March 2024 Goals


I was a little put out Thursday morning when I read an Instagram post about March goals.  Even though I knew full well that February was ending this week, I'd still forgotten that the week ended with the first day of March.  I realized that I had pretty much ignored the fact that a new month was about to begin because I was concentrating so over the month I was in.

I did not finish February as well as I'd hoped.  The week really got away from me with various things, most especially keeping Millie though it was for only brief spells.  I've been thinking about childcare and the possibility that I'll be knee-deep in it once more and for some reason was thinking "Well she's four, it won't be so tough."  I had completely forgotten that on Caleb's good days of which there were plenty, it was still hard, and on his bad ones, well it was really hard.  And it's the same with Millie.  She's never had a bad day here but even good, the day is eaten away.   Whatever arises for Sam, I want the least of his concerns to be what to do about childcare.  It's the one thing I can give.  The bonus with Millie and the boys, they are all potty trained!  I say that with a rueful laugh but it does take a lot less doing when a child can help themselves.  

Whatever is ahead or behind...I'm moving into March with a clear head.  What I didn't get done for February is over.  I am moving into a new month with a new set of goals.

1.  Get my calendar in place.  (DONE)  I have been working without a calendar for the past two months.  This month I'm starting out with an idea of what obligations I have.  I know that things will get added but now I can say assuredly "No.  I'm already busy that day, can we do it the next day instead?"

2.  PLAN to have Millie here.  Right now it's a lot of drop by at the last moment as appointments come up but Millie needs a consistent time with me I feel and I'm going to try and plan a day every week to have her here (or her and the boys).  That way Sam gets a break and I can plan one on one time without having other things going on.

3.  Plan to have Caleb come stay a night with us. This is something John has wanted to do.  I know that Katie has an appointment in March that she needs to go to.  I can drive over super early in the morning to keep Caleb or we can get him the night before and take him back the next evening, since this will coincide with us going into town that night anyway.

4.  Get back into the Fly Lady routines.  I really appreciated how clean and nice my home looked and the feeling that I had it all under control this past month.  

5.  Work on some information for the Heritage Cemetery researcher.  I've done nothing in nearly three weeks but I did tell her I'd be glad to help.  Now I want to get my focus back on that task and do what I can to help her tell the stories of the family members she'd asked me about.

6.  Start getting my garden ready.  My garden consists of raised planters and pots but they need to be emptied and gotten ready regardless.  I'll work on this a little each day as the weather allows.  I think I can go ahead and plant peas, lettuce, spinach, onions, and carrots.  I also want to check my flower packets to see which of those should be planted now and get those spaces ready for seeding.

7.  Put something into savings this month.  Last month we did quite a bit of financial finagling.  However, we did put money into savings despite all the additional spending we did.  We changed banks and that has also meant adjustments.  The main place I'm looking at saving money this month is the grocery budget...That's almost always where we start isn't it?  My goal is to cut back on my Amazon Subscribe and Save order, setting a lowered budget amount and sticking to it for routine grocery shopping.   

8. The pantry/ Freezer challenge continues.  Yes, I am just off a two-month attempt at a Pantry Freezer challenge, but having just done an inventory, I know that we have plenty of food in this house even yet, and some things that need to be used up. My goal this month is not to do a total challenge but to use the expired/expiring/overstocked items.  

9.  Time out alone.  I failed miserably at this.  It is a little harder when small children are coming and going and when a husband feels he's spent quite enough time without my attention already.  I am challenging myself to get out of the house at least once a week on my own.  I don't care if I go grocery shopping alone or just into town for nosing around the thrift shop.  

10.  Take care of myself.  I've gotten very good about resting when I need it and I'm doing better about not scrolling mindlessly all of the time on the computer or phone.  I've found quite a few interests in my home that don't involve my being on the computer at all in the evening.  I mean to read more than I've read this past month.  I just never got into the Elizabeth Goudge book for February at all.  It's back on the shelf awaiting it's day.  I know I do enjoy the book that is coming up.   I'm going to definitely be reading that one.  

But I've become rather lackadaisical about my personal care.  I truly do need to pay more attention to mani and pedicures, shaving, skincare, diet, etc.  I'm paying for it in clothes that don't fit as well as they did, sore fingers from hangnails and ragged cuticles, calluses on my feet...

I can do better and I mean to!

11.  Guest bed and bath.  I really want to focus on making these two rooms clean and attractive this month.  My goal is to spend $0 on this.  I will be doing some things in the next few months to improve both rooms but for right now, my goal is simply to make it really clean and attractive and then determine what is required to 'level up'. 

12.  Work up a spring menu.  We're edging into that season where the weather is warming up and we'll have fewer cold days.  It's time to come up with a fresh menu, easing away from those comforting warming meals that I make in the cooler months.  I prefer those meals to be honest but they are too heavy for these warmer days.  I think we'll grill out a little more often, just to practice for those really hot days ahead when we don't want to turn on the stove indoors.

I won't make any further goals for the month.  I did not include the routine household/yard things that I generally do.  

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Rhonda said...

I’m feeling very un-ambitious and your list looks huge but I think I will just copy about half of them .
I scroll way too much but Jeff was physically down and liked me to just be with him so I’ve fallen in to that rut.

Childcare is a lot but in the end, I don’t think you will regret one day of it.

Hope you have a great March
Today is Andie’s 12th birthday. You’d never guess she started out as that premie 5 pounder.

Karla said...

I'm so glad that Sam has you and John to help care and love on his kiddos during this difficult phase of life. What a blessing you are to them.

Goodness, I keep saying I'm going to continue decluttering but don't do it. Time to get back at it. I'm tired of all the stuff that isn't necessary. I've really been focusing on my physical health lately and gotten stuck in a place of pain being my focus. I started physical therapy last week and I'm finally starting to feel a tiny bit of relief. Since it's always after work (2x/week), it's been difficult to feel like I'm doing anything restful on those two days a week. This too shall pass.

I'm having a massage tomorrow, thanks to some birthday money and a gift card. Then Sunday my oldest daughter and a friend of hers are going with me to the movies (we are seeing Dune 2) so it shall be a nice weekend of giving myself some self-care.

March 26: It Was Time