair, I fall right off to sleep.  It's not that I'm not sleeping at night but that the sleep is broken just now.  Today was no different.  I settled into my chair about 2pm and then I went right off to sleep.

Caleb asked to go out under the sprinkler this evening.  You must understand that while the sprinkler is hooked up, Caleb is everywhere but never anywhere near the sprinkler itself.  He will tell you quite plainly that he doesn't want to get wet.  Eventually he will ease out and ran around the sprinkler once or twice but mostly he stays only where he might get 'rained on' as he refers to the droplets that fall far from the sprinkler.

I set it up near the plants on the patio and let them benefit from his lack of interest.  Tonight, I was watching dragonflies flitting about in the lower part of the yard but through some telegraph or another they realized there was water at our end.  Soon they were all flitting around the sprinkler, so I had entertainment of the first-class sort watching them fly about in the spray.  

Wednesday:  I wish I could tell you what I did yesterday...But I can't remember it at all, only that it was a long day, and I was glad to get to the end of it.  I fell asleep during prayers.

Thursday:  The children were arriving early today.  I was on the back porch by 7:15am.  It was almost cool out there.  I had to shoo Sassy from the rocking chair.  It's been many a morning since I was able to sit on my back porch in the rocker.  Generally, that spot is taken by Katie, but Katie left to go work Lyft for the day, so I got to sit there and sip my coffee.

I heard the children coming long before they came through the gap in the hedge this morning.  It was such a sweet sound to hear their voices chatting and calling to each other.  Isaac came right up and gave me a huge hug this morning.  I've had multiples of them all through the day.

I made them pancakes and spread them with jelly (their choice this morning), fixed them orange juice.  I started my supper which changed from my planned menu.  I had planned shish kebab but since I'd not prepped any vegetables it seemed wiser to choose to make a stew.  I know it's nearly 100F outdoors, but stew is certainly easier than prepping a fussy meal.  

By 9:30 I'd been asked twice if they could have lunch.

By 10:30 I'd had two meltdowns and John insisted I come indoors and cool off, his euphemism for "Calm down".  By 11:15 I'd taken children to potty no less than six times.   And all in between the kids ran about screaming, running, yelling, playing for a good solid three hours or more.  

I made a homemade lunchable plate for them and now they are all in quiet time.  John, who mostly watched from the sidelines was exhausted by it all and is now lying down...Lucky dog.

It's a long one today so I doubt I write much more about it.  

I will survive...and it is lovely even if it is chaotic.

Friday:  I was so weary last night.  No wonder!  I was up earlier than usual, worn out with trying to keep up with the children and then the day just seemed to drag on and on once they left.  At 10pm I looked at the clock convinced it had to be at least midnight, but no it wasn't and I said to myself, "Stop being ridiculous...Go on to bed."   So I did.  I took Grace Livingston Hill's Recreations with me and got about two pages of reading in before I'd gone off to sleep.  At that point, John woke me taking off my glasses and laying my book aside.  

I slept hard all night long and deeply regretted the need to arise at all this morning.  Friday is my day to get the house squared away before the weekend though, so I got up and went to work.   All the usual Friday chores were attended to.  

At present I'm thinking over meal options for the weekend and really ought to consider my plans for lunch and supper.  There's a load of clothes waiting to be dried.  John has gone off to have lunch and since these are sheets and towels, I'll go hang the bulk of these clothes on the line, I think.  It's plenty warm enough to dry them!

And that has been my week.  

How was yours?  What plans do you have for the week ahead?

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Rhonda said...

Hello friend

Tammy said...

When I saw the picture on FB of the kids coming across the lawn, it made me smile. I know how crazy it has to be. I had my two nephews here for four days, so Layla was here for 4 days, and it was so busy! While I was glad for the quiet when they went home, I treasure the memories we made while they were here. One of them asked me to sell my house and move to Sioux City like my sister did, then we could all be close all the time. Lol.
This coming week my sister will be here for a couple of days, and she's going to teach Layla basic sewing skills. My sister is an excellent seamstress (I'm mediocre at best) and will have tons of patience with L. I'll sew along on my own simple projects, and get food ready. Lol.

Karla said...

Last week was our long road trip to California to interview the Vietnam POW. It was a mix of work and some interesting things we'd wanted to do. We did take our two dogs with us and since they are small (Shih Tzus) they traveled really well. We were able to use Rover to find a sitter for them out there and we stayed in an Airbnb so they had a fenced yard to play in during the evenings. While there we had the interview we filmed at the Richard Nixon Library & Museum. We also got to tour it for free since we were using some of their exhibits. That was really neat. While in the area, we drove the hour and a half to also visit the Ronald Reagan Library & Museum. On the drive home we stopped at the Grand Canyon. So even though it was a work trip, I got to check a few things off on my "really want to see this" list.

We arrived back home Friday afternoon and I tell you what, I think I slept half the weekend or more. I was so tired. Just really worn out. And it wasn't a stressful trip, just long.

I read something on Instagram this morning that talked about how sometimes when we are exhausted and just can't seem to catch up, it can also be because we are in survival mode. So in addition to the lack of quality sleep and the stressors you are in, perhaps that's adding to it as well.

I always have mixed feelings getting back into the swing of "normal" life. And this week will be a doozy for temperatures - over 100 every day this week here in Oklahoma! Whew. Glad I have simple meals planned and did laundry at the Airbnb so I can take it easy for my re-entry.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again