This Week In My Home: Shall We Begin Again?


I will be honest here.  I've very much considered whether I wanted to go on with this blog or not.  I made a promise to myself this past year when I was writing resolutions and one of those was to say neither "Yes" nor "No" when I was weary.  I have been very weary of late.  I know better than to make life-changing decisions when I'm tired. However, when under stress and duress and something silly turns into a messy mess, my instincts are to say, "I don't need this in my life right now.  There's enough else that is far more important to deal with."  That said, I remain true to my vow.  I'll make no decisions until I can get some rest. 

That said, this week will be less strenuous work-wise simply because I don't want to run out of steam before this month is over.  In the meantime, I am taking naps as often as I feel I need one.  I am not sick.  I'm just dealing with a lot of issues at home and it builds a lot of stress.    Stress takes its toll just as illness does.  Just to assure you all, it's not any one thing, it's accumulative with a lot of things.  

The pollen is so thick outdoors just now with everything in bloom and more blooming going on daily that I am going to avoid going outdoors as much as possible.  We watched in astonishment Saturday on our way home across the river as the breeze blew literal clouds of pollen across the roads and far up into the air.    It was like driving through yellow smoke.  We are so grateful for the rain that came along Sunday because it did at least somewhat clear the air and wash things off a bit.  It's still possible to see pollen in the air here though thankfully not nearly as dramatic as it was at the river swamp where there are acres of forest.

Enough.  Let us plan the week ahead.


Isn't this pretty?  I suspect this room hails from the 1930's.  The apricot and blue color scheme was a popular one at that time and I've often read about it in some of the older farmwife sorts of magazines I had.  I think the white really sort of sets the color off.  If the walls too had been apricot it wouldn't have worked as well, I don't think.  And that gray-blue for the furniture is rather dreamy.  

Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room.  I plan to focus on the guest bed and bath this week.  I would like to do a proper deep cleaning of the bathroom.  The bedroom needs some work.  I made a decent start on it but it needs more cleaning and more decorating.  I'm still working with what I have at this point and not planning to buy anything for it.

This week beyond that I will focus on the daily and weekly tasks and any other little things that pop up. If the work list seems short, believe me, it will fill the week, as it always does.

Plan an Easter Day menu.  Try to gel family plans if there are any.  I've already been thrown a kinker as Taylor must be back to her dad by 2pm which means they must leave here at 1pm which means that others must adjust their schedule or forgo the visit.  I could suggest we all meet up on Saturday and have the whole afternoon despite three under four-year-old children going without a nap...I have yet to even hear from my son whom I texted last weekend.  I'll try to remind him I'm waiting for an answer.  We shall see if anyone is willing to accommodate or if it's all a wash.


Sort out the refrigerator.  I don't have a lot of leftovers there but there are a few things and I'd like to use them up.  I've been very creative with the few things I've found.  Friday evening I added a 1/4 cup of Alfredo sauce to a can of cream of chicken soup for my supper.  It was really good but unusual, I'll admit.  

I plan to go into Kroger after church and pick up sale-priced Asparagus, Cauliflower, and Milk.  I'd love to get another corned beef if I can find one, while they are on sale.  I only buy corned beef this time of year and try to get three or four for the year. (no luck.  If they had corned beef they were in an out-of-the-way refrigerator case).

Make bagels.  I'm thinking I might experiment with croissants, too.  


Where does inspiration flee to?  All last week as I made my way through the week's menu, I kept coming across all these recipes that sounded soooo good...Now I sit down to write another week of menus and where are all those ideas?  I can't remember one of them!

Pizza, Salad

Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots.  I left this in the crockpot when we went to church on Sunday.  It was a wee small corned beef, just barely a pound when it was cooked.

Enchiladas, Yellow Rice, Salad, Pico de Gallo

Ham and Potatoes Au Gratin, Green Beans, Brussels Sprouts, Rolls

Ground Sirloin Steaks with Pan Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus

Chicken Curry with Cauliflower and Peas, Rice, Raita, Naan

Reuben Sandwiches, Potato Soup.  I will use the corned beef broth to make the soup.  I set aside corned beef slices for sandwiches.  


Seriously, set up outfits for the rest of the month.

I've had my first full pedicure of the year and it feels so nice.  This week I'm going to try to do a full manicure.

Work on an art project. Nothing special, just a mindless thing.

Continue to read my books.  The Vicar of Wakefield (1843), Monticello: A Family Story and whatever else I think to pick up.

Rest.  Rest. Rest.  

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True story: we ordered a new TV after ours went out last week.  I insisted to John he get the exact same size we had because the cabinet we're using as a TV stand was a bit smaller but fit the old TV.  It arrived Thursday evening (at 9:3pm yet!) and John got it all set up...Only to find the legs are in a different position than on the old model we had and now the TV doesn't fit our cabinet at all.  We've opted to use a heavy-duty piece of layered corrugated cardboard on top of our old cabinet that IS the length of the tv on top of our cabinet.  It's not pretty but it's functioning for the time being.  I've already searched the house and not one table is bigger than the cabinet we've been using...Now begins the saga finding a cabinet/dresser/etc. to put the TV on.  I'm loathe to buy a 'new' non-wood thing despite linking to this one.


Karla said...

Your menu sounds delicious. I have reubens on our menu this week too but not from a homemade corned beef, which I've never attempted. Cooked cabbage sounds delightful. I haven't had that in ages either because I'm the only one who will eat it and then a whole head of cabbage practically goes to waste. I need to start getting veggies I love and just make a habit of saying I'm worth making them just for me. LOL

Doesn't that just "chap your hide" when it comes to new appliances and cabinets? It's infuriating. I swear the system is rigged so we have to buy all new stuff anytime we get a new electronic device of any kind. Sorry, didn't realize I was stepping up on my soapbox there. Ha!

If you like the Monticello book, you might like a book I read last year - it's a novel but based on history about the daughter of Thomas Jefferson and it was really good. I borrowed it from the library. It's called America's First Daughter by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie. It's long but easy to read and really interesting.

Karla said...

I meant to comment on that blue and apricot bedroom photo you shared. How lovely! It's interesting how often I see those old photos and love the color combinations that we don't see much today. And yes, the white does make the colors really stand out yet they are still soft and soothing. You always find the prettiest pictures to share.

Unknown said...

You have to do what's best for you, but I'd miss reading your posts. I've reached a point where I nap if I feel like it as rest is more and more necessary and both stress and allergies can knock you silly. Blessings and prayers. Lynn Ewing, NM

Louise said...

the time change is hard on the body too... I find I am falling asleep shortly after I sit down to watch tv or I fall asleep as soon as I have finished eating..
My son bought me a new tv and it didn't fit on the tv stand so he searched around and found a couple pieces of Drywall in my basement. He brought them up and they worked just fine.. not pretty but I don't mind.

terricheney said...

Karla, I look specifically for 1920 and 1930 illustrations these days. I'm so glad that you like the room, too.

The TV isn't the same brand. It's the same size. But yes the legs are positioned differently, this time more towards the very outside edge so naturally it won't fit. Just a minor thing and eventually I'll find a pretty chest or something to use as a TV stand.

Louise, that's a pretty clever fix, too. And yes, I think the time change has really thrown me off.

Lynn E., Thank you. I will continue to post. I just won't share as much about grocery items purchased nor prices unless they are remarkable. That said, Neither of those things are set in stone, lol.
Thank you for taking time to comment!

Donna said...

You do what you need to do, but I, for one, would miss your posts. I do believe you are my favorite blogger and I always learn something from you.

The bedroom is pretty. It would look beautiful now and not the unpleasant colors which seem to be prevalent today.

I agree with the ladies who say the time change has caused problems with their energy levels. Spring allergies don't help either.

Jo said...

Hi Terri, I continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.
Please don't let the nut cases of the world get to you! Delete and/or block and move on! The rest of us really appreciate all that you post.
I agree with all on the time change and allergies really messing us up at this time of year.
I think you are sensible to plan to take it easier and get lots of rest - the best way to avoid getting sick!

Chef Owings said...

I cut our cabbages in fourths and then use press and seal wrap. Will usually hold for another couple weeks before getting bad. Just the two of us.

I need a nap LOL

Peggy Savelsberg said...

Terri, I so appreciate your posts! Blog when you are up to it…we’ll enjoy whatever we can get! :)

Delores said...

Disregard the naysayers and their negativity, they are just miserable and want everybody else to be. I so look forward to your posts so hope you continue them as I find them interesting and enlightening.

March 26: It Was Time