The Homemaker Plans Her Week: And Tries Not to Over Do It

We had a small group meeting last night that turned out very well, but I'm afraid John and I were at odds over different things about it and so our evening was strained.  We came home and sat up far too late last night. I was emailing a friend at 11pm and she was emailing me right back!  I went off to bed and lay awake for another hour playing a game on my phone that I've gotten obsessed with.  Despite knowing that we were to be up early this morning.

I'm home alone and thought I'd get a Coffee Chat written but it's not taking off.  I've written a good amount twice and then scrubbed it all.  Right now, two hours into the morning alone, I have a blank page on that post, sigh.  It might not happen...

Oh well...just add it to the list of other things that I've failed to get done.


Zone 4 The Master Bedroom and Bath.  I do not have a lot to do to maintain this room this month.  I would like to strip the mattress pad when I make my bed fresh this week.  I'd planned to swap the winter coverlet for the warmer weather one but I'm thinking it's a bit too cool to do that just yet.  We've spent too many nights this past week snuggling to stay warm.  

I have a small pile of mending to attend to.  Two of the items are Katie's and I thought I'd mend them before returning them to her.

Clearing throat loudly...Write the girl doing the cemetery research...

Make as much ahead as I can for the family weekend coming up.  I wanted to bake both a ham and a turkey breast, desserts, and sides.  KEEP IT SIMPLE, Terri...I'm rehinking that plan.  I want to use mostly what I have on hand which is plenty.  I have limited storage room in the fridge and next to none in the freezer.

Maxine suggested setting up a taco bar and I think that is a brilliant idea since I can get all the toppings prepped ahead of time and I am literally down to reheating meat and warming taco shells. I think that might make the perfect 'easy' meal since I can prep ahead and I only need to buy more taco shells and a couple of tomatoes.

I need to plan supper since my elder son's family will and have mutinied over the idea of {GASP} eating leftovers for supper.  

Go over the checkbook and make sure it's all squared up.

Do whatever shopping I need to do once I've made all my plans.

Maybe get haircuts?  I don't know if we'll have time.  I am keeping Millie for two days, have an appointment one day, and John has a luncheon another day.  It doesn't leave too much of the week to leave home for anything or to get food prepped ahead. Done!


Get the Family Day menu gelled and then do a bit of prep every single day towards those meals.

Bake Bread, and whatever desserts I decide upon.  I'll try to make some muffins or coffeecake to put in the freezer too just in case I need breakfast for Sunday morning.

Sort out the fridge.  The emptier I can get it at the start of the week (and keep it that way) the more room I have to stock the thing with weekend foods.

Thaw the turkey breast.


out to lunch


Chicken Curry, Cauliflower, Rice, Tomato and Cucumber Salad, Naan

Cottage Pie, Peas, Fruit Salad

Salisbury Steaks, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Cornbread Muffins

Sheet Pan Chicken and Vegetables

Vegetable Beef Soup, Grilled Cheese


Plan ahead and organize my time so that I get things done but have plenty of time to rest.  Nothing is worse than arriving at the day of a planned event all worn out.

Organize my closet and make sure I have all on hand I require for the wedding in April.  And set up a few outfits while I'm at it.

I don't have time to plan a full beauty day, but I can do small tasks daily to get me to a well-groomed state by week's end.

Try and guard against getting too carried away with the new game I found on my phone.

Read and color for at least two hours before bed each evening.  Currently reading, The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith (published in 1843).

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Chef Owings said...

so not put phone by bed... put it across the room so you have to get up to get it. Screen time will cause you sleep problems in the long run. (FYI , I just got that lecture from sleep doctor) LOL

Mable said...

You are so accommodating! I would serve leftovers and if they don't like them they can go hungry. Afte all this time of reading your blog, I realize you are just a nicer, more accepting person than I am. I hope you have a terrific Easter celebration.

Rhonda said...

Hi Terri, I’m feeling like I’m not getting much done. And when I have done something or said something, it seems to sound or look wrong and a family member ends up in a twist- not Jeff but I think your kind of going through the same thing with your family members. I’m rather feeling like just rolling my eyes at all of them

I think your taco bar will be well received with your guests. My group likes tacos and the adults usually make taco salads.

Give yourself grace and just do what you can.

Tammy said...

Taco bar is always a favorite here! It is a lot of prep, but seems to be universally enjoyed by all of my people.

I'm trying to do a little each day as well to prep for this weekend. No school on Friday means that Layla will be here all day to "help". Lol.

We had a winter storm last night and the power was out for a few hours. Bless those utility workers who get called into the dark, icy, windy night to make repairs. Only a tiny bit of snow and winter-cold today, then back to spring tomorrow. Thus is March.

Wishing you a lovely weekend with your family. ♥

March 27: Grocery Day