The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Start Where You Are


I was nosing around plants this past week and was surprised and delighted to find that my forsythia was blooming.  When I went out to the shed I found the grapevine wreath I've used for years now for Spring on my door.  I'd woven some faux forsythia in the vines.

This is an old photo but the front door is still that same color.  I think I'd really like to change the color to navy blue.  I've gotten tired of the red.  

Last week was not stellar as far as getting work done.  This week I hope to be far more productive. Not all of it is due to my having children underfoot.  A lot has to do with my own personal habit of thinking I should rest all afternoon long  Here's where I have to make up my mind to get up and get busy each day or plan to work all afternoon long!


Zone 1: Front Porch, Entrance, Dining Room, and Living Room.  I am including the living room because my front entry, dining, and living room are all one big room.  I'll be following Fly Lady's list and we'll see how it goes.  

Weekly Home Blessing times 2 (Sunday and Friday).  

Pull meats from the freezer and put them in the fridge to thaw.  That way I can stick to my menu and not use excuses to avoid making meals that are more labor-intensive than I feel I want to bother with at the end of a day.

I know that this schedule with the Fly Lady sounds intense at the moment, but there are other jobs meant to be done weekly (Monday is mopping the kitchen) as well as daily routines, etc.  It sounds like a lot of work and yet I assure you it is not.  It averages out to about 2 hours daily to do the routines and that's taking my time.  If I have a full morning to devote to the tasks then I should be able to accomplish all the tasks with time to spare.

Get some information for the lady researching the cemetery.

At least change the bedding in the guest room.  And do something in the guest bath.

Have Millie over one morning.  This would be a good day to plan to work on the front porch.

Finish that project in the bathroom that I had started and then get the mess I left on the back porch cleared up.

Pot up the bit of forsythia I accidentally rooted.  And mark the daffodils that popped up in the area where I thought I'd gotten them all up.  They are a little too deep in that area so don't bloom, but why waste bulbs?  Come fall I can dig them up and replant.


I really need to go to the grocery store and do more than a running walk-through as I did on Sunday.    I'm out of or low on canned tomatoes, sugar, flour, applesauce...You know, all the sort of stuff that one typically uses when cooking from scratch.   On the other hand, I have many items in my pantry that are expired or near expiration. I know that most of those items are good beyond their 'best by' date. I'm anxious to use them because these items are already well beyond their expiration date.  I'd like to use them before I lose them.  This means I am going to have to be very creative.

In the fridge, there are oranges and mandarins that I need to use up.  And half a head of red cabbage.

I've begun to feel meals are heavy.  Part of this feeling has to do with sensing the change of seasons, I'm sure.  Trying to find that balance between hearty cold-weather meals and lighter warm-weather meals is where the struggle gets difficult.  I'm going to try to add in more salads.  This won't be a problem.  I picked up more lettuce on Sunday and now have six heads in the fridge.  By all means, let's use the lettuce!

Meals listed this week are for the week ahead, starting with Monday.  Over the weekend, I bought and made foods that we consider a treat meal and we had leftovers which we ate on Sunday.

Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Alfredo sauce, Pasta, Green Salad. I have spinach in the fridge that I need to use.  

Mock Chop Suey, Oriental Green Beans, Fruit Salad

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Collard Greens, Carrot and Raisin Salad, Corn Bread.

Oven Fried Chicken, Sweet Potato Casserole, Black Eye Peas

Chef's Salad, Tomato Soup, Toast.  I have 19 cans of tomato soup...I obviously was not paying attention when I was stocking this.  My plan is that we'll eat tomato soup in some form or another about every other week.


I have found myself with an increasing anxiety of late. I can lay it right at the feet of listening to far too much of the news lately.  John's always been a sort of news hound and he has cut back considerably but I've spent too much time sitting alongside him listening to what he's listening to instead of distracting myself with a book or music.  I also notice I start to get tense when I've been too much on the computer as well, even if it's seemingly innocent sites related to homemaking or saving money.  

I know it's getting to be pollen season, but it would no doubt be worthwhile to get outdoors for a few moments every day as well.

And journaling.  I pick it up and then let it go.  Yet, I know it to be beneficial to me.

My self-care last week never happened, either.  This week I'd like to attend to that.  

Get my wardrobe set up for the first part of March.

On the other hand, on Saturday I did get out alone for a bit less than an hour.  I went into the thrift store in town and then to the grocery. I was disappointed in the outing only because there was absolutely nothing of interest in the flea market.  I'd liked to have come away at least inspired if not with actual treasure.  


Donna said...

Your blog posts are always inspiring to me! Since you have started the Fly Lady program again, I have devised my own version to help keep things on track. Baby steps but it works. We are cleaning up in the garden and preparing for planting in a few weeks. Who knows what the Midwest weather will be?

Lana said...

We turned off the TV for the most part after coming home from the lake in January and did not watch there because we just can't pull in much and it has changed our lives. We spend our time talking, discussing what we wrote in scripture writing that day, reading and other less mind draining past times. We watch about 5 hours a week including movies and I do not want to go back.

Karla said...

Your menu plan for the week looks delicious. Sigh. Oh I wish I could get my husband to eat some of the things you have on your menus regularly.

The news thing is so real and I don't think people realize how much it can affect us. It's all bad news all the time. I read our local news online briefly but rarely very indepth. Thankfully, we don't watch news at home in the evenings because it really affects my husband big time.

Boy I so understand the picking up and then laying down the journaling. I finally gave myself permission to just journal when I think of it and be okay with that. It's helped. I have also started calling it my notebook instead of my journal and somehow that word change has helped me as well.

Mable said...

My big chore this weekend was cleaning out the pantry. My husband pulled things out and I organized them while he wiped off the shelves. It took much less time than I thought it was and now I know that 27 cans of diced tomatoes is probably enough for now...I did have to throw away two cans of evaporated milk--dated 2015!! I didn't even want to open them to drain the cans before putting them in the garbage so I made my husband do it. I do feel better having taken that one big chore off my list. My husband is always willing to help, which makes it more fun since we take our time and chat while doing it.

Lana said...

Mable, I love that you work together with your husband. We work that way too and it is so enjoyable. I'm sure I have at least that many tomatoes but maybe more. Sigh.

terricheney said...

Donna, My housekeeping plan I'd been using was developed off the Fly Lady's plan but over the last three or four years I started skipping lots of tasks. It feels good to reset that.

Weather here is prone to be iffy-ish as well, but I keep reminding myself that typically in these years with an early Easter we have an early and very warm spring...So maybe gardening?

Lana, I miss the days when I could turn off the TV and often did for days and days while John was working. Alas, it is John's hobby to watch TV and his main activity to scroll. I am looking forward to the mowing season.

Karla, It took me two months to realize that now that Katie and Caleb are not living with us I could again add certain foods that John and I really liked. By the same token, there are things I never get to eat because he has such a strong bias against them.

Mable how nice your husband helps with the pantry job! John will reach anything for me if I can't but clean with me on that job? Nope. I am not complaining. He does all the laundry and vacuuming which is rather awesome.

So far my oldest expired items are from 2021 and should be good despite age, but I did come across a can of tomatoes not too long ago that expired in 2023 and was bulging.

mikemax said...

Terri, you were singing my song in this post. I am having so much trouble getting things done! I also find the news depressing and possibly the cause of the anxiety I've been feeling--and this is from a former newspaper reporter. Things are so different now and I find the current state of "journalism" depressing.

Your menus sound great--better than mine! But hey, I made menus yesterday, which is a big improvement over past weeks.

March came in like a lion where I live and I, too, am looking forward to spring. Best wishes to you and everyone here. I enjoy your honesty.

March 26: It Was Time